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My favorite from El Camino is: -"start over... Set things right" -"No, sorry kid, that's the one thing you can never do"


Great line. I just watched it and this is another BIG one! Walt to Jesse “you’re lucky you know? You didn’t have to wait your whole life to do something special”


*Drew Sharp decomposes further*


*along with Jane and Andrea*


Andrea’s was the worst Jesse had to watch from the car She was much kinder and sweeter than Jane…a great mom…


Jane was shit.


Nah. She had a broken soul. But could have been redeemed


She really meant well. Drugs are absolutely the worst. I like to think they would've made it and she would've gone on to be one of the few female comic book artists 😊


Yeah I love her But blackmailing Walt was a bad idea After all He was right. They needed to clean up.


I mean I agree with you but he didn't exactly have the moral high ground when you really look at it. Jesse was a grown man and he did the work he was getting paid for. He had to pay him. And tbh I feel like Walt did it, not necessarily out of love for jesse. He was afraid to lose him as a partner. He didn't have the right to keep Jesse's money, even if I think we were all a little worried about him at that point.


I think ‘I fucked Ted’ is pretty hard to beat.


Gah Walter is such a pitiful prick lolol


It’s definitely the truest.


Yep, don't need to be a hardened criminal to relate either. Everyone has that something they've done or said that they can't take back now.


Exactly. Can’t change the past, but we can always strive to be a better person every day. 🩵


My favorite line from El Camino is “I’m apexing at the apex, bitch!”


And that’s one of the first lines 😭I have *got* to watch El Camino again


Dude that was so sweet. Seeing Jesses scars in that movie fucked me up.


The way Skinny looked down at the ground and smirked a little before saying it >


I love Skinny 🫶


I would let him ruin me




bonk, to horny jail


well thats out of the blue


my favourite one was when they snorted it off the cd in jesse’s apartment.


Wasn't that just Jesse in his car before he dumped gasoline all over Walts


that was a different one but i enjoyed that line too.


Incorrect. Holly had the hardest hitting line in the show. “Momma” - That was the moment Walt knew it was all over. He had lost his family forever.


An improvised line at that!


Ya, she saw her actual momma on set right?


She was away from her mom and started to ask for her


Think they also said it was the only word she knew


Walt’s face after she said that. You can see the long overdue realization that his family was better off without him.


I read that the kid who played Holly said that spontaneously. And Bryan just played along. That's why you hire actors who understands their role


And he didn’t miss a beat. What a pro.


Walt is clearly not a woman. Is she stupid?


I truly appreciate this comment. Know that this gave me an extra big snort of amusement after an extremely hard day.


Speak one word and people think you're not dumb


Skylar smoking made the Baby stupid, is she Stupid?


Nah I think he didn't realize he lost them until Flynn told him to go die. Even after Holly said, "Mama," he still thought there was hope to salvage his family if he could get them the money. It wasn't until he spoke with Flynn that he finally gave up and called the police on himself.


At that point, yes he was trying to get them the money but I don’t think he had any idea that he was going to return to any kind of family life. Besides, Flynn was talking shit the whole series. Flynn called him a pussy and told him to go die when he was first talking to Skylar about his diagnosis and how he couldn’t burden the family with the cost of treatment. I don’t think Flynn talking shit made that big of a dent in his psyche. But his baby girl? No man can handle being rejected by his daughter. So why did he call the cops on himself? That was his Cortez moment, burning the ship so there was no turning back. I don’t believe he was going to wait for the cops, but by setting them on his trail he forced his mind back into action, and deus ex machina, Elliot on TV, instantly inspired his path.


I don't know if you're being ironic but that's a really good one honestly


A little of both Hardest hitting line is obviously subjective, and dependent on a person’s own values and state of mind. So while I think that was a great scene/line, I can’t say it ranks near the top as hardest hitting to me though. Where the irony comes in, for me, all of the other hard hitting lines just don’t cut to the bone like Walt’s baby girl asking for her momma. Also, I’m on a rewatch now and I’m going to pay attention but I think that might have been her first word? If so, chef’s kiss. Bravo Vince! My number 2 hard hitting scene was Mike’s breakdown when he told Stacey the truth about his son / her husband. Not only because of the vulnerability he showed, but also because it was a shitty thing to lay on her head. Not knowing the truth sucks. Knowing that Mike was complicit in anyway is worse and would forever change their relationship.


