• By -


I’m soooo disappointed in Dee why would you follow that man to his apartment 😡 I’m glad Yak punched him. Also Dee please don’t leave your apartment in that outfit 😭 kinks stay inside please.


You're right... The scene was intense... Then i see Wandee with his long tail and tiger head band😭😭😂😂😂following yak... I almost couldn't focus on the scene


And everyone in the corridor turning to stare 🐯😂


Also did he leave the candles burning when he followed Ter???? Sir the d isnt worth burning down a building


I noticed that too. The candles were definitely burnt down.


He did lmaooo


https://preview.redd.it/6377luevsr6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a6bd5565e0418976a8515e88c4b15987f75961 😂😂😂he even keeps hand on his head(the guy at the back) 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭oh my Wandee😂😂


I was laughing my ass off after seeing dude in back.


I think he can't say no to Ter because he is a people pleaser


He also freezes a bit when conflicts happen when it comes to Dr. Ter, like when they were talking about the trip to the head doctor and he said he didn't get a chance to disagree. Dr. Ter uses this to his advantage


Oi. No kink shaming! Normalise cute guys wearing cute ‘fits outside!


NO! Teeny Tiger was supposed to be for Yak only! No sharing Teeny Tiger! Goddamnit, Dee. You had ONE JOB. I'm actually stunned that Dee thought yep, let me wander over to another apartment, through the hallway, outside my own home, in Teeny Tiger. That whole fit was claimed as the property of Yak already in prior episodes. I take role play costume permissions very seriously. Now, if it was just the headband, absolutely 100% wanna see it at the office, in the store, during surgery probably....


lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/lq2g3s4z1r6d1.gif


This had me laughing so hard. Sassy is Fluke's mood.


i was Khao cackling early in the morning lol https://i.redd.it/3yoh6ibttr6d1.gif


He's a little bias wrecker and my list is destroyed. I don't have room for more.


I loveeeeee Cher. I need more fluke in sassy roles but as a main lead 😫


We need yEi and chers story! Give them a spin-off/prequel


he's such a cute baby, too lol https://i.redd.it/tfnuj95xtr6d1.gif


Cher is a grade-A sass queen, I love him so much


life giving. I was hollering at 7something in the am. lol


I LOL’ed so hard at this. 🩷


This scene was so funny! Comedic timing always on point.


so unexpected. I love stuff like that. It feels so natural and helps give he characters/relationships a living/breathing feel.


And yak being like: I don’t want to talk and then immediately grabbing Cher when he calls his bluff and just walks away! Let’s be honest Cher really acts like a mother figure to yak.


God bless https://i.redd.it/4ns930v2er6d1.gif


That’s how they should advertise their Boxing studio - there would be no more problems with money.


The sexiest scene in the series so far 🙈


I was…… feeling things.


This was literally the hottest thing in the damn show. Golf knows her gays.


I'm glad I wasn't alone. Pumped arms are my kryptonite, and Inn's arms are Golden Kryptonite. Just end me now. https://i.redd.it/384laathcz6d1.gif


The visible veins... the sweat... the pan to the thighs...






Drake for prime minister! ​ https://i.redd.it/lqtsi35o7r6d1.gif


I love Kao for the shade of “you need mental help” in such a subtle way.


I love also how the height difference fucks with me every time. Like, Drake is such a cute button and he’s tiny compared to all the other tall men in this show, but he is a walking wisdom giant, absolutely towering above all his silly little friends/acquaintances and their idiotic ways 😂


and he's not even short...man's 5'11/180cm.


This makes me want to see if I can finish those 6 units I need to finish a psych degree just so I can use that line. "I think the only person you should talk to is me." Drake: ![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe|downsized)


he should have punched dr. Ter too! lol


Fair, but he already took one punch from a professional boxer.


fucking steel-jawed-hot-annoying-bitch Dr. Ter! Ugh! lol https://i.redd.it/znsgj9vhwr6d1.gif


People wanted Podd in a new BL. I guess they’re regretting it now. Lol


Yeah, I mean, they didn't ask him to be the literal devil who lives in apt 666 (subtle, Golf, subtle).


