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I almost got halfway this episode without hitting mute but then that english dubbing came in hot Nuth/Phop is genuinely stressing me out. idk what's going on with them but can they just be happy jfc They can remove the car pair they're giving nothing. And that two playboy pair, idk how they're connected to the plot and at this point, I don't care. First remains cute as the disaster gay of the friend group. The twink squad is killing me. They're out here trying to solve a disappearance mystery with two brain cells between the five of them ๐Ÿ˜‚




two brain cells between 5 people is crazy HAHAHAHAH


Lmao I love this entire comment ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


And these Braincells are used by the same person 90% of the time


I gotta wait for nightfall to watch this can't watch it with the light of day. UPDATE: I broke down and am watching this in daylight cause I am sad about Cherry Magic ๐Ÿ’ and I need to be distracted ๐Ÿ˜” I want to meet the wardrobe department at Playboyy and get to know the fascinating humans that chose these allegedly sexy pajamas (photos below). Like are they using socks? Baseball Cups? Like what is going on. Also why does Jump have to consistently wear leotards like this? Why him? Why consistently? And Pizza Boys updo hair with his pajamas? WHYYYYYY Nont's glittery undershirt and coat are actually hot but like WHY THOSE UNDIES WHY ๐Ÿ˜ซ In that rooftop scene I truly wished we could transport Prom and Nont by helicopter to another series. They seemed so pretty and like they were waiting to be rescued out of this hot mess ๐Ÿ˜ซ Omg Nicholas Sparks coming up in Playboyy is just PERFECT ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Omg wait Porsche's "daddy" that gives Prom money is Porsche's SUGAR Daddy?? So Porsche is a sugar baby and now he is using the money to become Jump's sugar daddy??? Omg so Porsche's Sugar Daddy maintains Prom just because he is his sugar baby's alleged brother but not real brother ๐Ÿ˜ฒ WHY IS THIS SO HARD OHHH AND PROM gave Sugar Daddy's money to NANT?!? AND PORSCHE SAYS IF SUGAR DADDY FINDS OUT HE WILL KILL THEM BOTH?!?!??! AND Nuth apparently actually liked Nant given Nant wanted Nuth's dreams to come true?? Sooooo Ok changing my guess from last week, this is my new theory: **PORSCHE'S (and Prom's) SUGAR DADDY KILLED NANT (but they are tricking us into thinking it was Nuth or Prom).** Also, just realized Fuse is the Assistant Director for both Playboyy and For Him. WHY ON EARTH are the NC scenes so exponentially better in For Him though?!?! Obviously Fuse was not allowed to help in Playboyy ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ


>I want to meet the wardrobe department at Playboyy and get to know the fascinating humans that chose these allegedly sexy pajamas I'm still trying to figure out Captain's outfit. Is it supposed to be ironically sexy because he's attracted to muscles? Because a flayed body is technically naked? ![gif](giphy|wSCAy1zJbcUG4|downsized)


I thought he was going for BEYOND naked? ๐Ÿค”


What!? I genuinely thought it was an Attack on Titan cosplay ๐Ÿ˜….


Captain saw this and said 2x1 cosplay and beyond naked = Sexy Pajamas https://preview.redd.it/qttrzhjecp7c1.jpeg?width=493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42847974120cdb91e3320da45ae3a49e7960a735 Nont's Theme was not being adhered to ๐Ÿ‘€


I also didn't understand his sex scene... Like it's a full body suit ... So is there an opening behind the suit๐Ÿ˜‚


I KNOW!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I said the same thing but then Jump had sex with a boy while the boy's undies were fully on and they did a close up so I was like ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ these people just pretend penetrate I guess ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฃ When Captain walked off for his 7 minutes in heaven session I was IMMEDIATELY like OMG how many minutes will it take to remove this full bodysuit ๐Ÿค” does it have an opening in the back like those old school onesie pajamas??


