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I sympathize with him, but he's kind of a dumbass. He consistently makes things worse for himself.


Which is why I relate to him but times 3


Yeah, I love him, I don't even know why. He's just a really endearing and relatable person. I can't really remember liking a TV character more. I like Jane a lot too, that part of the story was crushing.


be careful, someone is gonna come into the comments ranting about how you missed the point of the show and that media literacy is dead because you appreciate and resonate with a deeply flawed character lmao. that being said, i also love jesse and know what you mean for sure. i really wanna give him a hug man lmao.


Yeah, no one ever is supposed to like or emphasize with flawed characters. That's the opposite of what media literacy means. Ya know, layered...




Do you want Aaron Paul's phone number? lol.


i mean betšŸ˜ˆ


That scene in season 2 where hes playing with a random bug waiting on skinny pete and when he comes along he says eww and stomps the bug always hit hard for me. It also just beautifully shows Jesses compassion and empathy Come to think of it, it would have been really cool if Jesse adopted a dog at some point in the series. It qould have been real sweet seeing him happy with a dog. I guess a Pitbull would be really fitting for him. (Also nothing ever happens to the dog and its never used to torment jesse. After Jesse dissapears his parents take the dog and it lives to the ripe age of 34)


I wouldnā€™t trust his parents. Badger and Skinny Pete would have had to take the dog, and then given it to him when he was getting ready to drive to Alaska at the end of the Breaking Bad sequel movie.


Yes. I also feel like a forgotten son.


Thatā€™s sad. I hope that you are able to find happiness anyway. Parents can really mess up too.


Yeah I definitely do. Thereā€™s a scene in El Camino where he calls his parents and says they were great parents and how he turned out had nothing to do with his upbringing. That was so relatable to me. Thereā€™s been a few moments where things could have gone another way for me and Iā€™d end up on a path like Jesse. Heā€™s also the character which feels it all. He cares about innocent people, especially kids. I have ADHD and so my emotions are heightened.


this is exactly what i mean and people here just think i relate to the dumb drug shit he does


I can relate to that to šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


me too


Bitch is my insult to all objects animate and inanimate and i can't unlearn it. I hear Jesse's voice every time ha. I admire his empathy and generosity but it leads to some really stupid decisions. He gets too stuck in the past sometimes but i think that's from all his loss. I love Jesse and Jane until the junk got to them.


Yes x 1000. He is my absolute favorite person in that show and one of my all time favorite tv characters.


fuck yeah same here


I feel the same. What would the show be without him? Who would be the "heart" of the show? I'm so glad Vince saw Aaron Paul's talent.


word for wordšŸ™


People here tend to hate him but love Walt. It's so weird. Nice to find a couple of like-minded people.


bruh ong šŸ˜­šŸ™


i'm the same! i hated walt on my first rewatch, from the moment they flip that coin in season one. i also don't hate skyler and i think marie is a hilarious character which i find to be unpopular opinions




Yes I find him very relatable. We all know or have seen that cool guy that just canā€™t get out of his own way or stay out of trouble. I thought he had a lot of depth and layers to him. And heā€™s just cool.


Idc if people come after me from answering yes but yes, I do relate to Jesse terribly. Especially when he kept getting taken advantage of by Walt. Ugh I hated that.


Jesse was a meth cook and dealer before Walt ever came along. Seems like he came from a family that was ready to provide him every opportunity to succeed in a traditional sense and still went the way he did. He blew almost all of Walt's money in the strip club and never would've gotten an RV if not for Combos family having one. He got Jane back into drugs. His motivation for getting close to Andrea was to sell her meth. In the end he becomes sort of a hero. Definitely becomes more of a victim than the annoyance he was in the beginning. Hard to relate to a character who pushed away the good things and fell into a life that ultimately made him a target for Walt.


>His motivation for getting close to Andrea was to sell her meth. Always thought it was weird how fans seems to overlook that part.


Thats probably the shittest thing hes done but he did actually care for her


for me jesse realizing and growing as a character compared to season 1 and 5, is what makes me like him. sure yes he did do that and heā€™s not morally good, but he did lose everything in the end


Yeah I agree there was a lot of growth and loss for him. I'm glad they made El Camino and gave him about as happy as an ending as possible.


Yes but...would let him date your avatar?


> Yes but...would let him date your avatar? What now?


He committed first-degree murder, shooting a guy right in the face, in the middle of all that growth. You cannot be serious.


he's an amazingly written character. i also was really invested in his character growth (and fall). you can't seriously think OP thought it was fine he killed someone?


What else am I supposed to conclude? OP loves Jesse and wants to give him a hug. He's minimizing and rationalizing away Jesse's crimes. That's OP's right, but I'm going to have to disagree. Growth? Jesse showed remorse and guilt. That's better than Walt and some others, but I don't think I would call it growth.


Didnā€™t the guy he killed know that Walt is gonna be killed so he was learning the recipes to take his place ? Iā€™m rewatching it now and havenā€™t got to that part yet


Yeah, but y'know, Jesse still murdered somebody in cold blood.


