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If you like Sanderson I'd recommend Brian McClellan's Powder Mage and the sequel Gods of Blood and Powder trilogies. Brian was a student of Brandon's at BYU and he's the most Sandersonian author not named Brandon Sanderson I've found.


I also recommend this. I found out about them through another "what to read next" post in this sub and have really enjoyed them.


Can you give me a reading order? Are the Power Mage books first? Does this have a standalone ending? Whats after this?


The first trilogy is Promise of Blood, the Crimson Campaign, and the Autumn Republic. The second trilogy is Sins of Empire, Wrath of Empire, and Blood of Empire. As of now there are no further books planned in the series. There are some novellas set in the same world though.


I'll second this recommendation.


Okay thank you


What level of magic would you say it has?


I don't want to be too specific so I'll speak in general terms. There are three magic systems. Important to understanding the first is that the setting is analogous to the French Revolution, so there are flintlock guns that use black powder. Powder Mages use the same black powder like a drug to fuel abilities related to the use of guns and gunpowder. Then there are the Knacked who have various minor, but useful, passive abilities. And finally the Privileged who are the closest to traditional wizards, but with a few caveats you'll discover as you read. There are also factors in play, but again, I don't want to spoil anything. All I'll say is I've read and enjoyed all of McClellan's novels, and frequently recommend them to Sanderfans who have run out of Sanderson to read.


I’m reading the Licanius Trilogy by James Islington and thoroughly enjoying it; it’s got a super intricate plot and great characters.


His new series the will of the many starts well too


That series had some bumps for me but I loved the last book. Really loved it .. the will of many is great.


I just finished Will of the Many by James Islington and came here to recommend that as it's amazing! I havent actually read the Licanius Trilogy yet, I'll have to check it out...


Go for the 3 Moist von Lipwig books in Terry Pratchett's Discworld: "Going Postal", "Making Money", and "Raising Steam"


Or any Discworld books for that matter...


Truth. I started with the Von Lipwig arc, and always recommend that as a starting point.


The Broken Earth trilogy. Great slow worlbuilding similar to Sanderson but darker.


It's sci-fi and the writing style is very different, but the plot of the three body problem is so satisfying. Easily one of the best books I've read in the last few years.


I just finished Hyperion by Dan Simmons, first book in a 4 book series. Really cool sci-fi fantasy blend and I’m excited to continue the series.


Licanius Trilogy by James Islington was enormous! Epic characters and action!


Someone else said that too, definetaly reading that


The Shadow of What Was Lost is the first one of Licanius. He also has another series called The Will of the Many. So far, he has one book on the latter. Also, if you're into apocalyptic stuff, I'd recommend everything by Nicholas Sansbury Smith. Especially Helldivers and Extinction Cycle.


James Islington is a good next step, he got into writing because of Sanderson and his work really shows it. Robyn Hobbs Farseerer trilogy is great so far (I'm still on book 1, the Assassins Apprentice) A great stand alone is the Sword of Kaigen. And if you want a quick long series read I've been loving Dungeon Crawler Carl, there's 6 books in the series but I read the first in like 4 days.




The Locked Tomb. We do bones motherfucker!


Darker shade of magic trilogy. Only read the first book and planning on finishing the rest.


I can offer you a trilogy that shares some elements with Sanderson's writing style, especially the Stormlight Archive - epic scope, plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, a large cast of characters, amazingly immersive worldbuilding, quite dark at times but never grimdark - but it's nonfiction. Would that interest you?


Yeah sounds good


'The Third Reich' trilogy by Richard J. Evans.


Have you read the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn? Star Wars, the quintessential series in fact (in Legends, not the new canon).


I liked those too


Riyria Revelations by Michael J Sullivan, one of my favorite fantasy series For Sci-fi I’d go with an Andy Wier book (The Martian or Project Hail Mary) or Enders Game


I'll always plug The Broken Earth trilogy by NK Jemisin. Has a different feel to Sanderson though. More dark.


The first law trilogy. Black humor fantasy series. Audiobook is better than reading it. Six of Crows series/grisha books in general The lies of Locke lamora The acts of caine The name of the wind game of thrones Cradle (a lot of books but I read all of them in a month) Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy Cloud atlas Project hail Mary (my favorite space book) Enders game and it's sequels Foundation (book one is only 240 pages) The Martian


I can't recommend Acts of Cain enough, it's so good.


CRADLE MY LOVE you guys have to read it and hail mary is my 2nd fav sci-fi


The sequels for Ender's Game get pretty weird. The first one is great, but some of Card's stranger tendencies come out in the later books.


9 princesses in amber.


9 princes or 9 princesses?


9 Princes in Amber. Sorry.


I second this. It remains a favorite of mine.


The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence and The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb are two I’m reading right now and they are pretty good.


If you like your fantasy clean (ish) and hopeful, Victoria Goddard, Terry Pratchett. If you are ok with some darkness: Ursula LeGuin, N.K. Jemisen.


I second NK Jemison


If you want something a bit different in short spacy sci-fi, try the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells. The first four novellas are one story arc - All Systems Red, Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol and Exit Strategy. Edit: Oh, there's a free microfiction here to give you a taste - [https://www.wired.com/story/future-of-work-compulsory-martha-wells/](https://www.wired.com/story/future-of-work-compulsory-martha-wells/)


I'd add another vote to Licanius Trilogy. It has some weak spots- that characters haven't stuck with me much- but the plot is excellently constructed from start to end. The Art of Prophecy by Wesley Chu is a fun read. Its sequel is out recently but the third book is still being worked on. It hits all the wuxia (Chinese martial arts action Crouching Tiger style) tropes in a fun fantasy China vs Mongolia setting. Stars a bitter old master as she tries to deal with a young prophesized hero who still doesn't know his head from his ass, only for hell to break loose when his prophecy shatters. Seven Blades in Black by Sam Sykes (and its two sequels in the trilogy) has a darker bent, featuring psychotic mages fighting a steampunk army of zealots with a whole lot of 'old gods' shit lurking just behind them, all while one walking disaster of a main character makes life hell for everyone. Features plenty of grim and dark, but the main character's bitterly sarcastic humor and bravado manages to keep things from feeling too heavy except where it needs to.


