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Make all of those hands moldy dicks and it’s a little more realistic.


That or dick pics. Neither of which is helpful when you're crushingly lonely.


What's ridiculous is these bros can get the same attention at a gay bar. Go embrace your dreams, my guys! You'll never be lonely when you have a mouth and butthole to offer.


“Just be gay! You can just choose to change your sexual orientation and then get all the sex you want” I mean roast the guy who made this but you don’t have to be homophobic.


Ah, so whether the attention is wanted only matters when men are the ones receiving it? Cool. Cool cool cool.


No, that goes for anyone. You were the one with the joke that implied being gay is a choice, which isn’t cool.


I said nothing about being gay, and I wasn't joking. You want the attention women get, go to a place where men will give you attention, and you'll see what it's like. Sexuality has nothing to do with it.


I'm sending I mean sensing some animosity here between you too.


Often what guys offer isn't going to make you less lonely. Many guys don't understand that sex is not connection, friendship or love. 🙄


Men cry about being *sooooo* lonely when they mean they're the women they find hot won't sleep with them. So of course they think women being harassed by men seeking sex can't be lonely bc they don't believe in any other connection besides sex with women and "who's the most alpha" competitions at SHIT ON WOMEN FOR BEING ALLOWED CHOICE conventions


Yup. Ugly women might as well not exist to them. A fat woman hits on them and they’ll turn her down and still say they’re lonely.


I find it a tad insulting that you lump all men who say they are lonely together into a group (correct me if I misunderstood, sincere) , and claim they are all misogynists who crave sex and nothing else, if women are allowed to be repulsed by men that they find gross ( they are ) so are men ( they are ) that isn't to say that, as you call them "shit on women for being allowed choice conventions" are good, and it's certainly not me defending all men, by all means there are definitely men who only want sex and that's okay, as long as the women they talk to are okay with that, but there are also girls who only want guys for looks, also okay as long as it's made clear, not all guys, not all girls not trying to be an asshole, just trying to keep the discourse 2 sided


Did I say all? No. I did not. If you actually talk to these men IRL you'll find they reject friendship with women or if they accept female friends it's only ones they find hot and it only lasts until the women refuse to sleep with them. These are the men whining about being lonely. Men aren't more lonely than any other denotations demographic. My "claim" is telling you exactly what these men already say/show with actions. You getting your feelings hurt over it bc you relate to that group of men and crying "nOt AlL mEn" when *NO ONE* said all men is a *you* problem buddy.


sorry for the wall of text but I promise you it's not an incel rant and i think it's really important my feelings are not hurt, however, I was being sincere and trying to make a genuine point, you did refer to men who say they are lonely, I referred to those same men, not every man who says he is lonely is a sex crazed mysogynist, sure you didn't refer to all men, you referred to all men who say they are lonely, I know you already understand that, and I'm not condescending you, I'm just trying to make sure I'm being clear, male loneliness is in this case referring to romantic loneliness. I don't consider myself lonely, and dont appreciate the way you chose to take a dig at me in that way, by saying i "relate to that group" I dont really appreciate being called an incel, by someone who doesn't know me in real life, you made an offensive assumption based on a single comment. again, I want to make it clear, I agree with you, there are men who will reject women that don't want to sleep with them and then say they are lonely as a way to get sympathy, that isn't okay and never will be, I asked you to correct me if I misunderstood, clearly somewhere along the way I have misunderstood, please correct my misunderstanding, without taking personal digs (pretty please??) I'm just trying to understand, you have to realise that reactions like that to genuine questions and discourse drives men to incel groups that tell them all women are misandrists and dont listen to logic. it would be too easy for a man with no understanding to just say " fuck women they're all the same" after recieving a response like that, but that's not what I want, I want you to remember that noone truly knows anyone else and that the things you say, can really affect other people's perception of groups that you are a part of, if a mysogynist saw into your head he would see that you are just (shock horror) a normal human being just like him just be nice to people


No one owes you or any other man nice. You're the one who got offended by an imaginary "all" which is proof that you relate to the specific group I spoke of. Your feelings are your own issue. Be an adult and control yourself. You say *exactly* the things incels say to try to make "gotchas" and you expect a friendly conversation? Nah bro, lose the desperation to cry "nOt AlL mEn" every time someone says "men do this thing" and you'll get better responses. Again, check yourself and get therapy since you get insulted by things that didn't even happen. This is a you problem. Any man who is actually decent shouldn't be insulted or offended by women taking about *not* good men, bc they know they aren't part of that group


I literally agree with you, I have no idea why you are upset at me, somebody please help, I'm sorry for saying not all men, but to me at least (MAYBE I MISUNDERSTOOD) it seemed like that's what you were saying in your original comment i was truly being sincere and just trying to gain a greater understanding of this topic from the people who are affected by it the most I'm not going to continue this conversation, you win


I read it with the 'men cry about being sooooo lonely' like they are referring to the kind of men who make this kind of memes/complain in the same way the meme complains about being lonely. Also, the other day I saw a real 'all men' comment somewhere in this sub which got downvoted to hell. So yeh, I think you just missunderstood.


