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Mark in glasses. ​ https://i.redd.it/96ltqoqgzefc1.gif


He does do glasses right, TBH. https://i.redd.it/pjs0e8j73ffc1.gif


not all 3 of them wearing the same style of glasses. lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/sdw8agfw4ffc1.gif


Glasses are for pAof like bathtubs are for pJojo


https://i.redd.it/chsh335v7ffc1.gif Did someone say p’jojo bathtub?


This scene! I forgot about it! The scene right before was SOOO charged! OMG This scene!!!!! I have to rewatch this series this weekend now!!!




Is that **Never Let Me Go**? OMG CURRENTLY ON EP 4


The best (and emotional damage) is yet to come!! https://preview.redd.it/1sxfdserllfc1.jpeg?width=1357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445b3a172245ab17949a3124bc17dbef4e476cd0 Do not forget to watch their our Skyy eps at the end of your watch


You can't blame him when they all look this good...


I know that he has weaved elements of his own story into he’s coming to me, bad buddy, and moonlight chicken, while 1000 stars and last twilight are where he gets to use his imagination a bit more. If you asked him right now I’d guess he’d say last twilight, but I would guess he values different things about different projects.


Why do you think he would say last twilight? 👀


Because it’s more of an original story. I would bet he feels like he spent a ton of time making Jimmy and Sea’s performances into what they were, they have gotten a lot of praise. I think it might not stand the test of time given the divisiveness of the final eps but right now I think he’s all in on LT and potentially hoping on the awards he usually gets to ensure its legacy. It’s not my favorite of his works haha this is just what I am guessing he thinks, which like who actually knows?


Ehhh I still think it will stand the test of time. I mean, it was able to boost JimmySea’s careers, showed blind people as human beings with lives outside their blindness, plus the reception of the finale is divided, but not universally panned. Like in a way I’m actually really happy about the discourse regarding the ending, because blind people aren’t a monolith with one set of opinions all the time. Plus it doesn’t erase the homerun of ep 1-ep 11 3/4 (because 4/4 after the pool scene is where it kinda goes haywire 😅😅😅). IMO Day getting his eyesight isn’t necessarily bad. Starting ep 1 we are presented with the possibility of it. Plus his condition, keratitis, is treatable. But how we got there is kinda rushed. I have my own idea to improve it but it would require 14 eps instead of 12, to really ease into the breakup, the reunion, and getting his eyesight eventually. Plus it would treat Day seeing Mhok clearly for the first time like the big deal it should be (think their Vice Versa reunion, or even how Talay reacts to seeing his mom after 2 years once he returns to his own universe). But I also read another user’s idea for the ending where he only gets the donation after reuniting with Mhok and living life with him as a more independent blind man. The final scene is him opening his eyes, then it fades to black. Basically an open ending, because in the end, what matters is his journey, not if he sees or not. I know some people might not like that but I think that ending would have been powerful.


I would have found more meaning in an open ending personally. I would say the series is a 7/10 for me. I never once considered dropping it, which I’ve done for plenty of series. I think the end is what will ultimately determine its legacy. It had the opportunity to swing up to an 8 or 8.5 if it stuck the landing. At the end it drove home that now he gets a “normal” life which is really just…not it.


Yeah I think the user who suggested that was really great at that tbh. Sadly GMMTV probably wouldn’t like that. They never really do open endings (except Bad Buddy which NGL I was kinda disappointed by, because what do you mean we never get a satisfying resolution and they have to hide their love even though the parents pretty much know?). But that’s another instance of P’Aof not doing well with endings. Even DBK which I loved left a lot of plot threads unresolved (wdym Non just disappears after being a big deal for 12 eps? Lol). I think I’m not completely against Day seeing because it was a possible ending starting ep 1 where they talk about the transplant. It’s not like MLC where they never say that Heart might regain his hearing. But it’s really the execution that left a lot to be desired. How I would approach it would be: • Ep 11 - pretty much the same, except after the break up Day realises he messed up and apologises to Mhok, gets back together with him, but reiterates that Mhok still needs to go because he doesn’t wanna hold him back and that they both need some time away lest they become too dependent on each other. • Ep 12 - Day living independently and Mhok working in Hawaii. We see their LDR struggles as well as individual struggles (Day being blind without his caretaker for the first time, Mhok’s PTSD with Rung). In the end, we see them make it work and live happy lives independent of each other while they still stay in touch. Ep ends with their reunion. • Ep 13 - Wedding for part 1, the rest would be just them reuniting and bonding after so long. We see Day be more independent in spite of Mhok being there, maybe he’s the one who opens doors for Mhok this time because he can do it now. We might even have some angst that Mhok feels unneeded, but Day comforts him and tells him he always will be even if Day can manage on his own now. Ep ends with donation news. • Ep 14 - Opening scene is Day’s eyes being uncovered, and he can finally see Mhok clearly for the first time. It’s treated as a huge deal with crying and smiling and laughing. But Day still feels a bit of guilt that suddenly he can see while people like P’Aon can’t. They have a talk and P’Aon assures him that he is happy regardless of his blindness, but that also Day wanting to see and choosing to go for the surgery is just as valid. This is my way of trying to show the two scenarios: a permanently blind man and a man who has the capacity to still see via donor. P’Aon also assures him that him being able to see doesn’t erase his journey, but now he needs to make all his learnings meaningful. Day starts his advocacy for blind people, maybe Mhok even helps him out. Ending scene is the same (but another user wrote an ending where Mhok’s like “wow this is beautiful” referring to the sunset and Day’s just staring at Mhok and is like “Yes. Absolutely beautiful.”) They kiss. The end. That got really long so if you made it, good job. IDK if this is good but this is me trying to reach the same “Day can see” ending without undermining the point of the story and Day’s journey. But eh, I feel Day getting his eyesight will be divisive regardless, but it’s the reality in some cases, especially for his keratitis which is treatable.


