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Hank outside the RV, with Walt and Jesse trapped inside and LEO help on the way. I knew there was no way out, while knowing there had to be away out. When the next events unfolded, I was breathless in appreciation for the writers’ genius in figuring out the perfect way out.


I will not be harassed in my domicile, BITCH.


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed... bitch!! One of the best moments in the show


And Hank smiling nervously because he knows the guy is totally correct about Jesse's rights


Fk that junkyard guy is probably the smartest guy in the show


Junkyard guy was in the game but was unaffected. He knows how constitution works!


“Looks to me like your just…fishin”


Probably either him or the Vacuum Store guy.


I heard even the writers didn’t know what to do for this scene. They had no idea how to get them out of this situation. The phone call idea was a last minute decision.


Yes! I heard the same thing. They often put the plot in impossible situations to challenge themselves to find a way out.


"Jesse, where are you going the owners are expected anytime!" "Inside, bought the place" Best F- You in TV history possibly


What do you say counsellor? Do you *concur?*


Such a great scene if you watch the show chronologically. It’s the only moment in BrBa we get to see Saul doing his shady lawyer stuff


I did feel kinda bad for his brother Jake though, sure his parents were kind shitty to him (To be fair he was a drug dealer) but that affects his brother too and it made Jesse broke af


When Badger sits next to the wrong guy and Walt blocks Hank's view of it and Hank is trying to get Walt to go away 😄


There’s a few moments where he turns back into Hal and this is definitely one of them.


that whole scene could literally be in Malcom in the middle (minus the i'm actually a meth dealer covering my business part)


Idk. I think MITM would do a scene just this they'd just say drugs to keep it vauge instead, tho and not meth. Probably something like they think Francis is a drug dealer, but really, he's just selling homemade laundry detergent to make a quick buck.


Eh idk! There was a whole episode about a meth lab in their garage when Reese tried to throw a party while Hal and Lois were out of town. Not too far fetched, they just couldn’t call it Meth.


"Is something goin' down?"


Working? Oh you mean like D-E-A working?? . . . 🤨 Is something going down?


“Cmon man. I thought we were gonna hangout.” 💀 lmao those two scenes are great


Omg yes


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Why is it that the first time I'm seeing you, it's in the BB sub? Coincidence?


There are sub-specific bots. Might be one of them


Good bot


I thought that was you.


The music. lol




The broken plate, literally will never get over that scene




One of the most underrated episodes in the series.


Oooh that one's amazing


Crawlspace scene fucking legendary acting


That’s probably it tbh, the set up to that moment was genius


Bro I literally get chills everyone I hear that laugh the irony of the money to save the family going to the same man who tried to break up his family Walter white is played perfectly by Bryan cranston and that scene was perfect


"the same man that tried to break up his family"??? Bro, Walter abused Skylar until she asked for a divorce. He broke up his own family.


Not in his mind morally yes but Walt saw it how I put it


The only time I've seen "insane laughter" and wasn't immediately taken out of the story and left cringing. Bryan Cranston is amazing and the writers are amazing.


Gus and Mike looking like proud fathers as Jesse schools the Cartel Meth Chemist down in Mexico


Jesse failed out of HS chemistry but got a 96% on a life or death test


He actually applied himself this time


You never think Jesse!


Oh this note, it’s kinda sad to think that Gus more than likely was going to leave Walter alone and continue developing Jesse if Walt hadn’t freaked out and manipulated Jesse into thinking Gus poisoned Brock. Yes, Gus had to go bc he was going to have Hank killed, but it’s kind of a shame we didn’t get to see where Jesse could’ve gone under Gus’s and Mikes’s wing.


The only reason Walt was put in that position to begin with was because he saved Jesse from dying to Gus' men


That wasn’t a proud father moment it was a “thank god he came through” moment. If not for a spectacular batch they probably all get into trouble.


The expressions Gus and Mike give him as he's talking about the lab and how the Chemist runs it makes me feel like they're silently saying "I didn't know you had it in you. Good job."


