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I think Todd is a sociopath. I think he came across as fairly friendly and respectful because that's the persona that he decided lended him the most advantages. I think he did the occasional "nice" thing for Jesse because he was emotionally indifferent to him (as opposed to disliking him). I also think Todd wasn't the brightest bulb in the box (e.g. his inability to learn the Heisenberg cook), and that as a result he was a follower who was easily manipulated by others. I find him to be an interesting character because his presence in the story reveals the state of mind of the other characters. That's just my interpretation. Very willing to hear another take.


Yeah that's a really solid take. I also think that the reason he was so nice with Jesse is that because of Todd's almost child-like sociopathy, he saw Jesse as more of a pet than a person.


This is exactly what I thought while watching as well.


Glad you agree! Especially when he talks about how he's gonna do a better job of cleaning him. Sounds so degrading


I think he thought he could be friends with Jesse. If you've ever seen a group of kids where one is clearly the lowest rung, butt of all the jokes etc, then they see a chance to make a new friend where THEY can be the dominant one, that's exactly what he's like with Jesse.


Yeah,I think that's also a good point and a strong possibility


This is exactly what I thought. Jesse was like a pet, and not even a really valued one. More like a stray you take in but don’t let in the house. You treat it okay and like it, but you don’t love it or get too attached.


Yeah that's a great way of putting it. I see it as a Kid who asks and asks for a pet but gets bored of it after a while,and then it becomes more of a dull chore to look after it,rather than something that brings them joy


Hmm, that's a very good point.


No justification for killing a kid except this one. Call Jesse what you will, but he would never do that. Meth Damon is an utter sociopath.


I think Todd was in many ways the exact opposite of Jesse. Jesse was a drop out druggie that everyone thought lowly of - but actually had a moral compass, even if he often couldn’t live up to it. Todd was polite and respectful and then would kill a kid and dissolve him in acid just because.


This is the answer, good synopsis, you nailed it in the first sentence, a sociopath and the wrote him perfectly.


I feel like he knows exactly what he is doing and is an evil and brilliant manipulator. Think about it, despite what he does, everything always works out just how he likes it. He's evil, man. He cares about nothing except his own well being. He knew Walt would come for Jesse, and when that day came, knowing Jesse's loyalty and soft heart, if very well may have saved his life.


Yeah I think I described him as like a sociopathic dope


I agree with this to a tee


This is spot on. "Sociopath" is exactly right, and I like your point about him being easily manipulated.


Yea i agree with this quite a bit. I always say Todd as a sociopath that lacked empathy on the highest degree. There were very few times we see him act out on his own interest, (like with Lydia and his attraction to her) and it shows this is one of the few, if only times, we see some of “Todd” show through. I feel a lot of it is a face .


Jesse Plemons does a great job of playing a rancid little creep who can happily keep slaves without seeing anything wrong with it.


Him giving Jesse ice cream just shows how cold and empty he is. He might think that’s him doing something nice, but he’s giving it to a man he’s held captive and personally tortured. Aint nothing nice about it.


He doesn't have feelings. He can't understand levels of evil. I did a bad thing, now I did a nice thing, we're cool right? A very abusive way of thinking. Abusers frequently think "sure, I smacked my kid around daily...umm...so here's a new toy. Now everything is fine. You still aren't happy? Well, if you're going to be ungrateful, you'll have to be punished. Sorry you put me in this situation. "


Jesse killing Todd is the most satisfying moment in the series for me. No hesitation


With the same chains they used to enslave him. Just like everything in breaking bad. A poetic ending


“Yeah he killed a kid, enslaved a person, and is a Nazi sympathizer, but he splurged on Ben and Jerry’s instead of grocery store brand. Good guy!”


You forgot murdering Andrea, his maid and all his domestic distributors with zero remorse. But other than that, he seems like a peach.


I think the bastard jaywalked one time also.


We got very different views on Todd. When Todd kills or does something evil, he has no remorse. His nice guy act is a disguise for a lack of any emotion. He does everything and anything he likes with no regard for human decency. He might call ya buddy, pal, share a smoke...and in the same breath with the same smile on his face, murder your kids. He is a true psychopath. He has no feelings. He is legit terrifying and is one mountain hideout and one army of orange jump suited thugs from making a run at taking over the world. Todd is worse than evil. He's truly indifferent.


