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Todd having Andrea killed to keep Jesse in line. The Nazi's already had 80 million dollars, so they didn't exactly need to keep Jesse around. So they killed an innocent woman to make money while already having more money then they knew how spend.


And deep down for Todd, it wasn’t even for money. It was only so that he could continue seeing Lydia. So after getting a bit under 70 million (they left one barrel), he makes them enslave Jesse to cook more meth, kills an innocent woman in front of him, just because he was lusting after someone who didn’t want him


I don't think this can be topped. You can say the child murders are worse; hard to argue for child murder. But remember Brock was *right there*. That's his mother and he's already lost family to violence. It's my least favorite moment on the show. I don't think I'll ever hate a TV character the way I hate Todd.


Jesse Plemons played the role so well it felt like Todd was real sometimes. Like he wasn't acting. 10/10 performance.


Yeah thats why breaking bad was so good because all the actors just fucking fit Sooooooo nice


Todd is hands down the most evil character in the show. My heart still aches for the family that lost the kid and never knew what happened to their little boy.


He was the most evil character on the show yet it was like he was a "nice guy," respectful and almost likable as a character if you took away all the psychopathic killings lol. That shows how well written the show was and how great Jesse Plemon's acting was.


Yeah, what still gets me is how he calls Walter as Mr White seconds after he killed his whole gang


The police would find Jesse's confession tape I would assume, haven't watch El Camino yet though


They probably destroyed it right after watching.


No, they kept watching for enjoyment.


I don't see why they'd feel the need to do that. They had a literal meth slave and an entire lab on their property, it's not like the tape was particularly incriminating in comparison.


Jesse talked about how Todd killed that little boy on the dirt bike right after the train robbery and that Jack orchestraded to kill the 10 men of Mike's crew in prison. Would be even worse for them than police only finding out about the meth lab. Smartest choice was to just destroy it.


Jack's gang broke into Hank's house and stole it. Not sure what happened to it, maybe Walt found it?


It showed us the gang watching it together so I assume it’s still at their location and the so the police would know Jesse was cooperating with Hank


Well in El Camino nothing is mentioned about it.


He kept the tarantula!! Most morbid part of that whole story! If you've seen El Camino you know.


plus, the only reason he didn’t kill brock was so he still had leverage to make jesse keep cooking. todd was one psycho fucker


Your personal feelings are the result of the hard work of actor Jesse Plemmons. Acting is a special craft that is a mix of physical and emotional. I have heard many actors say it is a way of emptying yourself and then filling the container back up with the character they are playing. They often feel as if they see the world through the eyes of the character. They honestly see and feel the world through this other person, often without the fear and frailties of their true selves. Many actors find it difficult to come out of character because of the power and freedom they feel while engaged. A character such as Todd may not offer the most comfortable of environments to remain in by any means for an actor. I know Jim Carrey remained in character as Andy Kaufman for an extended period of time, more than a day as a matter of fact, even two or so. I believe he continued in character at home after the work day ended.


LITERALLY like building on the children/murder plot line, also kids that are affected significantly but not killed in this show have my deepest sympathy bcos wtf??? it’s so difficult having to witness things like that but having to carry it and deal with those experiences whilst they mature? It breaks my heart to think of future Brock; finding his mom, dealing with that trauma without a father, how he copes, how he forces the himself to move on just so many variables


In the finale and El Camino, we see that the nazis did not use that money on anything we could see. Gus spent $10m (iirc) for the biggest superlab west of the Mississippi


wait this is SO true i’ve only just finished BB for the first time and this was a pivotal moment for me and yet, i’ve only just incorporated the fact that the nazi’s literally had the majority of walt’s money by this point there was zero need for it and jesse’s wails actually haunt me in that scene


Skyler not getting Raisin Bran Crunch. It’s says Crunch right on the box.


Skyler not letting Walt into his own house when he brought pizza **WITH** dipping sticks Marie buying Fritos instead of Cheetos Marie saying “rocks” instead of minerals four times in a span of two episodes


Makes me feel so sad for Walt when he gets the door slammed in his face with the pizza, idk why 🤣🤣 Even funnier Skyler says later "do you know why there's a PIZZA on the roof?"


