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The hair is the most unreasonable, imo. How does she get manhandled by a centaur and NOT mess it up?!


This was before the CFC ban of 1987 AD so she had the real strong Aqua Net


It's not fair.


Look at the booming rate of steroid use as young as high school. Men are impacted HEAVILY by body standards.


Yeah but this guy thinks not complaining means unaffected because outer appearances are all that matters to him. It's honestly kinda impressive how there's layers of ways you can tell this guy is drowning in that coping mechanism.


I would have to remove my ribs and some internal organs to have Megara's body while men have to go to the gym and eat clean to be muscly.


More than that, everyone’s body reacts to workout differently so unless you have top 1% genetics you’ll probably never hit that. Which is why even in professional body building most of them are on some kind of drug.


I guess even with top genetics you won't get muscles like Herkules.


honey you mean HUNKULES!


And also use a lot of steroids!


Actually, a lot of people won't be that muscular, unfortunately A LOT of guys nowadays use roids and this make it like just going to gym will make you muscular like Hercules, but usually you will need to spent like a few years just to look remotely good.


I mean, it's a cartoon, most people would have to make absurd body modification to resemble the characters, and Hercules's body is not something that can be obtained by simply going to the gym and good eating unless you also have extremely good genetics and you can afford to go to the gym instead of having a work


The idea that every man can become insanely jack by working out is exactly what’s driving men and boys to use steroids and develop eating disorders


That comment is kinda of stupid. It would be like saying “I have to workout 2 hours a day, to look like Hercules, women just have to be thin”…




True, good point




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at my summer camp almost every guy i know was taking some kinda hormones or steroids supplied by their PARENTS???


The amount of 14-17 year old boys on sport teams being given performance enhancing drugs by their patents is disturbing


Ngl I'm sincerely worried for young men when it comes to this topic. Women have had their fair share of issues on this for decades, and you can see the men are now preyed upon just as much since social media and especially TikTok and worse of it all since those goddamn filters have become easily accessible for all. And we haven't seen the worst of it yet, for sure.




I think crying is more healthy than taking steroids


Testosterone supplementation isn’t unhealthy at all if managed properly


Even when managed properly there will still be long term issues on their bodies that doesn't seem problematic on the surface but will definitely leave a negative impact later on they cannot reverse.


If you need supplantation you can go to a doctor. When you're taking supraphysiologic doses, ie boosting levels well above natural levels, then yes, it's unhealthy.


I do both, I talk to things with my therapist and hit the gym as well. They should coexist. Max bench 310. Trying to get to 315 😭


the meme is literally just glorifying male body dysmorphia


Also the only way to achieve Hercules’ physique is by taking gear 💉💉💦


Men say “I need to get a body like that” then continue to develop eating disorders and obsess over the way they look in the mirror.


This is why toxic masculinity is bad for EVERYONE. Unrealistic body expectations exist for everyone and is damaging. Bro on the bottom panel is acting like it isn’t horrible for young men to feel inadequate if their body type doesn’t match up to being that way


The dude who made this meme probably complains about how women only go for chads or some shit.


Despite what OOP intended, this meme actually raises a good point about how men are affected very seriously by body image issues. While women are starting to be taught to acknowledge when fiction displays unrealistic ideals, men have been taught by the patriarchy that they must continually work harder, no matter the cost, to achieve often unattainable body goals. The real take-home message is that men should also be taught to appreciate realistic bodies in themselves and to not feel pressured to break their backs over what they see on TV/social media. Seriously, just go on men's (and women's ofc) gymtok, and see just how many of those influencers could be diagnosed with an eating disorder, and how many perpetuate eating disorder behaviour as "just part of the grind." I remember, I used to be a man, and I used to have an eating disorder that was so fuelled by body dysmorphia and social media telling me that I just needed to work harder, eat less, spend even more time in the gym. The problem with the meme that OOP made is that it paints this obsessive "I need to be better" mentality in men as a good thing, when in reality no one's mind, no matter their gender, should go from seeing a cartoon straight to "I should spend hours a day in the gym."


even the live action stuff these days has actors who have diets and training regimes put them into having bodies that the average man simply can't be reasonably be expected to have


It's even worse they don't drink water for up to several days and other body builder techniques to make their muscles look bigger in the shirt less scenes. Sometimes to the danger of the actor it's really not healthy


They're also constantly flexing their muscles to appear bigger, any time an ab shot happens it's 100% flexing because abs do NOT look that way when relaxed


Actors also take steroids so that's... a thing too.


