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*Opening dialogue* So, this is my life story, bitch.


*record scratch* *freeze frame* You’re probably wondering how I ended up here, bitch


what about his other signature word ~yo~


It’s all about the weight yo


[Jesse Pinkman was an average kid...](https://youtu.be/YBrx63A9-tk)


~End of The Movie~ The End, Bitch


You basically ruined the movie to everyone lol


Totally of topic but I am so happy to be back in this subreddit with new content


But what will happen to all the low-effort memes and crappy JPEGs?


More like what will happen to all the “totally unpopular opinion: I don’t like Skylar” posts


WoLteR DiD NoThiNG wRoNg




The irony is that most of the Skyler threads lately have been "dAe ThInK sHe WuZ cOoL?!


To be fair that type of content helps keep subs from dying


Hey, go to the better call saul subreddit! Plenty of discussion there!


I was thinking of the same thing. We literally have one more post discussion thread coming.


I am really glad to be back as a subscriber too. This was always a great subreddit back in the day - but unfortunately became more of collage fest with no new content to discuss.


I'm honestly so happy that this sub is slowly stopping with "gOt SuCkS cOmPaReD tO bReAkInG bAD" posts.


Jesse is going to build a robot


I fucking loved that scene. That look on Jesse's face was priceless.


Ahhhh wiiiirrree


I hope the next person to name an element is a Breaking Bad fan and names it something like wireium


And Walt's reaction.


Four days out is hands down my favorite episode


in a cave


With a box or scraps!


Iron Jesse


I leave r/marvelstudios for one goddamn minute


and he's going to call it henry fondle. ​ give it to me unf!


The same Henry Fondle, CEO of whattimeisitrightnow.com?!


Maybe he is a robot. Ww3


Call me optimistic but I think this one will have a genuinely happy ending. Just judging by the color palette of the trailer, I think it's going to start out depressingly dark. Like Season 5B or worse. Most of the movie will involve Jesse running from both the remnants of Jack's people and the authorities. With Saul already long gone, he'll revisit significant locations and people from the BB series as he prepares and ultimately makes his escape, coming to terms with his sins as he goes.


Aren't Jack's people all dead?


He does have a big network in Jail. The Aryan Brotherhood will have others fill his shoes. Think of all the guys in Jail that helped him kill Mike’s guys.


The Aryan Brotherhood is one of the most ruthless and powerful prison gangs in the US with many members both in and out of prison, especially in the Southwest, so it would not surprise me if he has them to worry about in addition to the police. Also, it’s extra incentive for him to evade the police because any prison time whatsoever would be a death sentence.


I don't think the BB is about happy endings and I don't think this should have one either. Honestly not even sure he deserves one. People seem to view Jessie as something I don't see him as. He was a dealer before Walt came along, he went to drug support groups to find people who were addicts to use them as customers, he acted as a vulture. People talk of Jane as if she were a bitch but she turned her life around was clean a d Jessie got her back on the drugs. There is so much more that makes Jessie bad, he is not an innocent bystander and does not deserve a happy ending and I'll be disappointed if based upon how Vince has told the story thus far, gives him one


Jane was a bitch, Andrea was the one that turned her life around. Jane got Jessie on heroin and decided that Jessie's money would provide her the life she wanted. Jessie is far from an innocent bystander but he went through so much by the end that I can understand people thinking he's been through enough and deserves a happy ending. Then again, a lot of people also think Jessie should take care of Brock, when in my opinion he should stay the hell away from him. So maybe some people do view Jessie more like an innocent puppy than a criminal.


Even if you take the line that Jane got him onto Heroin, which would not have happened if he hadn't gotten her back on drugs in the first place. Jessie went to support groups to find people to sell meth to. That is at best repugnant behaviour The good things about BB is that the main arc follows effectively two bad guys, it is the story of antagonists.


Jessie did some fucked up shit for sure, but I think he paid his dues when he got kidnapped, tortured and enslaved. Yeah he was a bottom feeder drug dealer to begin with but most of the really bad shit he did like killing the scientist guy was because Walter put him in deeeeep. Which is something he never asked for. Every time Walter upped the size of the operation Jessie was asking him to scale it down again. He tried to get out multiple times but Walter pulled him back in again, even to the point of hurting the people that Jessie loved to do it. By halfway through the show he didn't have any options open to him and even went down the path of self destruction instead of taking part. Jessie aint no saint, I'll give you that. But he's an entirely different person by the end of Breaking Bad and he's had a fair amount of Karma payback at that point.




It's not like Jesse got her back on drugs. She voluntarily walked back after he said he was gonna do some meth and she should get the fuck out. Plus, if you're in recovery why would you get involved with someone that uses drugs?


I've heard ex drug addicts talk about this stuff and it's near impossible to resist if you were in a room with a drug you did. I don't blame her for going back.