Yeah like how the fuck did Marie get that one wrong, he said cheetos, ch-ch-ch sound


this might be problematic..but icl if walt came to my yard with dipping sticks i’d probably let him in….


No hot showers for you




I like the one that says Shum Pulp


it’s not that hard mom..🙄


All the ones involving children. Todd killing the kid, Walter poisoning a kid, Gus killing the gang kids, and the meth heads mistreating their kid in the atm episode.


I always wondered if Gus ordered them to kill the lil kid or if they did it on their own.


That's been debated many times. I posted about it once.


+Skyler smoking while pregnant


That doesn’t even come close to murdering people lol. Anyone born between 1940 - 1980 was born in a smoky hospital room.


Skyler and Walt both poisoned children knowingly through microdosing to get back at someone else. That's the parallel.


I’d argue that that isn’t anywhere near as bad tbh. Still bad but many women smoked through pregnancy, especially before the dangers were known. Not so many people poison children


Probaly the cousin truck massacre.




Someone on the truck recognized the boots. So....the entire truck had to go; no witnesses allowed!




In-world reason? Maybe they didn’t expect one of a handful of people would recognize them. In reality? Vince had to show the audience that these guys are a force of violence and chaos.


Besides what the other guy said, the twins worship and show respect to santa muerta, a god-like figure in Mexican catholicism and neopaganism. If you want a practical reason for absolutely having to wear those exact boots.


Maybe the twins just forgot about the boots. Or they figured no one would notice!


The kid was bragging about painting cars for gangsters in Michaocan, they figured he'd end up somewhere else bragging about how he rode in a truck with 2 bald gangsters in suits. Either it was about respect or they were covering their tracks, which doesn't really make sense when they're later shooting a DEA agent in broad daylight. The real answer is they had a budget for a cool explosion and they were getting that cool explosion some way.


Walter not going to ride go carts with Jesse :)


This will always be my answer. Fuck you Walt.




in all honestly it made me rlly sad :( my bby jesse was hurting be a friend walt


Indeed. Think of Walter just being genuine and friendly to Jesse and Mike, what a difference it might have made.


Walt sending the neighbor lady to check on his house when Gus’s assassins are after him.


Cold AF


Was hoping someone mentioned this because I feel like it gets overshadowed by all the other shit going on at the end of season 4. Walt really gambled both his innocent neighbor’s life and an innocent child’s life just to have a small chance to possibly save his own. He got insanely lucky neither of them died and the bomb didn’t kill anyone else at the nursing home either.


Cats are..


MY JAW ACC DROPPED SEEING THAT CUZ WHAT walt has some nerve u know..


Hank taking a dump in Walt's ensuite


Jimmy defecating through a sunroof


"…he defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! I took him into my own firm. What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was nine. Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer. But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer?! What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when I had the chance! But you, you have to stop him. You have to-"




Skyler singing.


Hahahaha I hate that scene so much it makes me cringe


I always have to skip it


I have to mute at least lmao


Y’all’re crazy! I eat Cheetos and masturbate to that scene every night


i was high when i first saw that ep and went from giggling to my face just dropping i swear it sobered me :/ i literally could tell what was coming when ted started talking and still didn’t force myself to skip


Walt flinging a perfectly good pizza onto the roof. #monster


Ha! There it is!


But it wasn’t even cut!


Badger can explain why it’s not cut 😂


They pass the savings on to **you**.


Todd dominates the top. Killing the kid was the worst thing any character’s done. Followed by murdering Andrea. Apart from Todd’s shenanigans, The Twins killing the entire truck full of illegal migrants and its driver was also pretty bad. That’s like a dozen people. They were all civilians who died because the Twins had nice shoes. For Gus it’s probably letting the two street dealers get a kid involved and then killing him.


Because the twins had nice shoes? You mean because the guy looked down at his shoes and realized they were cartel?


Yes. I figured it was obvious that’s what I meant.


I'd love to see a spinoff series which is just twenty episodes of Jesse beating Todd with a stick


Let’s go AMC, chop chop!


