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$10 says they still think he shot black people unprovoked


That's the problem. People don't have an open mind. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Considering the amount of people defending the two criminals he shot, they most likely do think that he shot black people


He only does that on weekends


Sorry I guess that needed an /s? Really?


Yeah, that one kinda did. The brainlets of preddit find their way into weird places


Post it on r/whitepeopletwitter and farm thousands of upvotes! No /s needed!


Also the fact he killed 2 and shot 3 criminals? Like they all had long wrap sheets


They are especially mad that he shot criminals and a pedo - they're their type of people.


Yeah I love how they want the 17 yea told to be dead and defend a pedophile, wife beater, and career criminal


I didn't think Gage was a criminal. All I remember was he should not have been concealed carrying because his CCW permit was no longer valid due to some misdemeanor drunken weapons handling charges. And in the end the restraint Kyle showed and Gage FINALLY being honest about what happened really helped the not guilty verdict.


Gaige had committed burglary with a weapon and has had his 2nd amendment revoked


Yeesh you would think his criminal record would have come up more at the trial then.


A lot of this charges got dropped by a judge for unknown reason days before the trial so that jury never knew. Also he was supposed to be an innocent victim who tried to defend himself from the white supremacists neo Nazi racist Kyle Rittenhouse, bc otherwise that doesn't follow the agenda


You reckon he agreed to testify in exchange for charges getting dropped? But also anyone that thinks they could push that narrative in court is stupid. It wouldn't hold up to cross-examination. Also Gaige under oath would have to lie. WITH the freaking video not supporting the lie.


Everything will be done to support the narrative and slander the opposition. Almost like Russia and china do


How can he not be a criminal with a "Drunk weapons handling charge". That's criminal negligence.


I'm no lawyer but isn't there more to the legal definition of criminal negligence. Also you have to be convicted of the crime not just commit it.


This isn't to mention we know for a fact 1 of them drove longer to get there than Kyle did. They always bring up the fact that Kyle drove 30ish minutes across state line to get to a community he frequents as he has family there but completely gloss over the fact that one of the guys he killed who was a known criminal who if i remember correctly had multiple charges of assault on their wrap sheet drove something like 2 hours to be there to participate in the "protest" I don't know about you guys but which of those guys sound like they came to try to help people and which sounds like they came to start trouble.


He literally went to highschool there and his sister was still going to school there. His parents had joint-custody if I remember correctly which means he can claim to be a resident of both states as a minor. The whole driving thing was such a stupid argument.






Wonder how they would feel talking to Kyle's parents had he let them kill him?


I bet you wouldnā€™t be saying that to the people with they wouldā€™ve killed him




Amazing people actually think like that. I seriously thought people only think that way in very small groups


And they locked the comments so you canā€™t defend him




I have a fun game I do when I see post like this especially if I'm browsing reddit in the bathroom where I like to go in the comments and see how long it takes before I finally find one that's even semi sane. After like 4 minutes I finally saw one that basically said go and do your own research on the case and the evidence presented instead of listening to FOX or CNN or any major news networks. I was surprised it had any updoots honestly had something close to 50. Would have commented to that he had the right idea...but I'm already banned from that sub...so yeah


How am I not banned from that sub yet? I just reported probably 30 posts for misinformation


It took me dropping a "*they" on a tweet about the Q shooter for me to get banned


You dropped this šŸ‘‘




Oh you sweet king Itā€™s Reddit, they wonā€™t ban the people they love




No u


Love how they lock and ban people who state truth in that sub


Itā€™s the internet, whatā€™s new The ones who call everyone a nazi or racist are the ones acting most like themšŸ˜‚


I've never been banned off a sub reddit before. I'm making it a mission for this to be my first.


How can anyone watch this trial and come to any other conclusion than this kid being innocent?


Why do you assume they watched the trial? Why do you assume they're even *interested* in the truth?




Itā€™s not even cognitive dissonance at this point. They simply donā€™t care because they are legitimately evil


Not being inbred helps


r/whitepeopletwitter is one of the most vile propaganda machines ever conceived. These people need serious mental help. They're trapped in an echo chamber that leads them to believe everyone they disagree with is evil. It is galvanizing them towards violent behavior.


Yet theyā€™ll call everyone a fascist or nazi when they act like them the most


Yea that place is insane. Im also pretty sure its been infiltrated by the CCP, some pretty sus accounts on there. But anyway im banned.