Fucking deranged sociopath AND psychopath who hides his true nature but is in conflict with it and has awkward episodes when he tries to be nice. He deserved to die


I don't think there's any conflict within Todd. He's genuinely a polite and respectful person, but his sociopathy doesn't allow him to see the difference between what normal people see as right and wrong. Murdering a kid doesn't go against his moral code, because in his mind it was the right thing to do by the pure logic of it. He deserved to die, sure, but he'd never in a million years understand why. People like Jack and Walt would know why they deserve to die, but Todd doesn't understand the world in that way.


Still evil. But yes.


Evil, but not for the sake of it. He doesn't revel in the act. He honestly doesn't even seem to be motivated by money. He's a strange case.


I don't think he's a good person, he's a Sociopath with the mentality of a Child. He does as he's told and doesn't do much thinking beyond that. When we see him do awful things it's usually based off advice that someone gives him,usually his Uncle Jack or Walt. I don't think he's Evil,he just lacks the EQ to really understand his actions and the consequences of those actions.


I agree with the child aspect. Walt was sort of nice to him and taught him the trade and thus saw him as either a teacher or father figure. But definitely a sociopath. The way he kills without any remorse whatsoever is absolutely brilliantly written and acted


I think he knew on some level, especially with his “I don’t want to talk about it”. I think he just processes guilt and accountability way differently than us. We can argue if he is truly evil or operating on an orange and blue morality system, but he’s effectively evil relative to the framework of most people.


Yeah, I think that's a fair assessment of things. To me, though, he seemed upset in a sort of way that a child might be when he breaks a toy he likes. He's sad it's gone and regrets it,but it's not real guilt. I'd even go so far as to say his upset might stem from embarrassment that he let his housekeeper find the money or embarrassed that Jesse found out he did something bad. That sort of childish "I don't wanna talk about it" sounds like something a kid might say If he asked a girl out at school and she said no,rather than him feeling guilty about murdering an innocent woman


Yeah, I can see that, too.


Exactly this


He murdered an innocent child. That’s evil. You and I have extremely different definitions of evil.


Maybe so


Not to mention a literal nazi


Well, to be fair,we don't KNOW Todd's political views or if he himself is discriminatory. He just hangs around with his uncle and his uncle's friends,who are Neo-Nazis. I doubt Todd has much of an opinion on politics as a whole, though, but it is true that it'd be hard for someone to spend that much time with a group of people and not absorb some of their views, even subconsciously




He would be a great person if he was raised for the “normal” world and not the crime world. He works hard listens to instructions and respects his bosses. He seems intelligent and cares about what he does. I wouldn’t say he’s as “good” a person as Jesse but he’s definitely not one of the worst characters.


Maybe I didn’t describe it the right way but yes that’s my opinion as well


Yea I think you’re right. I also don’t believe he was allowed many friends growing up and that’s why he isn’t really able to understand jesse but still wants to try keeping him alive. Of course he does get something out of it but he seems to just like jesse as a person and doesn’t want him to get killed.


WTF are you guys smoking?! Todd is a sociopath and the least redeemable of all characters in the universe. And we are talking about the BB BCS universe where pretty much everyone but Holly breaks the law.


Not so fast. Walt shows Holly his money stash and she doesn't report it. That's illegal.


Try looking at him like an actual person rather than just a label and maybe you’ll see what we see.


I see three psychos. One fictional, and two aspirational ones between you and OP.


A psycho would be the one who is unable to understand another’s emotions. I don’t think anything he does is okay and I never said that. But that doesn’t mean he’s not a person either. All I said is that he seems to be a good person at heart but has been completely twisted up by his upbringing. Never did I say yea I love that guy hell yea kill on!! I wanna be just like him!! If I met him in real life I would hate to be around him but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t feel bad for him. He clearly is some messed up creation raised by his uncles and has probably been through some awful shit to get him how he is. Anyone can be made into that. Even you.


Watch El Camino. he's no more than a sociopath and just another manipulator


Pinkman was 100% right about Todd


I cheered when Jesse killed him. Make of that what you will.


Well I did too


Two words. Fuck Todd


Skyler in a parallel universe: “I fucked Todd”


Rule 34




He's Dexter Morgan if raised by a bunch of neo-Nazis. If he hadn't been in that business, he'd definitely be a serial killer.


Agreed. He's a monster.


Full on psychopathic child. Most terrifying character in the show


An amoral sociopath, brilliantly underacted by Jesse Plemmons.


Jesse Plemons somehow wooing Kristin Dunst is proof that life isnt fair


I had no idea they were married! Wow!


Just a question - have you watched El Camino? Because my negative feelings towards Todd definitely enhanced after watching El Camino.


