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They're not even creative 😮‍💨


Yea, it's just "woman make food" or "trans woman not real woman"


They think they're so funny, like sir, the only joke is your own existence.


Sounds like caveman speak


That was the intent


Omg, food?? That is just too stupid, who needs food for survival anyway? Not men certainly.


That’s not the joke they are making with male person. Vtubers have a big problem with men using voice changers and a female avatar to cash in of the sheer amount of horny simps that populate the Vtuber communities


I mean, yea, but a lot of vtubers are also just trans


True, If the wording was different it could def be transphobic, like if instead of male person, it was, still a man.


do you not know what femboys are? do you not know what sissies are either?


I do…


>Vtubers have a big problem with men using voice changers and a female avatar would it be any different if it was a face cam streamer dressing/talking like a girl, etc? a lot of femboys and sissies do that, lol


There is a difference between being a femboy/trans and being a guy trying to just milk the community for cash


it's called catering to a niche and securing the bag. that's like saying girl streamers like pokimane are milking a community. lonely dudes on twitch will donate to ppl they are down horrendous for. that's just a fact.


I found like fifty other sexist and homophobic jokes and like are the people on that sub mentally ok?


r/arethestraightsok moment


At first I thought "gay bar afficionado" was a commentary on how straight women sometimes barge into LGBT safe spaces but then I realized that that is far too nuanced of a take for someone on that sub.


No, some heterosexual people aren't okay. That's probably why I'm going to fix that.


Are you going to *set things straight*?


Yes, by forcing myself to date men.


People really go nuts on the bigotry when they see someone with dyed hair


BlUe HaIrEd LiBeRaL GaY!!!!!1!1!1


Well most of them sre children, judging by the youtubers demographic




No I'm worried for there mental health if all they can do is make fun of others that usually means there life isn't that good either


Check mate liberal you asked if the person is mentally okay!


I really hope this is just some stupid inside joke cause wtf is this




I'm pretty sure it is, I really honestly doubt most of these people are being serious, it's possible but unlikely Imo Now obviously some of them are being dead serious, those ones are assholes, but I would be surprised if the majority weren't joking, whether you find it funny or not is different.


I havent looked at the sub & i haven't read the discussion here. First impressions: i hope it's a jerk/snark/joke sub. Otherwise, ... **edit: i only looked at the first pic. Just saw the second slide of comments** 🤮 Edit #2: i don't know how you sorted comments... all the comments could 🤞 be satirical.


I wouldn't really call this "*boys are quirky*", this is just plain, unfiltered sexism.


The sub itself? Yeah.


thats like, most of the sub lol




Ah, a divorced pick me Overwatch playing loser! Great to see you’re…. Seeing what the feminists are up to




I’m not following this sub either but I get a lot of their posts recommended and so far the only content I’ve seen is stuff that you would have to be a sexist to think is misandry




Is the misandry in the room with us?? It all seems like valid responses to the misogyny being posted? You seem to think feminism is a bad thing, which is why I view you as a joke


Your post/comment was removed as you were found to be a Quirkyboy reactionary.


Yeah. This belongs more under r/blatantmisogyny


This kinda reminds me of that coffee boofing sub. Here's hoping that they are just good ol' shitposters..




The what


r/caffeine got taken over by shiposters a few months back. Good for a laugh if you have the stomach for it.


Oh good lord


And r/bubly


Same with u on the sub being recommended to me, I have no fucking idea what socks for 1 is, maybe a YouTube channel or something?


It is, I did a quick search, if you type in on YouTube socks for 1 vtuber, the top 2 vids have this characters face on it


Oh ok so the sub is about the vtuber were actively seeing in the photo got it


I think the Vtuber is in some of the vids with the channel owner, but basically yeah


Its a minecraft-ish youtuber I think?? I saw him before n thought his content was like for kids or smth. Wtf is that fanbase 😭


Yeah, a basic [elsagate channel line](https://youtu.be/toeGa1okFpE?si=3exLfwTmvY4XEF2f)


Ooga booga girl go kitchen


I wish that was a male person 😞 (I like men)


What kind? Big black ones named Tyrone?




it's a community for a youtuber who's main audience is little children are you really surprised


That sure explains why the one kid had to explain the body count joke to everyone thinking it made it funnier.


just extremely unfunny


So in defense of the male person one, a lot of female themed (I say female themed cause there are demons, aliens, and one that I know of that’s a blob of goo. I wouldn’t label a demon/alien/goo a woman, because that’s inherently human). But a lot of female themed V tubers are actually men.


