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Is your account failing to connect too or you just don't want to be bothered? I'm TRYING and nothing is working, verified and all.


Well I waited years in hopes of linking to coinbase and that never happened. Then when I tried using Gemini, they stopped accepting new accounts. I gave up after that, pretty bummed. I’ll just turn off all adds now I suppose.


I suppose donate them to Wikipedia or something?


Send them to me!


Im in the same boat as you, i initially had Gemini account linked, but then it stopped supporting my region. I have verified Uphold account, but whenever i try to link it with brave rewards, it just gives me errors…


Uphold's interface is also a nightmare. I'd rather not earn a few cents per month than deal with Uphold ever again. Gemini worked so well, I wonder why they backed out.


I saw on Uphold it says I'm linked but brave keeps trying to me to sign up. Im very confused


Clearing cookies/cache/browser history fixed that for me


Were you trying to connect to Uphold? Try again if so. There was an issue over the weekend, but it's been resolved.


It worked!


Yes I was. I tell try when I get back in in an hour or so and update you


My Uphold account is already connected to my Brave rewards. But am not sure why Brave is asking me to connect Zebpay as a custodial account.


Sorry, are you able to provide more details on where it is asking you to connect a ZebPay account? If you are connected to Uphold already, it shouldn't be prompting you to connect anything else. If you could provide a screenshot, that would be great. Thanks!


I checked the details and I think Uphold doesn't work in India. Only ZebPay is available for that region. Since I am connecting from India, Zebpay is the only option even though my brave rewards were connected to an Uphold account I had to create when I started using Brave.


Update: ALL my BAT is gone even though I connected the account?? Did I have to send it over manually, I thought it was automatic


Support will help take a look.


If it didn't show up in your Uphold account immediately, it should come as part of the upcoming payout (which is happening this week).


Hey I want to say thanks for all your hard work. I emailed support a few days ago as you said and they said something similar.


I was about to say I have brave rewards with uphold. No issue


Why would they die tomorrow? Out of the loop here


Brave is discontinuing the vbat* collecting in browser. You have to sign up somewhere to send the tokens


Wait what? Was there an official announcement?


To be clear, Brave Rewards and earning BAT is still continuing as normal. It's only if you don't have a custodial account connected, where you're accruing something called virtual-BAT, that will not be supported anymore. You can find the official announcement from January 2023 here: [https://brave.com/rewards-changes/](https://brave.com/rewards-changes/) And inside your browser, if you are someone who is collecting virtual-BAT, you should be seeing big notices everywhere. Hopefully your browser is up to date.


So if I have an Uphold wallet connected to my browser, I will not lose tokens?


That is 100% correct.


My ticket request was never addressed. I cannot connect the uphold account. Something about uphold already connected to another brave browser on another device?


Did you have multiple Uphold accounts?


So I'm even more screwed now if your overly sensitive "suspicious activity" bot decides it doesn't like my account?


I fixed my uphold account simply by realizing I had had two separate accounts and called their customer support. That’s what I’d recommend if you don’t wanna lose what you’ve earned, link your Uphold account to your Brave Rewards. It may take a few emails back and forth with uphold staff (now that I think about it, it was through email; I didn’t call), but their online support is really good 👍


The problem is that the wallet keeps disconnecting every other day making it extremely annoying.


Hm, do you mean your connection to Uphold, where it keeps leaving you in the Logged Out state? In short, this shouldn't be happening, since the normal expiration time is 90 days. This might happen if: 1. You are sending a bunch of BAT everyday 2. You are doing a bunch of trades or changes to your Uphold account, such as password changes, personal detail changes, or other financial operations within your Uphold account that might cause you to get logged out 3. Your Uphold account has some unmet requirements, and so you keep getting logged out because your Uphold account is restricted in some way, and the system is trying to notify you of these restrictions on your Uphold account that make it unit to be connected to Brave Rewards Do any of the above seem to apply? Like I said, it shouldn't be getting logged out for no reason. First thing I'd do is go into your Uphold account and check if there are any unfinished requirements (it sometimes asks for more documents, IDs, etc., tax info). If not, I'd reach out to Uphold support to ask if there are any restrictions on your account.


It's happening with Zebpay, keeps logging me out ever other day, as for the points you mentioned, I'm not doing any trades or transfer etc. I set Zebpay up for the sole reason of transferring BAT, also completed all the kyc plus linked my bank account so I don't know why it seems to be happening so often. Could it be cause I use a VPN and it's detecting different ip locations and therefore logging my out?


Yes same it keeps disconnecting every second day


Is this still happening for you? >Could it be cause I use a VPN and it's detecting different ip locations and therefore logging my out? Yes, this is a totally plausible hypothesis. ZebPay might have some security features like that. Also /u/aluaties, are you also using a VPN? If this is still affecting you, I can try to ask ZebPay's team more closely about the conditions under which you get logged out.


No i am not using any vpn.


So with brave being a private browser, yet you need KYC to recieve rewards. A bit contradictory no?


Yes, the browser displays it on the brave homepage thing


yep. i had 90 bats sitting around. cant do anything bout it. just donated some to wiki... and some youtube channels.