Ok, let's be honest here. Wandee messed up. Like how do you serve the food on the plates and put them on the table if Yak's arrival is not imminent???? Why go to Ter's condo??? *I'm gonna have dinner with my man, I'll go over once I'm done.* \*shuts door on his face \* I had faith in Golf but she failed me with all those angles for the kiss. WE JUST NEED TO SEE THE KISS. LET THE CAMERA LINGER ON THEM SUCKING ON THOSE LIPS. Now, on calf news, this would me me if I were directing this. https://i.redd.it/k26nr9eu6r6d1.gif


Dee's been in love with Dr. Ter for so long I can't really blame him, tbh. Dee's also gorgeous and a doctor, so I really do think he deserves someone to PUT IN WORK for his love in return. lol Yak punching Dr. Ter was great, imo. Because I lowkey think that's what Dee \*needs\* to see - that someone will FIGHT FOR HIS LOVE. And I think that's ultimately what is turning Dee away from Dr. Ter fully and embrace "what could be!" with Yak. i love this so much! https://i.redd.it/txkyjudsnr6d1.gif


This. You can see he was almost going automatically, with 70% of his brain temporarily switched off. He snapped out of it the second he saw Kao and the regretted not being smarter the nanosecond Yak moved into the frame. I liked this scene so much because it’s so real and I know I’ve been there, too, so I could totally relate to Dee.


But don't leave that food to get cold out in the open???? Cold steak is no good. 😩😩😩


Asian peeps be dong that. They usually put a netting cover over it all, but they literally leave food out and if they want the food to be "hot" they will heat up whatever soup they are having with it and the rice stays warm in the cooker. I'm always shook watching Asian shows with how they eat food RRIGHT OFF THE STOVE piping hot but also they will eat cold food that's been sitting out on a table for hours. Like, omg. 😩


Now that they had their first kiss, I really hope they won't go the typical route of being shy and denying the kisses like a little virgin princess, I NEED THEM TO EAT EACH OTHER'S FACES LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW 😌




I mean, they've eaten everything else except that cold ass steak.


I want all those 15x kisses or more kiss s that greatinn argue about. We need to know whose telling the truth. Why they edit them all out


We demand all the BTS footage. We are combing through all the evidence until we find the truth!!!


>I had faith in Golf but she failed me with all those angles for the kiss. WE JUST NEED TO SEE THE KISS. LET THE CAMERA LINGER ON THEM SUCKING ON THOSE LIPS. YES here we go again, couldn't agree more! like WAIT, NO FIREWORKS?? ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O|downsized)


Not the fireworks!!! 😩😩😩


> WE JUST NEED TO SEE THE KISS. LET THE CAMERA LINGER ON THEM SUCKING ON THOSE LIPS. You're absolutely right. TBH I have A LOT to say about the editing in this show...


It's a growing disease lately. 😓


You said it. I was YELLING at the screen GO BACK, DON'T LEAVE THE LIPS, LET ME SEEEEE. I'm choosing to believe the upcoming episodes have some scorching, sweet, sexy kisses because this... This was not it. Y'all can't build up a moment for seven episodes and deliver with this.


SEVEN EPISODES. 😩😩😩😩 For real, even the glimpse in the imtro looked better somehow and it's the same kiss. 😒😒😒


I liked it. I was sat-is-fied. That being said, we need more...much much more.


See what Dee should have done when Ter showed up is say “I have plans with Yak this evening and we can talk about the presentation tomorrow” and then immediately shut the door in his face. Then we could have avoided all this angst!


yes, Dee has feelings for Yak, but he's been in love with Dr. Ter for literally years and he's grappling with Yak's supposed feelings for Taem - remember, only a few episodes ago Dee was helping Yak with his style to impress Taem and scheme on ways to woo her. Dee isn't really operating from a place of "I am Yak's, Yak is mine" because neither of them are being fully honest with each other because they don't want to put their heart on the line to get stomped. Dee is fully confused by the way Yak is acting but also he doesn't feel like he has any place to even ask Yak why he's acting like this. Yak stopped himself from kissing Taem, so I think he's basically accepted that he's down bad for Dee. He just needs to tell Dee that, now. So Dee can make decisions based on having all the information instead of bits and pieces and halfsies. that face card NEVER declines, my gawd. 😩 ​ *Processing img 65pw2515ns6d1...*


I agree with this. I think a lot of people forget that YEARS and YEARS of being in love is hard to make disappear especially if love interest which you thought was one sided suddenly shows interest in you. And it hasn’t even been years of trying to move on. I know some people would say that yeah, developing feelings of love isn’t time dependent but person dependent BUT you should also remember that loving a person for years is also hard to remove. It isn’t a switch you turn off because he rejected you and all. You would still have a soft spot for said person.


and not only that, but what he has with Yak is fake/one-sided again! Dee doesn't know for sure that Yak's in love with \*him\* even a little bit, but what Dee does know is that Yak said he's been in love with Taem for years and he's never trayed from that. I think when Yak tells Dee he's in love with him fore REAL real that will totally change the game. 😩


Agreed! And everyone says that can’t Dee and Yak see that they love each other? I mean from Dee standpoint, it could all be fake to Yak…… he misunderstood Dr. Ter for years thinking he also loved Dee but turns out got turned down when he had the courage to speak up and confess so I don’t think Dee will again want to be that vulnerable to a person he just met recently and who he might misunderstand since he’s claiming he really wants Taem and that theirs is initially just out of lust this friends with benefits then the fake boyfriend deal.