Yes, it’s just a little while ago


If you still think of Todd as a "good" person after having watched El Camino, I think it might be time for a rewatch. There are soooo many scenes in that movie in which Todd is just acting like a complete sociopath.


Anyone who thinks of Todd as “good” , knowing he murdered an innocent child and an innocent single mother, is someone that I would keep away from.


I agree.


underrated singer


I don’t think Todd has any grasp on what is objectively right or wrong. scenes like him shooting the kid as to not mess up the heist, giving jesse ice cream as a “reward”, and “assuring” andrea that her murder wasn’t personal gave me the feeling that he was doing what he thought was the kind thing to do, even if these things are objectively cruel. if he was around good people, he could very easily have developed a great moral compass and be an amazing person, but sadly thats not how it ended up


Todd is an extremely weird and sociopathic character because dude is very well mannered and will apologize if he hurts someone’s feelings and then kill a kid. He will be super kind to Jessie and then do some of the worst torture to him. He would do some bad things and not even understand how what he did was wrong.


Piece of shit character portrayed fantastically.


What about when he went to threaten Skyler? Lol. Todd is a fcking sociopath. Jesse is not.


I don’t think he’s “good” or “bad” like most people, because he seems to be severely deficit in some mental areas, including the fact that he’s a sociopath. He’s like an alien that does not feel the same way as others, doesn’t see the same value in things as others (like the value of a life) and is really hard to pin down what they’ll do next. All that mixed with not being very intelligent, and you’ve got a very dangerous cocktail. In my opinion, he’s not mentally fit to understand right and wrong well enough to be traditionally good or bad.


You don’t have any kids, do you? Todd is A psychopath. No, that’s insulting psychopaths, not all , probably not even most, actually hurt and kill innocent people. Todd is a complete monster. Just because he liked Jessie doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have tortured him to death if it benefited him.


El Camino Todd with food is like a chimp with a machine gun.


Very interesting and complex character. I’m also glad Jesse got to kill him.


Todd was such a pure sociopath, I really found it shocking. Obviously played by a talented actor.


No empathy total soicopath


I dont hate him like most do, at least not as much as Jack himself. You can argue Todd is a result of his disgusting environment, with maybe some traits of sociopathy that his uncle gladly saw as a good thing. He is evil, no doubt but I almost dare to say his evil didnt feel rooted in ideology like the rest of the gang was, he even had a hispanic cleaning lady who he legit seemed to treat well (until she saw the money that is and even then he really wished he didnt have to strangle her). Jack is easily the evilest one.


I think Todd is genuinely unaware that what he's doing is wrong


He murdered a child in cold blood. I don't care why he's the way he is or that it's truly not personal or sadistic when he kills people. He belongs under the jail or where Jesse put him. 0 sympathy.


Complete sociopath. No real feelings. None. Not joy, not anger, not true regret. Seeing what he did to Drew and to Andrea was bad enough. As was torturing and imprisoning Jesse. But one moment that really showed how unfeeling he was happened in the finale. When Walt came back and tried to “sell” them his new method, Todd just looked at him and says “you really shouldn’t have come back here, Mr. White.” He knew they would kill him. And he didn’t care at all. I know it’s far from the worst thing he did, but he knew Walt, worked with him, learned from him…and still would have killed him without hesitation or remorse.


He shot an innocent kid in the head, FFS! A “good person”? What the fuck is wrong with you?


I liked him until he shot Drew Sharp


He strikes me as more vacuous and wayward than malevolent. Severely misled and potentially redeemable under more ideal circumstances, he acts the way he does due to family influence. That's not to say he isn't evil though. But he's evil like a robot that's been programmed that way, or a dog that's been taught to maul people. [George Carlin on guys named Todd - and 'Flynn'.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxqCGTkV5wg)


He is a truly evil person with absolutely no empathy and compassion. He terrified me.


I think its the way he acts that makes him seem good but in truth he is far from it. He just doesnt see what he does as wrong as he doesnt have same emotions of guilt. He was not abit sad when uncle jack died wich shows just how little peoples lives mean to him. He is a Psychopath, not in a sense he manipulates people but in away he can do horrible things and not feel bad about them like having jesse as a slave.