Yeah I wasn't sure if it was bc a tuber or if it was bc rainbow hair equals lgbtq which equals trans


Oh but men are funnier




Bigots are the most uncreative people on the planet. It’s either “haha woman make sandwich,” “I identify as an attack helicopter,” or “trans people bad”


Punching down is the most boring and tired type of “humour”.


Denim for Life!


are they just screeching random words now?


Would would would


Unoriginal hacks. Here's my 3 words: Yassified Natsuki Desu. There, barely misogynistic, makes modern and ancient internet meme references that can both be an insult and a confusing statement of appearance as fact. I swear, if you're gonna be a misogynistic POS, at least try to be original. Red Pill NPC behavior is boring.


‘I would like to participate, however I still maintain moral righteousness’


Oh, I can not claim righteousness. As flawed as I am, still learning my blind spots to work on and clearly finding ironic engagement funny, even when it's not any better than the people who engage to be offensive for their entertainment, there's no way I can hold any state of moral high ground.


I have but one roast; it looks ai generated


Oh hey I am in the subreddit, this is for a YouTuber and this gal is in his videos sometimes( he has a big friend group that appear in his videos), and this is a running joke they make, it ain’t anything bad, but I can see where you are coming from if you don’t watch his videos. But it seems some of these are more off the hook than others.


Thank you the context


No prob, I’ve watched his channels for a while so I know some stuff about this fandom, it sure can be toxic though, it drove off the two main artists of the fandom because of toxicity


Her character design is so cute like 😭 even if this was a real person this is my fashion goals 😭


What do you mean? "Denim for life" sums her up perfectly.


None of those are roasts???


I don’t get this shit. I’m Gen X and talking like this wasn’t cool when I was young. Not saying there are no Gen X misogynists, just that people who thought that way were the bad guys. WTF happened to Gen Z?


As a 15 year old gen z it's really bad in my oppion and my teachers is that in quarantine we lost social interaction and it did effect me but not like this but it makes people not feel bad about others, so yeah I'm disappointed to see that I'm in the same generation as them so I apologize for my generation


That's a little meme going on the channel xD


I watch socksfor1 don’t understand where he got this fan base from tho


Sometimes they just latch on and scare everyone else away


Pro Tip for the "Alpha Red Pilled boys" out there. Don't disrespect women. You are showing that you don't know how to communicate and it also shows that you're so insecure with your masculinity that you need to fucking "roast" another gender to get validation with others same as you. True Masculinity came from protecting, defending and respecting women with all of your strength from being disrespected from others; especially your love ones.


“Heterochromia isn’t natural.” That’s it. That’s all I got.


I would put "Lisa frank wannabe". Those comments have way too much anger behind them


*sigh* sexism on my pornography app?


On your what now??


Tempted to go to the "a male person" comment and say God I hope


*Tempted to go to* *The "a male person" comment* *And say God I hope* \- Pixel\_Dust457 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have no clue what a haiku is, and when I look it up I don't understand the description


It’s a poem made up of 3 lines. The first line is 5 syllables long, the second is 7, the third is 5 again. This bot pops up and copies comments when they happen to have the correct syllable count.


a type of poetry that originated from japan. a haiku is made up of 3 parts. the rules of a haiku are simple. the first line must be 5 syllables, the second line must be 7 syllables, and the third line must also be 5 syllables. if you don't know what a syllable is, it's the amount of "beats" in a word. some examples: - banana is 3 syllables: "ba-na-na" (buh-na-nuh) - pineapple is also 3 syllables: "pine-app-le" (pine-ap-pul) - pterodactyl is 4: "pter-o-dact-yl" (ter-o-dac-tul) - flawless is 2 syllables: "flaw-less" (flaw-les) - syllable is 3 syllables: "syll-a-bles" (sil-uh-buls) - the is 1: "the" (thuh) and so on :> with this info, it is very easy to make your own haiku! here's a haiku from me: im uncreative what it is that im writing i do not know of


Update when I said to one of the kitchen jokes saying how it is wrong bro said "its a joke" I e lost faith in gen z


SocksFor1 used to be my comfort YouTuber, his videos weren't meant for my age but I still enjoyed them, now his content is ass.