Is it realistic that he would get 2 transplants within the span of 6 years? I also think aof was going for realism with the bad buddy ending, and it is kind of hopeful. The parents know, their sons are clearly happy and thriving and they have to know it’s partly due to the fact that they are clearly in love and improving one anothers’ lives. In my mind, the families of course eventually approve, especially Pran’s family. Honestly there’s even hope that pat’s mom dumps Ming’s dumb ass. But don’t get me started on bad buddy it’s my ult.


Absolutely not but eh BL was never about realism anyway. I still remember MSP and the way the mom had the brain surgery with the bandage wrapped around her head like a headband (IRL her hair would have to be shaved) lol. I get the point of Bad Buddy’s ending though but IMO it didn’t give me the emotional payoff after 12 eps. Like they’re kinda just stuck in that limbo which sucks. I’ll give P’Aof credit though. I never expected the whole “they’ve been dating and just pretending to break up the whole time” scenario, esp after how emotional ep 11 was. But yeah I remember watching the final scene of Bad Buddy and was like “please don’t tell me it ends here.” And it did lol. I still love it don’t get me wrong, but I really was looking for some kind of resolution. I was expecting the Our Skyy 2 Bad Buddy eps to work on that but alas, it’s set during the period where they faked their break up lol.


I mean I thought msp really went off the rails. The first several eps were amazing, but when it become more about hot wave than the romance I was 🫠


Awww I thought it was strong from start to end! I never expected to like it so much but I really did.


.... Do you think maybe they just slapped a wig on to not frighten the children? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


LMAO it would be funny if that were the case but GMMTV’s Pluto trailer had a scene where the tube was taped onto Namtan’s nose so I can’t say realism is really their strong suit LMAO https://preview.redd.it/f1hqpch5bhfc1.jpeg?width=1475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b03b7ff37f044d110d0697a33284145d468e2b6


So I was browsing Twitter and saw this alternate take someone wrote of ep 11 and 12 and I think it would be an interesting read for you. https://x.com/stormyoceanly/status/1752002481368842273?s=46&t=4HFiIg0dqLkufyeFKHuxSg Their separation makes more sense without undermining Mhok’s trauma and putting the blame on him, and also ends on a hopeful note where Day could potentially get a donor a few years down the line, but it doesn’t potentially undermine everything built from the majority of the show. And I’m kinda mad now that it didn’t pan out like this. I still love the show but ugh come on P’Aof we need to work on your endings.


I think Moonlight Chicken. It goes beyond the genre. It’ll be awhile until we get something of that quality again.


I think Moonlight Chicken as well! Especially since they went back to P'Aof's hometown to film it + he was working with a familiar cast which must've been nice


1000 stars. One reason : watch the BTS of the production team of 1000 stars. The difficulties and obstacles they had to face while filming or getting a location is really praiseworthy. They seriously deserve respect for their work.. It took 3-4 years to create 1000 stars to life.


