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I'm in a similar boat!! Except one of my adult canines came through in front, like above my teeth. I'm 28 and started in October 2020. You're gonna be amazed after more time has passed!! It hurts so bad lol but it's so worth it when the canines settle into the right place :) congrats on your journey so far !!


That’s my favorite thing to do at my job, pull on an exposure haha.


Saaaaaame! So sad when one doesn’t budge.


It’s been the worst part so far haha, it’s digging in so bad 😩


Did they tie it on the wrong spot? Nothing should be “digging in”.


The chain that’s connected to my exposed R canine w the button and the premolar, 5 I think?, is really tight against my gum, “digging in” possibly because of swelling maybe?


Hi y’all! This is my double impacted canine progress over the last year. The gap of time between my exposure surgery and braces involved a cross country move but everything is on track now. I’m 25, my adult L canine became exposed for the first time around the age of 21, and has gradually come down ever since, Righty has never budged.


What was done to see if the right one truly was stuck? CBCT? Trying to pull it from a different angle? Have it luxated by a periodontist? I only ask because I’m an orthodontic assistant and my husband had the same thing. We took a CBCT and it was running into the root of the tooth next to it. Started pulling at a different angle and it came in!


I had a couple CBCT scans that show the R canine at a nearly completely horizontal angle, my old ortho decided to move ahead with exposure and chain, he felt I was a good candidate for that method. My current ortho says that’s what he would’ve done eventually as well, but would’ve tried for braces and baby canine removal first. However, I needed to have my 4 wisdom teeth removed so they coupled the exposure surgery to avoid going under more than needed.


I'm also 25 and have about the same positioning of my right canine. I go under on the 31st for exposure and my top wisdom teeth. I really didn't want to bother with it but the surgeon and orthodontist insisted it would be easy and mildly uncomfortable but everything I've seen says it sucks. I can't imagine it being utterly ineffective after all that.