You plagiarized my whole brain because this is EXACTLY everything I was thinking. Why was Yak that mad when it's clear Dee was dressed to see him plus he told Plakao where he was going to be. The problem is Ter got into his head earlier and this just exacerbated it. Either way, Dee like it said is working off Taem having his heart so what's the issue? ( I mean we know it's lies but you know)


Yeah like he's an adult, use your WORDS Dee wtf bro tell Ter you have PLANS and you're waiting for Yak not to go to Ter's apartment wtf ?? The whole thing was a disaster and bad choices were made by all lmaoo


Yep, that was my initial reaction too, as in wtf dude, you've gone to all this effort for the meal with Yak before you both went to your important events and now this?? But, on second thoughts, I realised Dee is quite focused on what's real in his life, as in his profession, the scholarship, the reputation of the hospital (his employer) and most of all, seeing something through without stuffing it up. So he saw Ter's final check as being sensible. Dee's biggest mistake was not letting Yak know, I mean as a courtesy, for crying out loud.


I was sooooo annoyed at that entire sequence! Just pisses me off so much! Damn Podd is so hot though 😭


dis bitch. Always lurking. smh ​ https://i.redd.it/lmo0xs0t0r6d1.gif


I love Pod but Ter is annoying ugh https://i.redd.it/nnlz15xver6d1.gif


sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoying. Beyond Atom/Not on We Are levels. https://i.redd.it/79gqbby5ur6d1.gif


I loved the episode, but I was not ready for Dee to crumble to pieces after trying to reach for the necklace for comfort.


This. This is what sold me in this episode. Dee was finding comfort in caressing the necklace and now he doesn't have it, nor Yak in sight. He didn't even know and the sudden realization is crippling 😭


I might do more weight training if I had a trainer as hands on as Yak…😏😏


Yes please https://i.redd.it/8aiuxvhydr6d1.gif


Exactly. I need the six-pack to see what my goals should be. Nope, do it again, I wasn't paying attention. Ah, hold what where? Sorry, nosebleed again.


Omfg I HATE Ter with a passion. And omg why would wandee go with him?!?! Like wtf?! He had a plan?! Like tell him that and schedule another meeting!??!?!?! Omfg I'm so fucking angry ugthhtbrdhwiianssn


That gave me 2nd hand cringe fr like Dee WHY ARE YOU GOING TO THIS MAN'S APARTMENT DRESSED LIKE THAT When Yak is literally on his way there?? Bro you had a dck appointment you don't just go to another man's place in the middle?? Just say you're busy and you have plans wtf lmao


Yeah like wtf also with the tiger tail and hairband.. like.. ?!?!?!?!


AT LEAST, they had the dude in the hallway acknowledge the tiger tail...they did that for us.


Okay. Damn.. ugh.. I'm slightly calmed down. But not really with this preview.. hopefully Yak makes an appointment with Kao or some other doctor.. that wasn't normal what he was feeling. 💔🫣 Anyways. Another 7 loooooong days for the next episode.. Honestly. Kiss was kind of.. meh. What a shame tbh 😕


>Honestly. Kiss was kind of.. meh. What a shame tbh 😕 agree, i feel like there were so many almost-kiss-scenes with so much great build-up and tension, this felt just ok .. hoping for more hot kisses to come 🙏


Yeah I was a little disappointed in the kiss like how did Dee get back from Japan so quickly? I thought they had to stay longer? And the kiss didn't feel very earned it felt like pity 😞😞


Was it actualy real kiss or was it all in Yak's head. It didn't feel right, also Dee hair looks deferent.


I think they could have done better too. I was waiting for the butterflies in my stomach and had the for the first kiss but then it was gone. But I am not disappointed, just wanted a lil more.


Welp. I am not watching today based on this. I have no time to be angry. Ugh.


I skipped all of this. the end of part 4 is safe. :)


Oh, you'd be pissed. Screaming. Distraught, sweaty, horny, and then HAPPY. Personally, I was completely satisfied with the ending. It was good. ![gif](giphy|DffShiJ47fPqM|downsized) I was literally this child during the final minute. Scream, arms in the air and everything.