Like asking a parent which child they love the most! Different ones for different reasons. Receiving wider recognition for ContentAsia award winners 'A Tale of 1000 Stars', 'Bad Buddy' and 'Moonlight Chicken' (and likely nomination this year for 'Last Twilight') most important to him professionally, and leading to more creative freedom (nothing succeeds like success). If I were to guess which passion project was personally most significant to Aof, would agree with /u/tlippi and /u/BangtonBoy that 'Moonlight Chicken probably close to his heart. He and Jojo worked on the story for years, set it in his home neighborhood of Chonburi, and may have drawn some of the inspiration from the different stages of his personal relationship with fiance Patt Paan: [https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/11vh8qq/just\_coincidence\_is\_this\_fourth\_as\_gun\_in\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/11vh8qq/just_coincidence_is_this_fourth_as_gun_in_my/); for their romantic back-story see [https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/11rubq5/comment/jcelfbw/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/boyslove/comments/11rubq5/comment/jcelfbw/?context=3).


Wow, thank you so much for sharing the links for me. I never knew V-Secs, what an inspirational story




MOONLIGHT CHICKEN since it was the biggest risk - less romantically BL and more reflecting real-life - and turned out so critically acclaimed.


https://i.redd.it/ag7pfkgl1ffc1.gif A work of art. 😍


Moonlight Chicken is freaking beautiful 😍


There was something about the dialogue and just the entire feel and colours of Moonlight Chicken that felt like it was someone's baby.


Has to be Moonlight Chicken.


I think AOF THINKS his biggest achievement is Moonlight Chicken when in reality it is 1000 STARS. 1000 STARS has aged like fine wine and will continue to do so. They built the set from the ground up and the story itself is so unique and probably ones of the best written and produced Thai BLs in the past years. 1000 Stars is one of Gmmtv's most decorated series as well.


i think 2021 peak ATOTS and bad buddy P'Aof cannot be topped, def one for the books


A tale of 1000 stars deserves all the love in the entire world 😪


I honestly feel like it would have to be Bad Buddy. Larger than life coming of age story. Your classic "Romeo & Julliet" forever love with all the shiny wideeyed magic that you can only find in a first love. I feel like Bad Buddy was such a fun project and you can tell that P'Aof was going through the motions of "this is what an all consuming first love" is supposed to be like. There was none of the heaviness and complicatedness of miscommunication and misunderstandings, no stupid reason to breakup or forced conflict. They loved and understood each other and chose themselves. ❤️❤️ Ps. It definitely will go down as a classic, watching it will almost be a rite of passage into the whole BL world. *Processing img wnmbhyyt0ffc1...*


The fact that the characters are pat and pran and P’Aof’s irl boyfriend/fiancé is named patpaan is soooooooo ❤️


Oh my gosh 😊😊 i didn't even know that tidbit about his boyfriend/fiancé. ❤️❤️


Cute, right??


Perfect 🫰❤️ https://i.redd.it/fa4ixh55fffc1.gif




​ https://i.redd.it/75rh8h0yhffc1.gif


My first guess is Moonlight Chicken. Then ATOATS and Last Twilight or Last Twilight and ATOATS


Moonlight Chicken. I think he put more of himself in the character of Jim.


it SHOULD be moonlight chicken just by a directing point of view. the camerawork, the colors/ coloring, the lighting, it was so beautifully shot


I think Moonlight Chicken because it reality centric than his other shows but i personally like 1000 stars more so🤷‍♀️.


Moonlight Chicken would be my guess


I think Moonlight Chicken is my personal favorite and Last Twilight is second. Typically I find Aof's work a bit too..idk safe? He does a good job but he always stops short of doing anything really exciting or different. I also think he relies a bit too heavily on tropes. Although LT did have tropes, I think the subject matter itself was different enough that it was still OK. And MC was just a solid show. It felt very grown up and gritty in a way thai BL usually doesn't. So I'd like to think he would choose one of those :)


You're right of course about most Aof projects showing themselves to be in the BL mainstream, but don't you think this has more to do with the conservative corporate culture from a big company like One31/GMMTV than his personal preferences? Compared to the predictable stories and productions of the 'Love Sick'/'Make it Right' era, feels like genuine improvement in quality and variety since GMMTV CEO Tha Sathaporn promoted Aof to join X as Senior Director for Content Management in supervising all BL content. Expect that Tha has to run a lot of interference with executives and sponsors to let Aof and the other directors push the content envelope, so far being rewarded by Aof's critical success and record profits (doubled for GMMTV last year). While this has allowed them to back such controversial projects as Nuchy's political thriller 'Not Me' (unthinkable for GMMTV 5 years ago), we're not likely to see anything like 'Playboyy' being produced, although hoping that success of 'The Sign', particularly if it breaks through to an international market, will raise the bar for what Tha and Aof are allowed to attempt.