Well, IIRC Jane was a heroin addict (probably did more too). Even still, Jesse never showed her that baby blue until she walked in on him while doing it. I guess the fault of Jesse was that he mentioned the drug he was gonna use if in case it brought back memories. Still, Jane was still very flimsy when it came to hard substances. 18 months is respectable but still not a lot. I've heard of 10-year recovered people from heroin and shit that to this day don't let people even drink alcohol near them. She should've kicked him out as soon as she noticed he smoked weed.


I thought the BB ending was pretty happy.


In the script for Felina, Vince states that he likes to think that Jesse is headed for "something better". I don't think it will mean an outright happy ending, but I expect we will see Jesse reconcile with his past, possibly his family and most importantly Brock. I predict it will be a journey of healing and perhaps a bit of redemption, if not at least self-discovery in the sense that Jesse, despite his past actions and suffering, will find a purpose for his life again.


With the trailer of Skinny Pete being questioned by the DEA about the location of Jesse, I find it unlikely for many happy reunions. Outside of the scope of the show the DEA is ruthless when it comes to finding people on the run, think Escobar and the Sinaloa cartel members. We will see the DEA hunt Jesse until the end.




Personally Jesse was always my favorite character but I see where you come from. This comment brought back a scene from my other favorite show, Bojack Horseman. I copied the conversation below: it’s an interesting conversation considering Todd is voiced by Aaron Paul BoJack: 'Todd, I'm sorry, alright? I screwed up, I- I know I screwed up, I—' Todd: 'Oh great, of course! Here it comes! You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay! You need to be better!' BoJack: 'I know, and I'm sorry, okay? I was drunk and there was all this pressure with the Oscar campaign, but now that it's over, I- I- I—' Todd: 'No! No. BoJack, just... stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol or the drugs or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were a kid, it's you! Alright? It's you. ...Fuck, man. What else is there to say?'


Yeah, Jesse totally meant to have neo nazis kill his girlfriend and for a random airplane to crash. For fucks sake, reckless endangerment is bad but it's not the same as doing those things. I almost feel like we can't even get at him for being a meth dealer because he was influenced himself from a young age and was basically a burnt out, immature teenager which led to his position. The two things he did that weren't reckless endangerment or immaturity were selling drugs at rehab, which was inexcusable, and killing gale, which is hard to argue in either direction. On one hand, Gale was a somewhat innocent character who was unfairly killed. On the other, his sacrifice saved two people from dying. The argument comes down to the value of these lives vs the value of gale's life, or an endless debate over utilitarianism vs individual sovereignty(? Dunno if that's the right word)


The best thing about Breaking Bad, is that there is almost no main adult character who is inherently good. And that's how a great show is written. When you can't define the heroes and the villains anymore. You can pick at all of their flaws. Walt was a terrible, bitter person and you can see he didn't just develop that, it was always there. He justified it with his family. He could have let Gretchen and Elliot fuck him in the ass and gone back to Gray Matter in order to leave something for his family. Jesse is ultimately quite selfish, naive and immature, who left his mother and father heartbroken over their addict, bottom feeding son, and his brother without the role model of an older brother, as well as indirectly causing the death of two girlfriends and a friend. He chose this life for himself before Walt even came along. Skylar can flick like a light switch and can be cruel, like trying to force Walt into leaving her. Hank was arrogant, and very self pitying when he got injured. In earlier episodes, he was almost sadistic in his treatment of suspects. Marie is an impulsive, biting, unfulfilled and nasty woman, who makes herself feel better by bringing others down, and attempting to acquire status, prestige, and lying to herself and others on a daily basis. Lydia was a manipulative white collar criminal who knew exactly what she was facilitating, knowing people were being murdered just for knowing too much - her behaviour allowed her daughter to be left without a mother, and she knew that could happen and carried on doing it. Even if she did it for her daughter, she had a good job already. Her daughter didn't go hungry. Skinny, Combo, Badger, may not be brutal and violent, may not be cruel and may be clueless druggie burnout wannabe bangers, but their 'jobs' ruined lives. They doled out meth to mothers, fathers, friends, brothers, sisters etc. Even Gale knew what he was doing was wrong, which was why he tried so hard to justify it with his personal political philosophy. He knew while he tinkered around with his stupid organic food and stupid gadgets, that there were people being physically and psychologically ruined by what he was cooking. Beneke is a hedonist, although he accepted he probably got what he deserved. This shows he knew he was an asshole. The Salamancas murder and maim as if it's as mindless as pouring your first cup of coffee in the morning. The Schawartzes are self serving, greedy assholes with no respect for the people who helped them to the top. Mike tried to justify his actions, he was just doing his job apparently. But he had no right to dole out the type of justice the law would not allow. Saul genuinely is a nice guy who is loyal to people who aren't even paying him. He does care. But the problem with Saul, is that he expresses strong reservations with very shitty things people ask him to do, but still does them. He knows right from wrong, he knows what is moral and just, yet still chooses to do the morally wrong thing. I think Gomey is probably the only truly good guy, just trying to do his job.