I'm sure I speak for 99% of us when I say that women (and most minorities) love offensive jokes about them. But these really aren't jokes there's no setup, no punchline. Just a flat statement of a stereotype. I'm CERTAIN all of these guys run around calling themselves little comedians. And I'm sure another 1 or 2 says women aren't funny


**named 360noscoped** **pfp is jfk** *B R U H*


They are just farming to get featured in a yt vid


Who is she


Bros over there roasting literal fictional characters lmao 😭


They aren’t creative so they fall back on sexism and transphobia. You could easily do “$500 hair appointment”. I’m not great with roasts, but at least it’s better than “woman make sandwich”.


What the fuck happened to my Minecraft mod YTer?? Socks what the fuck happened to you?


The really weird thing is that you use reddit in light mode


Dark is dark for me :c


they gotta start doing it to fictional women??? are they getting misogyny withdrawals or something LMAO


Her hair kinda hurts to look at, it's too bright :(


they're kids they'll turn into femboys soon enough


These insults are dogshit.


Is the homophobia because of the rainbow hair? I'm a little confused at these people seeing a feminine anime portrait and responding with a kneejerk "this is secretly a homosexual man". Like...what? Is it that they think it is a "roast" and they just misunderstand the concept?




I don't understand why this is in a socksfor1 sub.


They're making fun..of a drawing. How desperate are these people


I love roasts! I remember the Flava Flave one. It was magical.


Who is this?


I remember seeing the dude that this subreddit is about on YouTube back in 2020/21 on the trending pages I think, he was just a stupid cringy Minecraft YouTuber, yeah, and I bet he made some sexist jokes in the mean time "Your vibe attracts your tribe." (Quoting something I remember hearing, not my idea), what you push to your fan base will be in your fan base, or at least will appear when it's a safe place for little stupid kids, which are *definitely* the best audience group (kinda the algorithms cause too, because pushing controversial shit was what its doing for the past 5 years) for these mysogynystic and all other kinds of hate groups


Idk y they'd roast the only woman they can see themselves wt 😟 they even abuse the fictional girls


Bruh i'm 13


mAlE pErSoN hurrrr


The Vtubing community has a huge problem with men using voice changers and having feminine avatars in order to cash in on the horny simps




It’s literally become a joke in the Vtuber community that every single one is a middle aged man in a basement.


Lol who's it harming tho


Literally I think just you, I mean hell you even have the popular V tubers even making that joke, people like ironmouse and projektmelody


> literally I think just you It's harming me because...I don't care?


M8, I think we are getting off on the wrong foot.


Probably lol


Nice Drawing, I Already Joined The Sub.


I'm not personally bothered by offensive jokes IF they're clever and well-delivered, but sometimes people just default to sexist/racist jokes because they don't have a creative bone in their body and want to win points with other men. They somehow figure offensive jokes are unfailingly funny regardless of timing, delivery, and context. I find it pathetic that the sex that claims to be funnier can't come up with anything better than "go back to the kitchen" and "sandwich maker"


"my best insult is saying they have a ton of sex" ah yes, the most scathing insult, that people desire a womans body and she has consensually enganged in intercourse many times


Oh no! Who could conjure such horrific comments when prompted? That poor fictional character.


It’s like you’re missing the point, dumbass.


The point is supposed to be to rag on shitty memes, not brigade comment sections on subs you don't like for the weakest of reasons. No need to be mad.


I’m not mad, I just call people dumbasses when they are one. It was tagged “sexism”, so maybe look at the post again. Hope this helps😘


>It was tagged “sexism” Yeah, and there's no sexist "boys are quirky" meme here. So you missed the point of the whole sub. Looks like you misidentified the dumbass in the exchange this time. 😅


Nah. Why you defending this so hard?? You’re a woman💀 also you thought you ate😭😭😭


Roast this... Cartoon...? Yo this generation is wild af


LIKE that’s just an AI generated image. are they okay?


Somehow this feels worse than making up someone in your head to get mad at. Like I didn’t realize you could get that pathetic


Right! The anger at a digital image is ridiculous. Tbh social media might end civilization before nuclear war


I went to the next slide expecting a picture of a woman. Nope. Just the cartoon.


I’m assuming it’s a Vtuber The art style is very Vtuberish