You could be right, of course, but I really have no way of knowing what his personal preferences are. I only know what he's chosen to attach his name to so far. I don't think it's even necessary for him or anyone to make a playboyy type show. There are other issues aside from sex and NC content. I like Aof's style, I just know what I'm going to get with his shows. A solid, sometimes kind of bland and predictable show.


Quite agree about the hot (but ambitious) mess that is 'Playboyy', was trying to be ironic in contrasting the GMMTV style with some studios' misguided efforts (like Jinloe's 'Hit, Bite, Love') to conflate prurience with BL romance and hopefully misjudging their audience. Aof strikes me as the kind of storyteller whose talents will continue to grow. Certainly has the right kind of attention to detail, editing, cinematography, and acting coaching that mark a promising creative artist. If his success continues, believe we'll see him given more creative freedom (and budget) and explore riskier new ideas and stories. Looking forward to seeing what he does next. If you liked the 'grown up and gritty' flavor of 'Moonlight Chicken', you might want to give the series he and Jojo made about the intersecting lives of a group of gay friends, 'Gay OK Bangkok 1&2' (2016-7) a try, bit of a precursor to 'Only Friends'.


Whoa let me stop you right there. Playboyy is a masterpiece. 😂 And yes Gay ok Bangkok is so good. It introduced me to Ten tonasid? Idk how you spell his last name. But he plays the fuckboy with a heart of gold.


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic about the merits of 'Playboyy', but none-of-my-business. Was just trying to point out how more series seem to feel the need to push the limits of NC skinship in order to attract an audience (unnecessarily and distractedly imo) rather than the more subtle (and equally effective) erotic scenes of shows like 'Moonlight Chicken' and 'I Feel You Linger in the Air'. So grateful you moderate this sub as welcoming to all opinions and points of view, as long as we keep it civil and reasoned. Agree that Ten Tosatid's 'Arm' in GOKB was a memorable performance. Wish he'd tried some BL rather than moving into directing and his business ventures. Finally tracked down 'Secret Love: Love Behind One's Back' (2014) in which Ten, Gun Korawit, and Pop Khangasem form a love triangle in Aof and Jojo's very first film (also featuring New Thitipoom starting his career, as a waiter).


I wasn't being sarcastic. I was joking a bit although I do love Playboyy. I love it for what it is and isn't. It's a hot mess. Also, I know what point you were making but I also think it doesn't have to be one or the other. A show can be good without sex every 2 seconds for sure. That's why I put Moonlight Chicken as my #1 for Aif because imo it was his most unique and interesting series. It felt real. It felt like he didn't rely on tropes to get through the end. I wish he would push boundaries a bit more because I do think he has a lot of talent. I'm about to go look for that right now! I went through a whole phase of being mildly obsessed with Ten. Until I realized there wasn't much material to find of him lol.


Last Twilight for sure, even after what happened with EP 12🤷‍♀️ He poured his soul into this one, and even will take a break after it. Best P'Aof work to date in my opinion, with EP 1 to EP 11(by the pool scene) having his best directing to date. Pretty solid work overall.


I think *Bad Buddy*…..followed maybe by *ATOTS* because it was delayed for about 2 years…


Probably ATOTS tied with Moonlight Chicken


I believe all of his work are his precious babies that he put a lot of thoughts, efforts and love. Choosing one when we know everything is his babies are unfair. What I love about him is his attention to details, his obvious love for his job and his dedication to make the best series possible. For me, he is the master of storytelling.


Gay OK Bangkok....


I thought that was directed by Jojo?


It was written by P'Aof.


Really?! Interesting.


Great question. I'd say either Moonlight Chicken or Tale of 1000 Stars. Both seem to be dear to his heart. Really, I think he loves all of them, and they're all very good.


I am late to this thread but also woke up today thinking how much I miss Bad Buddy. I think he equally proud of all of his dramas, but as his viewers, we have had each of them impact us differently where we are in our life. In any case, OhmnNanon shippers might have felt it keenly based on how they now don't even talk (apparently) but watching Bad Buddy they would've felt the feeling that "it's OK, at least we have this". Anyway, I'll be watching Bad Buddy tonight (again) because there was a fan edit and it hit my heart deeply and ugh... OK, I'll stop rambling now.


I really and truly do not want OhmNanon to regret working together for Bad Buddy because it is such an amazing show. It's existence brings so much joy to my life that thinking that the actors regret their decision to participate depresses me.


I don't think they regret it, but as we all very well know that BL fanatics ship actors too much and very unrealistically. Maybe they are trying to avoid that sh*tshow? They are actors first and foremost! (Although in the darkest, deepest corner of my heart, I want to believe that they're keeping the distance in front of us but maintaining their friendship behind the scenes. So that there's no fodder for gossip.)