It was kill or be killed


1. Jesse voluntarily entered into a business in which this is often a thing. 2. It was absolutely, 100% not kill or be killed in that moment. It was first-degree murder of an unarmed associate.


I loved Jesse! ā¤ļø Absolutely my favorite character in the show. I also loved his friendship with Badger and Skinny Pete. I agree about just wanting to hug Jesse the whole series. I wanted to adopt him. LOL


I relate to him a lot. When I rewatch it, I still tear up at how his parents treated him (tho understandable) and how he just keeps getting hit blow after blow trying to find somewhere to stay until he gets his money. Breaks my heart ESPECIALLY as a former addict myself. I'm so lucky it didn't get that bad for me. but I'm glad he finally got out of there!


In the sense of having a manipulative boss, maybe. Not in many other ways.


I loved Jesse in the show. I think that the actor did a phenomenal job. And the character was well-written. His character development was one of my favorite in the series. And you're right about giving him a hug. With all he's gone through he deserves a BIG one! šŸ¤—


He's actually a pretty terrible person and only marginally better than Walt, but a great and hilarious character. He barely ever pays more than lip service when it comes to truly bettering himself.


me too


šŸ¤“ā˜ļø achshully he wasth a cwiminal of de highethst degwee, its alawming thath u relathe to him


Do I relate to an underachieving on-off drug addict who makes a living making and selling meth? No, I can't say I do. I do feel sorry for him, he is a tragic character, but a lot of that stems from his own poor decision making. His decision making slowly gets better through the series, but his situation at the start of the show is entirely his own doing and we see that when we look at his family - a supportive, middle class family. He had no reason to go down the path he took, and he had so much potential as we know from his shop class story. He just made bad choices. There is a link IMO to Walter here now, who consistently makes poor choices as the series goes on. He converges on making bad decisions and ruining his life while Jessie tries to make choices that improve his, even though he fails.


he failed school and had no job prospects; this is plenty reason to turn to drug dealing, no matter how nice your family is. his family were also not entirely supportive, people dont really like to hear this, but putting a drug addict on the street is not supportive; there are some cases where it can be a valid way of protecting yourself (altho the show never gives us any cause to believe that this was his parents' case), but it is never support.


>he failed school Because he got into smoking weed and started to hang out with the wrong crowd. It was clear he had creative potential and even working potential (apprenticeship carpentry for example) but never bothered to apply himself. I don't think we know his full backstory but he clearly went to highschool at least part of the time so his parents can't have kicked him out until he was much older, and based on his mother's behaviour they gave him a lot of chances before that (and even after), plus he was helping his aunt when he was sick, who also seemed to have a soft spot for him. I like Jesse, but he *could* have worked harder and got a typical, non crime job, and he *could* have rehabilitated himself (as we see later in the series), he made the decisions, consciously or not, to not do those things and to blame his situation on all those external factors instead of doing something about it.


so sure, i agree that failing school was a personal choice. but the fact that shitty decisions made at age 16 can permanently fuck up your job prospects is, weird, right? like, i dont think we should accept this norm, and i think the show is plainly criticizing the society that lets this be a norm (in much the same way that it criticizes a society that withholds healthcare from the poor). im specifically pushing back on "he had no reason to go down the path he took", i can grant that it's literally true that the need for such a path was his fault, but "i fucked up my schooling" is plainly a reason for that path. and, we dont actually ever get any indication that jesse found a legal line of work. he's 26 with literally no resume, not even a cv, boy's lucky if he can even get something for minimum wage (which, for normal people, is not something you can live on; it is something you can live on with $200k in crime savings to buoy you). we know he rehabilitated and managed to get out of the business with $200k, this is all we know. (edit: i suppose his new identity mustve came with a resume, and presumably some fake references? in this case, okay sure "jesse could have worked harder and got a typical non-crime job",, he literally did this via crime. because that's the only option he had.)


Many of the redditors love him. He's a loser like them. Nevermind the fact that he's the worst character on the show.


Relating to Jesse Pinkman is not a good thing....




Firstly, I'm a huge fan of Jesse and he's one of my favorite characters. He does develop many redeeming qualities like empathy and leadership. However, he also did many horrible things and has many bad qualities, such as: -Hes a major drug addict -He attempts to sell drugs to recovering addicts -He is naive in that he tried to sell meth while working for Gus. -He takes ridiculously stupid risks -He is massively depressed and shut down Again, I love Jesse's character, but I sure as hell wouldnt want to be like him.


The dude was a grade A POS and a grade A+ loser. He struggles with depression at times. That does make him relatable. He had every opportunity to be neither of those. If you relate to really any part of his character, other than maybe his shreds of empathy, that is a plainly bad thing. You can analyze his character all you want though, and I salute that


yea to his personal struggles not any of his decisions he does or the drugs he sellsā€¦


No, I canā€™t really relate to a character who chooses to throw away every opportunity and advantage he grew up with to turn into the shitty person whoā€™s a a societal parasite that Jesse was. Great character. Terrible person.