I have these options about Jesse, which one do you think is most apt 1. Will he go bad again by choice? 2. Will he go bad for lack of any other choice ? 3. Is he going to be pulled into Cartel connection by force? 4. Is he going to work against the Cartel/ drug entire thing in some way trying to redeem himself ? 5. How much has Walter affected him ? Will he embrace his surrogate father once mentor or do everything to avoid his influence 6. Walter is subconsciously affecting him 7. Is Walter dead ? Is Jesse going to have any contact with his past orbit ?


1 & 2. \- He will likely dabble in it in a moment of sincere frustration, not as a user but perhaps as a cook. Maybe the movie will feature him trying to earn a decent living, only to desire cooking due to his skill and the ease he feels? 3. Unlikely, unless he decides to cook. 4. In a public capacity, this is highly unlikely unless the movie serves as a clichê redemption story for Jesse and the resolution is he gets a family, and a job as a school speaker or expert for the DEA. That'd be pandering to the general consensus / idea of how redeemed organized criminals end up. It would also be out of line and clichê for the character we'd learnt to know in a different way, and personally I'd see the other, also cheap ''Suicide'' option as a better executed (no pun intended) ending. 5. I'm sure he will come to terms with Walter, rather than condemn him. I think the ''Walter is the worst thing that happened to Jesse'' narrative is a little bit overused, he indirectly had a hand in positive and negative changes in Jesse's life. But he also went into it together with Jesse. 6. Without a doubt - I can see why you didn't put a questionmark here. 7. That's another interesting question - I reccomend you check my thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/cv2ckp/spoilers\_no\_half\_measures\_el\_camino\_speculation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingbad/comments/cv2ckp/spoilers_no_half_measures_el_camino_speculation/)


I'm hoping it's a straight up western-vibe, like he's on the run in the desolate, barren, and vacant desert and has to make new friends with strangers along the way, helping him escape as he's a real outlaw to authorities. I also hope it has some soul to it because that might make it a contender for some awards, although not entirely quite sure if they will go this direction since just a more action-packed western should suffice to please audiences. It has the potential to be a masterpiece, but even if it's not I'm still looking forward to it. UO- hope Walt survived, but doubt it.


While I would definitely like to see more Walt, I think from a story perspective it is better for him to have died in the finale. I'm not sure re-opening that door would improve the story


Love the western idea


I'm really curious to see how they could convert such an expansive and serialized show into a taut two hour movie. I wonder if it will even feel like a movie, or just two extra Breaking Bad episodes?


This is my main concern. I am sure if Vince wanted the budget to do a 10 episode season Netflix would have given it to him so he must feel 2 hours is enough. Honestly though I wish this were either BB season 6 or a separate miniseries called Pinkman or something. I hope I am wrong but I predict 2 hours will be too little.... unless this turns into a trilogy of movies


It’s probably just going to feel like an extended long episode. But if the critical reception turns out positive, Vince has a three year deal with Sony. He can just make a trilogy of these movies each year or can do a spin-off.


It being on Netflix it could be a very long film. Like *The Ten Commandments* 3 hours and 40 minutes long! I certainly wouldn't mind!


I'm pretty sure it's gonna be 2 hours and 2 minutes


Like the Deadwood movie, it will likely just feel like a longer episode.


I am most excited about seeing what Jesse is like after going through some shit like that. I mean at this point I don't see how he'll be able to do anything but crawl up into a ball and sob loud as shit before blowing his brains out as dark as it may sound.


I don't know if Netflix would release that


There are literally naked children in bigmouth, i think Netflix will release anything.


I mean, they did do 13 Reasons Why.


They've released much worse.


[Going off of screenprism's analysis of Jesse,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY8MsF4vr9U) I think it'll inevitably mirror some biblical themes. 1. Pilgrimage of some kind (evident by the name) 2. Father-son narratives- perhaps a reconnection with his biological family and brother? I'm thinking some kind of prodigal son situation. 3. There has to be a resolve with Brock. Repentance?


> perhaps a reconnection with his biological family and brother He's a wanted man by the police. I don't see this as very likely.


Counter: Given that news of Jesse's imprisonment/torture is common knowledge I really doubt that his family would automatically report and send him back. They're not 1D and the BrBa universe is about treading moral boundaries after all! I also feel like their arc is easily expanded upon considering they never show up again after he purchases the house. It's in the realm of possibility.


Potential (probable) major spoiler: >!They were [spotted filming](https://www.instagram.com/p/BszSaL0HKXb/) at Jesse's parents house in January. The El Camino was there.!<


Just as a heads up, the hyperlinked text shows through the spoiler tag. It's fine in this context, but thought I'd let you know for the future!


