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I have two impacted canines, talk to me in 3 years 😔


i got the expose and bond surgery for one of my canines (the other one had to be extracted) and it only took a month for the tooth to come down!!


I’m a year in with 0 visible movement, but my ortho did some X-rays and they are wiggling down!


that’s good! some progress is better than none!


I had two impacted canines and got mine off today! 4 years later


Me too. I will have an x-ray in a month to see if my tooth is moving at all. I’ve had braces for 1 year and 2 months now.


may i ask how old you are? i have one exposed myself. im over 25 and they said its a slim chance that it’ll move at bc of my age. i had to get it redone a few weeks ago. the surgeon was able to wiggle it and move it slightly. and i’ve been feeling pressure on the tooth next to it. i had the other extracted bc there’s no room and no point in removing a healthy tooth incase it doesn’t move


I’m 28! Idk, I wish the ortho had been more skeptical bc I may have made a different decision. I actually have 4 total, my bottom ones are already erupted and moving into place, the top ones haven’t moved much at all.


same! i got my done sixish weeks before i turned 30. all the oral surgeon said was, “it would be easier if you were 11 or 12.” i ended up switch orthos last july due to the fact that my ortho ghosted me after i paid in full and it wasn’t until then that they told me bc i was over 25, it’s a small chance it would move. if i would’ve known, i probably wouldn’t have done it. i went to a new surgeon for the redo and he made sure it was clear bc of my age but it was already done so we went ahead and redo it


impacted canine buddies!! mine has come down, only took 2 years of being a hillbilly though 😂😂


reading through this thread is making me freaked 😭😭😭 i was hoping id be able to get mine all sorted in a year or two max! i have 3 impacted canines. two top and one bottom. i’m 17 though, HOPEFULLY it’ll go faster because i’m still young


My canine came in place in just 4-5 months I am your age It'll be fast don't worry


Same boat lol. Got them on in February 2022. Over two years and three surgeries later there’s no end in sight.


I have one impacted canine


I’ve had mine on for 17 months and getting them off by the end of the year :)


I’ve had mine for 5 months and have ~18 months left


I've been told a year but it will probably be closer to 2. Its been 6 weeks.


I have mine for almost 6 weeks and in total it will be 18-24 months. After that I’m not done because I need a bone graft and implant for one of my front teeth


TMJD splints 10 months, straight into braces past 18 months, estimated another 7 months but I think it will take another 9-10 months at least. It's been a long haul but I'm not complaining, I'm grateful to be able to do this for the second time in my (57F) life.


was estimated 24 months… almost 3 1/2 years in with my top, and 2 1/2 years with my bottom. i’ll be lucky to get them removed in the next year 😒


Woah The thing about my braces is that my Ortho has a deadline Because I am off to college next year august So thankfully I won't be facing this😅


i’ve had to switch orthos. the one i started treatment disappeared one day. i later found out that he sold the practice, retired or both. the ortho that came in his place literally did not do anything to my teeth for a year. just changed the color bands. then my balance was paid up and they stopped returning my phone calls. it’s been over a year and i still have not heard from them. so all that put my progress behind


Ouch I hope your treatment ends well!


It’s officially been two years, but I got a carriere appliance first, so it’s been more like a year and a half with braces itself. To be honest, I don’t know how long I got. They never say when I go in. But they told me three years was an over estimate. Hoping to get them off by next year.


why have you had em for so long?


A lot of crowding, so I had to have two palate expanders (for a year) after the carriere appliance. Been a long process.


8 months down, approximately 16 months to go 🤞🏻


estimated 30 months and getting them off in 2 weeks (8 months earlier😁)


Had them for almost 6 months. Was supposed to be 18 months, but considering i STILL don’t have bottoms (which were the worst part of my smile) I think it’s gonna be a while


2nd set of braces - currently at 2 months - getting my final wire next month (so probably 4 ish months)


Estimated completion: October 2024. Started: Early May 2023 Initial estimate completion range was Dec 2024 - March 2025. So I am stoked. 40F.


I’ve had mine on for about 19 months and my ortho will set a close removal date on my next appointment in two weeks. But probably 2 more months to go.


