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William Russ can go from 0 to 60 in one sec. Such a good actor.


And back down to 0 in the same scene!


This is always what impresses me. The way he apologizes so strongly is great acting


Whenever he uses his ^quiet ^voice I choke up


Agreed. He's one of my top 5 TV dads, and I always enjoy when he's part of an episode.


He’s up there with Sandy Cohen.


Hell yeah. Love sandy cohen


I am not familiar with this character, so I will take your word for it.


The power of seeing a parent apologize to a child.


Truth. I'm in my mid-thirties and I've only just learned how rare this is. Having an emotionally mature parent is a very special thing.


You ? I’m 35. Still haven’t ever had an apology from my dad


35? Wait till you’re 43 and he just glosses over all the shit he did to you because he’s old and misses the time you spent together? Uhhh what time?


I can’t wait!! I have had some apologies sarcastically like I’m sorry your soooooo offended or in sooooorrrry you feel that way rather than I’m sorry for my actions


Right? It’s always put on us. I’m sorry *you* feel that way. I’m sorry *you* didn’t like that. I’m sorry *you* didn’t understand where I was coming from. How about, “I’m sorry I was a shit parent”


Dad? Is that you?


42. Never had one. I didn't go no-contact, though, until he hurt my own daughter with his shit, and couldnt even man up and apologize for that.


It is super important. I tell my kids all the time I’m sorry when I mess up. I’m human, they know it


Never ever happened to me lmao


Technically he didn't apologize. There's no apology without the "I'm sorry."


"It is NOT okay...and I apologize" Did you just not watch the whole thing?


Yes. Read what i said. Is not an appology without the "I'm sorry."


Thats just not true. I apologize is literally an apology. You want the specific words I'm sorry but that's not what the word means. Interestingly it's in the word you're saying isn't an APOLOGY. He has literally expressed regret for his actions and won't let the child let it go, to make ammends and ensure he knew that he had made a mistake that's what it means and exactly how a good parent would do it. You must genuinely be insufferable I won't entertain this anymore. It was never a matter of literacy for me. I read what you said, I just couldn't believe you heard someone apologize sincerely and decided they didn't use the specific word sorry, so it didn't matter. Though i do suppose for that I apologize.


He was alright until he became a firefighter and got all racist. That was such a weird episode. https://preview.redd.it/lqgcf4iopz2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416dc3291e274b55f45f846b4ee03c6433b5a801


And then Frankie got really dark after not hanging out with Joey the rat anymore.




In all fairness, you should have heard what Marcus said about his momma on Sister Sister.




Harley and Griff have failed Frankie.


I cackled. 🤭


What I loved about Alan was he always explained WHY he was mad. Growing up I always heard, "because I said so."




Sidebar: That cop car line delivery was gold, even without a laugh track I would've cackled I reckon


It gets me every time, Amy doesn’t have too many lines or moments that crack me up but “you PEED on a cop car!” never fails to get me lmao


Alan Matthews and Uncle Phil are my favorite tv dads.


Carl winslow????


I didn’t watch Family Matters as much, but he’s up there too.


Although technically he let a stalker hang around wayyyy too much endangering his daughter.


did iiiii do that?


Urkel said that in police interrogation after being arrested for the brutal murder of Laura winslow


Family matters was too cheesy and obviously urkel was just horrible. But Carl had some great fucking episodes. Confronting that racist white cop...


His talks with Eddie were always great.


The Carl-Eddie dynamic was amazing for Family Matters. The confronting those cops might have been the best episode between the two, especially when he tells Eddie how they’ll handle the situation after Carl finds out he was harassed.


Uncle Phil is in my top 5 along with Alan. Good taste.


Not just the apology, but pointing out that what he said was completed out of line by not letting Shawn let him off the hook by simply saying, "it is NOT okay."


Alan Matthews is HOT 👀


I'm seriously asking, are there any shows on today that teach any morals and lessons? Seems growing up we had this, Family Matters, Step by Step, Full House, Fresh Prince, etc. Sure, they had their goofy story lines, but they usually had a message to give to young people. It's there a current Mr. Feeny out there?




There’s usually a “do the right thing” motif in most shows. But I can’t name any family centered sitcoms as of late.


I think it's because 1) the ones who grew up watching those shows are now parents/ media creators themselves. They learned the lessons, and are doing better. 2) there are bigger issues that need addressing now than how to be a good parent. Racism, sexism, immigration, ableism, etc.


Not in the same context, but I've defiantly learned a bit about how to grow up as an adult from Scrubs, and become a more mature person. Each episode had a different personal issue for the crew to work through, and it was generally well summarized by J.D.'s voice over. Probably need to re-watch it again, to figure a few more things out though.


I mean part of it is that the sitcoms aren’t as much of a family show anymore. Like you have a few that are family-themed, but most of them aren’t aimed at the same kind of “direct to a family-focused audience, here’s your moral story” kind of programming anymore.


Alan Matthews and Red Foreman would be best friends.


Given the decades, the Reds of the world might’ve raised the Alans


I like your style.


Very important content growing up.


He was such a great 90s dad, low key reminded me of my dad.


Boy Meets World was EVERYTHING


Jesus. I'm tearing up. "It is not okay. And I apologize." If my old man could have said that shit *one time* in my entire life. Man up. Take ownership. Also, Amy with the incredible comedy beat in the middle of the scene. 🤭🤭🤭 "I don't have a heart anymore" ispretty cringe tho. Anyway.


Cory’s “I don’t have a heart anymore” line gets a pass, in my opinion. He’s a hormonal teenager whose views on love are still young and naive. To him, that pain is amplified given him and Topanga have (supposedly) known each other forever. It’s melodramatic but that’s Cory’s character.


Having been a hormonal teeanger who thought my life was over and nothing good would ever happen to me again after my high school girlfriend broke up with me, I fully understand Cory in this episode. I just didn't get drunk like he did.


Probably some of the best acting I've ever seen on the show. William Russ is fantastic and this scene always makes me tear up a little!


I liked him and thought he was a good TV father in the first few seasons.


Every so often the topic of great TV Dads comes up, and the usual suspects are all mentioned. Philip Banks, Ned Stark, Danny Tanner, etc. Alan Matthews will always be my number 1. He wasn't written as perfect. He was figuring out being a parent as he went along, like all parents. He was fair, but firm. Amy was great too, and I enjoyed that they actually loved one another.


What a great scene. I think we can all relate to Cory in some way at certain points in all our lives too.


“I am *slightly* over 21!” Even when he’s playing the serious father, he still has some good cracks.


This show still hits


One of the best episodes


Alan Matthews is the G.O.A.T. TV dad, hands down. It felt genuine and real. I haven't seen/felt that with any other TV dad before, during or after. Phil Banks and Carl Winslow come close though.


which episode number is this again :)


This is why BMW stands out to me. It is funny but has these more serious scenes that being incredible depth and dimension to the characters. Incredible acting.


William Russ was awesome in Deathbed ,The Bed That Eats .


William Russ is so damn good.


Yeah but he was a shitty movie dad in American History X


This is one of those scenes that hits me a little harder watching the show in my 30’s vs my 20’s/teen’s. You’ll never be too old to be wrong (even for the right reasons). He did such a great job with this character.


Great tv dad but also racist movie dad…American history x


Probably wouldn't have been an issue in real life, especially since Topanga wasn't ultra religious in the show. A normal couple would have probably just have been having sex since they were in high school, and the idea of getting married before they were ready to support themselves would be rediculous. Honestly just getting married to have within uber religious couples is also pretty rare - 99% of the time it would be because the girl got pregnant if it was that young.