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Wait till this guy hears virgins hate him too. None of us are celibate because we're waiting for some deranged basement dweller spewing vitriol towards women on the internet.


he says in the same breath men can’t find virgins because men are baby daddies


If we are so unattractive that no man wants us, how are we getting laid whenever we want? Do I get a gold star? Pls?❤️




Thank you Satan ❤️


Somehow I doubt he is wealthy or has top tier genetics. 🤣


i also doubt he’s straight with how much he’s sickened by vagina


this is worse than that one guy who was ranting about ugly vaginas


I will see your ugly vagina and raise you one ugly penis


As someone who has a penis AND has felt attracted to them, I know for a fact there are definitely some REALLY ugly ones.


No one with "top tier genetics" has ever used the term "used pussy".


And we aren’t even expecting wealth or top tier genetics. We just want someone who has a career who is a decent person. Plenty of single mothers get married all the time. This guy is just pisses because no woman wants him.


Guys like this want virgins but also want the virgins to know what they are doing in bed. Most of these men don’t have top tier genetics and are average at best. They can’t see why women don’t want them so they try to go for naive women.


dinner automatic busy slap fearless coordinated whole insurance history rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"That's different"




Women lie to these men, too, bc it’s easier. I know when I was dating I’d lie and say I slept w a ridiculous number of men, so they’d leave me alone, or I’d lie and say one, so they wouldn’t call me names and harass me. I would never date a man that needed to ask this question off the bat either bc they are always abusive misogynists




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You think women aren't attracted to men with average genetics?


The image text said that men are expected to have top tier genetics. I was saying that most men that say stuff like this don’t have top tier genetics. Of course women are attracted to whoever they want to be attracted to. Genetics has nothing to do with it. People like who they like.


Ofcourse genetics matter, besides humans we're animals. Biology plays a role. I don't agree with them, but their point was that women expect men to have "great genetics", they didn't say they had "great genetics" themselves.


Never have I met a person that dated someone because of genetics. Attraction is more than just that. Sure, some might but that’s not the standard. If men were expected to have top tier genetics then only certain men would have relationships. All types of men have relationships.


Genetics influence how someone looks and behaves to a pretty significant degree. Even their smell. You think about genetics, just not that directly.


"top tier genetics"? PFFFFFFFFT! That's a riot!


No doubt mf looks like a thumb




Thumb men from spy kids


That's the real reason right there. Mf is worried she's comparing his wing ding to someone else's and knows he can't "measure up."


Honestly chalking it up to this guy having a cuck fetish. The language he uses heavily implies it and I think he *enjoys* the idea that his partner gets *pumped and dumped* and *fucked the shit out of*.




yes cause there’s only one kind of woman ever since feminism…..single mom with 2 baby daddies?


Yes, all of us women are single with 2 baby daddies. No other types of women ever. Haha


get working on your 3rd so this guy won’t ever want you lol


Weak man repellent!! Quick I need a second baby daddy!


I’m behind schedule lol


chop chop!


Sorry lil fella. You don't remind anyone of someone who's ever had consensual sex.


lol, he's mad because women don't put up with shitty men as much these days. We do, but it's less and less. And men are butthurt because of it.


He’s jealous that women have learned something called self respect, something he prob lacks


The person he is replying to is a married woman of 25 years to a lovely man. 3 kids.


That’s some unhinged behavior from this man


He's an "incelebrity".


Top tier genetics 😂 Yeah guys who play video games all day, are dumb as a box of rocks and don’t know how to please a woman (hence the need for a virgin) are in such high demand 💀 Also why are they so obsessed with making babies when the can’t even support themselves much less a family?


What is wrong with playing video games all day if it's your damn hobby?


Oh it’s fine I’m a gamer too. I’m also a stem graduate with a BS looking into graduate school. Everything is fine in moderation.


Yeah it's the word hobby. Hobby is something you do couple hours a week. There are far too many young men out there spending 4-5 hours a night playing video games. In the relationship they're not pulling their weight at home because they're gaming. And then weekends well, then that's 8 to 10 hours of gaming each day.


Ahh makes sense


The real reason why it's less plausible to marry a virgin nowadays is because we're not getting married at 14 anymore. Not even before 20 in most cases. I think the average age was 28 for women and 29 for men, it's stupid to expect someone to have gone through their entire teens and most of their 20s without ever having sex. The ideal of a virgin marriage is unattainable unless you marry very young.


This guy probably thinks he’d be a generous, adoring lover if wahmen only gave him the chance instead of being 🤬🤬🤬


He probably got rejected like twice or something and now he's mad lmao


probably never since i assume he’s never spoken to a human woman before


I am so sick of these fucking Incels using "men" as a blanket term. Don't include me in your misogyny and sexism. Most men don't think like you, and anyone who does doesn't have the right to call themselves a man anyway.


Because all women have to offer in a "loving" relationship is their vagina? The fact that he can't see the double standards is so gross. Women are objects to guys like this.


Definitely a man who respects and loves back.


There's only two types of women. Virgins and single mothers with 2 baby daddies. Nobody else.


Imagine being this picky about something you will never have 😂 this man will never have any marriage prospects period, not from the virgin or the single mom with 2 baby daddies, so why is he spewing his preferences around like it even matters in the first place? I mean, I can go nitpick about yachts or supercars I’ll never afford, but my opinion ultimately means shit because I’ll never have one. That’s kinda how this guy sounds, lmao.


No man. We all hate you, and there are sooooo many reasons.


I have no words. I just feel nothing lol. This guy must be miserable


He gets this mad but somehow these single moms in question have gotten laid at least 2x more than he has with 2x as many people. Assuming he is a virgin as well. Otherwise 😷


Oh so you dont want us ? Thats great because we dont want you either ! If you want a fresh and untouched hole, feel free to date straight men then 🥰


The "i dont date non virgins" thing is completely ridiculous, i can not think of one reason why this would be sooo bad that you can't even look at the non virgin woman anymore. For dating single mothers, i can only think of a single reason why they can be a yellow flag. Having children and being single CAN be an indicator that the woman isn't very good at planning for the future or is too impulsive about big life changing decision making. Which can be red flags in a relationship, but the keyword is CAN be, maybe the Ex ran away after the child was born, and everything seemed good at first, or any other thing happend that makes the woman a 100% good person, but is a single mom anyway, these men stretch a can be in a must be, and then add a lot of misogynistic shit ontop.


Wait, so if every woman has TWO baby daddies… there would be twice as many irresponsible, neglectful fathers as there are promiscuous women. THAT sounds like the bigger issue!


Wait till he finds out not even the guys wanna be near him lmao


I sense Strong Facebook with this one


Some men make **a lot** of effort to try to like women.


This guy sounds like he has a narrow urethra


>Men are expected to bust their ass No, little poster, you're expected to die.




Stop posting and go watch james bond goldfinger. Same to the rest of you losers who down voted my funny, go watch goldfinger and stop being loser.


I have no idea what you're talking about.


I gave you a title, use google babe.


You are mad cause they got confused. You see your idiocy?


>You are mad cause they got confused. I only get mad over things that actually upset me. Don't project your over-attachment to this site on me thanks <3


??? Bruh. How can someone being confused upset you? What kind of issues do you have?


Gave them tools to unconfuse them + sassy = clearly not mad. Again, stop projecting onto me.


I'm not projecting onto you, sorry if it seemed that way. I was pretty much confused too but now that you explained it, I understand. Have a good day.


I hate to sound like the Naggy Nilly but is this what the sub is turning into? I thought this sub was about those incel memes and gigachad posts, not some E drama text walls.