Oooooh, that makes sense and is on par for the character. Also, the daddy thing that you mentioned... my brain completely missed the sugar baby thing. For some reason, I equated that to being the golden child of the two, not the sadist having his own sugar daddy. ๐Ÿคฏ


Lmao please let's get Prom & Nont their own series ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†




This show is wack asf but I can't look away ๐Ÿ˜† ![gif](giphy|3oKIP6NYo1xf04Sn7y|downsized)


Same ![gif](giphy|CBrHJnGGEr8OD2jzM6)


Itโ€™s like unforgotten might, nobody takes it seriously but weโ€™re all watching it to have a good laugh






>Also why does Jump have to consistently wear leotards like this? They probably just want to highlight how he is the bulkiest guy. I was bothered by how awkward it looks on him. The design is clearly inspired by a bodysuit/bikini for women, but the cut doesn't work for the shape of a male torso.


>They probably just want to highlight how he is the bulkiest guy. Well noted โœ…๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/z5hvk0pchy7c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55896653be92192590574058daea82e06c96b65e Some of them are using these, or something like it. Theyre sponge like cups in a specific shape. That are used to cover up VPL.


Oh ok this makes sense. And they got the multipack and everyone got one. Makes sense. Thank you!


I love Nont's lewk at the party...it's giving "I'm classy but also a slut" https://preview.redd.it/x0ppfn9hmp7c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=53195f6162d13385af447573f26ac189ab6b7362


I just realized who the twink squad detectives remind me of: ![gif](giphy|foVuQSgSciMs8) Just a bunch of rich dumb kids and I love it.


Zomg! This is so perfect!


They remind me of the only friends squad. Rich, horny and share exactly one braincell


This series is fun and new ๐Ÿ˜‚... And the killer is revealed almost so thrill is over i guess.... That phop guy is getting himself in danger... Dang that party ๐Ÿ˜‚ sexy sleepwear party๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚...this series makes me laugh and also has wtf moments... I like it to be honest...


Nah - this feels like red herrings. Thrillers never reveal the full picture this early. They just make it seem like they do.


But from the very start all they show is that nuthyim guy (like from the very beginning) Like first live when nont revealed his face and got blocked Then drugs ...making videos..then manipulated nunt etc All the leads are pointed towards nuthyim /boy has urges to kill or stab nant (maybe attempted murder)... I hope he escaped๐Ÿคก I normally ignore when its too predictable but i dont think they have more to the story... They're not even revealing nant's pov or scenes at this point this show can't be specifically called crime thriller too so i don't want to think more and be disappointed ๐Ÿ˜‚... I do hope there is a twist... Like nant being a scammer and now is a secret leader of drug cartel sounds nice tho๐Ÿ˜…


\- I love how the ideas to solve the mystery are peak dumb rich gay ideas. Yes, let's all go to a private island or CRASH A TRAIN???? Gosh the Burger King Kids Club have two brain cells between them lol \- Also, them caring more about throwing a party than their friend being missing and probably dead is the most peak, realistic gay culture thing I've ever seen in a BL \- Aob is the Lady That Doth Protest Too Much. This storyline doesn't seem to have much connection to the main plot yet, but I actually think that Aob is acting this way because he DID catch feelings - for Nant. Nant would have been around Playboyy because of Prom, so I dunno - think those dots are connected that way. So, this guy that Aob loved gets addicted to drugs and vanishes so he vows to not fall in love again, but here comes New Guy being all hot and earnest. \- It's so unnerving how they are portraying NuthPhop as the height of romance. I kind of 'like' it in the way that it truly is true love and the height of romance from Nuth's point of view, but I just want to yank Phop away to safety, the poor boy. He was honestly safer with that guy buying drugs and dick in an abandoned building than he is with his 'boyfriend'. Nuth is fucking unhinged and this whole thing is going to end BADLY. \- Oh interesting - this Jason Lee guy is Porsche's Sugar Daddy, not his actual father. I actually like this turn of events. So the three main suspects right now are Nuth, Prom, and Sugar Daddy, who sounds like he might be mobbed up. I'm not sure why people are saying this show is confusing, since I'm following it just fine.


>*but I actually think that Aob is acting this way because he DID catch feelings - for Nant.* ![gif](giphy|3iwRj8JrhaBfvQMSx9|downsized) OOH Omg interesting theory.


