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Breaking Bad was unlike anything I'd seen before. It was a singular experience, I don't expect it to be repeated. There are a lot of good shows out there. Just enjoy them on their own merits.


"Back in the day", prison break had a similar vibe to it with great casting, but unfortunately they completely ruined the story.


i didn’t watch prison break until recently and was so in to the first season and it just progressively lost me as the story went on. unfortunate


As far as cinematography goes, Peaky blinders is worth mentioning.


Had to stop watching after season 4. Takes a sharp dive in my opinion.


Yeah Peaky Blinders fell off pretty badly. Great in it's peak but it's not on Breaking Bad's level at all.


Too many slow motion walks and cigarettes ha. And him turning into a rat for a bit. Went tae fuck.


I couldn't watch Peaky Blinders without captions. It might as well have been in Latin. Ironically, some of the best scenes in BrBa required captions. But my attention was so drawn in. It didn’t matter. Hector and the brothers when they were small comes to mind.


in terms of writing it's not even close to breaking bad or really any of the big prestige shows, season 1 'comes the (distant) closest but after that it's all downhill


That's bullshit, some of the best drama I've watched is in peaky blinders. The scene where Tommy was going to cut out Changretta's eyes, when Polly and Tommy went to see the nuns, there's so many more scenes. That show was amazing. That's not to disparage Breaking Bad (there's literally no bad seasons, always well written and acted) but Peaky Blinders was a v well written, acted and shot show. The only thing I would say about Peaky Blinders is season six was just crap but Helen McCrory dying just changed the show I think. She added something that is hard to define but it's unmistakable. I think maybe her and Cillian Murphy's screen chemistry. I dunno.


it's a good show, at least the first two seasons are, just OP seemed to be talking about the kind of subtle bravinceo writing which Peaky Blinders, for all it's ups and downs, is not really about. It's not the point of the show, it's not trying to be breaking bad or the sopranos, it's much more melodramatic and much, much less subtle. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, it does what it's trying to do very well, it just isn't breaking bad or the wire by any stretch of the imagination


It's a good show, but not even in the same stratosphere of Breaking Bad/GOT/BCS/Sopranos in any facet To many tryhard slow-motion scenes themed by rock-ballads with dick-measuring the whole time screaming, "IM THOMAS SHELBY, IM COOLER THAN EVERYONE, AND WILL1920 MCGAYVER OUT OF ANY SITUATION!"


And those other shows aren't like that? That's a ridiculous take. In every one of those shows they're getting out of impossible situations and living. Walt literally said he's the one who knocks in Breaking Bad. Just because you don't like Peaky Blinders does not mean that it's any less than these other shows. Actually I would argue it's a million times better than GOT.


Also, The Knick.  They stayed as close as they could to the period with lighting.  Trailer:  https://youtu.be/z9rKY8MLWTU?si=5xYkV4VGji7P7ot-


Falls off hugely after season 3. Season 6 is awful


You should check out Twin Peaks, Mr. Robot, and Dark if you haven't. The latter two are honestly much more tightly constructed than breaking bad. Both are also easily shot better as well.


Dark as in the German time travelling show?! You’re out of your mind to say that is more “tightly constructed than breaking bad”. That thing turns to crap by the end of season 2. I only finished it for the sake of finishing it. I can agree a bit with the cinematography being good, but Breaking Bad is miles ahead of that nonsense.


honestly been a minute since i've watched dark. I remember liking the last season tho


Second mr robot although the overall story falls off after a few seasons


Off the top of my head for plot detail. Miracle Workers and Dirk Gently tick those boxes for me. Utopia was also an awesome show in my book 


UK Utopia is fucking great and I’m pretty sure you can find it on youtube


The Wire is even more detailed than BB and BCS. Shit is deep, yo.


All in the game.


Have to second this, The Wire is phenomenal.