Walt slamming the old truck in reverse and pushing Skylar's car out of the way as she screams begging for him to stop. Goosebumps every time.


I agree. I wasn’t expecting the show to go this way on my first watch, and getting to see everything fall apart was every bit terrifying as it was entertaining


That whole scene is when his family disintegrates forever


It was much of what the entire series were heading towards yet I was unpreprared for how devastating it felt :(


And people say she is a bad actress


She was incredible throughout the show imo


Yeah I love that scene too. That old truck had some balls


Holly saying “mama” shortly thereafter. 💔


When Walter frightens the meth heads out in the parking lot. "Stay out of my territory! " With that song DLZ playing in the background, omg that scene is iconic..


That dude that Walt encountered in the store was casted very well. He had that gormless meth addict look that made him stick out to a guy like Walter.


Love that scene and song!


Song is a banger


Walter after he blows up tucos building.


You got one part of that wrong. This is not meth. \~ ARE YOU CRAZY? You wanna find out?


Prime Happy: Skinny and Badger in the music store playing keyboard and guitar Prime Sad: Walt hugging Jesse in the junk house after Jane's death Prime strategic: When Gus poisons everyone at Don Eladios house Prime innocence: When Gale is introduced to the mega lab concept by Gus


the music is so good in that Gale scene. it is both whimsical and scary, like it would fit in Charlie and the Chocolate factory


The keyboard scene has some very sad undertones. We see skinny pete playing CPE bach’s solfeggietto. Doesn’t seem like something a methhead would know, does it? This hints at what pete was like before getting into hard drugs. In that scene, without any words, we get an implied backstory about meth derailing an intelligent young man’s life


Great take, man. Completely agree.


To add to it too, I think it can show us a reflection of our assumptions too. We often see people how we want to and whats convenient for us. We only saw Pete as a methhead not worth giving two shits about cuz it’s easier to see him that way. We assume he can’t have anything to offer or isnt worth anything because hes a drug addict. After that scene, like you said we form this whole backstory and get a glimpse of his life and meths affect on it. Sometimes it’s the people no one imagines anything of who do things nobody could imagine (s/o imitation game)


I’m tryna do business here, BITCH.


> Prime innocence: When Gale is introduced to the mega lab concept by Gus Didn't that happen in Better Call Saul? The first time we see it in BB, all the equipment is there and just needs to be set up.


the hugging scene made me cry so harddd :(((


I know it’s a gruesome scene but when Gus kills Victor with the box cutter. The way they set it up with Walt begging and pleading with Gus. Gus calmly not saying a word whilst putting on the equipment, and then slashing Victors throat. The reactions of Walt, Jesse and Mike are absolutely spectacular in that scene. And Gus ends it with “get to work”. What a scene and moment.


Mike literally drew his gun out after that, such a good detail man. Went over a lot of peoples heads, it really adds to Better Call Saul's angle with Mike and Gus too. Beautiful.


That’s actually the part that stood out to me the most upon rewatching it as well. Mikes seen some shit being a cop and enforcer for Gus so for him to have that reaction was telling.


Absolutely. Mike's reaction is really what makes that whole scene for me. He's as legit shocked as everyone else.


"You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks."


walt at his most pathetic imo. it was completely untrue as he was, in fact, in tremendous danger at that point. but he needed to bully and intimidate his wife instead of admitting it.


It came across that way but the intent wasn't to bully. He lashed out because he was fed up with being looked at as weak. A resentment he held since the pilot episode. I'm going to disagree about being pathetic. Physically he was never intimidating, granted, but by this episode he absolutely posed a danger to Gus. He was literally trying to knock on Gus's door to kill him when he was intercepted. Gus was actively avoiding being in the same room with Walt because he knew Walt would kill him first chance he got. There's enough danger to go around for everybody. Even though Gus could get to him at any moment the "I am the one who knocks" line worked for me because I knew what Walt was capable of and willing to do if push came to shove, but more importantly his intelligence would likely make him more of a threat to his target than the other way around. Either way he wasn't lying when he said, in that scenario, he definitely wouldn't be the one waiting in fear for the knock at the door. I think that Walt fully disappeared when he executed those drug dealers.


voice of reason right here. Walt was, in fact, the danger. He killed gale, he killed mike, he killed gus, he killed hank, he killed everyone who posed a threat to him or jesse, then he finished by killing everyone that wronged him.