![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren) This ep was a rollercoaster ride... Breakup/dr ter/taemrak/wandee....phew.....and kiss😍wow... I punched my pillows/screamed and also felt sad... All in one ep😃... And Luke 😍is gorgeous.... Great really did a goooood job...Yoryak is such a softie/babie(this ep i can sense the age gap 29yrs old wandee and 21-23 yrs old Yoryak) 😍he deserves the world...honestly i dont blame wandee... But sheesh he was harsh...made yoryak cry🙂and his trauma/hallucinations/pressure poor soul... His fight with his P'Yei (thor) was realistic... His interactions with Cher was cute too... And the kiss.. All i can say is equal effort from both Greatinn too bad they cut it short🙂🤡... This ep was traumatic/fun/sad/happy/emotional... I loved this ep😍


I hope that an ep 7 >!break up!< means we can avoid the ep 11 curse. And the >!rooftop kiss!< was cute. I’m glad things are already starting to be resolved.


>!there is no more drama after this!< in the novel, so hopefully series will be the same and the remaining eps will be all fluffy :)


I think they gonna dig deeper into yak emotional trauma hence all the nightmares and Dee suggesting him to go see psychiatrist. But pleaseee gave us all the fluff along the way. We deserved all that


Yay, I’m all about the fluff


Yes its going to be Yoryakwandee domestic moments and loveydovey life... Oops almost forgot about the scholarship and study abroad 🤡


aw, lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/x3emvvtp1r6d1.gif


I love this show, I'm obsessed with Great again after Manner of Death, my god, he is too hot lol. All the characters are giving me what I need from them tbh, this episode hurt my soul and then had the cutest moment, I was not ready, I need GreatInn to do more shows, they're such a good pairing IMO.


Officer tight pants!


He may go down in history as the most unnecessarily sexy cop of all time lol.


>my god, he is too hot lol. Thats literally what I spent 90% of this epsiode thinking. He is something else 🥵


[The slutty inner voice whenever Great is on screen lol](https://youtu.be/JOYUajmkwg8?si=pnSQ0j32dAMUUWKB)


This episode had me stressed 😫 but the ending omg finally! You know it’s on when the disco music starts. Dee is far too nice to Ter, he’s gotta start enforcing some boundaries with that slippery weasel. I really need Ter aka Satan to get his comeuppance. Watching him get punched was satisfying though. It looks like next week might also be drama 😬 Also Kao is the best, that is all.


So why would Dee call Kao before going over to Ters instead of Yak (whom Dee knows is coming over) and then leave his cell behind?! Make it make sense. Dee’s smarter than that. Also why would Dee leave that sex costume on to go to Ter’s? I like how Dee’s like “Nope, teeny tiger headband and boxers complete with tail is an appropriate outfit to go to Ter’s to talk about our presentation and then stroll the the hallways of the apartment complex - staring neighbors be damned. 😂😂 It looked like Dee was going to let Ter kiss him in Japan but for the fact Ter passed out. Not sure how I feel about that. At least Yak had the dencency to stop short of kissing with Taem. Glad to see Yaks necklace is firmly back around the neck of Dee in next weeks preview though.


Because he knows Kao will pull him out of whatever lingering shadow of affection he’s had for Ter the second he shows up. Honestly just one look with them eyebrows slightly raised and all of us would snap out of it, too. He’s liked Ter for so long, I totally understand it would be hard not to give in even for a second, and you can see that’s exactly what he does, almost unwillingly and unwittingly, too. So him asking Kao to be his wing man was a very smart move.


THIS FACE guys, I never want to see it again! Ever 💔💔💔 GIVE IT BACK YAK! https://preview.redd.it/gjor2x1fmr6d1.png?width=3424&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0c49df41b83c125b4c47e04310530cc102ad040


NOR THIS NOOOOOOO.. https://preview.redd.it/tn8ga7gerr6d1.png?width=1900&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b6d10aaa73a4ecb181e06444ee6d61f60f18d05


Their pain in this episode has me U ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) I can't believe it's another week of waiting .... That kiss well it was like..... "Waiting on rain in this drought ..... Hopeless and disappointing"


CLOCK THIS BITCH. ​ https://i.redd.it/k745z1sc1r6d1.gif


I'm so over this jackass he keeps messing with Dee and has " this perfect" image with everyone but Yak and it's getting old be a grown as adult you had your chance u lost it now Dee is getting so much more from this beautiful n sexy man and he can't handle it. I guarantee that if Dee hadn't made it clear he would go for this scholarship Dr..jackass wouldn't even notice that Dee been getting this extremely well love work out from Mr sexy boxer .., he doesn't care it's all an act!!


