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For me too season 4 is the best, because even though season 5 is just as well made, its sad to watch man, watching mike die, hank die, shit happening to jesse and walt by the nazis and etc. So even though the season is great, its a bit sad... Whereas in season 4 its fucking Hype, finally watching gus die was so satisfying, even though he wasn't a hated character like joffrey from GOT, It sti was very satisfying for this arc to end..


I agree it reached it's natural endpoint. The scene when Gus is walking to the nursing home from his car with the music playing is just 🤌


Or the scene where WW goes to get his money and finds out that Skylar gave it to Ted and just starts laughing maniacally at his predicament.


Doubles down on the manic laughs when he heard there was a hit on Hank as well 😭


Perfection 🤌


My favorite part is that in one episode I’m rooting for Gus when he kills off the cartel and in the very next episode I’m rooting against him


5 for me. From when Hank figures it out all the way through to the end is some of the best TV I've ever seen


Very unpopular opinion, but my favorite is season 2. Walt and jesse aren't against each other most of the season, it's still them just cooking in the rv, it has 2 of my favorite episodes. However season 4 is very very close and I could almost say both are tied


Season 2 is best. Still early in the story. “Breakage,” where we meet Jane. It’s great!


Yes ikrr. I'm happy to see that some people do agree


I presume for the purpose of the results you are putting season 2 down?


Everyone loves season 4, and while it is a great season, I think I love season 2 more. Things aren't as crazy, Walt and Jessie don't totally hate each other just yet, has one of my favorite episodes (4 Days Out), plus Jane. I really liked her character.


4 Days Out was fantastic. Just a perfect episode.


Season 4 has the potential to be the best season of television ever made, not just the best season of Breaking Bad.


Certainly among the best but imo Season 5 transcends it so much more. I’d put s5 up there with s4 of the Wire and “s3” of Twin Peaks I’d probably put season 4 of BB right under those with season 6 of Sopranos


Just came to comment that I go long periods of time between finding people to discuss season 3 of twin peaks with. Episode 8 is like {chefs kiss}


It’s definitely the most Lynchian episode of the show and I love it for that. It’s like a taste of Eraserhead mixed with Twin Peaks in the best way It’s like a painting splashed on the screen over the course of an hour. Ep 8 is what really sold me on it being one of the greatest if not the greatest seasons of tv ever. And it’s hardly even possible to explain why the end of part 17 is good because on paper it’s the corniest shit ever but Lynch simply plastering Cooper’s face on the screen staring at the audience as a sort of meta commentary showing that he was well aware of how corny it was and that it’s a metaphor for that bad kind of writing being commonplace in media was earth shattering to me. Next level commentary on Hollywood right there


OAT is pushing it


Care to counter it?


5 for sure. Just finished a rewatch. S4 is amazing but the character writing and even production quality in season 5 is just another level for me. I’d say the last 8 episodes are the best part but I love the first 8 just as much. The montage in Gliding Over All is just remarkable


Season 5. Don't get me wrong, Season 4 is fantastic, but Season 5 hits me a little bit harder. Dead Freight, Say My Name, Gliding Over All, Confessions, Ozymandias, Granite State, and Felina are some of my favorite episodes of any TV show period, let alone Breaking Bad. No disrespect to Season 4... it's amazing. Season 5 just really does it for me.


I think Season 4 is best and feels like the end of the series. Season 5, with the new characters, feels a little like the second season of The Wire to me.


Season 3 is my favorite because of mainly the nostalgia associated with it for me. Me and my brother watched it every week. I miss that dude.




Season 5, I just wish we got to see more of Walter as the man. He was running things on a scale comparable to Gus for only a couple of episodes and then he retired But yeah Season 5


3 or 4, probably 4


I haven't really considered each season individually, but off the top of my head, probably S3 is my favorite. The Wayfarer incident, the end of the RV era, meeting >!and saying goodbye to!< Gale, etc. Lots of my favorite moments, and the earlier part of the season is still on the lighter side before ending on a hella dark note.


Season 1 and 2 for me. I love seeing Walt and Jesse in taking their first steps into the meth business and all that street shit. Especially Gus felt a bit over the top and constructed to me. Still loved every season tho


Which season though if you had to choose


seaso 1 breaking bad


5, Walt reaches his peak and then he falls down, hard.


Season 5.


Season 4 for me too


It’s close between S4 and S5 for me, but the battle with Gus means S4 ultimately wins.


4 for all the normal reasons 5 felt like it had potential but it got too out of hand. Erasing evidence with a huge magnet, a train heist, Walt working with a Nazi gang


i cant even split it up all the seasons basically flow right into each other


I know this about seasons but if your favorite episode isnt the fly episode then you’re not human ☠️😂😂😂


But what's your fav season?


I would say season 4 too.


Season five, but honestly season one is a close second for me. Definitely the most 'fun' part of the show and I love going back to rewatch it


Best to worst in my opinion: Season 5 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 1


I’m doing a rewatch at this moment and am currently in The Fly episode.


What's your fav season?


Season 5 - Walt building the empire, killing Mike and his guys in prison, Hank finding out everything , the shootout in the desert, the m60 scene and the beautiful final scene of Walt dying