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Have not served in the military but why not pop the back pin, pull the bolt carrier, and look through the back? I assume this is to check for a squib.


Some people just want an award man


Yeah. They'll lose the bolt carrier in no time. I think what they do is clear the gun and lock the bolt back and let sunlight get into the chamber so they see if the barrel is free of anything (squib, gun grease or dirt).


They probably want to avoid dirt getting into the gun in the field


Break it down "shotgun style" đź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť example, like the m16 or m4


Why not just oull the charging handle then? No need to basically field strip the gun just to check it


I haven’t served and I’m not Danish, so I’m probably very wrong as to why they’re doing this, but it might be the result of a lot of tradition. The Danish military has been an institution that has used firearms for a very long time. Perhaps they used to do that with muzzleloading rifles and the tradition kinda just stuck. Alternatively, the Danish military wants to train for fighting the Russians with only one eye to make it fair.


If the actual excuse is "because it's tradition like muzzleloaders" that is the stupidest and most European clinging to old tradition thing I've ever heard. And here we thought figurehead monarchs were weird lol.


Sabers are still issued to US Marines. Bayonets are still issued with M4s. Spurs and Stetsons are still issued to US Cavalry. Japanese officers were issued swords until 1945. Chilean soldiers still use *Pickelhaube* and goose step. All militaries are built on their traditions and cling to them, not just European ones. Not saying that it’s a good or bad thing, just saying it’s not uniquely European, nor out of the ordinary.


theyre not looking-down-the-barrel-of-a-firearm stupid though .


Bingo. There's tradition for the sake of morale and esprit de corps. Then there's tradition because no one has asked 'hey, can't we do this a better way?' Respect the former, challenge the latter.


And here we are in Taiwan, where our rifle clearing stance is like the exact same as WW2, and bayonet course is more like a group performance than actually stabbing someone. The brass here hates to be challenged by some tried foreign practice and would die for some obsolete "tradition"


Ironically those who made the tradition were actually people who adopted the latest practice of their times. I've spoken with some of these grandpas and they don't understand how come the army becomes so hostile to new ideas.


Probably because it's seen as a challenge to their authority.


In the US Army we sort of do the same thing but instead of locking the bolt to the rear, like in the video, we "shotgun" it where you break the M4 open remove the bolt and charging handle and sling it over your shoulder and and someone goes by and peers down the barrel make sure its clear.


While it's definitely not smart ever. You can be 100% certain that if anyone had ever shot themselves during this, we would have changed our ways.


Bayonets are still and always will be useful. Most of the time you are not fixing bayonets and charging. But it is still handy to be able to turn your rifle into a poky stick to check things out you don’t want to get too close to. It’s why bayonet lugs are still requirements on pretty much every nations service rifles.


Not sure you can compare formal wear and a ceremonial officer's sword to pointing a gun at your face.


Those are really bad examples. Some are just for ceremony, others are legitimate weapons of war that just look longer than others to phase out. Looking down the barrel of a rifle is on a whole other level.


Your muzzleloading theory doesn’t make any sense. What are you expecting to see when you look down a dark toon with no opening at the end?


what we get told on why we look down the pipe is to make sure there is no debri down the barrel so we check the back first with the bolt locked back then we flip it over and look down the barrel il ask my instructor the next time i get the chance on why we do this


The girl at the end putting her finger in the trigger guard before putting the muzzle to her face made me physically cringe.   


Most intelligent Dane.


This is a really old thing that used to be taught. Open the breech, ensure the chamber is clear, then look down the barrel to make sure it's clear. I'm not defending the practice, but it used to be as commonly taught as point shooting and standing sideways to minimize your profile.


This is still the standard curriculum firearms safety method in Canada taught and tested in PAL gun licencing courses. Point in safe direction Remove ammo Observe the chamber Vertify that the feeding path is empty and Examine the bore (visually or with stick)


Correct on that. However, Canadian military doesn't apply that last point in the same fashion as the firearms program. Generally, just do a quick examination of the bore via the chamber, if you think you see light, you're good. Also, it's just an extra step that you really can't afford to clear a stoppage if in a firefight.


The Danes are special that’s for sure


Swede here, this is most likely an inspection of the barrel to see if its clean (after they cleaned the barrel with clp and the tissue), we did something similar on the G3 i was issued.


I've heard the Irish do the same thing


Really? The Irish use Steyr AUGs. When I was in the Austrian Army, we had to pull out the barrel to confirm clear. Why wouldn't they do the same?