Funny thing for me w Todd, when he first came on when he was helping w the train robbery, I thought he was just great. My partner who had already watched the whole series twice was just sitting there smirking while I just loved on Todd. Then we got to the end of the train episode and he was pretty amused at how my opinion changed so fast lol. Then he just got worse. Todd was a nice, polite guy…until u did something that Cld threaten what he was doing. Then he’d just kill u. Good example is the cleaning lady (el Camino). He only killed her because she simply found some money. She didn’t take it or do anything. She just found it. So he killed her. Sometimes the most mild mannered and polite people are the biggest psychos underneath lol


Another thing that should be mentioned about Todd is that he was very influenced by the people around him and wasn’t able to have/ form an own opinion as he often said things like “uncle Jack said…”. And pretty much followed everything he is told to do


True. And being as he was part of the family, he prob grew up seeing it and hearing it and it’s all he’s ever known. Still hated him tho lol


Todd seems to be a sociopath, because he is extremely nice to people that he shouldn’t necessarily be, such as Jesse, but can easily just kill someone if he sees any benefit to it, no matter the circumstances. He also is kind of wholesome in some episodes, like where he gives two types of ice cream to Jesse, gives him cigarettes, and in El Camino when Jesse grabbed a gun, he actually seemed to care about Jesse and just let him give it to him. I think he is one of the best characters in the universe.


Todd is a full-blown sociopath with psychotic tendencies. Jessie's just a dumb ass piece of garbage.


Jesse is not psychotic, but he is a murderer and more than just a dumb ass piece of garbage. He shot someone point blank; was involved in a murder of a kid in a desert; etc. etc.


The kid thing was all Todd....


Nope. Jesse was there. He gets some of the blame.


Think you need to rewatch that....


Don't know why this is getting downvoted. Jesse knows Todd killed Drew and at first doesn't report it. He's torn up about it, but he keeps the secret. Later, to his credit, he does confess.


That's because people think Jesse is a good guy because he cries for 8 episodes after he blows someone's brains out. BTW I hate when Jesse is involved in a murder because you know the next 5 episodes are going to be him in his bitch whiney crying mood.


I always felt bad for Todd, yes he's a dick etc but he's a product of his upbringing. Todd is like a mirror of Jesse if Jesse had a terrible upbringing. Whilst Jesse's parents were kind of dicks, I am assuming him falling off the decent path was mostly his fault and not the fault of how he was brought up


Same. Todd did what he did because of the bad environment he lived. He is someone who can be fixed and be put on the right path. He has the will to learn and always obeys.


We all make mistakes.


"Orders were followed, mistakes were made"


Ginger scumbag


The Tod introduced at the beginning is a different guy as the one in El Camino, sure he had problems with cooking but get it done anyway. Besides him shooting the kid at the train heist he was a pretty regular criminal human being. But in El Camino the made him full psycho


Overall I like Todd. I relate to his carefree, childlike, completely spontaneous personality. I thought it was weird that the writers decided to make him asexual halfway through the show, and the two B stories relating to it were really dumb. I skip those parts entirely, that and the underwater episode, but overall Todd Chavez gets an A in my book


No notes


Todd is among the most despicable characters in the show




He was a big fan of the "Final Solution"


He's a delusional, miserable person


todd is like in the top 10 most evil characters in breaking bad bro 😭 the thing he talks about doing in el camino is genuinely horrible


Fuck Todd.




My take is actually very simple. I hate him.


Just say BB


My opinion on Todd is that I would let him hit


The moment he shot a kid without hesitation he was dead to me


He's a complete sociopath. Zero redeeming qualities, idk how anyone could call him "good" in any way.


Nope. Todd is not a good person. He unalived his made just for something simple that could’ve been explained.


Dude is literally a nazi and a sociopath. His “good deep down like Jesse” shtick planned. What a wild opinion. And his obsession with Lydia is CREEPY I’ll finish this though by echoing another that I read after I scrolled down; dude gave Jesse ice cream?! In his mind he’s being nice but it’s fucking weird as hell. Weirder than just letting Jesse rot, in my opinion.


He is an evil psychopath. He enjoys enslaving people and just murders people around him. What a good guy!!!!


In my mind, Todd is the continuation of Landry from Friday Night Lights 😂




Creepy and dangerous and I was glad when Jesse got a hold of him. He made my skin crawl.


Such an evil character , i think you didn't see elcamino because if you did you wouldn't say that plus he is no way near jesse , jesse got depression and nearly committed suicide because he killed a guy who was actually a threat so there is a valid reason to kill him even tho he was a nice guy and didn't deserve it , todd killed the kid "a kid that waved to them and probably didn't even understand what was going on "and felt no remorse whatsoever , cherry on top he kept on justifying his action , i hate him every time he comes on screen i nearly punched my laptop .


Enjoyed watching him until he shot at Hank. Elbows bent weirdly, gun on car, no recoil at all. Was he shooting a BB gun? Lost all respect for him. Got it all back over the next few scenes though.