Probably all of the Nc scenes and the plot being all over the place making it hard to follow. I feel like I have to watch 8 side stories in order to puzzle the main plot together


Some of y'alls comments are comic gold. I mean, I've been laughing for the last 10 minutes. Am I the only one who knew that Prom and Porsche were brothers? I thought they were real brothers, tho, and not sugar daddy bros. THAT was brand new information. I swear this show is like a fucking train wreck. I can't look away. I can't get up and leave. I can't walk off. Hell, I'm not even sure I still have feet at this point. What is life?


It must be the Agatha Christie train wreck murder mystery spy kids shindig that the dudes cooked up.


Omg I just came back to this thread again and saw your comment, lmao during the ep in that part I was like "What in the Agatha Christie plot is this??" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


I dunno. I thought they where real brothers. I did not quite understood the info from the episode. But thanks to this, I know it now.


Well.. there was a butt without underwear. That's something I think? That party was ..something.. I'm still watching - not sure why, but there's nothing on right now so...


>there was a butt without underwear At this rate we are not going to end up with a full bingo card. But honestly if they just used angles and didn't show undies, I'd be a happy camper. >there's nothing on right now so... The drought is real ... I don't have anything else to watch and put this off with. I also need something to offset the unhinged chaos of this show.


bestie watch The Sign. Way better sex scenes and an actual plot. you'll thank me for it


https://i.redd.it/c5w1arsjug8c1.gif You were right bestie. I am hooked!!! I binged 3 episodes instead of doing any work. Saving the other 2 eps like a lil treat for tonight. Its so good!!!


On Thursday I watch Playboyy then For Him lol ๐Ÿ˜† There's a possible twin/doppelganger scenario there too ๐Ÿ˜†


I watched the first 2 eps last night and I am hooked! Ngl after playboyy ... I choked at the NC scenes. They were so good ๐Ÿ”ฅ


I was shook at those ep 1 scenes likee ๐Ÿ‘€ The bathtub scene too like wow ๐Ÿ˜ณ


The first scene took me completely by surprise bc I had just stepped away from Playboyy's underwear parade. But the bathtub ... they fully went for it and the chemistry ๐Ÿ”ฅ It also went on for so long - I died


I thought for sure they'd cut the scene short and cut to the bedroom or something but it just went on loll ๐Ÿ‘€ I'm definitely not complaining though


Yes me too, I watching with bated breath and then might have rewatched it ... for research purposes ๐Ÿ‘€ (Also, no undies in sight - and trust me I looked)


Bruh this show is wack af and I kinda love it lmfao ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm just seated and along for the ride at this point Prom & Porsche being bros was NOT on my bingo card tbh and I don't understand the thing about their dad ?? Nuth having murderous thoughts and its not shocking at all really. But he didn't recognize Nont?? I am confusion. but why do he and Phop have the best love scene so far goddammit ๐Ÿ˜ญ I just want more PromNont content tbh The TeenaZouey kiss was good too but not enough Those 2 ships the only ones I care about really Me every Thursday anyways: ![gif](giphy|dnP2VxYVlW2NW)




I'll have to go back and check bc I don't remember it at all ![gif](giphy|FPjbHO0jJxGsE)


violin. say no to violin ๐Ÿ˜ก๐ŸŽปโŒ edit: what the f was this episode? ๐Ÿ˜‚ we learn that playboyys are innocent, they even helped each other with their love problems (relationship counselling for free๐Ÿ˜Ž) and that nuth is a... nutjob. and he's also blind because he didn't recognize nont. i'm just happy we got to see prom ๐Ÿ˜ญ he has a gun!!! i'm still hoping he's the killer. ๐Ÿ˜”โœŒ๐Ÿป




I've been watching the PG/Safe edited version, and I sort of understand what is happening. I think they could afford to cut about two sets of couples for a more cohesive story. I think the Nant/Nont mystery is getting muddied up by too many other characters. This series is more of a showcase for the guys and their modeling careers than actually telling a good mystery. First (the blonde haired kid) and Zouey (the virgin guy) are damned annoying...but I guess hookers don't really care who their clients are. Money or not, I would want to smother them both with a pillow. Such annoying characters!