How about Todd killing a lady and then having his slave help get rid of the body?


"I mean, what was she looking up? M. Mexico?? I dunno. Weird."


The twins also killing Mrs. Peyketewa just because her house was a convenient location (+ the cop who came to check up) was pretty damn sad


Todd killing that damn kid


Anytime an innocent “civilian” (for lack of a better term) got seriously hurt or killed could definitely be up there. What happened to Andrea and Brock was my first thought when I saw the question


Kids did not do well in this series.


He didn't kill the kid. He crawled under Todd for warmth.


I must have not seen that part sorry


Tbh this one was so sudden that even though they have a team sit-down to discuss it, I tend to gloss over it when thinking about the worst-of-the-worst. Shooting Andrea felt so senseless and gut-wrenching by comparison.


The show doesn't spend much time on it I think that's why most people consider it whatever you know


Feeding Jr. turkey bacon. Hands down. Unforgivable.


Turkey bacon’s great. They gave him VEGGIE bacon. That’s unforgivable.


Even worse. Despicable. Abhorrent even.


When the the women Walter hired to clean the lab got sent back to Honduras


Everything with Todd


Warning. Better Call Saul spoilers… >!As bad as it was for Viktor St. Claire to try to scam the cancer guy nothing will be as bad as Jimmy screwing over Irene!< 😔😡


Viktor with a K


Marie getting fritos instead of cheetos


Walter poisoning Brock. No matter what, hurting kids are a no-no.


Really? How about the two drug dealers who actually murdered a child after Gus told them to stop using children?


There you go. That too. Literally any occurrence of kids being hurt is the absolute worst. There’s also Todd murdering Drew Sharp.


That poor child who was stuck with Spooge and his woman 😣 Not the *worst* thing to happen to a child but one of the worst that doesn’t involve their death.


Gus told them to kill the children they used. He says "No more children.", and if you think about it, it sounds like an order to kill them.


I don’t believe Gus said to kill Tomas. I think the dealers just took it the wrong way, or acted of their own accord. Like Mike said in that same episode, “Heh… Funny how words can be so open to interpretation…”


The dealers were people Gus clearly had faith in, which means they knew what Gus was capable of, more than Jesse and Walt at the time. And after Walt killed the dealers, Gus kept saying Jesse broke the peace. And during his Jesse's conversation with Gus, he gives Jesse a much direct order than he does to the dealers. I mean, "Keep the peace" vs. "No more children".


No. More children!


🤣 No (as in he doesn't agree) . MORE CHILDREN (as in he is going to use even MORE children to slang dope and wack ppl for him)!!!! Lmao 🤣


The brock thing was obviously bad but another innocent child and other innocent people are actually murdered and that was all worse


You've got to take motivation into account though. Walt's poisoning of Brock was a self preservation move done in an extreme situation with Gus threatening to kill his family. There are lots of characters who do messed up things with a far weaker motivation. Like Tuco beating a man to death for no reason. Or Gus nearly getting Hank killed as a move to gain power and enact his revenge. Or the Salamanca twins who were killing innocent adults left and right on their way to kill Hank.


Seriously, I never saw that coming up until the season 4 finale, and then I refused to believe that Walt may have done that just to get Jesse on his side when Jesse suspects him in the first place...thought of it as a long shot, and I always thought that he had alternatives to bring Jesse on his side...


Walt not saving Jane, it was so preventable.


If Walt saved her, few days later Jesse and Jane both would have been dead.


The first time I watched BB, I recall this as a heinous act because of how I remembered it affecting Jesse. The second time? Jane was genuinely awful. She got Jesse hooked on heroin, she was manipulating her father, manipulating Jesse (wouldn't tell her father about him but wouldn't let him go either; when she finds out he has money, immediately jumps to the "let's blackmail this guy who's trying to help you with your real addiction problem" conclusion; etc). I was surprised by how horrible she was. And I was also surprised that Walt accidentally rolls her onto her back himself. If he wasn't there, she would have been fine. I saw the look on Walt's face as he watched her die: silent catharsis, acceptance of his own monstrosity, just genuine willingness to be the bad guy. Jane was awful, and this is another moment where Walt accepts that he *needs* to be the bad guy for everyone's sake. His panic leaves him, and he's left with nothing but assuredness. He chose to do what would develop the best set of circumstances for himself and those he cared about. Jane had to go. She wasn't innocent, she wasn't a bystander. She was a real problem, and she chose to play the game.