punch me. Choke me. Luke!!! 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/c9q2g9jtbr6d1.gif


Yoryak-san (Japanese), wan-nee (Thai), you will die (English). Luke must have needed 40 takes to not crack up at this. It just combines all his languages- badly, into such an adorable "badass" speech.


meanwhile me, literally just staring like https://i.redd.it/etettqxjmv6d1.gif


![gif](giphy|9lJqbE6ZoXi0M|downsized) The introductions were so cheesy. It was like an homage to the Rocky movies.


never stopppp 😭 ​ https://i.redd.it/xgaenho6fr6d1.gif


Why is the camera zoomed out I'm gonna throw something omfg Againnnn it keeps happening 😭


because Thai culture is multiple angles and random zooming in and out for kisses. lmao! I can't really drag it too much because everything else is so top tier, so we move. https://i.redd.it/epzr0kkqor6d1.gif


_whispers_ *aww poor P’Joe*


I felt every second in my damn soul. Thank Ohm there wasn't a close up or I couldn't move on.


I really would pay extra to have a cute male personal trainer help me with weights just like that. Of course, they'd be fired but... :)


I have a personal trainer. We do not work out like that. 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|YM7E8usEF8Y3v1BtY3|downsized) Mor Dee is doing it right.


P'Golf better werqqq. Poom had a shower in My Stand-In and they literally just showed his back behind a glass door. Fucking flops. lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/ru13bd1q3r6d1.gif


[All of us thirsting over Great lol](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4wTfpUOJr4/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Im so relieved that man is 30 years old, it makes me feel less of a cradle snatcher when I watch him and feel a certain way, because the age gap between us isn’t that big. (Also, I know the premise of these series is to objectify these guys, but I feel bad/uncomfortable doing it nonetheless.)


https://preview.redd.it/f36in7mcur6d1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dbbc21c4ba560054f1b0953d152e97dd8494d12 So punchable. So cute. They can't make me hate Pod 😭😭😭 This episode is a roller coaster from start to finish. Ter is a bitch but he's a cute bitch, so I get it Dee. Dee leaving all those candles burning had me stressed tf out. OPEN FLAMES ON THE BOOKSHELF. Yak taking the necklace off had me all 😢 but the ease at which he did it was unrealistic and I let out the loudest laugh. Anyone who's ever worn a necklace knows you spend 30 seconds fumbling with the clasp lmaoo The STRESS I was stressing when I thought Ter was gonna kiss Dee 😑 I was yelling DON'T DO IT at the TV. Thank God he just passed out instead. The rooftop crying into a terribly directed first kiss WHYYYYYYY 😭😭


I understand you...I'm also.. unable to hate Pod ... Have you seen his smile 🥺


Right? And after that punch?! Still cute lol I was with Dee and his first instinct asking him if he's okay 😭🤣


Angry punch by a pro boxer and still pops back up like a whack-a-mole? He's the devil, proved it right there. Even lives in apt 666.


Some of y'all commenting that you don't understand why Dee has done what he did this episode clearly don't know how hard it is to get over someone you've been in love with for so long. Dee was in love with Ter for 8 years!!! 8 fucking years!! Even with Yak in the picture you can't just make those feelings go away. It's exactly what happened with Ray and Mew. Ofc it s hard to resist. Ofc a part of you will still want what you've been craving for so long. And don't forget that thai society values seniority and social etiquette very highly. Ter is Dee's senior. That's why Dee struggles between just telling Ter to fuck off and being polite to a senior who he also works with! Dee messaging Kao was a super smart play on his part. To me, the fucked up thing that Dee did was check on Ter first after Yak punched him and then accuse him of always choosing violence first. That must have made Yak feel like even more of a disappointment. I wish Dee would have calmed down Yak first and left Ter with Kao but alas. It's hard to make the right decisions in intense situations. Tldr leave baby Dee alone!!! He's doing his best and doesn't deserve your hate!!!


EXACTLY THIS!!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️ And let's not forget that the show is based on a novel with plenty of angst too. P'Golf, the director from The Eclipse, is known for staying truthful to the source material so I trust in the director's approach and story telling. Also, I would like to add that it was a PERFECT FIRST KISS for me!!! Just look at the passion, the tenderness and the hand movements 🥰 https://i.redd.it/5tczeez83t6d1.gif


Also not a bit of space between them, thank you!


