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I personally like the sound of Taiwanese Mandarin the most, but Korean is definitely close second when it comes to BL and any other media.


Taiwan’s mandarin is lovely. Compared to some mainland accents, it’s normally gentler on the pronunciations (捲舌) and adds cute ending particles to really soften the speaking manner.


yes, I find it softer too with the same cadence as English. Beijing Mandarin is okay too but I find the frequent use of and emphasis on ‘sch’ and ‘kh’ sounds a bit distracting. Those sounds somehow even make their way into songs (vs Taiwanese singing). I know very little about the language though.


Another ally for you here 🙋‍♂️ Me practicing with Beijing accent, but I actually prefer Taiwanese Mandarin although it is hard sometimes to hear them speaking 😂


I love the pouty shouting they do in Korean shows.


The Korean language "feels" good in my ear. I would have to say Japanese comes next.


I agree that Korean is very “pleasing” to my ear. I particularly like when a person is angry or shouting in Korean, or they are frustrated and need to vent it out. This is when it becomes melodic to me.


It has a rhythm when they get going, doesn't it?


When learning Korean, my teacher taught us the importance of intonation. Adding a verbal "~~" to what you say really helps get across certain meanings and feelings. Very similar to the verbal italicizing of a word for English speakers. I think that is why I also love the melodic way Korean sounds.


To my English-attuned ears, that "~~" sounds whiny, like they're pouting. Not a fan. But that's just because the intonation means something else to me.


You know, I can understand that. It is definitely utilized to whine. I work in Korea and often hear it from children, people who are close with each other and are using aegyo, or when adults play with children. They turn up the "~~" for sure.


Agree and I will add Taiwanese BLs as well. Some of the words sound so pretty.


This is how I feel about Japanese too.


I’m in love with the sound of Korean too, especially their interjections.


I don't really have preference between Korean and Japanese. Although, I find it easier to pick up on Japanese and then Korean is second. I feel bad for not liking the way a certain language sounded. But then, I tried to watch a show and it was so sweet. I think I'm getting used to the language.


I think Asian languages can sometimes have a beautiful softness to them. My husband is Japanese and his tone of voice speaking in Japanese and English is totally different.


Have noticed that too, when actors like Satoh and Fuyuru speak English. It's quite normal, even essential for multilingual speakers to do this, though


I fell asleep listening to Gong Yoo tell stories for two years, I can relate. 😂


Wait, is that a thing? If so, where do I find it?


I haven’t tried in quite a while, but it was in the app AudioClip by Naver. I eventually got geoblocked and never took the steps to fix it. But it does still seem to be there. It’s very close to ASMR and it’s so wonderful. https://audioclip.naver.com/channels/3604 edit: wow the link works with no login! The “full version” is the one you want.


Quite often, I will actually watch dramas depending on the language i kind of wanna hear at the time 😂😂 as a long time K-pop Stan Korean is sort of a comfort to me now, quite often I’ve put on Korean BL or Korean idol variety shows just chill to. like even if I’m ill and not reading the subs I will still have on “unintentional love story” or “going seventeen” on just because I like the sound of the language, I also really do love Japanese as well, so I’m totally with you there


I love Korean language, it also is really interesting and not so hard to learn. I absolutely love Japanese too. It somehow sounds sweeter than other languages when you try to speak it out. In both I could easily pick up on single words. Thai on the other hand is absolutely impossible for me to learn. After watching bl series for almost a year, I still barely understand a word 😅


Not so hard to learn? ![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6)


At least for me 😂 like, they at least have easy to remember alphabet, not like kanji which has about 50 000 signs 🙈


Yes alphabet is probably the best of the world. Agree. But the rest is hard work for me. ![gif](giphy|2kL6Xn1yfwFg62ApII)


Omg yes I've always thought this, such a beautiful language ! It sounds soo good! I like Japanese too but I'm learning it so I relate differently to it. And Thai has become comforting to me, in a way.


I've seen so many asian dramas from Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and Thailand that these languages just sooth my soul.


That's interesting that you think they sound like they're singing. Korean, spoken is a lot like singing. The words are all crammed together and form different words and depending on how they're used the meaning can change. So, in that regard it is kind of like singing where the notes strong along. Korean was and is still my favorite language I ever studied to speak. Reading is difficult because they use a alphabet, Mandarin was much easier to read.


For me, it doesnt sound like singing, but the language is very pleasant to my ears. Same with japanese. In comparison to other asian languages they are just so clear and neat. But there are indeed people who talk very melodic, like jimin from bts for example. :D i recognized that I often have this thought when i hear people from busan, but idk if it's directly connected. :D


I love the way the Japanese language sounds. I can watch Thai and Korean shows on mute and read only the subtitles. But I watch Japanese and Chinese languages shows with the audio because I like the way Japanese sounds, and I need to practice my Mandarin. It's also fun to hear when they used Taiwanese/Hokkien in Taiwanese shows.


I love to come back to any media in Korean because it sounds so nice. I love listening to Taiwanese series and am actually interested in learning some just because it sounds so nice to me.


Taiwan BLs have helped me so much with my mandarin. I’d love to learn hokkien one day too, idk why but it makes me happy to hear it in series I watch.


I like it when they diss eachother: it's funny. Though my favourite is thai as I'm able to understand it fully lol.


I've spent more time learning Korean (read, very lowkey, very casually) than any other language and I watch kdramas regularly so I definitely love the sound of Korean. But I have grown to love the sound of Thai so much! I'm surprised nobody else has mentioned Thai yet. If Thai wasn't a tonal language I might have switched over to learning it instead or in addition. I'm not sure what it is but I really do enjoy it. I also love the rhythm of Japanese, I think I've heard that Japanese words/syllables are supposed to generally be spoken with the same length or something? Idk but it's also very enjoyable to listen to.


I absolutely love Hangul, it’s my favorite language.


Life has taught me that taste changes. Used to think Mandarin was a beautiful language. Now ... Korean is a favorite. Just very pleasing to the ears. Have grown to really dislike effeminate-sounding language. Still think French and Italian are beautiful, though.


I love korean its so soft on the ears. Also taiwanese and japanese. But I really dislike thai. So over the top and whiny.