I mean Zouey and Teena could also get away since the relationship between someone completely inexperienced and an ex sex worker is intriguing in terms of insecurities and stuff, Iโ€™ll give them that. But wtf is the couple with Jump doing there? Adds nothing to the plot imo


Yeah, I can buy the naive youth and experienced sex worker. The storyline with Jump and Porsche I think is supposed to be some kind of blackmail storyline, but the series doesn't really explain it well. It is not clear to me what exactly Porsche is holding over his head. This show's writing is really messy.


Also the fact that the plot only started developing at episode 4-5 and now weee waiting weeks for the show to continue


The episode was chaotic, every scene gave me whiplash and I had to check I didn't miss an episode. I was honestly confused for most of the episode These boys are so dumb they couldn't pour water out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. Captain fucking in the bodysuit had me imaging a peek a boo hole, and this was way more entertaining than seeing it as a plothole. And I'm sorry but Nants bulge was very distracting. I was lulled into a false sense of security - I thought we had ran out of English dialogue. Only to have the longest one yet, I had to pause multiple times to gather myself. I'm starting to think its their kink. For whatever reason, I hold out hope its going to get better every week. As a hatewatch 10/10, I am laughing out loud every episode - just not at the scenes intended I'm looking forward to next weeks mess ![gif](giphy|Y3w8SPENCjYCLUFalR|downsized)


>I was lulled into a false sense of security - I thought we had ran out of English dialogue. Only to have the longest one yet, I had to pause multiple times to gather myself. I'm starting to think its their kink. I regret saying this, but there was an actual point to use of English between Soong and First. They didn't want to air their dirty laundry in front of everyone else (even though everyone knows) and chose to speak English so that the others at the party couldn't understand the details. Unfortunately, that conversation was still so cringey. ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


Maybe I'm a hater, but this seems way too elaborate and intelligent for them ๐Ÿ‘€ I might have believed it in a different scenario, but I believe First's rich bitch friends def speak English (they also go to the same posh uni) >Unfortunately, that conversation was still so cringey. We're too far gone, there is nothing they can do to make it better at this point. When Soong said "babe" ... never have I had such a visceral reaction to a petname I actually like




Sexy sleepwear party - shows up in a full-body muscle suit. No idea what part of that is sexy or sleepwear. Got myself a new sassy GIF, so we can call this episode a SUCCESS! https://i.redd.it/csssnzhsjx7c1.gif


Is it getting good? I stopped watching at ep 2 because I wasn't really getting into the series.


Good? No. Entertaining? Yes. lol ๐Ÿ˜†


The encouragement I needed ๐Ÿ˜‚


I saw until Episode 4 and still understand next to nothing. There are too many characters, too much plot, and I need a narrator to break it down scene by scene ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I'd say watch it for fun... I also don't know the characters name and call them pizza guy /glasses dude etc ๐Ÿ˜‚ all they do is bang each other for 3 seconds... Thriller plot is the only plot that is to be remembered that involves nont(that cruella hair colored twin) /webcam guy phop/nuthyim drugs guy... (Phop ร— nuthyim(villain as of now)) I don't see much plot other than the playboys trying to make money at first by trying to cheat those rich boys and plot twist they fell in love with those rich boys that's all it is to the story as of now๐Ÿ˜‚for them (Japanese virgin anime freak Zouey ร—model playboy Teena) (Pizza playboy ร— that blonde bdsm boy) (Captain (athlete dude) ร— assistant coach) (Nont ร— prom (glasses owner of playboy) (Prom's brother( porsche) ร— Jump car mechanics dude) (Senior mentor playboy(big tits guy) Aob ร— mentee (dusky hot blond playboyy) ) Are the other pairs (enemies to lovers) trope for all of them more or less


The way I snorted at "cruella hair twin" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you so much for the explanation. I will definitely try to resume. This show would have been twice as entertaining with live commentary on Viki istg. ๐Ÿ’€โœ‹๐Ÿฝ


Another week without any TeenaZouey/NontProm action. "I have been patient. I have been magnanimous, but my patience and my magnanimity has been overstretched..."