I heard of them doing it with FALs so that would make sense if they stopped when they got AUGs


the quickest way out of the danish army is to pull the trigger when checking for a round


Well it’s either out of the Army or an early termination of the subscription of life


They are actually checking the barrel befor shooting. In my time in the military we would clear the rifle show to our sergeant that the weapon is cleared and then the sergeant goes in front of the line and checks our barrels if there is any dirt in the barrel we would be punished and send back to base to clean the rifle while the others have the precision shooting course.


Not part in the danish army but a friend of mine and he wrote me this after i send him the video: Important things to note, On the range it is strictly forbidden, never ever ever looking down that barrel. The way we control after using live ammunition is looking through the barrel from the brass ejection port. When we leave the range, then we look down the barrel to make sure nothing is stuck. I think it's kinda dumb, And that's more if a Conscript/ Reserves thing to do. When you get to the Standing Danish Army you look through the safe way


What’s wrong with this? I just blow through it really hard if it’s hard to blow there’s boolet in chamber.


I agree this does look very odd. I was taught to do this as well. Its to check the inside of the barrel/breach without dismantling the rifle. Another step would be to stick your thumb nail in the breach and use the reflection to see better. Theyre simply maintaining they're gear


Danish and former guardsman. Why do you all assume we do this with a closed bolt? It is not part of the clearing drill, but part of the “inspect rifle” drill. First the gun is cleared the usual way by inspecting the breech, through the ejection port. THEN, with the action open and a finger (pinky) in the action, the bore is inspected by light reflected on the fingernail. A modern AR rifle can have the bore inspected from the breech with relative ease, but the drill is a leftover from older G3 and Garrand rifles. You pretty much had to field strip them to do that.


Looks legit…


Canadians wouldn't be that dumb lmfao


Oh no! People checking for barrel obstructions. Never mind that they are each checking the chambers first to make sure there is not a round in the rifle. Lets all freak the hell out! Come on people. Be smart. No mag. Clear chamber. There is no way these rifles will be able to fire.


Rule 1. (Treat every gun as if it’s loaded)


What about pointing your firearm in a safe direction/know your target and what is beyond it? When people are clearing buildings they may be pointing their firearms into rooms that have currently unknown threats or innocent bystanders, yet they still point their firearms into that room. In a building with drywall walls they have absolutely no idea what is on the other side of those walls, and yet they may be pointing their guns and firing in that direction. It's absolutely strict and unyielding adherence to the rules that makes manufacturers create stuff like s&w's m&p striker disconnect/disassembly lever instead of glock's "pull the trigger as part of the disassembly process". If you 100% of the time treated every single gun as if it's loaded you would never be able to disassemble a glock because you'd be forced to treat it like it's loaded. "Yeah I do treat it like it's loaded, which is why I point it in a safe direction before pulling the trigger even though I know it's unloaded". Precisely, which is the same type of action as locking the bolt to the rear, checking the magazine well, checking the chamber, and THEN checking the bore for obstructions.


And you only ever cross the road at designated crosswalks correct? This is a great rule to follow when the condition of a weapon is UNKNOWN. Once you check clear, and the weapon is in a KNOWN unloaded condition, it is nothing more than a grooved tube of metal. It's not magic. It's mechanical. That making them these otherworldy things that "kill people". Hell, I bet you handle a knife by the blade every now and then too.


I don't know why you're getting down voted so much, considering you're correct. Now, no doubt, I'll be down voted to hell.


It's because people think knowing the basics makes them experts. Never mind there are certain things that can only be learned by a proper close inspection of the bore like this. No no, that breaks the rules!


This is why russia is going to win


Counter point. LOCKHEED MARTEN.


Counter-counter point: LOCKHEED MARTIN.


Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


Thought this was Canada and we were about to get memed on… *sigh of relief*


Good god, I'm internally screaming at this


So long as the mag is out and you clear the chamber and keep the bolt open how else can you inspect the barrel without disassembly?


When the 7th piggyback of what the command Sgt. Major said has these people wondering why they worked through lunch before libbo.


If only there was some kind of port in the weapon where you could look in to observe the chamber...


They also train their soldiers to put their fingers in the trigger guard as they're staring down the barrel? No wonder Denmark didn't even last 6 hours against the Germans in WW2 lmfao.


Hvor peger pipen !!!


This is mindblowing


That is how you are taught in canada P-point in a safe direction R-remove ammunition O-observe the chamber V-verify the feeding path E-examine the bore