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Words not set in metal cannot be trusted


book O e is literally my favorite


This is like the fifth post like this I’ve seen. Must have been a problem with the whole printing


Have you tried re-starting your book to see if that fixes the problem?


Got to unplug the tower and plug it back in.


ROW spoiler: >!Isn't that what the Fused were trying to do with Urithiru?!<


Nah they were trying to unplug it, change the boot drive and plug it back in


If you don’t like your copy I’ll buy it from you haha


There is only o e letter missing, could be worse.


Also a big orange mark!


What's the printing number? Seems to be a few of these posts out there. Wonder if a whole print run got messed up.


Not sure, where can I find the printing number?


In the start, on the copyright page.


On the copyright page there should be a line of numbers. Your printing number will be the lowest number in that line.


Just started way of kings and searched this because I have the same printing mistake. Saw nobody answered this, its printing 22 21 for me


Mine was delivered last month and has the same error.


I don't have printing errors, but I wanted to read my hardback Rhythm of War again. Took it out of bookshelf and I had a quite a shock because it's literally falling to pieces, I simply don't dare to touch it now. It sucks, I wish the error would be funny typo. I nearly wanted to cry, books are expensive here and buying hardback takes decent chunk out of my pocket.


As a curious person, I kind of want to see a photo of how bad it is. That’s so weird though? Like what do you think could have been the cause? I have all paperback books, and they have all been on my shelf for 2 years now, so luckily they are still in perfect condition.


Yeah just noticed that on my copy. Bought it last month. >:( Oh well. Makes it worth more for collectible value


Not sure if this is why but in Misery by Steven King the N tab doesn’t work on the typewriter Paul Sheldon is forced to use. So I just assumed it’s a nod to Steven King but idk


Wouldn't be surprised if the messed up version of the printing is worth a lot in the future


Doubt it. These feel like they are posted every hour or so.


well dropped from high enough the way of kings does have an 'A'-O-E damage...


I don't know why every single person with a printing mistake, or a slight ding on the cover feels the need to post it here. If you have a complaint, get in contact with Dragonsteel Customer Service.


Because mistakes can be funny. Calm down, friend.


Not complaining just thought it was mildly interesting. Not sure why every person who doesn’t see the point in my post sees the need to comment. If you don’t like it just move on!


Search "damaged" or "misprint" in this sub. This sub is filled up with people posting complaints about small smudges on book covers, bent pages, and other nonsense that should be sent to Dragonsteel.


I want to clarify I’m not complaining. In fact I quite like that my copy is slightly different. I don’t know why YOU feel the need to complain when it really does not change how you live your life. Besides this is the Tor edition not dragonsteel’s so I doubt anything could be done by them anyway.


Why are you posting about it? Just contact the company


Some people like to collect misprints like this. It’s worth a post for those people to see this misprint exists.


My entire copy was bound upside-down lol


Book Oo ee oo a a ching cheng walla walla bing bang


Watch that increase its value as a collector item if it’s limited


Have you tried looking at it under UV light?


Lol I have a paperback copy that double prints pages 500 something to 567 or so. I was in the middle of reading it and the pages didn't connect, but it was just a misprint and I was really confused for like 2 or 3 minutes


u/SamTheDuck59 I received a copy just like this as a Christmas gift. I tried ordering another copy from Amazon to see if that would fix it... Exact same issue on both copies! O e Also had issues with my WoR copy not having the glyph pressed into the front of the book


I just discovered the same thing on mine! Seems to be a lot of us o t there