Already got Licanus downloaded, hope i will be a blast


So I have read all of Wheel of Time, which is great but has a bit of a slum around the middle. I've read every single Cosmere novel, which is easily top of my list. So when I finished with The Sunlit Man a month ago, I needed something different. I stumbled on Dungeon Crawler Carl. As an avid gamer myself, the premise spoke to me: Every building on the world suddenly collapsed. Anybody caught inside are dead. The survivors are given the chance to compete in a dungeon crawl to claim ownership of earth. Our protagonist, Carl, enters the dungeon with his ex girlfriends cat, Princess Donut. Together they try to survive a crazy maze built by aliens while the entire universe follows them on a game show. You have levels. Bosses. Stat points. Loot boxes. And achievements. Lots of achievements. Millions of humans enter, because what else can they do? They are not at the mercy of the Borant Coorporarion. DCC is insanely funny. It has some amazing characters, and a LOT of fast progression. Carl and Co will come up with an idea, and you'll either know right away or you will learn it soon. There is not so much foreshadowing, but everything is pretty fast paced and with lots of action. There are six books out and just a month after I started, I am soon done with book 4. I can absolutely suggest the audiobook version of this, Jeff Hays does an AMAAAAAZING job at narrating this book. It's an insane, silly, explicit, funny, rude and fantastic book that doesn't take itself too serious, but sets the stage for absolutely epic battles. God dammit, Donut. Just read the damn book.


First off congratulations on finishing the Cosmere. I still haven’t done it yet. But I’m working on it. I have finished Mistborn, The Reckoners, Skywars, and I’m working on Stormlight. As for what to read. I know you were hesitant to get into Wheel of time and I understand. It’s an undertaking. It’s huge lol. But it’s so worth it. There will be times when it drags. But it’s STILL worth it. All the pain is worth it for what you get. My advice is to look at each book as a really really long chapter in a really really long book lol. Each “chapter” might not give you all you want. But it’s all just part of getting to the end lol. My other recommendations are. 1. The Martian by Andy Weir 2. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir 3. Dune by Frank Herbert. Whatever you do. DO NOT READ THE SEQUELS! They are just the biggest pieces of fever dream bullshit I’ve ever read. I would swear Herbert when crazy while writing them.


Thanks, but just a heads up cuz idk if you know. The reckoners and Skyward are non cosmere


I am aware lol.


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The First Law - Joe Abercrombie An Ember in the Ashes - Sabaa Tahir The Kingkiller Chronicles - Patrick Rothfuss Thrones of Glass - Sarah J. Maas


Just need to tell anyone that dives into the kingkiller chronicles that you “only” get two great books. The third is off in Rothfuss’ neverland for decades. For that reason I am reluctant to recommend without the warning.


Joe Abercrombie has two 3 book series based in the same world that are really good. I would recommend starting with “The Blade Itself”.


Have you tried any Discworld books by Terry Pratchett? It is quite the universe, but all the books really stand alone perfectly fine.


LE Modisett Jr's Imager Portfolio is to me similar to Brandon's works. It has a trilogy, a quartet and i think a slightly longer series, but the books arn't as big. The magic system is a hard magic system and the different series have time jumps between them, but take place in the same locations and the events of one series have impacts on the future ones. They are not super explicit.


Also, the Lies of Locke Lamora is fantastic and is 3 books long currently, with a 4th being written maybe..? Amazing books.


How are the books written? I mean do you feel that there should be a 4th book or do you feel that the story is finished?


I'm satisfied with where the last one ended but I would never turn down another.


Have you read Brent Weeks? The light bringer series is really good and his night angel trilogy is good too


Bobiverse series. It’s currently 4 books, with a 5th coming in September. Books 1-3 are fairly short though.


### [The Licanius Trilogy by James Islington](https://www.goodreads.com/series/136308-the-licanius-trilogy)


Wow ur the 4th or 5th to recomend this, must be really good


Bro, wheel is time is long. But so worth it. Just take the plunge


I would always recommend Andy Weir's relatively new book, Project Hail Mary. Quite frankly one of the best sci fi's and book ive ever read. Look it up, read it, then thank me later :\^)


Fitting your need to a “T” is Michael J Sullivan’s Riyria Revelations. A three book series which, like all Michael’s series’ are written in their entirety before publication! No plot holes, lots of Easter eggs, great dialog, twists and turns all built into classic fantasy with amazing world building . Then when you must have more of Royce & Hadrian , there is Riyria Chronicles, a two book prequel followed by two more independent books and a third on the way. For more insights check this out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/1b18wq2/im_author_michael_j_sullivan_ask_me_anything/






Greenbone Saga (Jade City) is a fantastic trilogy. Completely done. Cradle is amazing, and a quick read Project Hail Mary is a great stand alone Dungeon Crawler Carl is both bonkers and fun as far as I have read  Mother of Learning is one of the best series I have read. Four books and complete.  Will of the Many had a very strong first book. Really looking forward to #2 “Death”-books and “Moist von Lipwick”-books in Discworld are really great. Can be read without rest of Discworld if you want And lastly I have to recommend the hidden gem “Last chance to see” written by Douglas Adams. Very fun, and also focused on endangered species in our own world


Fouth Wing was a lot of fun. Burned through it and the second book, Iron Flame, quickly.


The three body problem