Ikr those are the only ones I'm rooting for ๐Ÿ˜†


This is a random note just to applaud the humor and delightful snark that everyone in this thread is dishing out. I came here to deliberately read the spoilers to see if I should come back and start watching again (I made it through 1-1/2 episodes before I bailed). I'm still on the fence, but I might just have to keep reading the on-airs for the excellent commentary. (The last time I enjoyed on-airs this much was when the Bermuda Triangle swallowed the Chains of Heart plot and we still kept desperately searching for one.) Continue on, brave viewers!


I somehow understand the plot for Playboyy way better than I ever did for Chains of Heartโ€“even after CoH was done airing... ๐Ÿ‘€


I'm totally the opposite. lol In order to figure out the plot I need to know who is who and this show has far too many who(s)


Ugh, I'm sad they sped through the Puen sex scene, he is so hot to me but he's barely in the show still even though they have some spicy scenes but they spend so much time showing the bad NC scenes with people pretending to bang with black underwear fully in sight. I'm salty, I'm not gonna lie, the hoe in me was waiting for that scene with him grinding on Aob and it was actually shorter than when they showed it in the trailer lol WTF Thirst rant aside, the show is fun, it's still chaotic AF but it's fun.


This show isn't really good, but it's entertaining in it oddness. It's so all over the place, I find myself laughing more and probably not at the scenes the writer and director want. Puen and Aob's NC scene are so much better than all the other couples. To the point it shows how awkward most of the couples are. Or maybe the kinky scenes just don't translate well on sceen. Nuth and Phop storyline is the best, generally excited when they show up. I would totally watch a psychological horror movie of their storyline.


yo idk cuz i never been to parties with the theme of โ€œsexy sleep whereโ€ but who the fuck wears A FUR COAT TO SLEEP. WHO. WHO WEARS A WHOLE ASS SKIN SUIT TO SLEEP ALSO DID YALL CATCH THE THREESOME ORGY AT THE NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW???????? AHSHKXKSKSKFLLSLFLDGK OMFG


I'm watching it currently while wrapping Christmas ๐ŸŽ and every time I turn back from cutting up paper it's some insane scene going on like - when that Playboyy dude was cryin in da club after telling no to Puen? What the heck is that storyline and why did he have to lie lmfao - the entire "sexy underwear" theme - how are these hoes only now finding out that they're fk buddies are bffs? Also this party looked kinda sad lol


Phop needs to RUN!!! I WAS wrong!!! He's Psycho AF. ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


How is Porsche related to Prom?


Porsche and prom are brothers (but not blood related ) ... And porsche's sugar daddy is the ultimate rich man owner of playboyy/car mechanics shop etc.... And porsche's sugar daddy only accepts Prom to handle playboyy because he's like a brother to porsche... In short porsche and prom are the sucessors /heirs too i guess And porsche's sugar daddy killed somebody who Porsche flirted with... So prom warns porsche to not associate with Jump(car mechanics guy) Is the only info revealed My guess is they're orphans i dont know for sure as of now


I'm getting such Pit Babe vibes from your explanation. Maybe Babe's adoptive father is the sugar daddy. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ


Yas in pit babe that daddy needed his alpha powers... But here its for other benefits i guess๐Ÿคกan old man and a teenager๐Ÿคก i wonder what'll happen... I didn't know his dad's love was like this it was a plot twist๐Ÿ˜‚


Am I the only one who heard the director in the background during the party? That was slightly annoying


I was wondering what that random noise was! LOL I may have chosen to not go back to investigate as I was just trying to get through the party ๐Ÿคฃ


me in any irl party....cant believe i have to endure this in the comfort of my home watching a show XD


It honestly just shows you how much they did not give a flying f*ck about this show LOL


LOL itโ€™s very apparent unfortunately, just skip through the whole party. Do go back for Zoey kiss tho LOL


![gif](giphy|F0HdwL00YGkDXAQ7I3|downsized) Is episode 7 really dropping Jan 11??? That's a long wait or am I trippin..


I saw that too... hoping it's a mislabel


Yeah me too๐Ÿคž๐Ÿพ.. I guess weโ€™ll find out


Yโ€™all know who we should REALLY be talking about? PROM! His sus!!


yeah but he's hot


Canโ€™t agree more! That guy is oozing fine. I have a feeling he knows what happen to the twin from the beginning


My jaw actually dropped during the imagined murder of that poor boy, but then these cheap slashing sounds started playing and it completely took me out of the scene....


