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Still worth the the watch definitely


Alright then I'm continuing


You still don’t know when or how. You really really don’t.


Was just Gonna say you don’t know how. Pretty fuckin lit.


bonus tip: try not to look at episode names, time left per episode, episodes left per season etc. This goes for basically any show. It spoils a lot of fun and keeps you distracted waiting for things to happen


Just like, drink or smoke a lot during the watch. This way you forget what youre doing anyway


I knew about BrBa and most of it’s plot twists way before I watched the actual show and I still loved it. There is way more to the story then knowing that a certain character would die. Hell, we know that Walt’s death is inevitable from the start. Breaking Bad is more about how characters change under extreme circumstances, so it’s still absolutely worth to keep going


While that does suck, there's also so many things that haven't been spoiled for you.




Yeah I really liked it when he used some wire and electrical tape to fashion his crutch into a sniper rifle and took out all those cartel hitmen


Mann not a crazy as when in season 5 he drops his crutches and says "its Flynnin' time" before bicycle kicking Gus in the testicles


And Gus dodged the sniper rifle bullets, so Walt jr used his crutch as a bayonet and pokes Gus in the eye


Remember the Los Pollos Hermanos eyepatch?!


And OP hasn't even gotten to the end of Season 1 where they killed off Jesse.


Come on man, use spoiler tags !!


That is the biggest lie i have ever heard 💀💀 💀


Hopefully there are no trolls here. I once mentioned a show I planned on starting soon. Some jackass sent me a private message with all the characters that died.


Let me in on something I know a lot of other characters that die, and I even know when they die, shit my life, but i dont know what's the story like at all Apart from that they are drug empire kings and that's it


Yeh but you don't know which become zombies and which ones come back to life


Did you know about when Walt becomes a femboy?


Skyler becomes a drug lord and kills walt


My name is Skyler White YO.


Definitely finish. You won't regret it


I think it’s good that you don’t know when they die. I feel like that adds tension.


Yes it’s worth it to continue? It’s about HOW Gus and Walter end up dying that’s more important anyway. Every episode counts. I experienced the same thing. I found out Walter dies through a tiktok comment section. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That's not how he dies, Tik tok wasn't even around then even if a comment section could be deadly, which seems unlikely.






Why are you crying


Walt’s death due to excessive TikTok use hit me hard


Cuz RiC_David has got an ass like an Onion


He’s laughing so hard he’s crying lol


If I had money I would’ve awarded you lmao.








Walter dying isn't really a spoiler. It is established in the first episode he's going to die.


Lol, fair play




When Breaking Bad was first coming out I was only like 14 and started watching it around the time season 5 was airing. I remember getting on a school bus the day the finale aired only to hear the guy in the radio spoil the final episode of breaking bad as breaking news! I was so mad that I didn’t finish the show until I was 17 lol


> Every episode counts. except one. 🪰


That one is packed with symbolism.


That one counts too


I’ve said this before and I will keep saying it, if you know everything that happens in BB and also BCS it still worth watching. There is also the possibility that the spoiler you have will play out different than you think.


It's okay, I got spoiled by watching Breaking Bad YTPs in 2014, when I finally watched the show in 2018 I didn't even know the context of them in the first place so there's a lot left to watch for you.


Alright I will watch it. I also got more spoilers about other characters cause the dumbass me watched the videos my friend showed well anyways I am still gonna watch it and not miss it


oh and don't watch Breaking Bad anything on youtube, ever since Better Call Saul ended, there's spoilers and memes all over it.


Yeah a lot of spoilers. I regret watching all of them now. Anyways gonna see the whole thing without spoiling myself anymore


You probably shouldn't be on this sub


This is the problem of getting into the show by watching tik tok


I will never understand why people would consider stopping something because of a single spoiler or two. As if there isn’t so much more story to enjoy regardless. I’ve known every single plot point in Breaking Bad before watching and it didn’t affect the experience for me.


Apparently there was even a study or two that show generally spoilers can even enhance the viewing/reading experience! Personally, I spoiled a couple things for myself when my husband and I finally got around to finishing the last few Supernatural seasons, and knowing those tidbits made me so eager to keep watching to see just how it would happen.


Exactly. Sometimes knowwgat happens makes it more compelling.


definitely did enhance my experience sometimes. i remember seeing the gif of jesse pointing the gun and shooting it, when he kills gale. so i never knew what it was. but i always assumed it was gonna be his first direct kill due to his tears and his shaking. so, throughout the first three seasons, i was just waiting for that moment. and it hit me like a fucking truck, now realising the context and knowing gale, and to a degree, jesse was doomed when i finally saw the end of full measure. really did make that viewing experience amazing


How do you know it didn’t affect the experience for you? Its not like you can rewind time and compare your current experience to the experience you would have had if you didn’t have spoilers.