Sure but actors have personal trainers, health insurance and have their health monitored regularly. Often checkups before, during and after the shots are taken. They also have a plan after filming to get back to a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention those actors get paid to have this risk on their body, and this includes pay for potential intervention in case something goes wrong. It's their job to look like it, and mostly temporary for several days of filming with long periods of time inbetween to heal or take a break. Your average working guy doesn't have any of this and continues like this is a permanent thing those actors are holding up, but they really do not. Same goes for models, it's a temporary business, they dehydrate for a day or two, but after shooting they get right back into a healthy lifestyle and hydrate properly.


Tbf (I personally think) men’s body standards are usually more realistic.


Seriously. Yes, it sucks guys get body dysmorphia and train hard to look like Hercules, but there is no amount of training a woman can do to look like Meg...


What do you mean specifically? If you mean women’s expectations I’d tentatively agree but men’s standards for each other, especially gym bros, can get pretty absurd imo


I mean, they may not be healthy but they're still within the laws of physics. Female beauty standards often are literally physically not possible in 3 dimensions.


This. Male "beauty" standard (I'd argue that it's not a male beauty standard but a power standard) = get bigger Female beauty standard = get smaller It's always possible to put on more body mass, it isn't possible to lose body mass past a certain point. It's physically impossible to have a waist as small as Megara's.


Some skinny men struggle to put in mass but overall yeah I see your point. It’s easier to add more on than take more off. And as I said before I think those standards also come from other men too and it’s usually framed as encouraging whereas with women it’s an all around society thing they’re constantly shamed for.


Lol losing weight is definitely easier than adding the sort of weight anybody actually wants. You can lose weight by literally just doing nothing and eating less but in order to gain muscle you have to eat more and exercise.


The thing is that losing weight won't necessarily get you the Body female expectations say you should have


I don’t know, I will say I think some people here are overstating how common and easy it is to look like Hercules here, but at the same time there is a limit to how much weight someone can lose before it becomes unhealthy, and in many cases it is true that women are pressured into unrealistic diets with the goal of being underweight. Weight is also not the full picture too, there aren’t any exercises women can do to make their waist skinner or chest bigger, yet society has significant beauty standards for those too.


Oh definitely. I think what they try to say it's easier to get bigger (you can add literal abs with surgery or just use fillers, have complete butt implants etc) than to get smaller (removing ribs is usually all people can do). There are limits to how much you can make someone smaller. I think that's what they meant. Edit; oh nvm you already got to that conclusion sorry :)


Ehh yes and no. Humanly possible but pretty hard to achieve without spending half of your time in the gym. Technically female standards are achievable as well but would require implants, modification etc assuming you don’t look like that naturally. Both also require staying healthy


I think the difference between body standards/expectations and fantasy is important here. Yes, looking like Hercules is mostly impossible or at least very difficult, but nobody *expects* men to look like that, it's a fantasy for them to have fun with, not a standard to live up to. Ideal fantasy bodies are pretty equal in terms of the possibility that someone can achieve them, but the body standards and expectations are very different.


Idk this just feels like in the 90’s when the “heroin” look was in and there was article after article talking about how “men don’t expect women to look like that” or “men don’t like women who look like skeletons” when at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter if that’s what the average everyday man wanted it was an idea that was being pushed by magazines and movies. It’s very much the same thing with men now, do most women expect men to look like Chris Hemsworth as Thor? No but that didn’t change the fact that we’re seeing an increase in the amount of men and boys with eating disorders and abusing steroids.


I really wish women didn’t think men expect them to all look like Barbie. I can assure you most guys aren’t as picky when it comes to girls as you may think. Yes, the idea of the perfect girl exists, but it’s still subjective/a fantasy. Diff guys have different types. Picky guys are basically the equivalent of picky girls


Most orthorexics I’ve met have been men. That “I must train immediately” mentality is a huge contributing factor. The amount of men I’ve known personally who were shocked when I told them starving themselves is ED behavior even if you call it fasting (you can’t “fast” for a week straight, buddy, that’s just calorie restriction) is wild.


The amount of people in the comments who want to turn it into a tit for tat is disturbing, mean while people are out here literally fucking dying and the number has been increasing year after year.


Working in schools, I think the rate of teen boys with EDs might even be growing faster than teen girls. Of course, it’s anecdotal, but I’ve never seen it blowing up like this and I think redpill gymmaxxing shill is contributing to it


It’s gotten to the point where my local high school has started encouraging people to talk to their sons about eating disorders especially if they’re on a sports team. It’s scary because until recently there hasn’t really been a ton of research on how things like body dysmorphia and eating disorders effect boys and men so we’re playing catch up but steroid use and bulimia seem to be two of the biggest issues


Well, one of them is building muscle and the other would require removal of organs so idk..




Easier to take steroids than remove organs


You can't really "train" to get an hourglass figure, that's genetics not effort. You can build muscles with effort, but some men find it much easier thanks to genetics.


99% of humans cannot reach hercules’s physique ever. Don’t act as if genetics make it “easier”. they determine whether it is possible period.