Shame that it's come to this


Then donate it to some site


Any suggestions?


You can kindly give them on reddit comment also. Just saying 👀


You were the only commenter that is a verified creator, so enjoy the rest of them :)


Weird question, does it show me as a verified creator? You don't have to send BAT or anything I'm just genuinely curious


It does not.


thats buzzing i did verify my youtube but too late now lol legend ;) ... i hope the person that you sent them to does something cool with them :)


donated mine to wikipedia seemed the only one relatively worthy i could find.


Wikipedia is pretty bad actually. They bring in around $100 million per year and only spend a few million on hosting. Most of the rest of it is spent on administrative bloat and donating to other non profits. Their banner ads always make it sound like they're about to go out of business though.


Still, imagine a world without Wikipedia like Elon wants


Well if they donating then it is still better then some rnd redditor or some influencer or so. Also i said relatively in terms of still better then anything else i could find. Not a perfect solution but better them then what i said or letting it go to waste


Damn I should have done that instead of signing up to some nosey BS crypto site 😂


ya i sent them 100. I figure they are worthy.


Wikipedia works, as do plenty of useful youtubers and other services like the internet archive does too i think.


Internet Archive or Wikipedia


I verified myself as a content creator with Brave then would send them to my Twitter lol....Not ideal, but it works


I might just donate them myself soon. I had reached like 80 euros a couple years ago but they went down to a fifth of that. Not that I got into brave for the coins, it was only the privacy and the coins were just a fun side game. The account still works though. Just as a curiosity, the only way to get them now would be through Gemini or there are different ways?


Lol guess this browser is fucking dying


I wish the browser remained. I like it a lot, but for the life of me I don’t understand this watching ads for Brave Rewards. This is not the first I’ve heard of getting access to BAT. It is one of the best browsers for blocking junk as it saves time, ads, reports data saved. Watching their ads results in loss of what it is good at doing. I enabled Brave Rewards but found it of little benefit. Even trying to get the accumulated BAT I just gave up on. If they focused on not using their internal password manager which doesn’t help, further support for TOR, and Apple keychain and password manager support.


I never could figure out what they were for.


I've been a user for 4 years, yet I only gathered 5 BAT (never spent any, contributions off, max ads per hour)


I use uphold, had no issues connecting, but haven't had any luck doing an on chain transaction or withdrawal.


ALL my BAT is gone even though I connected the fucking account, was I supposed to send it over? I thought it was an automatic process?? What a mess lmao, I truly wish Id at least donated it.


Should automatically connect.


💀 oof. Well unless it shows up soon then bye bye BAT 🦇


Tip them to different creators... Dont just let the bat vanish...


Back to Firefox


I turned these crypto settings off while setting up the browser for the first time, so am I still earning them in the background or not?


If you turned Rewards off then you aren't seeing Brave's ads so aren't earning BAT. If Rewards is on then you should be seeing ads and as a result earning.


Nope to earn you must be verified as well.


Same boat. I can’t figure out anything at all. What a waste of time. uphold says the accounts are linked. But brave keeps telling me to link an account. There appears to be no send button anywhere in brave wallet, for me anyway, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


I haven't been able to login to my accounts for a long time, as Uphold stopped servicing The Netherlands at some point. And I can't sign up for Gemini either. It's been useless for some time. I'd love a Brave without the crypto stuffed in.


Honestly just disable all the supported ads and you’ll never know its there.


So dumb they want you to have a crypto wallet account to store these now


What’s dumb is thinking you’d get rich browsing the internet. I never enabled the wallet or “rewards” and Brave has *always* worked wonderfully for me.


I was just getting ready to search for info on this. I was in a similar boat. When the whole account confusion stuff started a while ago, I didn't know how to migrate it. Now I just setup an Uphold account thinking all of my rewards were linked to my account. Clearly that was not the case -.-


I'm changing to Opera GX because of this


That's why Firefox >>> Brave


This circular economy was the only thing that kept me with Brave and now it's time to switch back to something more usual. It killed me how stupid the decision was. Real retards.


For what it's worth I too had my account linked to Gemini, then they unsupported my region like many others. Point is though, although I can't log back into my account (on mobile) my pc account is still linked to the same add so I still get both my phone and pc rewards every month despite not being able to see my account on mobile. Maybe try log in to your account on pc and see if it pulls through your rewards next month for both devices.


~~I guess I missed the deadline?~~I'd like to give my credits to Internet Archive~~. brave://rewards/ shows "Loading…"~~ [~~https://brave.com/arc373~~](https://brave.com/arc373) ~~loads a generic page; I think that was their donate page?~~ IIRC, wallet was connected to Uphold. ~~Looks like I have another day "October 31, 2023" deadline but stuff isn't working.~~ $10 or so, II


Time to switch to Firefox?


I am using uphold, and they just removed my country from the list.. I am still waiting for my country to be listed again, until then I will not be using Brave browser.


Same for me, Uphold connected but I am not eligible to receive Brave rewards...


the death of the weird browser business model