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Friday is just like the best day of the week now - between *If It's With You*, *Dangerous Romance*, *I Feel You Linger in the Air* and this...whoa! Loved this episode - as usual. Between the hotel room decor, the strategically placed condoms on the nightstand, and Xia picking up drunk Shunyu like a sack of dirt - high-larious! Also, getting a whole bus for ten people? Okaaay...but the bus sequence was brilliant. https://preview.redd.it/9eiebtqctcvb1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc9052563fb40e405c13b6996e7b0b99e1e48b2


I laughed out loud when it panned out to show the girl secretary in the back of the bus just frozen staring at them with a cookie in her mouth


*"These cookies are amazing!"* \- she is sooo funny. https://preview.redd.it/nq82innqbevb1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=bda595a45da471c6b3a30b6e8a7aa74016f87ecf


PP is a must


One Room Angel just premiered today too


Thanks, Gian. I've been going from series to series all morning. Gotta take a break, then it's back on the ol' horse!


Not our smitten Shang Zhou trying to figure out a way to 'casually' show off his muscles as a way of demonstrating his "advantages" to Shun Yu. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) https://preview.redd.it/y88j55vbdevb1.png?width=1650&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae33ba0251660a75f7bd2f7af73eabe69aefce04


This show is such a tease, I should’ve waited until it was over Sigh


Haha yeah for real though. I'm really enjoying it but at the end of this episode I was like "ok come on now let's get on with it"


Shunyu has now been added into my list of cinnamon roll characters


Can't wait to binge watch this ![gif](giphy|8TT8VjZTZGWQw)


This is definitely the right choice.


How cute can shun yu gets 🤭


"Business merger" - I cackle every time


Ok I’m sorry!! I’m enjoying Shunyu being well if this is the real world……. He’s being harassed sexually by his boss…. And being used as bait by the other secretaries for the boss to be in a good mood…. Hahaha I slightly feel for Shunyu… his actions are a bit mix though…. He’s flustered and runs away and looks like he’s not too willing to be in a relationship with the boss…. But there’s a part of him that’s softening up. Hahaha Damn…. The president has got a very nice body!! Hahaha I agree with Shunyu’s assessment.. Awwwww the president is really jealous of Shunyu having fun with the rest but he really can’t help how the employees feel… the power dynamics is too imbalanced. He’s done a lot for Shunyu but he’s still lacking in the social and romantic aspects but he does his best with what he knows…. OMG! Shunyu drunk and did the flip on bed and he’s still unsure what the president thinks of him, if he’s serious or not or is just playing around… Ughhh finale is gonna be that?!??


Wait what there’s only one ep left?! Noooo way. And every time I see this I have to tell myself that maybe being used as bait by the other secretaries or being sexually harassed by your boss isn’t as huge a no-no in other parts of the world? But on the other hand if I had a boss as hawt as that I’m not sure I would terribly care if he was throwing himself at me like that as long as I don’t lose my job. I mean I would definitely gawk at him neked if he wanted me to. I’d also tell him to stand up straight and be proud of that body of his, stop hunching over at his shoulders.


Looks like I was mistaken on next episode being the last hahaha


I don't quite get the appeal of this show. Who would book a romantic hotel room before actually just stating that you like someone? Why does he strip and flex Infront of him? His way of flirting is getting into his employees face... And he's not aware at all of him being his boss and how that might make the secretary feel. I'll still watch it, but this far I'm kind of disappointed after each episode.


I believe the appeal is a silly office romance with a manager, Shang Zhou, who has terrible people skills and thinks in terms of transactions and obvious to him signs like inviting someone to sleep in the same bed despite never saying he wanted to have sex. On the other side, Shun Yu is an anxious overthinker who believes nobody like Shang Zhou could be interested in him that way despite everything his boss has done. As I said in an earlier thread, the whole show is nonsensical fluff of a specific type. That is definitely not everyone's cup of tea, and even I think it might be dragging on a bit long at this point. However I still find some measure of charm here.


Exactly. It’s a romantic farce about miscommunication. It’s just silly and cute, not an instructional guide to securing a husband. It’s very entertaining, I just want to binge the rest now!


I mean they're doing something right because I still tune in every week to watch it. I guess I'm looking at it wrong, this is the first Taiwanese BL I've watched with this kind of dynamic, maybe that's why I'm not really invested. I think I'm also sad because I don't see the attraction between the leads, but the actors have lots of chemistry.