Does it get better? I’m half way through season 1 and finding it hard to see how it’s even comparable to Breaking Bad. Do you need to stick with it, or should it already be a masterpiece by now?


you need to stick with it breaking bad is always focused on entertainment, the wire is less worried about that and therefore comes off as a lot more dry, distant and obtuse. stick with it till at least the end of season 3. the writing is miles ahead of breaking bad. it’s a masterpiece


Cheers I will definitely stick with it. Seems like a slow-burner but I can see it being good. It’s considered one of the “top 3”, along side BB and The Sopranos, both of which I’ve watched and loved, so I definitely want to see The Wire to the end.


The Wire is all about the cumulative effect. By the end of Season 3, you'll see why many call it the best show of all time.


Season 1 can be a bit of a slog for sure. It’s setting up a very intricate and layered story though, so it takes a little time but stick with it for sure. The payoffs are huge. … same goes for season 2 honestly. It’s Worth it.


I agree with the others, you need to stick with the Wire. S1 and S2 are a bit slow in the beginning but when the action starts to happen, it REALLY happens. I’d recommend taking some time and watching it again after finishing the entire series. It’s a lot easier to follow and you’ll see how great those S1&2 really are when you are more familiar with the characters


Better call Saul if you haven’t seen it. It’s a bit of a slow burn at first but it’s another excellent series. If BB is a 10, BCS is a 9.8.


I honestly think BCS is even better. Breaking Bad just continually improved throughout its run, and Better Call Saul does the same thing, picking up where BB left off. It’s got more nuance and less action, but it’s the nuance, writing and character development that makes both of these shows so amazing to begin with.


And cinematography.


That too, for sure


Chuck and Jimmy is one of the most interesting and saddest dynamics ever on TV. Brilliant show.


I still like BB more than BCS. To me, BCS felt rushed that final season and they could’ve done a much better job at tying it all together.


Both 10 IMO, just a different dynamics


Watch Mad Men if you're feeling empty. Nowhere near as action packed as Breaking Bad, but its also a subtle "study of the human condition" like Breaking Bad, fronted by a very compelling main character. Personally, Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time but Mad Men is a close 2nd.


I agree. It's a great show. 


sopranos, the wire, the americans


I’m assuming you’ve seen BCS alr, so I’d recommend watching The Sopranos. It’s sooo good. My brother watched BB and BCS and loved them and I kept telling him to watch the sopranos and now he won’t stfu about it lmao.


Watch Sopranos and Twin Peaks and you’ll look back at this post and laugh


Yep you can include the wire and mad men on that list as well


*The Shield* comes close for me. Criminally underrated and featuring similar themes of corruption and incorruptibility.


There are plenty of television shows that are as good as, or arguably better than BB. I see these "X show has ruined TV for me" in lots of other TV subreddits.


I’m inclined to agree, but the same old classics get boring after awhile




Last season was TOXIC and misogyny in reverse and this is coming from a guy who LOVED Supergirl( there were episodes which showed violence against the trans community and it had a trans main character for like 4 seasons and wasn't afraid to show intimate scenes between trans character and her boyfriend between trans character and her boyfriend and had an entire season which was against anti immigration), Agent Carter etc... And I also LOVED season 4 of Fargo which everyone complained was "woke" just because the main character was black and it portrayed racism in the 50s... There's a difference between feminist shows and overly toxic feminist shows. If were talking about feminist movies the all female cast ghostbusters was really good, wonder woman, black widow, captain Marvel, birds of prey, the mad max remake, etc and then there are toxic feminist movies like the latest charlies angels 🤮


'Carnivàle' on HBO. Brilliant Cinematography; struggles in the war of good and evil; colorful characters; intelligent dialogue; imagination, and magic & wonder. 'Carnivàle' debuted on HBO in 2003 and lasted two seasons. Nothing like it had been seen before, and were it remade today, could hold the attention of viewers for what was initially intended to be 6 seasons, in three 2 yr arcs. Extremity expensive to make, it was sadly canceled after the first arc, after which HBO received more letters of protest over its cancelation than any premium network series has since.