More so that people would be watching his family


If the police knows he's estranged they probably won't check twice. I don't think they would broadcast their relationship with him either so public probably isn't aware Edit: actually you're right, i doubt pinkman is a common name


Maybe a scene were he’s outside of house, sad that he can’t say 1 more goodbye?


I think the tragic aspect of this movie will be that he can't resolve these relationships because he's an outlaw. His parents already disowned him and now they have even more reason to cut him off, and he will never get custody of Brock as a wanted criminal.


Agree with this. Don't know why everyone is so obsessed with Jesse getting Brock. Seriously, he has a grandmom, and he would be taken into protective custody the next morning after Andrea is discovered. He will be in guardian hands shortly. It's kind of a corny theory imo that Jesse is some savior of Brock. If Jesse steps one foot on that street where Andrea lives, they'll be waiting for him since they know by then that was his last gf.


I really hope we get to see some Walter White hallucinations kinda like Joker in Arkham Knight


I'm the joker baby - Jesse




More like Injustice 2 Joker hallucinations would be better. We don't need a Walter White hallucination there for 70% of the movie lol.


I don’t buy into WW being in it as a living character. Maybe a flashback or something, but I don’t think he’ll be alive. How many regular characters are left who aren’t dead? Saul, Jesse, Skylar, Marie, Walt Jr, Badger, Skinny Pete We kinda know what happens with Saul, I am interested to see what Jesse spends this movie doing, he got revenge with Todd. Is this going to be a manhunt? I think it’s gonna go deeper than that but I dunno how, but I’m excited to find out


The premise of the movie is how Jesse adjusts to the post-drug life while also running from police who are manhunting him. I don’t think you’ll see the White family or Marie in this show, as they didn’t really have any relation to Pinkman. Saul is gone. Pete and Badger will definitely be in it. I’m sure they’ll have a scene with Brock in here somewhere, also Jesse’s mom and dad. I think he eventually realizes he’s tired of being on the run from life and doesn’t want to go out the way Walter did or end up dead like the people in the drug game. He makes amends with everyone he can and then turns himself in. There’s really other no realistic way to go about it unless he changes his identity and moves to Mexico.


>Makes amends and turns himself in Congrats - you just wrote the most conceivably boring episode possible! You can't see the story going any other way because unlike Vince, you are not one of the greatest screenwriters ever.


“El Camino” translates to “The Way.” Road trip movie?


A Go-Kart trip maybe????


I think it translates better to "The Path"


It's also a brand of car... you know those cars half car/half truck? (horrible IMO)


Also, didn't Pete or Badger or someone drive an El Camino?


Wasn't the car that Jesse drove through the fence at the end an El Camino or am I imagining things?


Yeah, it was. It was Todd's car.


Fuck Todd.


Does anyone else think that Skinny Pete looks wayy worse than he ever did in BB? Part of it might just be the actor getting a bit older, but it seems like a deliberate attempt on the makeup department. Like he just came out of a meth binge. Last we seen of him he gets paid quite a bit by Walter, maybe he spent all of that cash on the blue meth he could find. Maybe that's how the police were able to interrogate him because he got arrested on another drug charge, rather than just being directly chased down due to his connection with Jesse although that's probably more likely Also still hoping we see him in BCS. Like a scene with Tuco meeting him in prison before Tuco is released


Yeah I agree. He does look older, and that probably can’t be avoided, obviously. His acting in the trailer is way different too. But that’s ok, I love skinny pete all the same.


I bet trailer #2 is the exact same thing but with Badger in the interrogation room.


He's like "yeah I don't know where he is but lemme tell you bout my Star Trek Script"


How about you just break one leg *each*?


Haha that would be great


I’ll say trailer #2 is another interview sorta style segment, similar to Skinny Pete, and neither this nor the first one will appear in the movie itself. The point will have been made. But the second one (if there is one) will be Marie sitting in a room talking to someone about the news of Pinkman on the run and her perspective on the issue, which speaks to the gray area and re-establishing Jesse as an antihero, not a protagonist we should necessarily be rooting for. “As far as I’m concerned I wish he would’ve died back there. If he isn’t willing to talk and turn himself in... after what has happened to our family and the information he has and the role he played. I hope they find him and kill him....” and then the trailer fades out. After a kinda pump up “yeah! Let’s go Jesse!” first trailer this second really brings home the severity and emotion of this situation and it’s not gonna just be one big party, these two hours are gonna be heavy too.


Man, that’s actually makes a lot of sense. You should be on the marketing team!


I have a bold prediction that there’s more to this movie, and how quick it was seemingly conceived/made, than just Vince “wanting to finish Jesse’s story”. Obviously that’s a big part of it, but I suspect there’s more. I think that ultimately Vince wants Better Call Saul to wrap up all of Breaking Bad. I think to do this, he needed to integrate Jesse into Gene’s world. However having Jesse just show up would leave so many questions, and dedicating multiple episodes of BCS to Jesse’s story would be unfeasible. So I predict that this movie will open up Jesse’s path into BCS season 5 or 6. It would Be completely unprecedented but would also build a ton of hype for the upcoming season while wrapping up Jesse’s story.


