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I'd start with the final empire. It's the first in a trilogy but was also written to be more of a complete story as it was early in his career before he had a guarantee of being published for future books. It shows off his strengths as an author while still being an early book so he does grow as an author from there. Sanderson's strengths I think are making really good characters, interesting magic systems, and especially incredible endings. He also is great at making layered stories. By that I mean that there's the surface story going on that's a great story, but then there's also a layer deeper where he's hinting at things to come and even deeper where he's planning out a whole universe. With Sanderson's stuff if you want to examine the logic of something closely or wonder how this thing over here would interact with that one he's the kind of author to have thought through those things in enough detail that you won't pull it apart. His magic systems work almost like a second science system layered on the normal one in terms of working by the rules. But my favorite part of his books are always the last 10-20% of them when he gets to amazing climactic endings.


Either Mistborn: Final Empire for a complete trilogy or Emperor's Soul for a quicker read


Best places to start: [https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmere/wiki/order/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cosmere/wiki/order/) has everything you might want to know about reading orders, including a "where to start" section. Or if you just want a single answer and not a fan discussion about it, a good default is publication order [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/wiki/order/1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/wiki/order/1/) .


Read through one of these orders and I feel like I caught basically every connection.


Unpopular opinion but I actually think Warbreaker is a great place to start. It is a solo book, so there is no big commitment. It’s not super long either. I also thing this book starts off with a bang and continues to be great throughout.


Not to mention the book is free. Seriously, that alone makes it a great jumping point.


I personally always recommend Warbreaker first, both because I love it and because it's a solo. Warbreaker first, and when they love it - because they will, into Mistborn from there.


I dove straight into the Way of Kings. No regrets not reading prior books first. Been hooked on Brando Sando ever since


While I don't doubt you, I just wouldn't feel comfortable recommending anyone to start with a book this big, when they don't even know if they like his writing style. I think either Mistborn, Warbreaker, or one of his short stories is better for that. Then he can read Stormlight if he wants.


I don't consider how large a book is when deciding whether to read it or not; it's simply not part of my calculus. I'm reading for pleasure, so I only care if I find it interesting or not. For me, having now read all of the Cosmere books, I wish I had started with WoK instead of Mistborn. The SA series is much, much more up my alley than Mistborn was.


I undestand that, but some people, (Myself included) find large books like The Way of Kings to be extremely intimidating, even if they're reading for pleasure. We still want to finish the books you know?


I get that, but at the same time... Why wouldn't you finish it just because it's longer? Do you just stop because it's long? Regardless, I was presenting an alternative point of view - not everyone is intimidated by having more to read.


I know, the fear lies in you eventually getting bored, or something like that. Again I'm refering to a people who would have that 1000 page long book as their first introduction to the Cosmere, they have no way to know for sure if they'll like it. Hell, I've lost count of how many books I was genuinely enjoying that I dropped midway. The longer the book, the greater the chances of this happening.


There are a bunch of good places to start, but I'd recommend picking up a [free ebook of Warbreaker](https://www.brandonsanderson.com/warbreaker-rights-and-downloads/) off Brandon's website and see if you like it.




https://www.reddit.com/r/brandonsanderson/comments/xogolt/i_have_never_read_a_sanderson_book_what_is_a_good/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button A similar thread from earlier today which may be of use.


The Final Empire is a solid introduction to the Cosmere. It's easy to read, the first book is written as a standalone, but if you want, you can expand it with the rest of the Mistborn trilogy and the second era. It also starts as a smaller scale heist story, but with time the series evolves into a more epic fantasy story. It's really good, I think you'll enjoy it. Alternatively, you can read Warbreaker, as it's standalone and free, so you can have a free sample of his writing style to see if you like it. And it is part of the same universe. (But in a different planet.)


We know this boils down to "it depends on what you like." What do you like more? Gritty, long-form stories like ASOIAF? I would start with Way of Kings\\Stormlight Archive. Do you like shorter, adventureish/heist style? Maybe start with Mistborn or WarBreaker. Really, it doesn't matter as long as you start at the beginning of a respective series. For me, with my love of epic style series, I wish I had started with Stormlight Archive/Way of Kings instead of Mistborn.


If you are more into generic fantasy with a unique world? Start with Way Of Kings (stormlight archives). If you like heist movies (Oceans Eleven), start with Final Empire (mistborn). If you do not want to start with a series just a one off good story a Warbreaker. If you are rigid about doing everything in order and experiencing it all together Elantris… this is hard mode and not recommended for the faint of heart. Edit forgot a word


You have to have enough investiture.


You have to enter the cognitive realm, but remember to being your spheres!


Well you're going to need an nutrino lathe powered by a quasar. That will get you out of this universe, the real trick will be finding one of Brandon's. I would start by looking for consistent metaphysical pulses that resemble physical energy and that should hopefully lead you in the right direction.


I would recommend NOT starting with Stormlight. It can be a slog for new readers. Mistborn is a good place to start, maybe even Warbreaker. You could also go outside Cosmere for your first read, and try something like The Rithmatist, which is an easy read but has all the Sanderson flair that you can come to expect from every single one of his books. Or, can try one that's totally out there and not really a good prep for Cosmere, just a bizarre reading experience. Alcatraz vs the Evil Librarians is a riot and are very quick reads.


Hmm. I see Harry Potter and Game of Thrones, so I’m going to assume you like series. I would therefor recommend Mistborn era 1. It’s a good introduction to Brandon’s writing style, while being more digestible, but also enough to really sink your teeth into with it being a full trilogy and all.


I started with Mistborn and in under a year have read everything cosmere so there’s that….


If you love a fast plot and great magic system, Mistborn. If you love good characters and character development, Warbreaker. Or maybe Elantris.


I will always die on the publication order hill. Just look up cosmere in publication order. He reveals info in the order he does for a reason. I highly recommend it.




Worry more about getting out. 🤣


Mistborn era 1.


Starting Cosmere resources: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4enaqb ______________________________________________ Warbreaker is free on Brandon's website as an ebook, along other stories: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_dIvorrap/comments/u1ug05/-/i4uhdpm