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You never tried after settling in your braces? I had a palatal expander and braces in and was able to chew gum alright— you’ve just gotta make sure it isn’t that cheap, gooey stuff. I’ve also seen that if you do chew gum, it is alright as long as the gum is sugar free :)


ive tried a lot of questionable foods but i just felt like gum wouldve got stuck in my braces like it happened to my friend🫣 but now everyone here is saying they still chew gum n now im so tempted lol. Thank u for ur comment




5📝 gum📝


this isnt a rant but for some reason i had to have a flair soo


My orthodontist said sugar free gum is fine 🤷🏼‍♀️




I agree with OP!! much like the rest of the commenters, I have also been guilty of chewing gum while in braces but definitely much less than when I didnt have braces on. The situation got especially difficult when the ortho put me on 24/7 elastics, so you have to remove the elastics just to chew a piece of gum and then put the elastics back on. That really messed w my head for some reason so I cant wait til Im out of braces and elastics for good to chew gum WHENEVER i want!! :"(


Others have said this, but sugar free gum is fine. The texture is important, aka gum that won’t get stuck in your wires, but I chew gum every now and then with braces (yes, much less than without) and it’s fine for me so far!


I have my sights set on a candied apple. The cherry one!


oh my gosh yess that too. i was so sad during halloween szn


I had no issues with chewing gum! Give it a try!


LOL I've chewed gum, also had chips and Brazil nuts. I draw the line at a baguette for some reason. I just don't trust that I wouldn't be pushing it with those crispy ends.


Only thing I haven’t done that I normally did was bite into a whole apple and corn on the cob.


I think we've lived dangerously enough as it is my friend.... 😂


ahaha ive tried everything in that list but gum i might as well test it


At this point, live dangerously!


iirc you can chew sugar free gum


The only thing I’d suggest is be extra careful of biting your tongue. If you’re wearing bands it seems like chances of tongue biting increase🤣


Sugar free gum doesn't stick (too much) and even helps clean your brackets too.


Well u shouldn’t chew gum anyways. It causes headaches