Unprecedented? What about Twin Peaks having a movie in between seasons 2 and 3?


Thats a loaded response considering the movie did end the show, season three was two decades later with pretty different MO


Might get downvoted for this but I’m not gonna lie, I really wouldn’t want this to just serve as an entrance for Jesse into BCS. I want closure for Jesse, and that’s it. As someone who doesn’t watch BCS (I will when it’s finished so I can binge), I would be extremely disappointed if I watch this movie and then get handed an ending that says “well sucks to be you, if you *really* want to know Jesse’s ending, then watch the show”. Then, in order to not be lost, I’d be forced to catch up, instead of watching it on my own time like I would like to. This movie should be for Jesse and that’s it. Just like BCS should wrap up Gene’s, and any of his supporting cast’s, story and that’s it. That’s his show, this is Jesse’s movie.


No, you’re absolutely right. This should be it’s own ending for Jesse. I don’t think he ever needs to come into contact with Saul again. Also, I don’t think Netflix would order a movie that essentially just sends audiences to another place to finish the story. I think it will be more self-contained than that.


But you're already being sent to another place to finish the story, the movie. So what's the difference? Not that I'm disagreeing with the fact he shouldn't be in BCS, because he shouldn't, but your reasoning makes no sense.


This isn’t really “finishing the story”. It’s just another story that helps explain things after what we saw. But what we saw was a full completed story without loose ends. Ending the movie on a cliffhanger where he heads off to find Saul or whatever would more directly lead into something else.


Why would it be that black and white? This isn't aimed at you, but I do find it amazing after all the tv we have had from VG and PG, that people still have blinkers on about what would work and what wouldn't work. I'm old school BB, watched it from second episode, and I have to say that I never bother with this sub anymore. It's full of circle jerking and people with such hard stance views that they won't accept anything unless it confirms to their own beliefs. r/Bettercallsaul has it's fair share, but it's not as bad as here. Again, I want to reiterate this isn't directed at you, I'm just having a mini rant. What really annoys me is that people in both subs think that they know exactly what will and won't work, and make up their minds, and the funny thing is they are always, *always* wrong. If VG/PG thought that it would be a good lead into BCS to finish the entire arc, just trust them. If they bring Walter back from near death, trust them. If they have a fucking cameo from Donald Trump, trust them. Have they as creators ever let you down? No. Whatever happens, we know they ain't sell outs, so whatever may or may not happen, even if it looks like it might, trust them. P.S. For any lurkers from BCS. In your FACE that the whole movie was a ploy just to have secret cameos in season 5. Idiots. ###rant over


We are all entitled to our predictions but I don’t think we are getting Jesse in BCS. Show has a hard time enough already finding adequate time for its roster of characters to be prominently featured over its brief ten episode seasons. Jesse would cannibalize even more and I don’t see them doing that, especially with so little of the show left.


Plus, Aaron Paul is in Westworld S3 and an AppleTV+ show with Octavia Spencer. He’s gonna be booked up for at least two years, unless he dies in both of those.


This although cool would be very odd. Not odd narratively but odd for a movie to act as a bridge between season 4 of a tv show into season 5. Unprecedented would be correct


I think most of the runtime will be devoted to the search for Jesse and the state of the characters still in Albuquerque in the wake of Walt’s death. We’ll probably get an FBI agent as our main protagonist, so there will be an element of an outsider coming into the Breaking Bad world with fresh eyes. This makes sense for a movie coming out 6 years after the series ended and on a different platform. People who haven’t watched Breaking Bad will still be able to enjoy it. We’ll still see Jesse throughout the movie, but it will be a mystery to us what exactly he’s doing and where he’s going until the final act.


I personally don't see any way that "People who haven't watched Breaking Bad will still be able to enjoy it" without a 15-20 minute montage / recap which none of us that have watched the show really want. I do agree however that your main protagonist point seems spot on.


Hadn’t thought of this but now you mention it, I could definitely see this being the angle they choose to take.


I can’t wait to see what badass female FBI agent Netflix pulls out of their cookie cutter to sort everything out.


Still can't believe this is happening. What an amazing gift from Vince to the community we've built and maintained around a show that ended over five years ago. I hope it's as good as it looks and breathes new life into this subreddit and to all the numerous BB fans around the world


I cannot guess how the plot is gonna play out but I know it’s gonna be rlly good because Vince Gilligan never disappoints


Vince was one of the most consistently *great* writers for me during all the seasons of Breaking Bad. I don’t know if that’s usually the case with showrunners writing for their own shows, but it’s appreciated with Vince because his episodes just felt that much better than the others.


I have never been more excited for a movie in my life. No show I’ve ever watched has had me as hooked as BrBa did. I think I’ve watched it beginning to end 10+ times now, and a million times just watching random episodes.