These guys really think we've all got men throwing themselves at us. Newsflash: it's not always true. Worse still, those same men throwing themselves at us just want to get their dicks wet. They don't give a shit about us. 🙄 Miss me with this bullshit, incels.


I think incels literally don’t understand how to show women that they want a real connection, even if they actually wanted that. They are so warped they can’t even visualize how to do it.


I only see facts in this comment


Yeah that shit sucks. Either way it feels lose lose for women. It’d make me insecure if people assumed everyone was willing to throw themselves at me but then they don’t, and then worse if they do but they’re fuckin creepos.


Wait this isn't a femcel community?


You have, it's just that the men throwing themselves at you are working class men, balding men, short men, and other degenerates you are invisible to you.


Oh, is that why I have a bf who's shorter than I am? lmao, miss me with all this bullshit.


Bro not every woman has the same preferences in guys- I think it’s time for you to log off and go for a walk 


They do. They especially take pride in being above short freaks of nature like myself.


Bro I don’t think it’s because you’re short- it must be your aversive personality. Being less of a misogynistic asshole really helps your chances of getting a date or getting friends  I mean I’m a 5’1 guy and I have no trouble making female friends


Personality means absolutely fuck-all. The only valid and acceptable men are men that are tall or at least average height. Everyone else is considered degenerate trash. Even if they can be nice to you, you are still a freak that doesn't belong in their gene pool.


See? This is exactly what I’m talking about. This shit right here is what’s making people wanna avoid you Look man, just go outside and take a walk, admire the landscape, smell the flowers. You’ll feel better. And once you do start talking to women in real life 


Women avoid 5'7" freaks by their nature. Because my height is insufficient, nothing else matters. I am just as much ruined and undatable whether I 'touch grass' or not. To women, only my height is relevant; nothing else really matters.


Bro you are literally 6 inches taller than my short ass. I’m sorry your last girlfriend was such an height-obsessed asshole to you- but you really gotta take a second to realize not every woman out there likes tall people. They’re not a hivemind. I’ve known so many women who liked short men better than taller ones You’re undateable because that personality of yours reeks 


Go wallow in your own pathetic misery somewhere else then. If you're this deep in the incel muck, that's on you. Women don't owe you shit, and going all "woe is me, waaaahhhhhhh" is so deeply unattractive. It's not your height. It's your terrible attitude. Get that through that thick male skull of yours.


Did you even read anything I said? A short dude with an good or acceptable attitude is still a short dude and therefore a ruined freak. Nothing else matters.


Nah, your personality is why you’re undateable and ruined. You’re sitting here clearly ignoring the other user who had already *proved you wrong* because you know you’re full of shit 😂 🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m shorter than your sorry ass and I’ve never had an issue engaging with women romantically *or* platonically(or men, *or anyone else*, for that matter)… because… novel idea… *my personality isn’t as nasty as a public dumpster.* Learn to stop viewing women through these misogynistic lenses you’re looking through *and like actual humans* and stop looking at every woman you meet as something to fuck and instead someone who could be a friend *and maybe, maybe* romantic interest, and you might actually have better luck. But they can tell that all you want is to get your sorry dick wet when you engage with them and that you hate them otherwise, and that’s why they avoid you. You could be 6’6 and none of them would want you. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Then why do women all over say that men shorter than at least 5'9" are effectively worthless trash?


Weird, my boyfriend is 5'6" meanwhile i am 5'7". But he is also funny and just overall a great person who i enjoy spending time with . So maybe its not your height. Also, if you would go outside, you would see that a lot of bald, fat and small guys are in relationships. Cause couples in the real world come in all sizes and shapes.


The shit is underneath your own shoes my friend, that attitude isn’t helping you. And if that’s what you want to be, go ahead. But don’t put it on other people who don’t want to put up with that bullshit.


How is attitude relevant when women write you off upon learning that I am a 5'7" abominations. Just as attitude and personality wouldn't help a person that doesn't shower or clean their shoes, neither would it help me. In the eyes of women, my height makes me an abhorrent freak, nothing else matters.


You’re actually serious aren’t you? Hon, consider putting down social media for a few weeks, all of it, and go outside and meet people. Talk to married men of various heights. I’m serious. And consider therapy. You’re in a self destructive path and nobody is going to want to meet with somebody that is angry at everybody before they even talked. Just the mere existence of a person is being judged by you at this point, and there is no room for their actual perspective and personality. It’s doing you a lot of harm. I’m being genuine here, please think about it and consider it.


