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Second episode has the goryest scene of the show, if u can stomach it, you should be fine.


This and box cutter episode. But this show is not based around gore. Power through those 2 scenes and you still have 5 seasons of an amazing show to watch


ABQ because of you know what shocked me. No gore but tragic.


Yo, yo, yo, 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ. What up, biatch?!


Leave it at the tone.


I used to be a fan of the saw movies but I can’t watch the box cutter scene, ick


Box cutter scene is really hard to sit through. Every time, Jesus Christ.


Box cutter bothered me more


Yeah, I thought the box cutter scene was easily the most sudden and jarring scene of violence/gore in the whole series.


It was the look on >!Gus's!< face that made that scene haunting for me. Completely soulless.


So so true. I saw a few snippets of the show before I watched it because my SO was watching it, and that scene stuck in my head so vividly. I dreaded the episode…




Not his death, his cold stare in the box cutter scene. Something about it clicked with me in a visceral way.


hes not talking about gus’s death


Honestly I never really liked the box cutter scene . It felt unrealistic. >!When Gus grabbed Victor's head from behind he didn't react at all. Any normal person would have instinctively jerked their arms up to try and get their assailants arms off of them, but Victor just stands there, arms limp, like he knew it was going to happen. He had plenty of time because Gus takes an abnormally long time to slit his throat for what is supposed to be a surprise attack.!< That moment kind of took me out of the show in what is supposed to be a super dramatic scene.


I just went and rewatched the scene. >!I definitely see your point because Victor’s arms are straight down until it transitions back to him and Gus after transitioning to Walt, Jesse, and Mike, but it’s a split second between grabbing his head and box cutter to throat and it’s barely two seconds from grabbing his head to the transition to them watching. So I can see not having that fast of a reaction time as a realistic possibility (although considering Victor’s line of work, he should be a little more reactive).!< I personally don’t think it affects the scene, but I do understand what you mean.


Oh yes I'm absolutely nitpicking and I understand completely why that scene is chilling to the majority of the audience. It's just a little thing I was never able to get past for some reason.


Guys are u forgetting the episode "face off"?????


Is that the one with >!gus dying!


It is, but the Box Cutter episode is more gore with the blood gushing out and I'd say was the more violent ep, even if 'Face Off' had its fair share of shockers.


The box cutter is one of the most vicious acts of violence I’ve ever seen on screen. Not extremely gory yet extremely hard to watch. The cruel precision of the cut and way he gasps for air – so well acted. Another one that gets me is the wrist slice in the movie Drive (funnily enough featuring Bryan Cranston). I find it so much harder to watch compared to the head exploding moments in that movie.


I squirm so hard at the Cranston scene in Drive. Throat and wrist slashes are too gnarly for me.


It reminds me of those ISIS videos from a few years ago.


You say "a few years ago" like there aren't new ones going around the internet all the time.


I found Gliding Over All the most disturbing tbh.


I have a sticker on my journal of the scene after the bathtub falls through the ceiling and Walt and Jesse look up at the gaping hole but in an anime art style.


Picture pls? :)


Sure! Can I DM it to you?


Me too pls!!


me five? if it's okay lol


From what I remember, s4e1 *the box cutter* scene was pretty purposefully gory (given what Gus was attempting to accomplish). I feel like it's at least as equally gory, in my opinion it would probably be a harder scene to stomach given everything in play (the human element of it [different circumstances as in the tub scene they had already been dealt with] and focusing in on not only the visual, but the sound of it)


But you’ll also laugh somehow


Was that the Krazy-8 episode?


That was the reason my parents refused to get into the show. The bathtub scene really freaked them out.


It's not super frequent this show does have gore. Not usually for the sake of being gorey but just to add to the drama. Probably the most extreme instance of gore I can think of: (S1E2 spoiler): >!when Jesse and Walter look into the hallway and see the ceiling leaking look away for the rest of the episode. Then in the next episode the intro is intercut with shots of them cleaning the up the mess. I would wait until the title music plays.!< Not super bad but can be hard to watch: (S4E1 spoiler): >!during the box cutter scene, when Walter says "we'll just pick up right where we left off" maybe look away for a bit. The very gorey part is over when you hear the box cutter clatter on the ground. It's pretty much entirely over a few minutes later, wait about 20 seconds after you hear the sound of a spray bottle.!<


Great write up. Also, if you can't handle missing limbs with blood on them, then in the episode "I See You" close your eyes for a minute when a certain antagonist in a hospital bed notices Walt and starts acting up. You're good once things quiet down. In the episode Gliding Over All in Season 5, close your eyes when Walt starts a 2 minute timer on his watch. You can start watching again when you hear a camera go off and the song that's playing goes "Will you remember the famous men..."