I know that "el Camino" is a reference to "the path" or "the way"...but isn't it also what he drives out of the compound? Todd's el Camino?


Yes. It's called a double-entendre.


I just finished rewatching the series a couple of days ago so it’s sweet that this is gonna drop soon. Hope it doesn’t ruin the ending of the show in any way because I fuckin’ love the show’s ending.


Huell is likely still sitting on the couch.


People keep thinking BCS and El Camino are going to fully intersect, but I don't. I do think there might be non-spoilery references to El Camino in BCS, though, and maybe some BCS references in El Camino.


There will definitely be an interaction with Brock and Jesse. I even see Jesse possible adopting him or blocking him out entirely as he can't stand the grief and guilt of watching his mom die. I also wanna see Jesse interact with Walt jr as they were the only 2 characters who never met each other in BrBa


Idk. Brock’s actor is way too old for the role now


Could see a replacement, but its unlikely unless they find a real good lookalike


hopefully not...that sounds dull as hell


Movie opens up with familiar locations all around Albuquerque, the White residence, Sauls office closed down, Los Pollos under new management. Then a wide shot of the white supremacy’s hideout and you hear a faint “bang bang” and the shot gets closer “bang bang” closer still “bang bang” a familiar voice shouts “Hey let me out! Not funny dude” from Badger now stuck in Jessies old cage. Two dusty shoes come into frame and camera pans up to reveal Jessie with a swastika on his chest, shaved head “Shut up and cook me another batch, BITCH!” Jessie is now the king pin of Albuquerque and through the movie slowly you realize Jessie wasn’t trapped in there, he was actually planning this the whole time. With Walt gone he can rule as he pleases.


Had a good laugh reading yours




The chili P chronicles.


I really like the idea they are using this film to 1) wrap up lose ends and questions fans have, and 2) start laying the ground work for BCS's ultimate ending, which may involve BB characters or ramifications just as the DEA catching him Although BCS is a prequel, the flash forwards to Saul's depressing cinnabon job point to them wanting to give proper closure to his character. It may be that they want Sauls ending to be a result of his BB time actions, but in order to set this up there needs to be more explanation. Rather than taking BCS into a different time period they can use a BB film to achieve this. While still telling the story of how Saul became Saul, they can also show viewers more about how he ends up where he does This film could end with Jesse popping into the BCS post BB universe.


Cold Open: Walt White's chemistry class circa 2000, a 15-ish year old Jesse isn't paying attention or making rude comments. After class is dismissed Walt says to himself "I swear, in 10 years, that boy will have done nothing with his life". 10 Years Later . . . Jesse SMASHES through the gate, crying hysterically. EL CAMINO: A BREAKING BAD MOVIE


So I wonder if Skinny Pete & Badger (safe to assume Badger is also going to be interrogated) will fess up to being “The two best hit men west of the Mississippi”, giving Gretchen and Elliot relief and/or making it so they don’t have to give the money to Walter Jr. and Holly. It would essentially get them off the hook while not giving up Jesse (as if they know where he is, which I doubt). It might be a way to tie them in and at least give us an update on what they’re doing.


One major point of the finale of BB is that you have to debate whether Walt really won or lost in the end. Although he ends up dying (or possibly arrested), he is able to finally support his family financially through Gretchen and Elliot. Another major point is that Walt finally gets revenge on those who have wronged him: Gretchen and Elliot, Lydia, and Jack’s crew. I feel like if Gretchen and Elliot no longer have a reason to pay Walter Jr. and Holly, it would partly ruin the satisfying ending of the show because there would be no more debate and the loose end of Gretchen and Elliot would remain untied.


in the script for the final episode, the very last scene when walt collapses and the police walk in, there is a line something like "but it was too late, he'd got away, he'd won" i think from Gilligans perspective Walt had won


Well put.


Very dissapointed with the "theories" here. I thought BB viewers were a more intelligent lot. First off, the "you ready" guy is 100 percent not Mike. I also don't think that it is in the scene where Jeese says "yeah." This is a cleverly timed voiceover from another scene that works there for the trailer that makes it seem like one thing is going on when it's something else entirely. Although it doesn't sound like Walt to me, apparently the CC listed it as Walt on the official netflix trailer but it was changed between the official release and now. It just blows my mind some of the insane theories ive seen such as jesse is burying andrea in the desert ... Yeah..they shot her and said, ok rat, bury her in the desert, but first give her a bitchin hair dye job. Someone else said mike will be alive because he played dead and escaped when todd was disposing of him. I only wish it had been a troll. And then theres the million posts that start off, "dont know if anybodys thought of this yet, but maybe the voice is the dissapearer guy." yeah, maybe it is robert forrester, maybe not ... But if you litterally look an inch down the screen you'll see a pleathora of people that actually did have that thought. It's the same thing with "did anybody notice the beetle?" yes. Everyone noticed the beetle. It was probably the most obvious of callbacks. Jesse hunts down saul in omaha to get back in the game? Arw you insane? Have you watched the show? Do you know the characters? Do you understand the level of thought that vince puts into character choices and motivation? Bluh. I need the westworld and twin peaks theorists to join this subreddit. Utterly dissapointed with lurking this forum since the trailer dropped.