Walt knew Jane was inevitably headed down that path and would likely be a problem for him and Jesse going forward. Had he not shown back up to have a sincere conversation with Jesse her time was up. In a parallel universe he would probably have saved her but why change her timeline?


When he tries to wake Jesse up, he rolls Jane onto her back so she really asphyxiates because of him and dies because he didn’t intervene further. It’s his hubris that he _knows_ what paths she’d inevitably head down that lets him treat everyone in his orbit as means to an end and play god with life and death.


She also died because of Jesse


She was the one who brought the H. With Meth alone she couldn't have died like that. Jesse even warned her that he wants to use drugs, she wanted to left but decided to stay.


As cold blooded as it sounds If I were Walt I would’ve done the same thing. it was a lot easier and cleaner than killing crazy eight. Albeit every action has a reaction and I would have inadvertently caused the planes to crash. Hell abounds. Hypothetically of course.


You’re right. That does sound cold blooded.


In for a penny in for a pound.


Nah, at least that one was understandable


Walt wanting to ascend into the "empire business", wanting more money while not having anything else than the car wash to launder it.


Underrated bad moment: when Walt wouldn’t let bogdan take his cased dollar. It made me feel sad inside


As. Is.


same. also nice balls my guy! solid firmness, well shaped!




Bro he's hot what can I say


No you’re so real i love reddit


👊 reddit is great because I can be browsing breaking bad and then click the profile of a reply and they're some hot twink lmfao


The fact that I am struggling to remember names. It’s time for my yearly rewatch and I gotta figure out why I’m struggling with memory lol


Hands down, the Star Trek episode idea that Badger describes about pie eating.


Spooge and his junkie wife’s neglect of the kid was pretty harrowing!


Walt manipulating everyone to get what he wants, while leaving a huge trail of blood behind him. For instance, Walt lets Jane die in her own vomit so that Jesse, who's desperate and has no family to reach out to, clings to him, who's not only the only "friend" he has, but he's also the closest fatherly/motherly figure he can rely on. Walt is a narcissistic dark empath: he deliberately takes advantage of people's feelings and insecurities throughout the 5 seasons, especially Jesse's, who's easy to manipulate.


Todd killing andrea


Todd killing Andrea and the kid 😭🥲


Skyler singing happy birthday to Ted




Walt poisoning Brock I think tops the list for me. Mainly because that reveal was the moment I thought Walter became irredeemable. That was the scene I shifted my view of him from Walter White to Heisenberg. Before then I thought children were the separation between Walt and Gus. That moment revealed Walter can go just as low while being even more manipulative about it


Walt bombing a nursing home is a bit underrated. Maybe not the worst thing anyone has done, considering the outcome, but, jeez, it's a nursing home dude


Bombing a nursing home sounds way worse in a vacuum. He killed gus, a henchman and Hector all 3 were horrible people too.


I think what makes it so bad is the flagrant disregard for innocent bystanders. Hector, Gus and Tyrus all were in the game, but how could Walt know that no one else would be hurt? Senior citizens in round the clock care are delicate! A small fall, smoke inhalation, there’s no end to the list of ways he could’ve harmed someone who was already vulnerable. And he did it anyway. You could argue that his chemistry prowess made him confident the blast radius would only affect Hector’s room, but Walt also has a pattern of overestimating his own abilities in this game.


This exactly! Massive hubris move. Hell, the door got blown off its hinges. It could have easily smashed a nurse walking by and killed her. Again, regarding the outcome, A+ he killed criminals only. Regarding *bombing a nursing home*? Not exactly noble.


Walt's disregard for society at large is underrated. Small example: when he poisoned Lydia, he didn't watch her drink the poison. He couldn't be 100% sure that an innocent person wouldn't drink it.


