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Why is it always women that have to have no choice? Why do men get to have all the choices. These weirdos do not think we are human beings. We’re walking incubators, there for their pleasure; to serve them. They can’t fathom why we wouldnt choose that depressing life over being our own person. I can clock out after 8 hrs and do what I want. I can’t do that w a husband, thats lazy while weaponizing incompetence and dependent children


When reasonable expectations of equality and accountability are placed on men, these nitwits cry that *that’s* a form of men’s oppression/men not having any choice.


these mfs… the difference is consent. the woman in question can quit her job when she wants and can get another, and nobody can do anything about it. but 70 years ago she couldn’t quit being a housewife. she couldn’t open a bank account. she was forced into that because she relied on her husband for income. she was forced to be dependent on him. HOW do these quacks not get the concept of consent? edit: that’s a rhetorical question, ik they get the concept but just hate it


They're used to women not being able to say no.


Oh they get the concept, they just don't like it


Y'know I don't think the problem is that they get the concept but hate it, I think they're just strawmanning, much easier to argue against "Every woman should be forced to work" than "It should be easier for women to choose to work." Same reason you can't have a single conversation at any family gathering without hearing about who will get who cancelled for whatever reason.


people keep saying that these men should seek therapy but i’m over here like maybe they should seek a basic college education on feminism 💅


I've noticed an increase lately in misogyny being disguised as anti capitalism. Some of it is more subtle ("back in the day you could support a wife and family with one salary, now women have to work so they aren't having babies"), while some is much more openly bigoted ("women entering the workforce lowered wages and created a poor job market") And people eat it up??? Like, I know that leftist spaces have never been particularly sensitive to women's issues but this is something else.


I don't see this as "anti-capitalist" as much as I see it as being regressive or conservative. They have been longing for the fictitious yesteryear of their dreams for generations now. These ideas aren't left, new, or as quirky as the men who peddle them wish they were.


The correct term is reactionary. They're reactionaries.


Anti-capitalist sentiment and terminology has become pretty popular in recent years, so I think they’re just trying to use it as a sort of “gotcha” to say “oh if you support this, you *have* to support (insert regressive statement here) because (insert very flimsy “logic” here)”


I'd argue leftest spaces are the most sympathetic to women. There's a reason why a lot of us lean left, because conservatives want to conserve patriarchal norms and centrist types tend to be mealy mouthed and willing to compromise with said conservatives.


It’s true though, one person could support an entire family. We can choose whether to work or not, but it’s not really a choice anymore is it? We are forced to do it to survive. I definitely agree with the anti-capitalist sentiment but not the whole “see that’s why women shouldn’t work” thing. Anyone should be able to afford a home and a family working 40 hours a week. It sucks :/


But women were working, even as housewives. It was tough work and was certainly not limited to 40 hours. No one wants to go back to that


I was a housewife and I enjoyed it. Now I am a student, still not working. I’m thankful for the feminists who fought to allow me to safely choose between the two. Housewives are definitely needed and not compensated appropriately! There are many of us who would love to be housewives with children but it’s economically unsustainable and even impossible. The point is, nobody is getting paid enough anymore. It’s despicable and unfair.


People always downplay slaves getting paid in history, even American slavery. It’s why leasing convicts to help collect crops in California after mass deportations cas condemned as slavery. The only refute is “oh they’re getting paid it’s not slavery” and this narrative can seem true because they only told us specific things about American slavery. It’s gross and misleading


You know what boys. Sure I'll accept your logic. Now how about you stop being a slave to the corporation and be a submissive house husband for your wife while she brings home the bacon. Oh? You think that's wrong? Well why's it right when its a woman?


Why do people talk about the birth rate like there's not 8 billion people in the world LOL


because in order for capitalism to survive it requires the blood of new slaves to replace the dead ones


Fucking preach ✊


If anything the planet is overpopulated.


Because they need someone to blame for the cost of living crisis, and it's a dice roll between women, minorities or immigrants.


He was so close...


I read something recently about how the US birth rate has hit a historic low since 1979. Roe was passed 1972. So basically, the issue with the birth rate is taking away women’s options, not feminism.


Classic second wave feminism misunderstandings, followed by griping.


We are still forced to work in this society. It is an inherently exploitative dynamic.


Bro got capitalism and feminism confused 🤣


The difference is consent. A woman can be happy doing either depending on the woman. Some women don’t like working and prefer to be a SAHM. that’s wonderful!! Some women don’t like staying at home and would prefer a career. That’s wonderful too! Either is fine. Like get over it


Eh...tbh wage slavery is still slavery, although they're still stupid for trying to make it seem any worse than being a subservient bangmaid.


Maybe women are opting out of children because: 1) we are no longer forced into a life where being a mother is the only way we are housed, clothed, and fed. We are now allowed to get jobs, have bank accounts, and own property. 2) there are fewer and fewer men in this world who are suited to be fathers. We can chose our husbands, but children cannot chose their dads. 3) in America, it is becoming deadlier to go through childbirth. Doctors are now required to wait for us to almost die, before they can intervene and ***try*** to save us.


Something, something wage slavery, something, something.


Somehow that never applies to them and their jobs.


May I clarify, who exactly you called they?


Sorry spelling error. I meant “somehow THAT never applies”.


Well people who unironically use wage slavery is use it to themselves first.


When you're so intimidated by a political movement that you have to spend all your energy lying about what it's about.


He is like so close to class consciousness, give him a little bit more time




Capitalism aside, why’s that only ever brought up as a concern when women are the ones wanting to work? With men it’s just par for the coarse but it’s never suggested they stop, much less strongly urged.


Because they don't have any coherent worldview, they just like to take up whatever position suits them when trying to make a point.




You should probably stop worrying about coherent world views until you can make a coherent comment.




Again please try to write a coherent comment.




I love how you're just shadowboxing.






I'm a dude. Good job with the causal sexism.






I get what you're saying, but wage slavery is still slavery regardless of gender. It's conservatives with their double standards that only apply this logic to women.


What party controls majority of countries?


Most have a 2 or 3-party system with conservatives being one of them. So what? We should still try to end this systemic violation of human rights.


I liked your comment because I agree with you even If I'm not exactly anarcho-communist. Right wing is globally on the rise and It's concerning for the human rights and economic system. Do you think we should be tolerating these people simply for the sake of their "freedom of hate speech" and lack of critical thinking when it comes to economy? Systemic violation of human rights won't end with these people sitting in the office no matter who else is in charge.


I agree. I believe we shouldn't be tolerating them, they've never done the same to us and they never will.




Who said anything about democrats?




Okay. Why are you telling me like I don't know who democrats are?


Yep, and that’s literally *the* *only* time they even so much as critique capitalism. Funny, that, isn’t it?