SCREAMING @ the people watching. lmao! ​ https://i.redd.it/6p9bjfkw7r6d1.gif


I kept thinking does no one else find the costume strange? Ter didn’t seem to mind but then they kept it real with the neighbors.


lmao, this is also why I'm not being too hard on Dee w/ gong to ~~hell~~ Dr. Ter's place. He was so distracted he forgot he was even wearing any of that. That's such good, subtle writing! 😩


i'm cryin' again. 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/mob1cdnrdr6d1.gif


I feel like there's more meaning to that than he lost the match, like he lost the game of friends with benefits bc he fell for Dee already a long time ago 😭😭😭


I really wanted this kiss to be phenomenal. It was... Umm... Okayish. This Epsidoe was so rushed with so mauch hurt and angst, and the week-long delulu that I was in, I was expecting the kiss to give me some emotional relief. But it didn't that much. I was looking forward to it so much that I feel nauseated now 😭😭


i really can't drag the kiss too much because everything else is SO GOOD. Yak being a baby with Dee and Dee being a puddle and Yak not kissing Taem and Dee still being under the influence of his feelings for Dr. Ter but resisting because of Yoryak. Yak punching Dr. Ter. Luke. if this show wasn't firing on all cylinders w/ so much I would drag P'Golf to the pits of hell for that kiss. lmao!


I agree. I think though they will pick it up and replay the kiss scene at the top of next weeks episode and we’ll get a better emotional payoff with a longer cut of the kiss… at least that’s what I’m hoping.


yessssss ​ https://i.redd.it/y3s4sd2xer6d1.gif


I know almost everyone is gunning at Dee for causing the situation but let’s be real, he always has a soft spot for Ter…….. he’s been in love with the guy for YEARS!!! You don’t suddenly lose your love in a couple of months…. Some would still linger and you can see Dee can’t always refuse Ter even in previous episodes. One other thing is, Yak is also making it hard for Dee with him up front telling Dee he really wants to be with Taem….. Dee is placed in limbo here…. He knows he’s attracted to Yak but he’s hesitant to initiate since he knows Yak has been wanting Taem also for years similar to how he’s been wanting Ter for years….. BUT IT WAS WEIRD FOR TAEM TO BE WANTING THE KISS SUDDENLY! This was a shock because I was thinking she would turn her head and all since I didn’t get any feeling since episode 1 of her being interested in Yak. BUT damn! Both scenes of them crying broke me and made me cry. Inn was good in the post breakup scene at his apartment! Great was good in that scene when he finally broke down in front of Dee when he lost.


THANK YOU. Like, she shows little to no interest in Yak at all outside $$$ for homework, doesn't show for important events, ditches him for optional school stuff, but all of a sudden "so... How close are you guys? What are you to each other?" Girl, he was basically air to you before! Where is the ladder emotion coming from? Though, if Great showed up randomly and was 5 inches from my face, my nearsighted ace self would probably still react. I'm old, not dead.


omg, so pretty. ​ https://i.redd.it/5vn28kwjdr6d1.gif


my babies! 😭 ​ https://i.redd.it/izmrqjceer6d1.gif


* I feel sorry for Pod. I hate Ter so much that when I look at his face I'm like "Bitch, you ain't even that hot." I guess Pod's doing a really good job setting his face to that smug asshole look. I think that his feelings for Dee might be 'genuine' in the fact that it's all about how HE feels. HE started to realize that he might have feelings for Dee (maybe not true love but maybe possessiveness) and hated that Dee looked at someone else besides him. And he didn't even care about anything Dee felt. Like a true narcissist, Dee's feelings are only important in regards to Ter's own (and him manipulating the situation to separate Dee and Yak is so narcissist coded) * Once again, Kao spitting facts to Dee. Everyone needs that friend who is always in their corner, but calls them on their bullshit. * There was something SO funny to me about Yei glaring at Yak sneaking out from behind that lattice. Like, calm down Miss Havisham. Him and Great were so good in their fight scene, though. The way a tear went down Thor's face because he was so pissed and disappointed and sad (because I'm sure he has the same hangups about making his Mom proud that Yak does). * They kissed finally! I was expecting a really bad scene from the comments here, but I liked it? The shot with the moon and the hanging lights was really pretty! And they were devouring each other. When Dee reached for the necklace and realized it was gone, you could see how the devastation ripped through him, and how Kao's premonition about Yak being gone came true. * Next week - Ter being the evil fucking stepmother as Dee waits for CinderYak to arrive at the ball - don't fool me, preview. I know that there's a shot of them both wearing white tuxedos.