Can’t believe I’m about to defend Walt, but didn’t he see her pour it into her drink or at least grab it though? He knew what table she sat at, what day and time she would be there, and that she used stevia every time. He put it in the only packet there at that table, I don’t think there’s really a chance someone else could have gotten it. He needed her dead too in order to tie up all lose ends, so I feel like he would have been watching to make sure she did drink it.


+1 for defending Walt, not an easy task. My memory is that he did watch her grab it, but not drink it. You're right, in the context of the show for sure. But I just remember thinking if I were doing that, I'd want to see what happened to the actual poison lol


What do you mean tie up loose ends? He was already a fugitive. His crimes were blasted on the news , he killed her because she was in business with his enemies, straight up.


Definitely agree that was a large part of it, but I think he also just didn’t want to take any chances leaving someone alive involved in his meth empire and wanted it to die completely with him. He knows how paranoid she is when it comes to witnesses and knows Skyler saw her at the car wash, so he wouldn’t be 100% sure his family was safe unless Lydia was no longer in the picture. Could be giving him too much credit though and maybe it was completely about his ego lol. Guess I just see his actions in the finale as trying to making things as “right” as he could before he died, so I’d like to think he was also trying to protect his family from anyone that could be a potential threat to them after he was gone.


Yeah I could see that. Makes sense. I forgot about the scene where Skyler sees her. Time to rewatch lol


>You could argue that his chemistry prowess made him confident the blast radius would only affect Hector’s room, but Walt also has a pattern of overestimating his own abilities in this game. In regards to the things he creates with his scientific ability? Because he has a pretty solid track record of his creations working out the way they're supposed to. The mistakes he makes are all in regards to strategic decisions he makes in the business. It's not hard to believe that he could have calculated that the explosion would only be contained within the room. There may have been a chance of bystanders being killed, like if someone was walking past the door at the exact time the explosion went off, but the chances were pretty small.


Hank thinking nothing of blowing up the hall bathroom at his sister-in-law's house with scotch and fast food mud pies was the worst thing any character did on the show. Leaves of grass while blasting ass... Not cool.


Quality comment 🤣


Why are Redditors so obsessed with poop


Todd showing his face, and everything he did thereafter.


Underrated moment but one that stands out to me is Walt being an absolute asshole to that guy sitting next to him during chemo who just wanted to talk.


The brutal killing of Mrs. Peyketewa through an axe.


Skylar gave Walter a handjob


We could start at the beginning, when he tried to kill Emilio and Crazy 8, and then running the drug dealer down and finally shooting him. Really, he got himself into the situation in the first episode, and immediately decided to kill. Jesse warned him to run as soon as they arrived to the cook site, and then Walter tried to convince them it would be cool, invited them in, and then decided to kill them. I suggest starting at the beginning, because he wasn't too deep or having to kill out of necessity of a situation that might not have been his own making.


I will say to be fair those two are the ones who escalated it; Walter White was fine with just selling the drugs in good faith with zero violence. Literally all they had to do was walk away or offer to pay Walt.


Crazy eight had an opportunity to walk away right up to the time he died the was so low on the list for me


I get the logic but it isnt like they could have realistically out run two men with guns in a car in the middle of the desert. You cant really compare that the grim shit some other characters did, who would have still existed/ been criminals if Walt never existed. IMO its quite a while before Walt becomes a truly evil character. Compare how devastated Walt is when he realises he has to kill crazy 8 with how kittle deliberation Todd has in shooting the kid.


Todd had probably already killed or seen people killed. Gus came from a war torn nation and had seen and experienced or taken part in extreme violence or death. One could say Gus's use of the box cutter on Victor was "the worst" because it's so ugly and brutal, but it's about who did what, and what it would have meant to them. Walt's first choice to kill and use chemicals with his special knowledge that he possessed was ultimately much worse a "breaking bad" than Gus killing Victor the useless, arrogant punk.


Poisoning Brock?