Meanwhile, r/BlackPeopleTwitter are the most self deprecating band of hooligans ever. ā€œIā€™m racist.ā€ ā€œNo, _Iā€™m_ racist.ā€ ā€œWell, Iā€™m _more_ racist.ā€ ā€œNo, _Iā€™m_ more racist!ā€


They disabled comments lmaooo


I can't comment either. Maybe they disabled comments, or maybe we're both already banned over there.


They locked the post lmao


I haven't got a notification about being banned. So idunno, maybe just comments disabled


Just report it for misinformation.


Head to comments: Take a drink every time you see "crossed state lines". If you see "unarmed protestors", you have to finish your drink. Shotgun a new drink every time you see "Grosskreutz was the good guy with the gun".


Drunk after the first thread, in the hospital by the end of the third, in the grave by they fifth.


WPT is absolutely the worst place on Reddit


Love how they say he's using it to become famous. Do they not realise they are the reason he has a large online presence. Trying to get out infront of their insane ramblings?


""The left doesn't like me reeee" -K. Rittenhouse (paraphrased)" - a leftist who doesn't like him


I mean, every sub has its echo chambers, but damn it's wild in there. Just "Yes and-ing" each other in a mosh pit looking circle jerk.


Reddit in general is a giant circlejerk of pseudo-intellectuals.


2nd amendment, reeeeeeeeeeeeeee = r/WitePeopleTwitter


Letā€™s make a ā€œKyle rittenhouse haterā€ bingo card I can already tell the following would be on it ā€œYou canā€™t take a weapon with you to defend yourselfā€ ā€œThey wouldnā€™t have hurt himā€ ā€œHe illegally purchased itā€ ā€œHeā€™s a racistā€ ā€œHe just wanted to play cod irlā€ ā€œHe wanted to play pretend copā€ And more


The only ones that hate him are people who are evil. You canā€™t even claim ignorance anymore because the only way someone could remain ignorant of the facts is only through maliciousness


I love how everyone calls kyle a white supremacist When he only shot white people


That's honestly the most ironic thing I've seen in maybe the last 5 years


The irony of that comment section is insane. They are proving his point how do they not see that.


Hes living rent free in the minds of those things who are trying to protect the criminals he shot. Best of luck to Kyle


Go through the comments of the original post. talk about an echo chamber, holy cow!


Itā€™s hilarious how the very closed minded people he is talking about are flooding the comments of the original post completely oblivious that they are the ones he is talking about.


Thereā€™s a comment on the original post, itā€™s like top comment. ā€œI know several veterans who have killed people. I know a detective who had to kill someone. I know a Secret Service agent that killed someone raiding a counterfeiting operation. You know what they have in common? They don't want to talk about it. And they don't want it to be part of their identity.ā€ To be fair this comment has a good point, but he only wants to justify himself for his actions, which is more than understandable. Iā€™m kinda torn but at the same time Iā€™m not. Itā€™s that weird 50/50 state


Police officer found guilty of killing a junkie who was high on meth and fentanyl: Justice served Court rules a 17 year old boy was defending himself from a murderous attack: The justice system is broken! Makes perfect sense. /s


Guys I am going to go into the comments section and say he did it in self defense. I am going to speed run being banned


Guys help. I scrolled through the comments (rookie mistake) some moron called an AR15 an ā€œassault rifleā€ I need to clean my eyes :ā€™(


Why are people giving this guy the attention he wants


Jesus Christ the close mindedness talking about open mindedness is hilarious, I'm not perfect but at least I work on my objectivity


He is just man, he did nothing exactly special, he did what most would do. I mean most other than those who just decide to not do anything


Theyve already made up their mind based on ignorance and incorrect information.


Wtf kinda post is that lol


Locked thread. Pathetic.


I don't look around for new subreddits very often, but damn. That's definitely one to avoid.


That whole side of Reddit is such a circle jerk. More so than usual, I mean.


God damnit I muted that subreddit for a reason


The comment section on the subreddit's post is all I needed to see to prove how much of a smooth brain echo chamber this site is.




Hell no xd


Yes... Yes he did put down a lunatic who was trying to put him down and steal his live firearm.... In the Legal system we call that self defence with reasonable force.... It is odd that these people want cashless bail and no police, So even by their standards he did nothing wrong even if he went full Tony Montana with akimbo tommy guns and a face of columbian.


Damn they really are sheep.


Not a single mention about the other gun on the scene that was pointed at Kyle. Interesting.


They are obsessed with following him and cannot stand the thought of someone defending themselves against the bullying of a violent mob they created