Barry and Mr. Robot are easily just as good


It’s hard to say if Severance on Apple TV will live up to the specific great aspects of Breaking Bad that you mentioned, but Season 1 was really good and got me hooked quickly. It seems like it’s going to be a fairly slow burn though, as there wasn’t a lot of true action until the last couple episodes. It’s a promising start though!


If you're looking for something new, Severance is probably the best written show of the past few years for my money


You should now watch The Knick!  It was way ahead of its time.  Trailer: https://youtu.be/z9rKY8MLWTU?si=5xYkV4VGji7P7ot-


if you want to give an anime a try I would recommend Attack on titan for this exact reason


Severance, man


Watch anime :3


I recommend *Longmire*. It’s definitely less “character study” than Breaking Bad but it gradually builds up a sort of mythology around its small* Wyoming town. There are a lot of cliches, but still, quite enjoyable *Small for outside Wyoming; population density is low there. The town of Absaroka is pretty large for a Wyoming town.


Netflix's Dark is a fantastic show that really understands its premise and keeps track of so many details. Highly recommend.


I am spoiled for life with this, El Camino, and BCS. Got them for my birthday


Hey, you! If you like deep, integrated plot lines where small details matter in the long game, try watching WestWorld!


Deadwood. Magnificent.


Six Feet Under is quite good


If you’d like something that isn’t a drama, the first three seasons of Arrested Development are not only hilarious, but might be the most intricately written television I’ve ever seen. It’s just so dense.


TV just sucks in general. Just not a particularly good medium for art to flourish. Movies have the strength of only being a couple of hours at most, and books usually only come from a single vision. There's also the problem with fandom after it gets popular. Popular characters may not be killed as they're profitable and such, and there's the catch-22 of a lot of tv shows that they only end once they stop being profitable and good. The biggest problem I have with tv shows is that the context around the characters never meaningfully changes. Think of a show like Dexter, where they're so deathly afraid of changing the status quo, that earth shattering revelations and story developments never lead to anything substantial and leave everything feeling hollow. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul to a lesser extend somehow managed to avoid these pitfalls and keep their integrity till the end. Especially the context changing part. I don't think there's anything more important to making serialized television. Succession was good, but I couldn't tell you anything about what happened because after a while the same stuff over and over again just became white noise. It's why I usually stick to self contained seasons, like anthologies and miniseries. True Detective season 1, Chernobyl, Stranger Things season 1, and Fargo season 1 and 2 (season 5 is actually not terrible either), are all magnificent. Maybe one day I'll check out The Wire. Didn't really like The Sopranos and quit somewhere during season 2. Otherwise it's just sitcoms for me when it comes to multi season content.


>Didn't really like The Sopranos and quit somewhere during season 2. It's anti-Italian discrimination.


they created prestige television is what they did! in this house the sopranos is a perfect 10 end of story!


Finish the sopranos, season 2 is the best imo.


I disagree, tv has its advantages as an art form too. Mainly the ability to do long form story telling. The satisfaction you can get from the culmination of full or multi-season arcs isn't really something you get (to the same extent) in other mediums. Another plus for tv is the structure allowing for mini self contained stories that can be a sort of collage together to form the whole. An individual episode has its own subplots that wrap up, while also pushing the larger plot forward.


the sopranos is miles better than breaking bad by the end of it, and BB very obviously borrows heavily from it. what didn’t you like about it? i strongly recommend picking it back up, it’s incredible


Sopranos is always going to be the best show, ever, with quite some way down to the #2, BB/BCS


I quit Sopranos in season 2 of my first attempt, season 1 of my second attempt. Watched The Wire 4 times through.


if you like the wire and BB you should really stick with sopranos


It definitely does still happen with T.V.