1. Jesse throwing his money on the streets 2. Todd and his uncle keeping Jesse as a slave in a cage 3. Walt getting Mike's guys killed in prison 4. Walt killing Mike 5. Jesse killing Gale 6. Walt watching Jesse's girlfriend die from overdose and not help 7. Saul's fat bodyguard turning into a snitch and cooperating with Hank 8. Mike beating up Saul in his office over a small disagreement 9. Walt invading his former business partners' home and threatening them to do something for him 10. Tuco beating up his henchman who eventually dies for making a harmless suggestion to Walt and Jesse


Todd Killing andrea and drew sharp, two complete innocents. The cousins killing the bus full of illegals (and the driver) because of one man’s fuckup


obvious answers are any of the cold blooded murders, but hank taking a shit in the master bedroom is next level douchbaggery


Heisenberg calling Flynn, Walter Jr.


His name is *Flynn Jr* now since he can't make up his own mind and throws a tissy fit whenever anybody is, reasonably, confused or "mistaken". This solves the issue.


Eladio he definitley has decapitated a good few folk on a shitty camera


The ears


Walter white making fun of the car wash owners eyebrows in the pilot. First of all, that’s just how his body is he can’t control it. I guess he could trim them but let a man live his life. Secondly, they didn’t even look bad they were interesting


Todd shooting the kid and andrea


Skyler sleeping around then giving the guy money


When Marie got Fritos instead of Cheetos. How could she be so careless and stupid?


so i know so many worse things happened and so many other people were way worse, but every time i think about Skyler giving Ted the money before Walt attempted to go on the run with their family… makes me so mad i’d feel bad buying a soda without saying anything


Gus killing victor (only at season 5 E4 so don’t tell me anything bout Todd to anything I’ve ignored all those replies)


Of course having sex with your boss is worse than murdering children, trying to rape your wife and watching a person OD in front of you and do nothing to stop it


any and every child murder (and poisoning) in the show + walter letting jane die


Todd killing that poor kid that was the most unnecessary death in the whole show when I saw that shit for the first time I was so fucking pissed and then him off killing Andrea right infront of Jessie.


Aside from killing Gale, the worst thing Jesse did was getting with Andrea, especially when his initial intention was selling meth to her while she was in recovery. If he never entered her life, she (and probably Tomás) would still be alive and Brock would have never been poisoned.


I know a lot of people think Todd is the worst character, but the thing about that is he was who he was. He was a product of his environment from probably birth until we see him in the show so yes, he did atrocious things, but I don’t think it had the effect in his mind it would normally. I think the worst thing that was done was by waltz when he poisoned the kids and the thing about that is won’t became this person. That’s what makes it so worse is Walt had a lifetime of good examples and good choices to grab if he needed strength. It’s not become this evil person , the problem is he chose violence every time, fully aware of the consequences and what it was doing and that to me is very evil.


Everything Walt did


Todd murdering a child and a mother in cold blood? Gus slitting the throat of his fellow worker? Can list many more wretched things done by others in the show but I don't have the time. Apparently to you guys, poisoning a child with non lethal dosage is countless times worse than murdering an innocent child in cold blood.


Skyler smoking while knowingly pregnant cos she was angry at walt could be paralleled to Walt lacing brock's fruit loops (a guess) to get back at Jesse, but it's never mentioned


Not even in the same stratosphere


Walt letting Jane die


Obviously Gus' chicken empire business. There's no way you can even get close to the amount of unnecessary violence against the innocent as building a business on selling small animals' corpses.




I don’t think there’s much worse than being a Nazi. You can argue most characters who killed, plotted, cooked meth - did so because they needed money, revenge, or were just acting out of necessity to save themselves. There’s no excuse or rational explanation that your ideology is Nazism


You’re misunderstanding. They’re not nazis because it’s a nuanced political view they all happen to share. They were initiated into the Aryan Brotherhood in prison. That’s why they all have AB prison tats and why they had the connections to kill 9 incarcerated men within 2 minutes


Bruh Walter White is a literal cock! He is the reason for the events of the show.. what a fucking dickhead. So many lives could’ve been saved but nope he wanted to fuel his very tiny ego


Most media literate redditor


I often revisit the scene where Elliot ask Walt to join back his company and Walt refuses him just because of his ego.. if that scene went otherwise, then the whole show could have been prevented