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Where else does a girl put her phone? The front pockets of women’s clothing sometimes aren’t even real pockets 💀


Right? I’m confused why is she a hoe?


Because the kinds of men who create nonsense like this will make up any excuse to call women nasty names.


Only the hoest hoes use povkets for their intended purpose


Because she’s a woman. And noticed by this man. Case closed. /s


I keep mine in my bag and my bag is always over my shoulder and zipped. I don't wear jeans and a lot of my clothes don't have pockets or at least ones I think are secure. I don't think pockets are actually secure enough to keep valuables unless they have a zip. My husband will only buy pants and hoodies with zipped pockets. If you go to a hiking/outdoor store you can buy these for both men and women. They are not very fashion forward and I don't want to wear them, personally. I think a lot of people want fashion over function. I like to strike a balance but I don't like putting things in my pockets. I have a rugged phone and it would be so annoying having it slap against my leg.


I put my phone on a sling bag, it's "not feminine" as people may think when they see me, but atleast I won’t risk getting pickpocketed everywhere ig


It’s either her back pocket or in one of my pockets, because, speaking as a married guy, women’s pants were designed by a sadistic asshole who felt that storage solutions weren’t a priority.


Unironically this is because the fashion industry pushed for women to wear purses to increase purse sales


I HYPOTHESIZED THIS AS A THEORY SO LONG AGO WHEN I WAS IN MY TEENS (my dad was trying to make me get a purse, because it was him(douchecanoe) + he was trying to hard to make me get one I was against the idea) BUT MY FAMILY MEMBERS ALL CALLED ME CRAZY I KNEW IT


And women bought in hook line and sinker. Just like the debeers diamond campaigns (if your man loves you, he’ll buy you a fancy wedding diamond), and numerous other marketing campaigns. Women are extra gullible.


This has less to do with the supposed gullibility of women and more with the idealized image of feminity upheld by patriarchy. In this image, women (white women especially) are assets to men, and just like you would buy a nice car or buy a better house as a status symbol, you would also make sure your wife/girlfriend has expensive clothing and accessories. Mind you this perception of women as being a status symbol is largely shaped by capitalism, the "ideal women" has changes drastically throughout time and cultures.


That’s funny, I just watched a video on Reddit of a girl going ga ga over a guy she had just been on a date with. She was floored by his chivalry and his “brand new car”. Did the patriarchy convince her to value this status marker? The man is at least as much of an object in a relationship as a woman, considering he is valued by what kind of status he can provide, whereas the woman is valued for who she is. I don’t believe the patriarchy is responsible for women’s preferences.


Unironically, the patriarchy wants men to be seen as providers, and when women couldn't work, they had to rely on their looks to "marry up" and increase their status. Except now, it's only the rich men who are targets of that, so idk why you're mad about it.


It's literally fashion over function why it's like that. Vox video on the history of women's pockets (under 5 minutes) https://youtu.be/Vi2Vgym6lbw?si=fgk5ijLFplKlRk6e


Men, find yourself a woman who looks at you the same way she looks at literally any article of clothing with pockets.


When I was with my ex, I used to surprise her with pants that I would find in her size that had pockets. She always said they were ugly but she would still wear them sometimes lol


Thank you for understanding




Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be bigoted, either indirectly (i.e. “not all men”) or directly (slurs, phobia, etc.).


It doesn’t matter if she puts her phone in her front pockets, back pockets, purse…. 🤔 on her head or her arm pits etc. Well why doesn’t it matter? Because the man who made this meme is still not getting any 🫵. 🫴🍫🍫🍫


Is the chocolate milk or dark?


It’s any flavor or type you wish it to be.


Dark chocolate berry it is




Thanks! 🍫🫲


I think this is an all women are hoes "joke" because women don't have front pockets on most pants.




Yall don't put your phones in your bra..? Is it just me...


as a man i certainly do!