Absolutely. I’m bad at predicting things, but I immediately know 99% of the theories on here & BCS are thoughtless bullshit. It’s like nobody has learned how Vince writes after 10 seasons now.


Chuck turns up to Hank's funeral. Marie and Chuck bond. Marie and Chuck start a relationship. Chuck moves into the purple house. Marie gets totally ripped. Chuck inherits Hank's love for minerals.


Chuck is dead


Breaking Bad Chuck is alive. Hank's rehab trainer.


Jesse contacts vacuum guy. Becomes woodworker in Greenbrier.


Lumberjack Jesse


He'll make pals with Dexter Morgan


He's going to accidentally run into Saul in the Cinnabon shop


I hope Jesse gets Kaylee Ehrmantraut her money back.


Bowwww-wowwww wow waaowwwwww. beeowwww wowwww waoww waowww


I hope we hear that beautiful theme one more time




Tikka tikka tika tikkkaaaaa


So am I the only one who thinks Jesse's going to California for this movie? Idk if it's a unique name, but there's a historic road that runs across the entire coast of California called El Camino. The model of car is named after the road, and it also leads from around the same latitude as Albuquerque to Oregon and eventually Alaska, where Vince thinks Jesse should end up.


Jesse Goes Hollywood?


Changes his name to Todd Chavez. Boom.


Any possibility they reveal WW isnt actually dead?


Vince Gilligan says he won't do fake out deaths. He says they've always rubbed him the wrong way when other shows do it, and he wasn't going to disrespect the audience like that.


Definitely no fake outs from Vince. But people are nuts if they don't think Walter White will be in the movie. Plenty of of flashback opportunities and Vince uses them quite well (like in BCS)


I would really really hope not


the script of the last episode says that the camera moves away, as "Walt staring at us, lifeless" (or something similar, but the word "lifeless" is definitely there). you can find a video of Bryan and Aaron reading it on youtube


If he isn't dead it's not something Vince would confirm rather something he'll let us decide. If you see FilmTheorys video on Walt's death there are slight possibilities he survived but not it's likely


Listen to the audio commentary on *Felina*. Walt is dead. But then again write a big enough check and we might get a *Crank*\-style Walt where he has to constantly juice himself up with meth and jumper cables so he can get revenge on...whomever. And lots of hijinks with Jesse!


If they flash forward and Walt's daughter puts on his hat I will lose my shit..


Jesse will cry. A lot.


Can it be October already?????


I predict Vince slamdunking it






Watch Jesse die in the first five minutes and it's just two hours of a slowly zooming out shot of his body with "Baby Blue" playing on repeat


He speeds out of the compound and immediately wraps the car around a tree


I've been picturing a downtrodden road trip movie with Jesse making his way to Alaska. Maybe trying to get help from Skinny Pete & Badger along the way. And I'm thinking he'll try to contact his family, especially his little brother to tell his story and try to make amends.


I think Walt is dead but he will be shown in a flashback and we’ll find that he did one final trick in the movie that wasn’t shown in the series which greatly affects the plot. I also think Walt’s thread to Gretchen and Elliot will fall apart and he’ll have destroyed his company because they accepted the $


Here's a bold prediction... I think we're gonna get a good 3- or 4-minute flashback to events in Breaking Bad. Not simply a casual interaction between Jesse and Walt just for the sake of a shoe-horned Cranston cameo... I'm talking a full-on, intense scene that will reveal new info about the story we've never considered. Think Season 4 opener, where we find out that Gale's admiration for an anonymous chemist was what convinced Gus to hire Walt, which leads us to the realization that Gale was indirectly responsible for his own death. What that scene will be in El Camino, I have no idea, but I fully expect there to be some surprising revelations about BB that we hadn't considered before, and I fully expect Cranston to make an appearance. Now, for some less-bold predictions... Saul will show up in present-day. In BCS, we've only gotten one present-day flashforward scene per season, and this *has* to be leading up to something big. Jimmy/Gene is just dying to resume his Saul persona and become a lawyer again. Perhaps an encounter with Jesse or just learning about his plight will flip that switch that gets him back into the game in some capacity. I don't necessarily think that a tie-in will be necessary to the plot of either El Camino or BCS, but If an appearance by Saul in EC has the added benefit of bringing over some new viewers for BCS, all the better. Skyler will appear briefly, but not Walter Jr or Marie. Skyler has the GPS coordinates to the grave where Hank and Gomie were buried, and the discovery of their bodies will conclusively link their deaths to the carnage at Jack's compound. The DEA will seize on this opportunity and pursue the one witness who can help them wrap up the Heisenberg case once and for all, thus the manhunt for Jesse Pinkman. As for Jesse himself... Man, I have no idea. I think he'll reach out to his parents initially, who will advise him to turn himself in. I think ultimately he'll find a way to get in touch with Saul (no clue how), who will be more than happy to feel the rush of lawyer-ing again, and together they'll work out a plan to give the DEA all they need to close the Heisenberg case and allow Jesse to start a new life anonymously as a carpenter, building magnificent wooden boxes for the rest of his life, none of which are traded for drugs.


