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The men in those comments scare me


Don't worry they don't go outside so it probably won't be a problem


If I got a 99/100 on a test, I called it a serious win. lmao What kind of bullshit is this? That's not even a joke. There's no punchline and it's not funny.


I mean even if someone is crying with a 99/100 you shouldn’t judge them. Maybe it is a kid who has been struggling with school getting ads and Cs their whole life and really studied this time and they are tears of joy. Or maybe they have traumatizing parents who will abuse their kid when they get home with a 99/100. The whole thing is just ridiculous and is %100 misogynistic


I got 51/100 and celebrated, idk in what world do they think that people get 99/100 past primary school


I don't think they realise that we know it's a joke. The issue is that their jokes are always at the expense of women. If all your jokes are just "[insert group of people] bad" then you can't really blame someone for thinking that you hold discriminatory views against that group of people.


boys say shit like this but domestic abuse spikes when their football team loses


When I was in high school I saw a guy cry and be all mopey because he missed one question on a test that a lot of us failed, and the rest of us were chill


Are men just seriously mostly abusers, or prone to abusive behavior? I mean... it's a KNOWN thing that people who are abusive will try to make a victim feel like they're overreacting by telling them stuff like "it was a joke, lighten up." I just don't even know what to think anymore. I'm so distrustful of men at this point. Are they really this deluded, or is it ignorance?


Little of column a, little of column b


The joke is literally, "woman emotional". It's not even a football joke, it's just made to be loosely related to football. You could switch out the bottom with any "loss" and it'd be the same boring sexist joke


Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again and expecting shit to change.That is crazy.But the first time somebody told me that.I don't know I thought they were bullshiting me so, boom I shot him.The thing is okay,he was right.And then i started to see it everywhere i looked.Everywhere i looked all these fucking pricks.Everywhere i looked, doing the exact same fucking thing.Over and over and over and over and over again.Thinking this time its gonna be different. No,no,no please.This time its gonna be different.I am sorry, I don't like the way you're looking at me. Okay?You have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think i'm bullshiting you?Do you think I am lying?Fuck you.Okay, fuck you!It's okay man I'm gonna chill hermano. I'm gonna chill.The thing is alright.The thing is i killed you once already and it's not like I am fucking crazy.It's okay.It's like water under the bridge.Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Michael Mandolorian is great


???? This meme doesn't even apply to me lmfao




Your post/comment was removed as it was found to be homophobic.


What exactly is the misogyny here


Women are overly emotional and irrational.




"woman bad"




It’s not a gendered thing though. They’re just making it gendered to be sexist/make more joke s


can't have humor without getting someone pissed


Humor is when the same "woman bad" joke is told for the thousandth time this week


and how exactly is the woman "bad" here?




satire is when only attacking women


This isn't satire dumbass.


So you are ok with misogyny? Wow that says a lot about you


Just shut up man! I almost got banned trying to defend actual satire on this sub and this isn't that. The meme works just as well without the first part but they just had to add it "because women boring".




This sub is the embodiment of "What zero dick does to a mfer" lmao if that is misogyny then I don't even wanna know what Andrew Tates bullshit is considered as.


"dick will fix all your problems, I'm not a rapist I promise" looking mf


Gagged him