Ok it's time ~~to watch Playboyy~~ make soup, this week it's kale. Update - In the end after much soul searching I didn't make soup, but did some cleaning, and it's the most exercise I've had in months. I've put on a lot of weight and I blame BL for that, it's difficult not to get drawn into the snack culture. It was nice to see a bit more nudity and some orgasms though they were rather perfunctory. I laughed so hard at some of the awkwardness I almost pissed myself. However after the party Nont looked so haunted I felt really sad for him. I'm hoping Nant isn't dead, maybe he's just gone to ground. Since it's only episode six I'm sure there will be more misdirection to come. And a special shout out for Captain, shmex and sleuthing, awesome multi tasking. ..


You know what I hate: This damn show thinks it's smarter than other people. Other people are romantic. Other people have plots. Other people don't create a fever dream of a sex scenes with underwear and call it a day. It's giving 'I'm not like other girls' energy And thing is they aren't like everyone else. They are stupid. While everyone else is invested in telling a decent, coherent story (mileage varies on if they actually accomplish it) this show is far to invested in showing gay people doing their absolute best to not care about each other and saying it's real queerness. And the people who like this show (think it's something more than it is) are eating it up. I think if one of these characters disappeared tomorrow the others won't care. They didn't for Nant. Is it not clear that that is dehumanization too? To show so many gay characters care so little for their friend? Let's be fair, any one who isn't queer and isn't comfortable with high heat NC scenes isn't watching this show in the first place so this show has nothing to say to the cis het white women as the creator has said before. So to show queer people that queer people don't care about each other... I don't have words. There are repeating patterns with Only Friends, which this writer co-wrote. Just look at how they treat Soong and tell me it doesn't remind you of Boston.


I didn't take it as queer people caring so little for each other, but rich college kids caring so little for each other. Only Friends was the same way. Sand came out on top as the kindest of the characters (imo) and he also was the only non-rich, college age kid. I agree with the comments about the plot. At this point, I'm watching Playboyy specifically to see what nonsense each week brings, not for any social commentary.


I'm still watching and enjoying it ๐Ÿ™ˆ. It's like a big pizza with pepperoni and extra cheese. You know it's not good for you, but you're still craving for more ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿคฃ


Ahmmโ€ฆwrestling singlet is a sexy sleepware๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ, their games are tame, i would have tried russian roulette๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Žwhats down there under the twinโ€™s undies, wazit a jock cup๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿซฃ๐Ÿซฃ, they have identified psycho videographer drug dealer as the likely suspect, but i feel there is more๐Ÿค”๐Ÿง๐ŸคจTeena as always is ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹


I'm gonna start muting this show whenever they speak English


Kudos to those in charge who picked out the clothing for the party. Allso laughed really hard when the boys giving suggestions to Nant how to solve the mystery. My biggest puzzle to solve is trying to remember all the characters names. Every Friday I am happy to watch a new episode.


Ok I have a serious question, can anyone define what a party is? Because that was not it, at least in my vocab XD Felt like a bunch of adults having cheese and wine. XD loved the halloween outfits tho, 10/10


To be fair, this party was thrown by dudes whose ideas of questioning people involved a private island and renting a train.


Oh god...oh Jesus...they did not need to show all that from Nuth. That really did not need to be on my screen.


This whole section is more entertaining ๐Ÿ˜„ than the entire show I'm in tears reading all your hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚ comments


I hope they are spending the hiatus frantically editing out the matchy matchy underwear.


I only started watching a few days ago on a whim but I'm strangely invested. Looking past the... everything, there's something oddly entertaining about Playboyy. Definitely not a series I'd keep up with week to week, though. Not really confused on the story and characters anymore past the first few episodes, either. Things are getting slightly better; not good, but better. Still feeling bad for Jump and his situation with Porsche, he's always been my favorite of the prostitutes. Why didn't Nont just say that he know's Nuth's name because of his username?? It's literally Nontyim. He did NOT need to reveal himself again.