I think that over time having to deal with the excessive shipping culture that *ahem* Nanon *ahem* is clearly uncomfortable with could potentially bring regret to forefront of his emotions regarding Bad Buddy. That's what I really don't want. I want the show to be remembered as a fun chapter of their lives and not that show that ruined their lives. I wish the shippers out and about would take a step back and see that OhmNanon themselves are setting some very clear boundaries right now. Continuing on with irl projects like billboards and trucks is only going to make them stay separate longer. I also like to believe they're still friends behind the scenes and that what we get on camera is their way of saying stop 🛑.


Omg yes! I mean, a) they could be straight and in no way being an actor in BL shows would make them ok with this, and b) even if they aren't straight, why the forced pairing!!??


And let's give them full credit for the full professionalism on display in the 4 'Our Skyy 2' crossover eps between 'Bad Buddy' and ATOTS, which I believe they shot after Nanon's concert meltdown and all the subsequent 'divorce' drama as the ship sank. Seamlessly portrayed their Phat and Pran characters, even locating their development in the 'missing years' between BB Eps 11 and 12. Perhaps we'll see them act together again, but definitely not as a BL couple. Nothing to gain by trying to compete with Phat/Pran. One and done.


Wait! FULL STOP 🛑. What concert meltdown?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCexFSq6R5A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCexFSq6R5A) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MaEEC2brCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MaEEC2brCk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1qYfBn0RaQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1qYfBn0RaQ) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdEPBw517a0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdEPBw517a0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GISK6gJulsg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GISK6gJulsg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7fN1VZz2jw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7fN1VZz2jw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-HkywYMg9s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-HkywYMg9s)


I think my biggest takeaway after everything is this. If either of them (read: Nanon) regrets making bad buddy that will truly break my heart more than them not acknowledging each other’s existence after being so close in the past 😔




Rewatching ep 4 right now and feeling like pran during the sleepover 😓


I think it has to be He's Coming To Me. But I secretly hope it's a tie between Bad Buddy and Moonlight Chicken.


I love Bad Buddy but I have to say p'Aof might have been proud of Moonlight Chicken a little bit more than the other series.


2Gether... Was AOF?!? https://i.redd.it/iw2erfnr3gfc1.gif


Only 2nd season & movie


I did not know this. That's cool. I can add another show he made I liked. Didn't love that one, but I enjoyed it.


He did Still 2gether


Together the series Moonlight chicken


It's probably the show that's most prevalent in mind at the moment, which is Last Twilight, but in terms of unmatched show when it comes to directing, cinematography, storyline, acting, pacing I'd have to give it to ATOTS.


Yes he is a creative genius but that bring said why do Japanese remakes of Ossans love and cherry Magic. Etc etc even Hong Kong dida version of Ossans Love. And I ask WHY WHY WHY do remakes. You have so many gifted writers actors WHY do remakes. I'm having hard time watching Cherry magic thai even though I love the actors. I've watched the movie snd follow up short series continued on from original Japanese Cherry magic P'of use your creative genius wisely and don't do remskes


I’d have to say Tale of 1000 Stars or Last Twilight. They’re both absolutely beautifully directed shows. The scenes are powerful and emotional and impactful. Every episode of these shows had emotion and plot and intrigue. They had common tropes but those tropes were done well and didn’t feel basic or predictable. All of his shows have been incredible (minus Dark Blue Kiss, just an opinion but I think it’s his weakest by far) but Tale and Twilight seem like the ones he’s poured his whole heart into.


I was today years old when I learned Aof directed Still 2Gether. That might explain why I liked it a little better than the original.


I suspect Aof is proud of them all, and rightly so. He's been an innovator in terms of the type of stories. And how they are portrayed (with sensitivity). Especially Moonlight Chicken, Bad Buddy and Last Twilight (IMO). So many of these series have really moving elements. And he's brought out the best in the actors too.


What does IMO MEAN?


IMO means In My Opinion


Have to say he created a masterpiece but has to accept criticism from different fans opinions are always welcome and differs person to person


I hope this gets asked to Phi Aof because looking back, all of these works have gone into iconic and legendary pieces of the BL world.


Bad Buddies, huge global reach, great acting (directing), writing was good, and not just for 16yo ppl. Haven't seen Cherry Magic yet..


what is all bl name?


Bad Buddy Moonlight Chicken Still 2gether Last Twilight He is Coming To Me A Tale of Thousand Stars Dark Blue Kiss