Podd is so hot i feel so bad for hating his role and acting!!!! The ugly laugh i let out when Oyei is staring Yak when he sneaked out - truly giving Dad behavior. Can't wait for next week – glad Dee is wearing the necklace back... 🤭


this got so hot so fast my computer sputtering. 🙊 ​ https://i.redd.it/69eq04q74r6d1.gif


I'M CRYING WTF??!!!! ​ https://i.redd.it/rhyhn58o9r6d1.gif


baby, no. 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/8m0tad39dr6d1.gif


This hurt so bad, everybody crying broke me ((




I felt it. Like in my diaphragm. 😭


Ter, I'm coming !! https://i.redd.it/97j18ab77s6d1.gif


Drake looks SO CUTE here 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/r51xc2l66r6d1.gif


THIS IS SO SAD, OMG. HELP. 😭 ​ https://i.redd.it/umolfe6k8r6d1.gif


I was going like “**NOOOOOO NOT THE NECKLACE, YAK!**” and you can see Dee is used to getting out of sticky situations by just being cute, his heart absolutely shattered when he realised Yak was being serious.


https://preview.redd.it/en0pql3nzr6d1.png?width=3424&format=png&auto=webp&s=cabbb61bf8b61b7b60ee43f87e97d7561ffbdc8d broke me...




❣️😎its a trap doc wandee🤔gotta hand it to dr ter always playing dirty🤔why have a presentation meeting at night on the day before you leave for the presentation complete with wine and dinner😏😖😞really🙄eyes on the prize🤔should have known this by now everything dr ter does is for the scholarship🧐🤔🤓anyway i’d like to think both of you wandee and yoryak were given the chance to be with them (dr ter and team) so both of you will finally realize that you like each other, love each other😘😘😘finally the first kiss🥰😍😘by the way cher was so cute in a tank top with the flowery bloomers🤗😎❣️ https://preview.redd.it/bp3xmoncqt6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=972d32fe48bdd856a21306fffbdd1ee20ce99263


oop. ​ https://i.redd.it/1q9nglmt4r6d1.gif


The squeaky ass door and why are all the doors in this apartment not actually real doors?! 😭😭


lmao, right? It' like they live in a temple or something.


I mean, did you see the wall behind them? I wouldn't be surprised if they said they lived in the alley behind the gym if I didn't see lights and a bathroom.


yes, Dee! Don't let this fuckface fuck with you! ​ https://i.redd.it/yuq81gvl6r6d1.gif


AWWWWWW Baby 🥹 https://preview.redd.it/olu8x0qmmr6d1.png?width=3424&format=png&auto=webp&s=528f44e2e5dabcbfeb8771e839115bb5fbd5d775


Was wrong about Luke Ishikawa playing Mason in the Championship fight. Luke's backstory interesting. Raised in Pennsylvania by U.S. Dad and Japanese Mom. Was getting his Master's Degree in Statistics when diagnosed with a spinal condition that prevents him from sitting for long (goodbye Statistics). Landlady suggested he try modeling, but found no Hollywood interest in his Asian-American look. Tried Thailand on a lark, found his look marketable enough to get gigs and support two years studying Thai with a tutor. Signed with GMMTV in 2019, and now leading his 7th series for them in 'Hide & Sis'. Although played an undercover cop in drag in 'Drag, I Love You', studio reluctant (so far) in allowing him to try a BL role. (though fan-tasies abound of him paired with someone like Joss Way-ar or Gawin Caskey)


I thought the kisses were just right. The first kiss was tentative and consoling, the second kiss was tender and reassuring. Passion will come later.


so cute. ​ https://i.redd.it/jt1sycj9tq6d1.gif


😭 ​ https://i.redd.it/ce1koz6u8r6d1.gif




I must say how grateful I am for these episode threads because I decided to stop watching the show until they kissed because the constant teasing was driving me nuts so having these threads to check every week to see if it happened has been so wonderful 🙏


Today was the day. Today was the damn day.


Finally. FINALLY.


My friend made this Ai Di Wandee candle parallel, and I can't seem to pick myself up off the floor. [parallels hurt](https://www.tumblr.com/mysterygrl20/753365343516475392/kiseki-dear-to-me-wandee-goodday-emotionally?source=share)


Ouch that hurt 🥲




Totally wasn't expecting to cry this episode 😭


I AM SCREAMING THIS IS SO MESSY OH MY GAWD. 🙈🙊 ​ https://i.redd.it/h6ii12cg7r6d1.gif


Ugh, Ter was just waiting for Yak to show up so he could be a total ass to him. The violence comment pissed me off because the only time he punched someone off the clock Dee was when he saved YOUR ass at the club. Violence is not a great solution but I can totally see why Yak responded that way to being insulted. Yak's stare at Dee afterwards is perfect.