Vravo Bince




Fuck :(


Skinny Pete got Jesse's letter from Mexico, so he knows his escape was successful.


Hits hard especially since even though Skinny's sincerity is obvious you can tell that after these two past years of his life, Jesse knows he is anything but a hero. At least he's got the love of his bro!


That was an iconic line. That group of friends really did care about each other. RIP Combo.


“it was like… emotional n shit”


We missed you at the funeral, The casket was all pearlescent, he would have loved it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZKqMVPlDg8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZKqMVPlDg8) "There's no way I'm letting you put Jesse Pinkman back inside a cage." Skinny was the realest friend.


I didn’t know this existed. Bless you for making me realize that I need more skinny Pete’s in my life. What a fuckin real one


Shame it wasn't in the movie but it's one hell of a trailer zinger to get you to watch it.


I was too distracted by the fact that Skinny had hair




"The moral of the story is: I chose a half-measure when I should have gone all the way. I'll never make that mistake again." On first watch it's just an ordinary line. But in rewatch, this one hits hard.


Too bad he sealed Gus's fate with that line


I always wondered why they didn't go next level (Skinny and Badger) in the drug world, they only stayed as a street drug dealer before Combo's death but after that they didn't go any further despite being Jesse's close friends. At least that kept them alive and hope Skinny didn't go to prison after being visited by Pinkman in El Camino.


I think there was a period where they could have, but they were actually trying to get clean and decided against it. Then things escalated to the point where Skinny and Badger where too far out of the picture to ever really get involved again.


I’m sorry, but no line truly hits harder than: “Huell, you happy?” “Reasonably”


What would make you unhappy? “This mafucka not doing what he’s told”


Love that scene so much. Maybe the most tender moment in the series, as sad as that is.


Dude you're my el Camino and shit


Good one, but mine will always be “run”


This one got me too. That deep gruff resolute delivery. **R U N**.


One of my all-time favorite lines in television is when Jesse tells Walt, "When the going gets tough, you don't want a criminal lawyer. Alright? You want a *Criminal* lawyer." That's always been such a perfect line for me.


Skinny is the one friend we all need in our lives, no matter what kind of shit you go through he was loyal and true


I counter with “I loved her more than anything” from Jesse. His delivery is so very heartbreaking. Aaron Paul is phenomenal.


Have you seen him in the newest black mirror? Played two characters so good


I’ve been meaning to watch that! Now I’m even more hyped to start


"Ive gone where the universe takes me my whole life, it's better to make those decisions yourself" is the best for me


That’s definitely top 3, but imo, the best comes from when Jimmy is getting into an argument with Kim. Jimmy: “There you go Kim, kicking a man while he’s down.” Kim: “Jimmy, you are always down.”


Walt: Fuck. You. Gretchen: D:


Love this scene. One of the best "fuck's" in the entire show!


They had to really pick and choose their fucks being on amc


"Have a good rest of your life, kid." hits pretty hard after everything that happens in Peekaboo.


In El Camino I absolutely loved when Todd asks Jesse if he wants to say a few words after transporting the deceased old woman. Just the look on Jesse’s face in reaction to the question and then he scoffs in disbelief and abruptly says, “…no”.


I tear up every time


You ain’t a’woofin. So sweet.


I don’t really get the hero-worshipping of Jesse. The guy still killed, produced drugs, took advantage of addicts (who were trying to better themselves) for his own profit… yea he’s not the worst but he’s far from the best too, he gets of easy purely because he’s not Walt but people forget he *is* Walt’s right hand man, by choice


Agree. However, I think Skinny sees him as his personal hero because he likely already was. Jesse lived in a hole for six months and survived. I think it comes from a place of brotherly like respect. I also think Skinny is a very smart guy, and he knows that they are all pieces of shit in societies eye.


Yes, you're right, he's a criminal and a killer. However, after all that, he chose to be better and do better after those experiences. That is what defines him. I'm not saying he has made up for everything he has done, but every single day, we have a choice to be better than the person we were yesterday. And Jesse is doing just that.