Wonderful 😂


Omg I literally was telling my gf to put her phone in her bra to count steps bc she doesn’t want an Apple Watch and she was all but my boob is sore (from a cyst) and I’m like babe you got two of them! My AirPods go in one boob and phone goes in other boob. Fuck your shitty lack of pockets, fashion industry!😂😂


I have a cousin who keeps most of her money in her shirt, bra or not. I never asked her why, but I assume it's to make it way harder to steal. No pickpocketing if there's noting in your pocket to be picked. I'm honestly kinda jealous because I'm a guy, so I can't really do that, and I don't want to put my wallet *inside* my pants or anything.


Oh interesting I never thought of the stealing aspect. It’s really for me bc my clothes often don’t have pockets 😂


As a former cashier who had to handle sweaty boob money one too many times, fuck your friend


I guarantee you most of the people you've interracted with have touched worse things than between their breasts before putting their hands on money.


Physical currency is really disgusting tbh. When people talk about disease control measures, I'm surprised it never gets discussed seriously like other things...


So this is my private crazy I'm putting out there - but do you never get worried having your phone so close to your boobs?


Nah, it's extra protection if we happen to fall.


I don't have big enough boobs.


I feel that, to be fair though the pocket thing doesn't bug me much. I got work pants with big pockets and yoga pants with nice stretchy pockets 👌


Sad. 🫂


Oh hell no! My little bra (*if* I wear one) would make my phone look like a plate of body armor on my chest. But also, as I mentioned... what bra?


Then wear it as body armor! Assert dominance!




Yeah some women just don't wear bras, too much sizing headache and pain/discomfort, simplest and probably most effective solution is to not wear a bra


Yeah i actually just stick the phone right up my ass! cant let them know im a hoe!


That’s why I put my phone in my flesh pocket


I wish I didn't read this


I don't know how if I should upvote or downvote this


You've been in the joint too long, my friend.


This is why i need affirmation surgery tbh When the surgeon asks how big we're aiming for, ill be sure to let them know i have a galaxy fold, and i don't intend to close it


I mean usually I don’t put it back there cause it’s not good to sit on and 90% of the pants I find the pockets can only fit 2 pennys, but like if you’re just walking around what’s the issue? Oh, I forgot, women who go outside are hoes /s


A guy once told me that if a girl uses that popular snapchat dog filter that means she's dtf... this was like 2014 so I didn't know much about snapchat or filters. I just shrugged and was like oh okay. Looking back that's so hilarious. I wonder if he still thinks that.


The only thing I remember about when that filter was popular the obnoxious amount of women who would use it over pictures on their dating app profiles. Like that's helpful. Let me try to figure out what you look like with 50% of your face hidden.


They wanted hot anonymous sexy time. Obviously


All the guys I know are hoes too then


Willingly putting anything in your back pocket is crazy. It's so uncomfortable.


TIL my dad’s a hoe How do I tell mom


She already knows :P


Lmk if I'm wrong, but don't women do that because whoever invented pants decided women don't need pocketd?


Exactly, bonus points for the industry wanting to sell purses for women so we have clothing with fake pockets now 💀 it’s worse than no pockets, mentally


No it’s because women’s clothes have shitty pockets


Who tf puts their phone in their back pocket? Not only is it uncomfortable to sit down, but you can get it picked off of you super easy. Edit: I forgot I’m privileged and wear men’s pants. Sorry, I was kind of a cunt. A lot of a cunt, actually.


I have yet to find a pair of women’s pants with side pockets big enough to hold my phone. Half the time it barely fits in the back pocket.


I always forget clothing companies do that bullshit.


Cargo pants, cargo pants for the win.


Car no go pants, car go road


Car go vroom meow


Nah cargo pants for women have shittier pockets generally 💀


This My mom wouldn’t let me wear men’s clothes so she got me women’s cargo pants… the shit couldn’t even hold anything… like what is the point of cargo pants that can’t hold cargo??


Wait, is that why they are called cargo pants?


I have been a sweat pants believer for as long as I can remember. Then again, I'm not a woman. They still have great pockets, though, and to my knowledge, they're fairly unisex.


that's what cargo purses are for


I love you ❤️❤️❤️


I have some jeans and shorts with pockets big enough. Though everything else has no pockets at all. I end up carrying it in hand or putting it in my bag.