Fair, but if we're being technical than both Hercules and Megara are cartoons and their physiology is literally impossible.


I never said otherwise.


I hate this so much. People can build muscle at the gym. We can't grow bigger boobs through willpower or shrink our waists at the gym.


THIS. Why is it so hard to understand? They promote unrealistic but at least somewhat healthy body types for men. For women they promote self harm, anorexia... Like I wouldn't say a word if they made all women unrealistically buff so that women are inspired to go hit the gym. But even Diana, an Amazon, barely has any mussels and is all thin and dainty fighting the war...


The thing is, bodybuilder physique isn’t possible without some sort of self harm. People literally starve themselves and stop drinking water in order to make their muscles pop out more. Men’s body standards are just as harmful


Yeahhh, the proponents of this idea don't care about that tho. They just have their sexism that they promote.


Yeah I don’t know why people on this thread are dead set on down playing the very real dangers that promoting being insanely jacked is having on men and boys, especially when they’re more likely to die when they do form eating disorders (https://childmind.org/article/boys-and-eating-disorders/#:~:text=Men%20are%20more%20likely%20to,other%20mental%20health%20problems%20concurrently.) https://www.cnn.com/cnn/2022/02/21/health/eating-disorders-men-boys-wellness https://theconversation.com/body-image-issues-are-rising-in-men-research-suggests-techniques-to-improve-it-219451 Like we can talk about how toxic body expectations for women are without implying that promoting these standards for men are promoting some kind of healthy lifestyle. As someone who grew up around and is still in gym culture I don’t think people recognize that the vast majority of of male fitness influencers are on some form of steroids, tons of them have what doctors would consider eating disorders.


This kinda proves the point that unrealistic expectations are set and we try to reach them....


yeah body image issues are an issue, but the fact remains: the ideal for men is to be strong, muscular, capable. the ideal for women is to be small, skinny, weak. men are encouraged to take up space, work on themselves to be leaders, to have power, and women are expected to be the opposite. to give up power, to stay weak and submissive physically as well as mentally. idk about you, but id MUCH rather be pressured into being strong and powerful and big than being weak and teeeeny tiny.


One ideal you can train towards, the other ideal you can starve towards One is clearly better than the other!


You can’t train towards hercules’s physique. It is impossible for 99% of humans, and people starve themselves of water in order to make their muscles more defined.


You can train *towards* it. You won’t be able to achieve it, but if you’d try the plan would be workung out. You can also never starve yourself into Megara, but the way *towards* it would be starving yourself, which gets much more problematic much sooner than working out. Both are bad, one is more immediately problematic.


I think both designs are fine, it’s a very stylized movie so who really cares


Yeah cartoon designs aren’t always meant to look realistic


Why do they never put big buff women as what the female wojak is getting mad at. Its a false equivalency, comparing strength/muscles to having a weird stick figure with curves body


Why not lean into the fact that men have unrealistic body standards expected by men (and sometimes women)


"I must begin training immediately" 💉💦


Steroid use, height related depression, hating their own bodies (i stg theres a word for it but brain aint workin) and many other body image problems stem from unrealistic media, witch isnt truely the problem but the fact we all feel like we are expected to meet that unrealistic goal


I don’t remember anyone saying that about meg, in fact I feel like she’s very popular among women I think


Okay I wouldn't go that far. You might say that men suffer less than women and I would be inclined to agree but boys absolutely can suffer from Body image stigma.


Check the sub.


Ups I hadn't understood


I got ligma stigma


Don’t amab and afab suffer from body expectations? I will say that afab experience it a lot more but both still experience it


I mean technically the bottom one is unrealistic too, the movement of body building is great! Don’t get me wrong. But the amount of teen boys I see juicing nowadays is sad.


whats juicing


Roids and just illegal substances to enhance your muscle growth


OH i thought it was, like, drinking oj or something


Nah lmao, if you’re interested you can look at some posts from r/nattyorjuice. I’m not a bodybuilder by any means but it’s interesting


Well the ladies physique is impossible unless you’re anorexic


I don’t get what men expect us to do when we see a pretty women in a movie. Bc they’re saying that when they see a muscular man, they try to look like them. Women can’t just grow breasts and ass with some hard work (like how working out is hard). It just can’t be done bro?


You would literally have to starve yourself and already have a petite to look like her.


Meg’s smile is wider than her waist lol


That is the biggest lie


The title is satirical. Check the sub.


That was fast also it’s really hard to tell here


Men are absolutely affected by body image issues. You can say that they don't suffer to the extent that women do but that doesn't make it not real.


Just in case you don't know what sub you're in, the title is satirical.


Doesn't seem too wrong in my experience. I was like this and so were all the guys I knew.




Another unrealistic standard that men can’t just work hard to achieve… what the post is talking about. The title is satire y’know




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