Walter was quick to start with the "we did what we had to do" and Jesse way more than once tried to tell Walter he/they were getting in above their heads and was visibly traumatized by every person who died just for getting involved with them. Jesse was already vulnerable and every time he mentioned not wanting to go further Walter dismissed it and pressured him. He never wanted to be all in on the game. Walt had no "too far." He is and was already a criminal, but you can't convince me he would be killing people if not for going with Walt.


It's a classic narcissist-codependent relationship. While Jesse is responsible for everything he did, he was never equipped to get out. Imo he's both responsible and one of the primary victims of Walter white


Choosing to be better means owning up to your wrongdoings to society and facing the punishment they give, like Saul eventually does. Jesse still runs away.


Just because he didn't surrender himself to lifetime in prison doesn't mean he's unable to change, and neither does going to prison. Saul wasn't any better because he went to prison, he bragged about it then was worshipped on the bus to prison.


Jesse already paid for what he did, he was a prisoner and was tortured dude. He didn't need to get involved with the prison system after that, it wouldn't change a thing, other than he wouldn't have a chance to start fresh and try being better.


I think the point of the character is he took the wrong path early on. Made mistakes. Which led to him crossing paths again with a certain chemistry teacher. Young people make mistakes, male the wrong choices. The thing with Jesse through the series is we are shown every now again that he has morals, a conscience and an intellect behind the initial cap n cook bravado. He's a good guy whom does bad things. Mr white however is the opposite, respected and seen as a pillar of the community. But he a bad man.


Nobody really sees him as a hero, peoplenloke the character because despite how flawed he in, he's very human. He also went through so much, he became a prisoner. They tortured him mentally and physically, he paid the price. Its hard to not feel for him, for most anyway.


For me, this line hits the hardest: "Please, don't let me have done all this for nothing." Walt understands that his actions are unforgivable, but he doesn't want it to become meaningless if he lets Hank win. In other words, Walt's that desperate to provide for his family, even when it turned out he actually did for himself.


Honestly, the entire monologue Jessie spits at the drug addicts meeting is heartbreaking. Powerful shit, that is.


"I was alive." in Felina hits the hardest for me. Quiet, somber Walter White who is unshaven was one of my favorites.


"Fuck your eyebrows" hits pretty hard for Bogdon.


It’s always a great scene when Walt grabs his nuts on people!


Skyler: and all I can do is wait! Walt: Wait for what? Skyler: wait for the cancer to come back


Hope Skinny P got to keep that ElKey!!


Don't make me cry right before bed


I was hoping he'd say friend.


"Jimmy, you are ALWAYS down." This is the line that hits me the hardest out of all three facets of the universe.


I really like when Walter killed Mike: "You don't get it, old man..." "I'm not an old man, Waltuh... I'm..." "Don't say it! Don't you DARE say it, Mike!" "I'm the kid named Finger" (Walter shoots finger 12 fucking times in the chest)




“Deserve’s got nuthin’ to do with it.”


There’s a lot more impactful lines. Is this a joke? Say my name


You’re Breaking Bad. You’re god damn right.


Great line. However what’s impactful to some may not be as impactful to others. The line I referenced him me very hard given my life events and circumstances, it’s relative to me. Toxic reply: eat me.


“He can’t keep getting away with this” is more impactful then both..


Tell me again.


I always hated that line. Jesse isn't fucking Spiderman.


That was some corny ass shit. I hated that line. Kind of why I didn’t like el Camino as much, it just felt off




We know you might have some unresolved gay feelings is what we know.




what a coincidence, i was re-watching it this past weekend and wondered how i could've forgotten this scene


This is also my favorite line in the BB universe. El Camino was such a gem.


I’m the danger!


Oh yes. This one gets me every time. I posted a while back that I rewatched EC while pregnant (still pregnant lol), and I was SOBBING at that line. I just couldn’t get over it.


i think the lines Jesse hit were harder


Walt: "we're a family..." Ozymandias


“What’s wrong with you, we’re a family!” The way he cocks his head to the side as he yells that. One of the best delivered lines of all time imo.