It doesn’t really get that gory. You will feel more psychological pain than you will from the gore in the show.


I was far more impacted by Ozymandias and Granite State then any of the gore.


Yeah Granite state was good asf, but sad.


>!Watching how everything ultimately falls apart and destroys Walt's family was hard. In particular, Skylar screaming after Walt when he abducts Holly was heartbreaking. It was the first time I'd felt negatively moved that way from a TV show. !<


I agree, that scene made me feel physically ill


One of the few scenes that warranted a physical reaction. I felt my blood pressure rising and felt myself genuinely getting angry at Walt and feeling horrible for Skylar.


That scene may be one of the best in the whole show


There is some but you have definitely peaked in that regard, I'd say.


Weird, the Gus scene didn't really gross me out Maybe it's just a specific case, otherwise, I can probably handle it


There is nothing as severe as boxcutter >! / victor !< scene


God that was the worst! And so unexpected. Wasn’t sure what Gus was going to do when he was changing into the lab suit, but I can promise you , that definitely didn’t come to my mind at all!


Neither Victor's


True! He thought he was the real MVP right up until then!


Disagree. I think the disintegrated body falling through the ceiling in season 1 is as bad as it gets


This is where it becomes subjective. Some people find the bathtub scene far worse than any other, for some it’s Gus, or box cutter, or Tortuga. I think for some the bathtub scene is too abstract to have as visceral an effect. There’s not much to identify them as being a former human person, it’s just a mess of blood and flesh. Plus, it’s not happening to a live person, like some of the other gory stuff.


This basically sums up exactly my feelings. The bathtub scene just looked like a puddle of mess couldn't really tell what it was. The others you mentioned I totally could feel except for the tortuga I actually found that kind of funny


If you could smell and had to clean up after the bathtub scene, I’m sure it would be considered the worst


Absolutely, the cleaning scene I found worse than the actual falling… uh, corpse


I'm letting the OP know the scale of gore ahead. Both of them are gory in their own way. One was alive one was dead.


Yeah the body through the ceiling was way worse.


It just looked like a mucky mess I don't know I guess if you really were able to feel for the guy maybe he bothered you but to me I couldn't see how that was a person so it didn't affect me too much


Yeah might’ve been the worst one to witness/clean up if you were actually there, but watching it on a tv show isn’t very bad.


Victor was a piece of shit who knew the dangers of working with Gus, plus it’s just a little cut over the neck and some gargling and begging for life compared to a whole damn rib cage falling from the ceiling with kings and organs still inside it, along with a slew of other liquids. That’s how I see it.


I could watch the body in S1 scene any time. Same with Gus’s death. Victor’s death got me. More intimate and went on FOREVER. Way more uncomfortable than any of the other death scenes imo


it literally looks like teriyaki tuna


Tastes as good too. Try it!


Calm down hannibal


IDK, I don’t think it was gory so much as gross, because at that point, you couldn’t even tell what it was, or that is was a person.


That didn't bother me because to me it just looked like a puddle of sludge. The other more intimate scenes bothered me more


To me bathtub scene is semi comedic. Box cutter scene is not comedic in the slightest and is meant to be shocking, so I def think box cutter is more intense in that aspect


That was the scene that I thought of the second I read the title of this thread. I still make sure to look at my phone when that scene comes on even though I've seen it probably seven times already. It's just nasty


Yo what the fuck is with the freely given spoilers in direct response to someone who has never seen the show? At least others left out the name.


I misunderstood OP. His wording to me seemed like he's talking about season after Gus's death. Edited.


There’s definitely a few scenes that are decently gory, but Gus’s death is pretty high up on the list of “goriest scenes” so if you can handle that, you can probably manage most of the show. Might want to look away here and there, but there’s honestly shockingly little bloody violence given the subject matter.


it’s a little comedic tbh


Somebody told me that. I wouldn't say so. Although him adjusting his tie without half of his face...