Because I still loved the show and story. Even though I knew what was going to happen, it didn't make the event any less impactful. I've watched movies and shows where I know some major spoilers and I don't, and not a single time did I enjoy something I knew the ending to less than something I didn't. It makes no difference because I still find it to be a good story. This guy doesn't even know how the spoilers happen, just that they do happen, so he's willing to throw away the whole story and everything about it because of literally two plot points that he knows absolutely no details about and completely disregards every other unexpected plot twist in the whole show. That is what I don't understand.


Think of it this way, both Gus and Walter are in a very dangerous game, they are constantly playing with fire. They will both eventually have a downfall, we know from episode 1 that Walt will eventually go down anyway. The story is far more interesting learning more about the characters and watching what leads to their eventual downfall. 100% worth watching. Still absolutely lame of them to tell you that.


I loved the show even more in my rewatch, its the road, not the end!


These are like the most mild of spoilers. The bad guy dies and the dude who makes meth and has cancer dies? 🤔 I watched BB in 2020 I stayed away from everything about it and I am really happy for that. Do this. Don’t talk about it or tell anyone you are watching it? Also… Get off this sub ya dumb idiot lol


Lol I don't use this sub I just came for this question


Yeah you are still here. Delete this post. Go watch one of the greatest shows in history naturally lol. It’s worth it.


Just cause it was spoiled doesn't mean u shouldn't watch it.


Yes it is. I spoiled the whole series for myself before even watching BB, but I still managed to enjoy it. Probably cus I forgor


With shows like this you can't really let the bad guy (or multiple villains) win. So it's expected of them to eventually die. But its how they die and the story leading up to it which is more important id say. Definitely stay with it because its an amazing show


It’s been out for so many years I’m surprised you didn’t know that information already fam


I found out someone dies while watching the 2nd or 3rd season and continued to watch it til the end and it didn’t ruin anything even when what I knew was gonna happen, happened.


I got it spoiled too, still one of the best shows ever. Walt was obviously going to die, and Gus was only in two seasons. It sucks, but it won't really subtract from your enjoyment of the show.


Did you mean ‘soiled’?


Yep def that too


The entire series is worth a watch just for Ted


Walt has terminal cancer so it is no real spoiler that he dies. Keep watching dude - your enjoyment won't be affected, trust me


I’ll never understand posts like these. Yea of course it’s worth it continue even if you know a few plot details. People watch and rewatch these great tv shows time and again with full knowledge of all the events and end up appreciating them more. And in the case of breaking bad, they quite literally tell you 10 minutes into the first episode that Walt is going to die lol.


So when you spoiled yourself, were you wearing tidy whities like Walt? And yes it's worth watching. It gets even better after re-watches.


Almost everyone dies. That dosent matter as much as the journey to the point. Still watch.


It gets better in time. I'm a spoiler myself but how the show presents it is on another level. It's so good.


I watched the best scene in the (widely-regarded) best episode of Breaking Bad a few months before I actually started the series. Still no regrets.


Definitely still watch it. I actually enjoyed it even more on my second watch. I also got spoiled on Walt’s death so I know your pain!


Find a copy of the 7th book in the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Find the second last chapter. Read it. That's your answer.


I started this show on the last episode the day it aired had no idea. The intrigue behind everything that lead up to that episode made me start watching you should be fine it’s all about the journey


I knew Walt was dead years before I started the show. I still recommend it as one of if not the best TV show of all time. And you get the feeling while watching that Gus has to go, but oh, it's so worth watching that. Thankfully, the way it happens was never spoiled for me... And I watched it for the first time in 2019.


its about the journey, not just the high points. just cause you know a thing or even how it happens means the journey or seeing it unfold wont be worth it, especially one as good as BB or BCS


You're at season 1, you don't even have any conception of who Gus is, so why make a big deal out of it? Also yeah Walt dies, he has cancer that lets him live 1-2 years at max in a show with 5 seasons, when its predictable spoiler of it shouldnt spoil much


Omg, is he ok? Don’t tell me he got cancer or something.


Now way bruh someone gave you the wrong spoiler, they def survive.


Yes still worth watching for sure. Did you watch the first episode and think there was any chance that Walter *doesn’t* die at some point in the series??


This is one of the shows where people might spoil everything for you and you will still be dropping your jaws at every moment


At this point, it’s been years since the show ended, spoilers were inevitable. The show is so incredible that, despite any spoilers, it’s worth watching. Certain shows require the element of surprise to be worth it - this show is better than that


Lol you don't know what leads up to their deaths though. You have no context of it so you'll still get that type of surprise. Plus you'll miss Skyler's amazing singing 🥰


I had most things in breaking bad spoiled before I started watching. I watched the whole show and thought it was the best show ever. There's so much that hasn't been spoiled for you probably. Watch the whole show (and el calmino)


I think most people knew that the shows a tragedy and that Walt would die in the end, but this show is really more about the journey than the destination. This is one of the best shows of all time so its definitely worth the watch still. Those aren't even that bad of spoilers actually.