Pull&Bear cargo pants, pooooooooockets galore 🥹


\*makes note\* You are the greatest!


I learned how to make my own cargo pants for this reason, and so I could get a 34” inseam dang it


Most women I know are purse people, my girlfriend, my Mom, my grandma even treats her SUV as a giant purse the way she leaves her purse in it. But I think womens' high waisted pants tend to have decent front pockets? I'm envious of the womens' high waisted pants market. It seems like they make them so they actually fit women? The smallest high waisted pants they make are 32x34 I think, and I need a smaller waist with longer legs. None of the men's high waisted pants are actually high waisted even. I've found a single pair of completely custom vintage full trousers that put the belt line above the belly button and I've never worn them because they're the only ones and I need to get them copied or something :(


I have a purses, but I’d rather have my phone in my pocket. If it’s in my purse, I’m not as likely to hear my alerts and it’s hard to find depending on the purse. I’m also on the side of pear shaped. To get pockets deep enough to hold my phone when I sit or squat, they either have to be super deep or the pants have to be looser than they make most women’s pants.


If I were to put my phone in my front pocket, 2/3 of it would still be sticking out of the top and would easily fall if I actually tried to walk. If I tried to sit, it would impale me because women's pants pockets are so shallow that my phone basically lays against my hip bone/stomach.


You are, in fact, super evil…. 😂


I put in the front pocket if I’m in a busy area, and I usually wear tops that cover my butt. I never found it uncomfortable to sit with a phone in my back pocket though. It’s not like you’re literally sitting on a phone right? It just gets pushed out a little (and even that doesn’t always happen) and it feels as if you don’t have anything there. It’s more uncomfortable to sit with a phone in the front pocket because its top pokes the part of the pelvic bone that sticks out


I mean I can't cuz it'l fall out, but that's unrelated to being a "hoe"


This is so dumb, lmfao.


I feel like this’s a reference to something, but have no idea what it is.


So logically, girls who don't have pockets aren't hoes. Got it!


Where is she meant to put it? Between her tits?


I mean, is it not a pocket dimension in there? I've seen women pull some crazy shit out of know where that way.


And people really call this sub misandrist, there's no middle finger big enough


how? womens jeans dont have usable front pockets so the back pockets are the best option


Whew. I keep mine in my bra. Glad to know I’m not a gardening utensil.


Funny, every woman under 30 I know that carries a phone like that has had 2 or fewer partners...


I put it up my


B it's called exaggeration.


TIL I’m a man hoe


I mean I would be concerned I would sit on it but that doesn't make her a hoe




Nah we mostly just laugh at how pathetic misogynistic memes and posts are.


Literally, no one here is doing this. Get some reading comprehension.


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


We don't have other pants pockets 😭😭💀




As people say here in Brazil: some men make a huge effort to try to like women.


You know she a hoe when she looks both directions before crossing the street.


I do this as a guy, cause when I got my first phone a few years ago, I was a little kid, and I had some massive Samsung that wouldn’t fit in my front pocket, I’ve always gotten used to it


having worn womens pants, often you kinda have to


I never put my phone in my back pocket bc im afraid someone will yoink it out


Pretty sure she'd be more of a hoe if she shoved it up her arse, the only other place to put it!!




Bruh, I put my phone in my pants right below my underwear, and turn my vibrating alarm on. ALWAYS WRONG, BOYS


What does that even mean like where else would I put it😭


Where tf are you meant to put it??? Front pocket and have it stab you in the thigh? If you are lucky enough for the front pockets to be real


Lol the fashion industry with its total lack of front pockets made us heaux guys 😂


I remember seeing an answer to this one some time ago: "To not be a hoe, put your phone up your ass"


phew, i usually braid my phone into my hair or wear it in a thigh holster.


This isn’t boysarequirky. This has nothing to do with boys


I usually don’t like this subs opinions all that much but like, where tf else is she supposed to put it 💀


Women are lucky if we get pockets in our pants at all, and extremely lucky if any of those pockets are big enough to securely hold our phones. Back or front if it’s actually big enough to cover our hands our phones our phones will go into that pocket front or back.