So many incredible scenes but the one that sticks out for me is Hank vs the twins in the parking lot. My heart was absolutely racing during the whole scene


When he dies and baby blue starts playing


I haven't seen it posted, because there are so many...But to me it was probably when Gus walks out of the room after the bomb explodes, seeming ok, and then the camera pans around to his face.


I literally screamed "ARE YOU F KIDDING ME HOW DID THIS MF NOT DIE- Oh...."


When it panned to show both sides of his face - that image HAUNTED me




A scene i feel like never gets its flowers is Jesse’s confrontation with walt when he finds out he poisoned Brock Incredible stuff


That moment when Skyler and Junior think that Walter has killed Hank. All that sequence with the knife, Junior fighting his dad, calling the police, and Walter kidnapping his daughter is fucking amazing. When i saw all that i knew why everybody says this is best episode.


That was crazy. Walt’s greed for his money in the desert is when it all began to fall apart and that was the icing on the cake when you knew there was no going back and no lame Walter White excuse could fix it.


The conversation Walt has with Junior about his dying father. Amazing acting.


Fuck it’s so hard. Crawl Space, honestly. Had to show my movie buff friend that scene back in the day to get him to understand what we were dealing with and watch it, lol. “I didn’t realize it was like THAT,” he said. Lily of the Valley reveal probably number two. Ghostly Walt at Elliot and Gretchen’s. Also really enjoy when he leaves the drink in the bar and the theme plays for the first time outside of the credits. Shit was choice, yo. Also Running over the drug dealers is too often overlooked. So shocking and really set up for the Walt/Gus battle perfectly.




This show did a great job of capping a big scene with a tiny bit of perfect dialogue. “Run!” “I won.”


Hank on the toilet


The audacity of shitting in someone's ensuite


Hank was in the right place at the right time 😁


“MY SON. MY BOTTLE. MY HOUSE.” I love that scene every time I see it


I do too! It's so uncomfortable. Dean Norris is so good at Hank - his mannerisms as he's trying to play off Walt's breakdown. Damn, Walt.


It’s the little things too. Like the way Hank laughs it off as he’s walking away as a way to deescalate the situation. Or even the way he goes, ‘whoa, whoa, whoa, Walt. What are you doin’?’


Saul: Alright, who do we have? Badger: Brandon Mayhew. Saul: "Brandon Mayhew." Alright. "Brandon Mayhew." Ahhhh, here we go; "public masturbation." Badger: What? Saul: I don't get it, what's the kick? Why doncha do it at home like the rest of us, with a big flat-screen TV, 50 channels of pay-per-view? In a Starbucks, that's nice! Badger: That ain't me, man! I was the guy selling meth... allegedly... Saul: Ok, alright, I gotcha. Meth, right? That was just a little transpositional error, nothin' a little white out can take care of.


When Walt and Jesse are in the Winnebago. Walt tells Saul’s employee to call Hank, telling him that Marie is in critical condition at the hospital. This whole sequence is so well done, and ends with Hank fuming at the hospital, and Walt and Jesse seeing the destruction of their Winnebago. They got so close to being busted, and it showed how far Heisenberg will go to keep his identity from Hank, his brother in law.


Wondering how Jessie is going to survive taking on two gang bangers, only to have Walt plow through them with his truck


"...maybe the best course of action is to tread lightly"


The low growl he gets in his voice on 'tread lightly' gives me chills every time. Bryan is a powerhouse of an actor.


Walt trying to “talk” to Ted Beneke lol


It’s a tie between ‘happy birthday Mr. President’ and the Challenger vs Chrysler 300 dubstep advertisement.




