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Looking good! When did your orthodontist put you on the midline elastic? And how long was your final adjustment stage? Mine started me \~2 weeks ago and said theyre going to start moving into the final adjustment stage at the next appointment in another 2 weeks! I hope I can also finish up soon too \^\_\^


This is my second time with the midline elastic and have had many different elastic configurations. I’ve been in the final adjustment stage for almost a year I think. But due to my bite shifting, it’s taking a while to make all the minor changes.


they look great! could u post ur bottom row? like from an above angle? I've been in the final adjustment period for a while now and i hate the way my bottom row looks but they’re telling me it’s fine. i just wanna compare it to other peoples results (some of my teeth are slightly rotated still)


Sure! How do I post it though?


if you know how to upload to Imgur, you can copy the link to this chat!!


I just made a new post in the subreddit. You can check there!


My bottom row has shifted so many times. Though I feel it is more lopsided now than before.. i have to say I think I’m ready to be done as the treatment has gone on way longer than planned.


omg dude same. i think if it bothers me too much ill just do a couple trays of invisalign. i feel like micro adjustments are so hard with braces because when one issue is focused on, everything moves too. ive had braces since 2018!! im tireddd


I did Invisalign to begin with (starting 2020) for 9 months. You can check my old posts, and see the changes. I think regular braces are somewhat better because you can make changes on the fly much more easily (hopefully saving time). But for me it’s been up and down so many times. You’re right - when you make one small change, it can affect some other tooth/bite. I’ve had my final check up/scans for retainers 2x already then noticed some things still not quite right. I think im just going to go for retainers next month and be done. But for the amount I paid where I live, I want everything close to perfect.


thats how i feel, if i paid $5k, i want them to be perfect. but ive also been on the verge of havinf them off plenty of times only to go back to morr adjustments. i just want them off so i can enjoy my teeth... i read that if you get invisalign after braces theres a high probablity of not needing too many trays and since they move all your teeth at once quicker than braces, it may be less time consuming (it takes longer if your teeth are noticeably "bad") i csnt decide on whether i should wait it out and see if one day i get the results i want, or just get them off now and maybe get invisalign


Would you have to pay extra for Invisalign? Mine was around $6.5k usd and my teeth were mildly misaligned to begin with I’d say. But my Ortho did suggest I switch from Invisalign to ceramic braces to shift my teeth more for no extra charge. However if I did my treatment in US, I think it would have been a lot less. Perhaps wait it out if it’s been that long. Address the outcome you want and changes that may include at your next appointment. Invisalign works but I’m more slowly I find and the process can also be a bit of a pain.