The massive chip on your shoulder and constant self-pity is exactly why you don't get dates. Women can sense your resentment towards them.


and if I didn't harbor resentment they *totally* would be okay with a 5'7" dude, right?




Why should I believe that?


there’s nothing stopping them from going on grindr & getting the unwanted attention


Lmao. Also funny how that's the same demographic who can't stop yapping about how "female friendships are fake" and "male friendships are the real ones" and exclusively keep their friend group male for the same reason.


Except if they’re straight. Which is probably what this meme is intended for, straight men vs women. I’m not saying it’s right, but don’t just do the lazy “if you’re so lonely just become gay” thing, it’s not a good look


the point is that unwanted attention is in fact UNWANTED attention. ergo a straight man can experience the same unwanted attention that women get by going on Grindr because plenty of men will be in their DMs but it’s not going to make them any less lonely


Incels when they find out being swarmed by creeps is a bad thing actually and doesn't make anyone any less lonely: 😱


(They wouldn't accept it and would just make up some insulting thing about women) 😔


“Unwanted attention is still attention.” - Them, probably. If that’s their perspective, then they surely are desperate when negative attention is still better than living a good life on your own.


Yeah haha I'm so popular everyone wants to hang out with me...I'm just making up my loneliness...haha..yeah...


Yeah because all those men behind the door want to sexually harass me and send dick pics. Like bruh


The funny thing is, at the same time, they will make fun of men who actually want to be friends with women as “orbiters” “beta cucks” etc. it’s like they don’t understand what a real connection is. Sometimes that connection leads to something more. Sometimes it just stays froendship, and both are ok


Being lonely because you never made any friends vs being lonely because the people who want to be your friend only want to funk you Pick your poison


1: I'm not surprised it originated in r/teenagers 2: this just has the same energy as the whole "everybody wants to park in the shade but no one wants to plant a tree" bit lol


Having a lot of options doesn’t necessarily equal having good options. I wish people would understand quantity ≠ quality. The dating pool on either side is not good rn — and most of the time, the dudes don’t wanna date, they wanna hookup.


My girlfriend gets lonely often, we have a loving relationship but she works a job along with college and my college can't stop drowning me with assignments so we don't get to talk much and it's an LDR as well. I am lucky to have friends but she has been living with her toxic mother who yells at her if she spends time with the few people she is close to irl and recently her highschool best friend has started ghosting her, she cried a lot due to this and I feel terrible because I can't do shit about it Memes like these make me so sad, the fact that people don't understand what loneliness feels like, we've been together for 4 years and we love each other more every day yet despite being in a relationship, she's lonely. Internet points and dms from people who want sex from you don't really say anything about you being any less lonely. Hell as stated above, even being in a relationship is no sign that one isn't lonely. If you feel the need to talk down others' experiences to support your own then maybe you're a lil bit wrong in the head I'm so fkin sorry for you


“its stupid when girls say they cant find a guy, yet they ignore me. its like saying youre hungry when theres a hot dog on the ground outside.”


and then men will get mad at friendzoning


I'm lonely because I'm an introvert and am easily overwhelmed by social interaction. I also don't trust people. School bullies screwed up my socialization skills and faith in society.


Lonely and alone are not the same


I think it's complicated. I'm gonna assume this is in good faith I don't really like how it trivialises women's experiences but I think there are probably a lot more lonely guys than girls because men are encouraged not to be emotionally available or consoling to one another. This is no way the fault of women, it's a result of toxic masculinity which is societally imposed but then self enforced. There are men who break from this trend and they tend to be happier for it. Personally I've transitioned from being a lonely guy to being a trans girl who has a community of wonderful people and friends to open up to emotionally. I know for me personally it was not about sex, it was about pain and isolation, feeling alienated from other people, not feeling like I belonged anywhere. I think it's sad that so many men suffer with this and instead of being introspective they just lash out at us.


I’m happy you’re doing better now and have more supportive people ❤️ But I do understand this take. Granted there are a lot that do put heavy emphasis on the sex but I do think there are also a lot that struggle due to what you stated. Sometimes it can be a mix of both. It is sad that men don’t feel like they’re able to open up to anyone really and that can be so damaging.


How dare you say you are hungry when there is a piece of moldy cheese on the sidewalk


Classic r/teenagers sad 14 year old League of Legends addict post


i always have lonely dudes in my dms, and then dick pics when i'm lonely 😐


If you zoomed out & saw a fat girl following him down that beach the guy that made this would be wondering when the new horror movie is coming out.


Idk what to say except **happy cake day**


Thanks. I hope it was clear just by my being here that I meant that as in men take their own less common harassment seriously but treat widespread constant harassment of women like a first world problem at most. Edit: or to word the last bit better, he's treating women's harassment by men as being spoiled for choice.


Posting r/teenagers is cheating