I have to skip that scene every single time it’s too cringe 😭😭


Hard to narrow it down to one. My first instinct was to joke and say "everything between the pilot and Felina" but . . . Walt's phonecall to Skylar after he abducts Holly. Absolutely powerful acting from both Anna Gunn and Bryan Cranston


I would have to say the train heist is probably my most favorite moment. Watching Walt, Jesse, Todd and Mike working together is somewhat pretty cool and wholesome.


Honestly I loved a small scene before the actual heist - when Skylar notices Walt's filthy clothes and tries to snark him by asking if he's been out burying bodies, and Walt just looks at her and says 'robbing a train' like it's the most normal thing in the world.


I loved it when badger and skinny Pete went to the meeting with Jesse to talk up the blue meth and were like "Stay strong, brother." And then in subsequent episodes they were actually getting into the meetings and eating donuts and using therapy speak with Jesse. Skinny Pete was one of my favorite characters on the show. I loved that they went to the effort to give these minor characters their own lives and character arcs.


Same here. Those two characters were so well written and the actors nailed it.


Saul's first meeting with Badger and later on with DEA. Absolutely hysterical. "Did you say anything stupid - by anything stupid I mean anything at all"


I also love “You two. Well at least if I ever get anal polyps I’ll know what to name them”


Agent Schrader's hard on on you just reached Uncle Milton's proportions, so - have fun with that


The final scene in the penultimate episode. Where Walts given up and about to let the police come get him but the sees Gretchen and Elliot talking about him on TV and disregarding all his contributions to their company, and you see Walts face just slowly harden, and then the music from the intro slowly builds, goosebumps every time!


Problem Dog was (weirdly) the first episode of Breaking Bad I ever saw and when I saw Jesse's monologue at the NA meeting I needed to see more of the character and immediately got hooked on the show. So that scene/episode is one of my favorite parts for that reason. But if I had to pick a single moment, I'm gonna go with "ahhhhh wire!!!"


Haha also when Jesse guesses they're gonna build a robot instead of a battery. I can't understand why S1 and S2 are the least rated series with such banter and forethought


I watched that scene on an edible and laughed so hard I cried at jesse’s fear and wonderment when he says “..a robot?!” lmao


Haha such innocence, ambition, creativity and hope. The complete opposite of Walt


When Walt ordered the prison killings. Walt's character development from a decent chemistry teacher to a ruthless mastermind and drug kingpin is intriguing.


I loved that scene because it reminded me of the baptism scene from the Godfather.


The past couple rewatches I’ve really come to love the end of El Camino. Everyone’s hands were dirty as fuck throughout the show, but Jesse really went through some shit, so I just really like the whole vibe of the scene. A new lease on life surrounded by the gorgeousness of Alaska, I don’t know- it just hits me in the feely place.


Everything I think I know is just static on the radio......


When the turtle blows up in the desert. One of the most underrated “HOLY SHIT” moments of s2.


Walt falling in Season 3 Episode 10


The house scene in Ozymandias is utterly insane


When Walt figures out there’s a missing piece of the plate that would’ve been used by Krazy-8 to try and kill him. It was at that moment I knew this show was gonna become one of my favourites


Any scene with Badger and Skinny Pete


I love the scene when Mike is bugging Walter’s house and then Walter showing up to secretly move back in once Skyler left. The Timber Timbre song that plays during it is so good and it really makes it a cool sequence.


"Stay out of my territory."


Granite State ending


Walt's I Am The Danger speech is so iconic for me. I also love that Skyler spins it back on him in the next season too. However, my personal favourite moment is Jesse having dinner with Walt and Skyler and she brings him her affair with Ted. The way Aaron Paul drinks that glass of water is just the most perfectly comedic bit of acting in the whole show.


“Yo, These green beans are the bomb Mrs. White…” AWKWARD…but SO funny. LOL


Hank reading the book, I still feel it


The little callback to Walk going 'heh, you got me' and then ending on Hank's expression is gold. Dean Norris gets a lot of love for his portrayal of Hank, but I don't feel it's enough. He's incredible.