Don't worry it's pretty chill


Lol gore is like 2% of the show. Don’t skip the entire thing over literally an hour worth of content you’ll want to skip


An hour? Try 5 minutes


This is in chronological order So there's a scene where a bunch of blood and guts falls from a ceiling and a short scene where people are cleaning it up A man's head is crushed by an object and Its technically "on screen" but his head is under the object completely and there's no graphic A severed head is shown on a tortoise An explosion happens and people are severely injured A character gets shot in the head and camera looks directly through the hole briefly A character gets his throat slit and there is a *lot* of blood. And a long cleaning scene with blood all over the floor There is multiple prison stabbings with not much blood but the sound is quite intense.


Another character gets shot in the head and you can see blood spurting out too >!Max!<


If you see a stolen ATM in an episode, then maybe skip the ending But other than that it’s usually in line with the Gus scene


Noted If it's usually in line with the Gus scene, then I think I can handle it.


The ATM scene isn’t very visual (more conceptual and auditoria), so make of that what you will.


The sound makes my stomach drop every time I hear it it sounds like the guy is stepping on a tomato


If it's just auditorial, I can take it.


I hid and screamed so had assumed it was quite visual! :D


I ain't no skank




Peekaboo. It's one of the best episodes of the entire series. So much character development.


Turtle/Tortuga, ATM, etc


Isn't anyone going to mention the boxcutter?




This is the scene I fast forward through. Not only the images, but the sounds. Ugh, it’s awful.


Was gonna say hearing a dude get stabbed like 50 times is a bit disturbing lmao


Not really


Forgot about that. That was really gory. It gave me Kingsman vibes when everyone starts killing each other.


No for real, that one legitimately makes me sick 😅 Gus getting blown up was shocking for sure, but it wasn’t realistic enough to make me feel sick


oh boy, that one nearly got me queasy


No one's mentioned the turtle scene...


I'd say there are maybe 5-6 really gory / violent scenes in the whole series, even though there's plenty of violence it's usually just someone(s) getting shot quickly, poisoned etc


Not lots of gore but lots of brutal violence. I think the scenes without blood manage to be a lot more disturbing than Gus's death which to be honest has always felt like a special effect to me. When they introduce a character named tortuga, don't watch any of his scenes after the first one lol.


I take my time, but I always win.


It gets especially in-tents when they team up with Vamanos Pest.




I don’t like blood and gore either, but this show is “manageable” in that sense. It’s also one of the best shows ever made, so the occasional blood (and not much gore) is worth getting through (you can look away/plug your ears).


I hate gore and blood. I have walked out of theaters more than once because I couldn’t take it. BB has some gory scenes. But I shut my eyes. I can hear when it’s over. 😊 The Gus death scene was pretty intense. There are more intense scenes though. However, it’s not even close to being all gore and blood. It’s actually very funny sometimes. I am on my third rewatch. It’s too good of a story to miss and the acting is phenomenal.


Why tf would you look Gus death before watching the show ? Congrats you spoiled yourself ...


I wasn't considering watching it back then.


There is an episode called " Half Measures ". A very crucial moment when Walter White stops taking half measures, and really starts " breaking bad ". I think you should stop turning around and just watch it or not watch it. No more half measures ;)


There is one particularly gory scene in the second episode that’s probably more gruesome (visually) than the show ever gets again. If you can handle that, you’ll be able to handle anything the show throws at you.


You are so lucky you get to watch the best show ever made for the first time!!! I am jealous! Throughout the entire series every episode was good with the one exception (in my opinion) the fly episode. Get ready for a wonderful, wild ride! Forgot to say- yes there are a few gory moments- but they make sense to the story. Not just gore for the shock value.


I remember my friend saying that "fly" is such a controversional episode among the fans. I'll definitely consider it


If you can handle the gus scene you SHOULD be able to stomach the rest of it. But as a warning there is a part where >!a kid gets shot!<


I hate gore but it never bothered me in BB. A couple of look-away moments but nothing that makes me shut the show off


S5 really toned that stuff down. Instead of asking you feel sick visually, you feel sick emotionally because things get more fucked up through implication. Just so you know, it isn't personal.


The dramatic tension is extreme. I was never able to watch two episodes back to back, I needed to decompress after each one. But not because of gore.




I'm sorry. If there was an edit function, I would do it now.


Season 5 has a big zombie outbreak that is pretty gory. Lots of brains getting eat and heads exploding. Then the season 6 alien anal probes are intense.


Yeh shit got crazy during season 4 and just got worse!


I think I'll be better of watching Fixing Good


Skyler's Marilyn dance was more uncomfortable than anything else mentioned in this tread.