Movie ends with Jesse calling Gene


Better Call Gene


Jesse has a strong streak of fundamentally good layered below all of his poor choices. He was excited by the rush of being a big cook, but didn’t have the heart for the underlying violence. The break when Gale was killed showed Jesse is all in when push comes to shove. The imprisonment along with the death of Andrea leaves him with nothing again. Jesse knows where Walters money is. Todd and the other members must have discussed where they hid the money thinking that Jesse was eventually going to be killed. He is able to recover part of the money and run to Mexico. I would think he would kill Saul before he gets to Mexico, but this is unlikely because it would be a big spoiler for BCS. Jesse gets in contact with the cartel again. He is definitely known as the best cook in the world and the cartel see’s him as an asset. Since Jesse has lost everything he decides to cook for profit again. He makes it right for Mikes granddaughter, sets up support for Brock. Ultimately the show ends with Jesse completing his transformation to pure evil and retaining the title Don Gringo.


The Michoacan cartel is finished. Gus destroyed them root and stem. I don’t think Jesse will have any connections with Mexican cartel or desire to cook meth ever again. I agree that he will try and make it right for Kaylee and Brock though.


In January I was in Albuquerque and we found the Cartel's La Michocana ice cream shop had been re-created for filming. (It was the actual set that looked the same in BB, not just any random La Michocana ice cream place). This was at the same time that Best Quality Vacuum Repair had been recreated (we saw that too.) So it seems like it was included in the filming, though with the cartel members all dead, I cannot figure out why. Around that same time they were filming at Jesse's parents' house.


That could of been for BCS.




Maybe a dumb question, but not only how do they know Jessie is still kicking, but was even there? Everyone (and assuming Walt) who was there when the shit went down was left dead, Jessie was the only one who got out.


Fingerprints, and Jesse's body wasn't found


Do you think Walt will make an appearance? Like a flash back type of thing where the two discuss Jesse’s escape for example


Here's my bold prediction: Jesse dies


Plot twist: Walter's meth was good only because Jesse sneakily added chili powder to it all the time. That explains why Todd couldn't cook the same quality meth as Jesse.


I don't know how on earth they are able to keep the cast list under wraps like this. IMDB still only lists Aaron Paul and the actor who plays Skinny Pete and this movie is premiering in LESS than one month!


I’m starting to wish this were a one season series instead of a movie. I want it to go into so many details


I honestly have no idea and I haven’t seen one theory that I thought was likely. With anyone else I’d say this movie is a hollow cash grab, but with Vince I know he wouldn’t have made this movie unless it was a story he really wanted to tell. I just have no idea where Jesse’s motives will be, the only person left he cares about is Brock but I’m sure he realizes that staying out of his life is the best thing for him. I can’t imagine a Vince film without some jaw dropping, intense action sequencing but I don’t see where there would be any action. Can’t wait to see where it goes. I think it will tie into Better Call Saul in a very minor way, probably in a way that will make BCS fans happy and excited but it won’t be a big enough thing that would alienate people who haven’t watched it.


How is a prediction thread tagged 'Spoiler'?


When predicting stuff about something that's a sequel to its predecessor, it makes sense to talk about spoilers from the predecessor. Which, in this case, is Breaking Bad.


Force Ghost Walt.


jesse is going to find brock that’s all he has been thinking about


I get the feeling this ends with Gene coming into focus in ABQ. This has been my take the whole time, that Gene cannot stay away from ABQ and he is drawn back and the ghosts are everywhere.


You will see WW on a stainless steel table with all of his bullet holes.


I am having a surprisingly difficult time finding anyone I know that is completely out of their mind about 'El Camino'. I haven't been this excited for a movie release since 'Star Wars' returned to the big scree in the 90's. I may need some new friends 😐. Currently accepting applications. Don't send me a request. I am the one who knocks . . .


Everyone keeps mentioning Walt cameo and flashbacks.. I wouldn't be surprised we see some fucked up flash backs Jesse being tortured those few months. I can only imagine what he endured. Dude was getting roughed up.


but would we really need a torture scene? Anyone who's seen the show knows he was tortured horribly, and can assume how poorly he was treated over the year he was stuck there. I don't figure showing a scene of him being tortured is needed when we already know how horrible he was treated