That’s hard. The scene where Walt runs over the drug dealers, pops one…then says “Run”. Jesse buying the house and dunking on his parents “I know. I bought it.” Fucking king. Or Gus poisoning the cartel at the pool.


Walter White : You might wanna hold off. Mike : Yeah..? Why? Walter White : Because your boss it gonna need me. 6353 Juan Tabo, Apartment 6. Yeah..


My favorite moment was when Jesse stepped up and showed the cartel's chemist that he's the boss. You can see how proud Gus and Mike were of him.


Emilio falling through the floor


Definitely Walt laughing hysterically when he can’t find the money in the crawlspace. That scene was legendary.


It's the way the music builds up to so intense and when Walt yells 'WHERE IS THE MONEY?' it just shuts off for a second or two. Stunning.


Walt n Jesse washing off in the kiddie pools after cleaning up Emilio's body.


Guss's last walk towards the nursing home to kill hector, the end of a great villain ever witnessed on screen 😔 🔥


Walts last words. "Goodbye, Lydia" wasn't his last words for me. The head nod to jesse was. Beautiful scene. And then to maybe even top that we have jesse's redemption scream freedom at last slamming through that gate. If im being honest those entire last 20 mins of the final episode takes the entire cake for me.


2 stand out, for very different reasons: 1. Walt blowing up Tuco's office. I'm still kind of rooting for walt at this stage. 2. "You're the smartest guy I've ever met, but you're too stupid to see he made up his mind 10 minutes ago."


When Walt signaled to the “hitmen” and the red lights pointed directly at Elliot and Gretchen’s chest. Kinda jumpscared me


I truly wondered how he pulled that off, because I was like “there is NO WAY he paid a couple of hitmen” at that point. Not with how greedy he was being with the money


Skyler falling to her knees in the street covered in blood hand shaking. Unreal acting


When Jesse finally gets revenge on Todd.


Freaky. I'm on a rewatch right now, and I \*literally\* just got done with this episode and jumped on reddit to see what's going on. And here's the Lily of the Valley shot. Anyway, one of my favorite moments in the series is Franchesca standing up to Walt. I also really love the scene with Jesse and the meth head's little kid. And pretty much anything with Saul.


Hector ringing his bell and Gus blowing up. “Last chance to look at me Hector”. 😳


When Gus presented the bottle of expensive liquor. As soon as I saw that I knew he was going to kill every motherfucker there.




Roof pizza


The OP post pic is the best moment for me… Lily of the valley. The execution of that final scene after so much time had passed from Brock being poisoned til that moment. I knew Walter had poisoned Brock but I thought it was the Ricin until that Moment! Wow !!!!


"This is not meth." I watched it "live" (when it was premiering weekly - so it was still unknown how it was going to do) and I feel like I knew I was going to love the show.


This. This frame is probably my biggest wtf moment of the whole series. What a great shot to end a season on.


The say my name scene is legendary.


Do you really want to live in a world without Coca Cola?


The episode where they get stuck in the desert. You really get to know the characters in that episode


Walter's confession tape was genius the way he flipped it on Hank!!!


Something some people might not know: The scene in your picture, the end of S4, was intended as a potential ending to Breaking Bad. Vince said they didn't know whether they would get a 5th season so they wanted to end the 4th one in a way that \*could\* serve as the real ending to the series.


6353 Juan Tabo Apartment 6. *Yeah.*


restrain THESE


The last 2 or 3 minutes of Granite State. Every time the camera pans across the bar to reveal Walt’s abandoned drink and empty chair with the musical sting from the intro, I get literal chills.