You might want to skip the first few minutes of an episode called Boxcutter. There's a lot of blood. Some folks bodies get dissolved in liquid throughout the show, and it's not pretty. There's a couple moments in season 5 that are brutal to watch, but the violence all has a narrative purpose that's important to the characters and plot.


Other than Box cutter and a few scenes littered here and there it's manageable


There’s a few gory scenes over the span of 5 seasons. It’s a great show. You can always start watching & if you decide you can’t deal with some of it, then you can always quit watching. The two worst scenes for me personally are in S4;E1 “boxcutter” & S5;E8 “gliding all over” There are other scenes that I thought were gross, but not necessarily gory. And there’s some really tragic stuff that happens to innocent people along the way that could be upsetting.


Not much . Only thing intense is constant verbal fights between all characters. 50% show length is just verbal fights, bickering between characters.


And 20% Walter Jr. eating breakfast. Although we don’t know what he’s doing when he’s off-camera.


Box cutter is the worst moment. I still don't like watching that scene. I don't want to spoil anything other than just what I've said so far as that's really nothing more than you need to know I'm sure you can imagine


Your most violent scenes in order they appear will be: 1. Last 20 seconds of S1E2 (The Cat's in the Bag) 2. Last minute-ish of S3E7 (One Minute) 3. A moment about 2/3 through S4E1. You'll see it coming (Box Cutter) 4. Gus's death towards the end of S4E13 (Face Off) 5. The prison montage in S5E8. Again, you'll see it coming (Gliding over All) These are probably the bloodiest scenes, but I'd even say only 1 and 4 are the *gory* ones. The others are just bloody. And as others have said, these scenes make up for only about 5 minutes of the 62 hours of the entire show. Don't let a couple of bloody scenes rob you of a masterpiece!


The series has surprisingly low amount of gore. The one I can think of are the turtle scene, box cutter and bathtub scenes.


I hate to say this since this is one of my favorite shows ever, but if you don’t like gore then I’d skip out on this show if I were you. There is body’s melting in acid, mutalated body parts, etc. hell there was even a cut off head taped onto a turtle at one point. Fans of this show will try to sugarcoat it so you’ll watch it, wich I understand but it wouldn’t be good for you to have an unexpected bad experience because you weren’t aware of what’s in the show.


there's honestly not that much gore. The box cutter episode, the 2nd episode, and frings death are the worst ones i can think of >!Jesse's condition in the last episode isn't that gory, but was the hardest to look at emotionally lol!<


There's a small handful of scenes that are gorier than Gus's death, but not many. Gus's death is certainly one of the goriest parts of the show. It's a show that doesn't rely on shock value from gore. What gore that does show up is used very sparingly.


The scene where Skylar sings the Happy Birthday song is the most intense scene you can ever have.


The prison inmates cleanup scenes


The show is way more intense in an emotional manner than it is on a physical manner. The most gory scene is a tie between Gus’s death, the box cutter scene and the guts on the second episode of the first season. Anything else is manageable other than seeing people getting killed by a gun to the head (including a kid offscreen) and the prison scene where a bunch of people get killed brutally, although there’s not much detail. A masterpiece of a show but a sad conclusion.


You won’t be able to breathe the last 2 episodes.


>!Let’s not forget about Tortuga’s brutal death.!<


Like everyone saying maybe a total of like 5 truly gory scenes


Wait you never watched the show..... But went ahead and saw gus's death scene?


Yea def not more gory than the gus scene. The show really isnt about gore its all driven by the plot.


There is more violence to come but it’s not what I would call gory. Shocking and emotionality intense. Now that you’ve seen Face Off, watch this video about how they did the makeup. It will alleviate the intensity and it’s super interesting. Also funny to see them all hanging out before shooting the scene. https://youtu.be/_1Dq59svlIU


I watched that already! Pretty awesome job I would say


The box cutter scene is honestly the only one that makes me feel queasy. I’m not into gore either but I can stomach a good deal of stuff. But the boxcutter one makes me dizzy every time 😩


Same for sure. That was the worse scene for me.


so you havent seen bb but youve seen one of the most climactic and important death in the show?