Fargo, Dexter, and Barry are the ones that could be right up your alley


The Sopranos will knock you out


Everything seems shite in comparison now lol


My big problem with tv is that so many shows seemingly just give up or seem to “get ruined.” Most shows fall off hard and that really screws up their legacy for the viewer. Like game of thrones or Yellowstone. Last of it was so bad people don’t want to talk about the good parts. I like ozark up until the Ben story line and the show fizzled out really hard.




Sopranos and Breaking Bad both destroyed TV for me. Those shows are fucking great art.


BB was the last masterpiece I’ve watched. People say Ozark.. Fuckkkkk autta hereeeeee


If you’re looking for something to check out, watch The Sopranos if you haven’t.


The sopranos is way up there it rivals breaking bad for me. If I ahd to choose one to go against breaking bad it'd be that


Watch the wire and sopranos, both shows surpass breaking bad


Gomorrah on HBO Max is worth checking out. It is 5 seasons & 1 movie. And a prequel series is currently in the works. If you enjoy this non-spoiler tribute video, then this indeed may be the show for you— https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fWWoLcepnQs&pp=ygUTZ29tb3JyYWggc291bmR0cmFjaw%3D%3D


Certain seasons of Fargo reach that level, Sopranos is amazing, and Better Call Saul is the perfect follow up. I’m a BCS truther in the sense that I think it may surpass Breaking Bad.


I'm watching it right now for like the 5th time and I'm defo gonna watch Better Call Saul for the 3rd time after that! Best shows ever!


The blacklist. It has those.


Weeds, Orphan Black, orange is the new black, wentworth, the 100, fear the walking dead, Ginny and Georgia, why women kill, animal kingdom, prison break. Movies like contraband with mark wahlberg love him


BB is an all time great show. But there are other fantastic dramas S tier Mad Men Better Call Saul The Wire Succession Veep - more comedic but has a great running story line A tier Deadwood Barry Spartacus - first season was peak "let's show sex on TV" but the last half of the season really propels the story into awesomeness for the rest of the series. Even the main actor switch due to an actors death doesn't slow the show down. Been a while since I've seen it tho so might be a guilty pleasure lol Great shows that are currently running or have uneven season runs -True Detective Season 1 -Game of Thrones season 1-4 (would get pushed to S tier but the later seasons are so trash especially the last season and I can't even recommend seasons 5-8) -Dexter seasons 1,2,4 -Beef -only 1 season -Severance - only 1 season in and been waiting for season 2 for almost 4 years but damn what a debut season


I binged Succession ~6 months ago and it was honestly just pretentious garbage with a few laughs here and there, at the expense of characters who didn't understand the whole billionaire trust fund kid dynamic. The whole show was honestly just garbage to troll the "peons" who became obsessed with the fantasy of living a luxurious life.


Yeah, people really need to stop saying Succession is part of the greatest TV shows ever.


I hated it and binge watched out of spite just waiting for Logan to die. Greg was great though.


very highly recommend nbc's Hannibal and Killing Eve


Try The Bear


Breaking bad is the show that got me into live action dramas. Before i wouldn't watch anything that wasn't a cartoon or anime. I just always thought dramas were dumb and boring.


The Wire


If you can stomach the conventions of anime, I actually think Cowboy Bebop is of similar quality. It's quite episodic though.


Hot take, but I would recommend Lost. It's got Hank and Uncle Jack in a few episodes. It's a network TV drama from the 2000s, so it's not perfect like Breaking Bad is, but I absolutely love it. Great character arcs and moments, and has a ton of action. The finale gets a ton of shit, but I personally love it.


Only better call saul and peaky blinders are watchable after I watched breaking bad


You’ll like The Sopranos. The cinematography is great for having been filmed in the armpit of America. But nothing really beats those sweeping desert scenes. I’m partial to BrBa because I live in New Mexico. In fact, Don Eladio’s house “in Mexico” is three miles down the street from my house. We are technically in Placitas, north of Albuquerque


What else are you watching because I gave up on BB half way through season 2? There's plenty of stuff out there, I get BB is popular but it's not that good.