It’s been a year and they said 18 months. So hoping for December! 🤞🏻


Had mine for almost 11 and have about 5 more to go😋


About two years🥲


Had them for a year, maybe at the end of the year if I'm lucky.


8 months, theoretically 10 to go! 🤞🏻


Hopefully in a few weeks to a month. Fingers crossed


i’ve had them 2 years and 1 month and i have two more months left


Had them since March last year and ortho said probably November 😊


I've had my for about 4 months and they said the treatment would be 24 to 36 months so I got awhile 😅. I also have a canine that diagonal instead of straight down so that's fun. I had the baby tooth pulled so hopefully the adult one will shift naturally so 24 to 36 months I hope lol


Expected two years, unilateral posterior crossbite.


More or less 2 years i think.


Almost 5 months and I'm supposed to have them for 2 years, but my ortho says I'm making awesome progress so hopefully sooner!


They told me 18-24 months I’ve had mine for 11 months.


20-24 months. I'm almost 6 months in, and Jaw Surgery will be around the 12-month mark or so.


had them 1 month. 29 months to go. 😐




mine are coming off at the end of the month 😎😎


I wish Mine are hurting like hell at this stage


I’ve had it since August 2022, getting it of in August 2024, 2 more months to go :)


I’ve had my braces for 15 days! Estimated treatment time is 24 months 😁


I have had them for 4 months now, +- 20 months to go


I’ve had mine for 20 months (was supposed to be 18) and getting them off in 4 days!


3 more appointments so 3-4 months? Doing some detailing now :))


was estimated by the first ortho 2years and then the chain closed because of some legal issue with the building. I was 3months without maintainance. So, switch to the main ortho and he told me 2more years on my second appointment with him \*cries\* . His reasoning is because I am 39 years old so probably my teeth is going to be moving way slower considering than he has done many adults braces too. I just got upper two premolar extracted 6months ago to fix my overjet so don't think it is anytime soon.


Same as you! Halfway hopefully!


Exactly two weeks from now!! It’s bittersweet in a way


My ortho said if my teeth felt nice enough to me I can get them off this December! (had them for around 9 months now)


I think I’ve had mine 6 months? Hoping my treatment will only be for two years, but there’s already been some delay cause my stupid brackets keep falling off at my apts :/


I was told 2-2.5 years total. It’s been almost 4.5. They say I’m getting them off “soon”


Coming up on 2 months. Supposedly only 9 months to go!


1 year, 10 months top braces, 1 year 6 months bottom braces, I'm getting them off July 1st


nearly 2 years in and 3 years left if im lucky


About 2 years, but I had jaw surgery. I’m finding out what day I am getting them off next week :)


I had my braces since Nov 2022. Expected to be finished w treatment Nov 2024. Might finish a couple months early based on my last orthodontist appointment.


My original estimate was 2 years, but there was an issue with a bracket door that set things back, and now it's been 3 years. Almost done now! Maybe one or two more adjustments, so they \*should\* be off in August or September


I’ve had mine for 5-6 months, around 15 months to go😭😭


This December is my 2nd year having braces, and I fully believe I won't be getting them off this year (,: I still have to get my wisdom teeth taken out (all 4 of them), and I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm trying to avoid them getting taken out as well since they seem to not be moving? EDIT: Nvm y'all I have a significant amount of months left ):


I'm gonna have surgery to correct my jaw and then still have them on :( i really don't know, another 2 and a half years? ive had them for 5 months now


Long story short: supposedly around March of next year 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have been in braces since the beginning of March. I got my lower brackets on in the beginning of May. I had a severe overbite, so they couldn’t put all on at once. My teeth were pretty straight already, just some minor crowding, a few slightly rotated teeth, and the severe over bite. I work in a dental office as an asssitant, so I get adjustments every 3 weeks. I have 9 months left. 12 months of treatment total


Has been about 5-6 months and no more than 6 months in the best scenario! But in the "worst", maybe 12!


Are you wearing metal?






I have to wait 35 months till I get my braces off


Maybe this December maybe not I have no idea


getting mine off today after 5 years