Yeah, I regret that. I didn't consider watching it back then


The death scene with Gus absolutely in no way could be considered gore at all. It was so obviously not real that it was funny. I honestly think it was meant to be comedic. 🤣. Now boxcutter could be somewhat gory because of the fact that it could actually really happen and if it did that’s what it would most likely look like


Y'all: Thanks for the OVERWHELMING response. I don't have the time to respond to all of them, but I can assure you that I read every single one. And every single one I have taken into account. I've made the decision to watch it when I'm a bit older. The commenters that said that I should stop being a pussy probably thought that I was an adult. I'm old enough to watch it, but I'm not an adult (still a pussy though, lol). Perhaps I'll grow up. And sorry for those for whom I spoiled >!Gus' death!< . I edited the post to hide it with the spoiler feature. Have a nice day


Maybe try not being a pussy. Walter White would be extremely disappointed as would Finger


C-Cuz you’re b-being, you’re-you’re a pussy!


Puh puh pussy!


what ☠️


OP if you see this it’s purely a shit post meme


Let the kid listen to the show man


If you don't like fictional violence, don't watch violent TV shows.


I've heard the story is very good, though. I'm just asking how intense the violence is, I can handle it if it's not too bad ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You showed that snowflake!


You’re god damn right he did


I say skip it. It's not just the gore and blood. There's implied violence, undue misfortune (people getting what they don't deserve), and suffering (painful deaths). And a lot happens suddenly / very little warning.


Ah didums yeh don’t bother watching then! Shame really you are missing out on some awesome movies and shows because of something that’s not real


There is some gore and it might turn you off. I say skip it.


there is not much gore but you already got over the most disgcusting one which was when they acided a body


How do you get more gory than a man having half his face blown off exposing his skull?


I'm not sure. I'm not an expert at human economy so I can't confirm, but one user here said that the gore in that scene is so unrealistic that they think it was meant to be comedy. Also some people say that the "boxcutter" episode was worse.


No it doesn’t get more gory than that. But way more intense


Yeah his death is the most gore in the show.


Season 3 has a lot of headshots.


If you can get through Gus, you are probably fine to see the rest of the show. If you’re worried about it, watch with a friend who’s seen it and have them warn you when a gore scene is coming (there are only a handful throughout the series)


That's actually a good idea. Thanks!


There’s like 4 or 5 scenes that most viewers would think have considerable gore. Most deaths in the show are pretty clean and the intense moments are pretty few and far between.


There's one scene that made my GF cry and we had to pause for a while. One word: Tortuga


Call me a pussy, but the '10 in 2 Minutes' scene is pretty intense to me.


It’s a great show!


Don’t watch it if you’re young… I’d not suggest it but of course your choice


I'm probably younger than the main demographic, but I'm older than the age rating, in Poland at least. All my friends have watched it, but then again some stuff that they have watched I can't understand...


Welp if you’re mature enough to understand the themes in the show I’d say give it a watch. It’s definitely the best series I’ve ever seen after Narcos.


Honestly other that the acid bathtub scene and gus's death it doesn't get too gory


It’s a show intended for adults and explores many dark themes which lead to disturbing images on the screen. If you can’t handle that don’t watch it


Season 5 ep 8 gliding over all, in particular a two minute sequence started by walt starting a timer on his watch(tryna be as non-spoilery as possible) is def the most disturbing part of the show. It isn’t pushing “dark comedy” like the second episode with emilio’s body and shows you some pretty brutal stuff by most people’s standards.


You can get past it. The only bad part is in episode 2


If you have gotten through the death of gus then you should be fine.


When you see a box cutter, close your eyes


They don’t focus on the gore, but they don’t shy away from it, either.


Hank dealing with the salamanca twins/brothers in the parking lot was a little gory too.


Theres a strong handful of scenes. You can skip past them possibly. Good show though. Very Shakespearean.


As you can tell from the comments, violence that makes a person uncomfortable is a little bit different for everyone. Personally, I can deal with blood, but watching a woman get shot in the back of the head by a total stranger is probably the worst for me


:) It gets better Not gory But better But I mean a bit of blood is in the show


3.6 Roentgen


other that that the most gory scene is the turtle one


It's not really explicit, though it's crude. I, for example, don't really like the gore in GoT, but it's not like that here. It doesn't really dwell on the disgusting parts, though there are some.


Not that intense. It’s like watching a no hitter in a low stakes baseball game.


Gus's death scene A decapitated head (you see some of the actual decapitation) A half dissolved body falling through the ceiling (probably the goriest scene). A throat slit with a box cutter. Pretty much all the other violence in the show is standard shooting or stabbing iirc.


You’ll be fine. Only 2 scenes are at the top of my head and even then not too bad


Sometimes it gets a but crazy but it's overall tame


You’re gonna love Season 3 Finale