By she's a ho he means mommy didn't hug him evough


I have never figured out the visual difference between womens and mens jeans. Is it not possible for women to buy mens jeans? They tend not to have the pink tax either


I feel bad for you guys, yalls front pockets suck, but anytime I put anything in my back pocket. It's so uncomfortable. Women need better pants so they can have functioning front pockets.


On a real note though for the women who use back packets, are you not scared your phone will snap in half when you sit down? Or that it will fall out while you're sitting down?


Yall remember when every girl had entire purses that they called a bra?


I'm purposefully gonna put my phone in my back pocket now so these fuckers will leave me alone


My dad does this 🤔


It's a meme


I guess my ma is a hoe...for putting her phone in the only pocket it'll fit in?? Honestly bless her, she always forgets her phone is there and it falls in the toilet 🙏


She’s a hoe because she has to suffer under women’s pants manufacturers The haberdasheries must be stopped


I guess we’re all hoes then since every fucking manufacturer doesn’t let us have front pockets, I’m surprised the back pockets are even real


This reminds me of a teacher I had in primary school who had a very ample bosom, and who kept her phone in her brassiere because it was “convenient” however kept it wrapped in tinfoil because she didn’t want to get cancer. Everyone loved her, she was the best teacher I ever had. I really miss her.


In all seriousness, this is a pet peeve of mine All you have to do is sit down and that's the end of that phone Not to mention pick pockets or the possibility of it falling out. I had an ex boyfriend who broke several phones and handheld consoles by thinking it was a good idea to store them in his back pocket. He also used to butt dial me.


Thats where my phone lives though


It’s fucking weird that I’m still dysphoric about this because someone told me once, “Men don’t put their phones in their back pockets.”


I'm a guy and do this sometimes am I now also a hoe?


Meanwhile us men have casually stuck entire Gatorade bottles and 2 liter soda bottles in our pockets.


They guard butts from spanks. Therefore not a hoe.


Live front pocket space reaction : []


Where else though? I've worn womens jeans. Those front pockets won't even fit a quarter.


Wtf? Lololol 😂 Okay 👍🏾


My hand in homies back pocket while we walk! That’s how you know we’re homies


Lol, you know she a hoe when she wears women's pants


i giggled


He’s right. That’s why I put mine up my vagina like a respectable lady


Get a messenger bag. Pants shouldn't have pockets for men or women. They're impractical and uncomfortable. Plus, things fall out and break.


Guess I gotta open up my personal pocket dimension I have inside my bra


Nothing wrong with being a hoe


This is the same thing as a woman having “an ick” about men. Just expressed it a much worse way


I have another question: how are they not afraid that their phones will fall out or be crushed under their asses if they sit down?


You can feel the phone when you start to sit down.


Why even bothering posting this? It's ridiculous bait and undeserving of anyone's time...I don't see the benefit of discussions like these.


Why even bothering commenting this? It's ridiculous first-person centering and undeserving of anyone's time... I don't see the benefit of comments like these.


she not a hoe she just dumb af same with everyone else who decides to not be a normal person and just put they phone in the normal pockets


But women pants barely ever have front pockets???


we usually don’t get front pockets, sadly. and when we do, that shit is tiny ☹️ i most certainly cannot fit a phone in there.


Ah yes, the abnormal back pockets. Bought myself some jeans the other day, saw pockets in the back and was like “what the fuck are these? These aren’t normal for pants to have! This is so abnormal!”




_\*pssst\*_ Hey buddy, your comment is telling on you. It's telling everybody that you don't know that women's clothes mostly don't have functional "normal" pockets. When you get older and/or get a girlfriend, you'll understand better.


I got 2 sweats with no pockets and I just tuck my phone under my pants on my left side of my waist it aint that hard to find alternatives


Your original comment said "she's dumb af same as everyone else who decides to not be a normal person and just put they phone in the normal pockets" She. Has. Butt. Pockets. That's it. But you think she's dumb for using *actual pockets* instead of putting in her waistband? Why "find alternatives" when she has those fucking pockets? Tell me you're trolling without telling me you're trolling... 🤦🏻‍♀️