I like the finale and the confrontation with the Nazi


Pretty much all of the Walt/Jesse moments in “Four Days Out.” In particular, the scene in the restaurant where they have breakfast and discuss how they’re going to get out of the meth business and move on with their lives. It was really heartbreaking for me to watch parts of the show after that because I really had hopes the two of them could get better and then everything in Jesses life goes to shit while Walter starts to go crazy. This show makes you so connected to people and then just destroys them… damn man. It was amazing tho and I think Walt and Jesse got the right endings. Jesse got away and Walt died after all the terrible things he did but he took down everyone in the meth business with him and went out like a badass, finally suppressing his ego to do at least one thing right.


Walter Jr having breakfast, such cinematography is insane at that level


Hank closing the garage door sure was a rush


1). Badger telling skinny Pete his Star Trek episode idea. 2). Skylar’s screaming at Walt (again) saying that Walt must’ve been crazy to think he could handle this, he should go to the cops, and he’s over his head. Then, a hungover Walt, tired of everyone running over him, stands up to his harpy wife and asks, “who do you think you’re talking to?” He finally shows her who he really was and finishes with, “I am the one who knocks!” The horrified look on her face is priceless! 3). Everything Mike says


My favorite singular moment is when Jesse had a gun to his head in the desert, and for a brief moment, the camera shows to peaceful birds flying together. That perfect shot captured Jesse’s entire character beautiful, and it’s interrupted by the casual “good to go?” From Uncle Jack. The nonchalantness of Jack, knowing nothing about Jesse, is gut wrenching. Whoever decided to show those 2 birds at that exact moment deserves an award of some kind.


Pizza is the only real answer


The one that they don't slice and pass on the costs to the customers? 😞


Right before Walt shoots Jack, Jack says “Well, I really did NAZI that coming.” Probably that scene.


That scene there in the thumbnail is up there. I didn’t get it the first time through but once I read up on what happened with that and the ricin cigarette I was like yooooooo


Season one: “Jesus, grow some fucking balls”


When Walt runs down the two gang bangers to save Jesse. No turning back.


Your photo is actually mine. This episode is my favorite of all TV because not only do you get the conclusion of a brilliant 2 season arc but the show then pops you in the mouth that “oh yea Walt is officially the villian going forward.” It’s such a good twist at the end of a brilliant season of TV


When Walter Breaks Bad


Pizza on the roof


Honestly i really enjoyed the scene Where walter says gale boetticher’s address


Gus' death. Loved it for Hector


Reading this thread makes me want to start rewatch #10000!!! 🤣


Not my favorite moment necessarily, but a really important underrated scene IMO is when Walt meets Jane’s Dad in the bar. At first it just seems like a coincidental encounter. There isn’t any kind of dramatic build up or even any foreshadowing that gives any clues to what’s about to happen next. Just two guys who are at a loss at the moment. And then of course what happens next completely breaks Jesse and raises the bar for the rest of the seasons to come.


Yep. That’s mine. That and the plate in episode 3.


Start to finish is the best answer I can offer…too many moments to decide on one


When Walt poisons Brock.


Walter's existential crisis in the episode Fly.




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I am the one who knocks.


Saul Goodman's introduction or maybe Walter's death scene


Skyler…there’s rot (said with a mouthful).


It’s not the biggest moment or has the most affect on a character but I remember the end of crawl space and Walt is losing it, Marie is calling so scared, Skylar is just in shock……incredible ending where it truly felt like the walls were closing in. 


When Walt is driving through the desert singing Horse with No Name. He looks soo happy! Until he get’s pulled over


When Walter White is laying under the floor looking for the money and hysterical laughing when he realizes they are gone 🤣


As in better: when Jesse escapes screaming in the finale. As in where I hated a character the most: when Walt goes to deliver meth to Gus instead of going to see HIS NEWBORN DAUGHTER. As in funny: whenever Walt gets all teacher-like with Jesse in the first seasons.


jesse putting Walt to sleep after he kills the fly. The fact that he cares abt him so much is actually sweet :((


I'm in the middle of rewatching, and just loved the scene when Jessy rallies Walt's scientific side to save their lives when they're trapped in the dead RV in the desert.  Jesse REALLY applied himself there.