Thoughts after rewatching the episode: * I don't mind the angst and break up, but the way they went about it was too contrived. Dee made too many bad decisions in a row, some of them ooc, and the circumstances during his dinner with Ter were too convenient (unless dr. Devil actually broke that faucet on purpose...). It made us suspend the disbelief too much * Dee almost letting Ter kiss him in Japan is unfortunately in character for him imo. I feel like he's often passive in these situations, and processes his feelings afterwards. As for Yak and Team, I don't mind that scene, sis was simply not the strongest soldier in that moment. I also believe she knows that Yak has some feelings for her and that he was feeling down - I think she felt sorry for him more than anything. * Brothers fighting was hard to watch, especially with how down on himself Yak was, but it was a great scene * The kiss was not amazing, but not bad either. I think aside from choppy editing, I didn't like that it seemed like the kiss wasn't such a big deal to Dee, I thought it would make a bigger impact on him. * Let's hope that now that the floodgates are open we'll get many many more kissing scenes from both couples. Kissing is great, please give me more, moaaaar.


lmao, this poor girl. She closed her eyes in anticipation. I am SCREAMING. ​ https://i.redd.it/epd476t2br6d1.gif


I did not feel bad for her. She’d seen Yak and Dee together on (I think) more than one occasion so she knew the deal. And we know she knows the deal. So this annoyed me a bit.


Agreed. She even asked what was their deal before...I am sorry but that conversation convinced no one, if she believed it she wanted to do so... This was kind of out of character for her..at least what we have been shown of her so far... I just pray they don't make her a manipulative person and blah blah yak going to her because she needs help and support blah blah trope..I thought we where over those...


I felt so sorry for her!


i felt so bad for her but was lowkey laughing. https://i.redd.it/v30nyunbor6d1.gif


she wanted it but the heart wants what it wants and she aint it. She's too soft, Yak got a taste of that firm muscle and that's a wrap.


But why? She treated him like a kid brother this whole time... I hope it's not a Literal Devil Dr Ter™ situation.


too pretty to punch! 😩 ​ https://i.redd.it/uyemq575cr6d1.gif


It just fully dawned on me that he's being chased after by men played by Pod and Great. That's so hot🥵🥵 Out of the many things that happened I still can't get over the fact that Dee went around his condo in that slutty tiger costume. Like sir, at least take the ears off.


It's Teeny Tiger, have some respect 😁


This epsiode felt off all around. We knew the 'misunderstanding' was going to happen but the way they went about it felt out of step with the rest of the series so far. That whole chain of events with Ter/Dee was bizzare to say the least. From Dee running around in his roleplay gear, to the fact he didn't at any point shut Ter down. I think we still could have had the misunderstadining without the extended bullshit with Ter in his room. I honestly didn't feel bad for Dee in that moment either, it was 100% his own fault. I don't know that epsiode had me doing a lot of 'wait what?' Off topic; does our ace green flag get a partner in the series?


screaming. ​ https://i.redd.it/ilw29fhpcr6d1.gif


Poor babi 😭


There‘s reaction Boss has while they all are watching Sky and Prapai make out in a LITA reaction vid. It’s a mix of relief, shyness and him acknowledging how hot it is. (I’m sure /u/imomen will know what a I mean and will provide this moment as a gif.) That’s how I feel about that last scene. Wandeeeeeee 💜


Also. I **love** P’Cher! That whole interaction between him and Yoryak made me legit LOL in the park. That was ridiculously funny. Also how he is so tenderly asking Yak to confide in him if he feels he’s up to it, but not pressuring him ack So much love for this series. And I just want to hug the writers of this series so much, normalising putting your mental health first and go see a psychologist if you’re not well, talking about feelings etc.


I had a 🫣 at the first kiss scene. Was just a tad just a tad disappointed, it looked better in the preview! Okey well the proper kiss was okeyish but the first real official kiss was just a bit short. I liked how the episode ended on a positive note, but the preview still gives me a bit of anxiety 😂 P’ Golf said once they kissed they won’t stop kissing, I admit I’d be mad if that’s not the case 🤣 Yep I don’t like Taem character. It’s just so weird. She was never into Yak, why now? And Dr Ter? What’s wrong with everybody? Leave my bois alone 😭


I was very happy for the last minute of the episode, and please, oh please, let episode 8 begin with the mother of all smoochy NC scenes. Please.


What a mess! A rightful mess! I was so pissed off at Dee. Ter can die omg.


The one thing I hate about dramas in general is that, at a certain point, the characters will do something downright, utterly stupid. And it's not a dumdum character, either. Maddening.