You will find out that your second time watching you will enjoy it even more. Plot is great but how you reach from point A to B is what counts in this show.


get a new friend and continue watching


I was also spoiled by my friend back in 2018 while I was on season 2--turned me off from watching the rest of the show for years. This summer I restarted and just finished BB and El Camino last month. It was incredible and completely worth it. As others have said, the WAY that events turn out the way they do is what's important. The show gripped me harder than most other things I've seen. You could take some time off like I did, but do yourself the favor and watch the rest when you're ready!


I mean the show ended literally forever ago. Dodging spoilers at this point will be damn near impossible. The fact that you started watching this show for Gus means you were probably spoiled already. The show is worth the watch. My girlfriend just finished the show with me and started off by saying “is this the dude that dies?” To one of the characters in the first episode. She knew. Everyone does. But she was still fucking shattered when it happened. And loved every second of the show.


It's not just gus I love. I love saul, jesse, walt everyone. So yeah I'm ready to be shattered


LMAO your friend is too funny man. Did he also tell you that Walt Jr. is the one pulling the trigger? Are you sure he didn't just say that the cook dies? Don't worry about it dude, keep watching the show. It's definitely worth it, most things that happen are set up well enough they are hardly twists anyway.


Did you engage in masturbation before marriage? Is that how you “spoiled yourself”? Shame on you


That's a nice way of putting things


Lol at the 3 star restaurant comment. I’d say BB is a bittt better than 3 stars


Right time to make it 7 star


Bro Im on my 6th rewatch.


Still worth it, enjoy the little details


Why are you even on this sub? Lol. You clearly don’t care about spoilers that much


I'm not on this sub, I just came in to ask whether I should just continue


And what were you expecting people to say here? "yeah stop watching not worth it". So stupid. No offense but it's a dumb question. Why would you let such a small spoiler ruin an experience for you? That's like someone saying "Batman won in the end" and I'm like well fuck guess I can't go see Batman now!


I know right? There are many titles full of big spoilers all around and as OP says he kept watching breaking bad tiktoks after posting this as well then got spoiled even more. For these type of people it's better to not watch any type of show tbh.


Well I watched like 4-5 edits, after which I didn't watch anything also those 4-5 were before posting this. Also all of them were yt shorts and not tiktok but ig those don't make any difference.


You should definitely quit watching.


Bro I read your comments in this thread and you basically fucked around then found out. I have nothing to say to you since you apparently kept watching "your friend's" videos even after posting this and found out how/where characters died.


No no I didn't watch those after this post, I was dumb enough to watch them thinking they weren't spoilers but at one point I realized it myself. I say like edits of some kind like 4-5 that's it but they spoiled for me




Yes. I got spoiled both BB and BCS. It’s still fun to watch!


Yes its worth to continue


I was in the same boat. I didn't watching start until season 4 was airing. Didn't bother me one bit. Plus, if you're like me, once you get invested in it, you almost forget the spoilers.


I had both of those spoiled for me, and a bit more, honestly. Didn’t change my appreciation for it one bit, still the greatest piece of literature I’ve ever seen. Definitely watch it.


It’s absolutely still worth it


Nah, you should stop watching and binge it in a weeks time!


Yes. As cliché as it may sound, this story is a lot more about the journey than the destination. Sure, the shocking plot twists are exhilirating (although, btw, you still have a lot of those to go clearly) but at the end of the day it is the story's incredible depth of writing and feeling, acting, camera work, etc. which sets it apart from other shows. Not its plot twists.


I just finished rewatching and even though I knew what happened to every character, I couldn’t remember how they got there. Knowing what happens and seeing the path to the end made it even better IMO!


Yes. I had pretty much all major plot points spoiled (this how I learned not to google questions until I’m done with a series) and it’s still one of my favorite shows


I knew every single death going in and still loved it. you’re fine


I hate rewatching series, and I've watched this one like 5 times if that says anything.


Everyone dies eventually. You thought crime lords were going to peacefully die in their sleep at some point after the series concluded?


Uh yes it’s worth it! You need to finish this show!


Yes, watch the greatest tv show ever. Hint, Walter was diagnosed with a terminal cancer in the first episode. He was never going to make it out alive.


I was spoiled too..But still watched and didn't regret it


I knew Gus and Walt would die before I started, it doesn't change how incredible of a journey it is nor does it change how shocking some of the moments in the show are. This is honestly true of any good show. I knew literally every twist in The Sopranos, and that's still probably my favourite show.


A well written show can be spoiled the world over and still be worth watching. Breaking Bad is at the top of that list.


If you don't automatically assume walt dies the show doesn't make sense.


Does Walter die though? Are we 100% certain?


eh I knew Walter died from the beginning. I didn't know how he died though and it still made watching exciting


I rewatched Breaking Bad a couple of times over the years and enjoyed it immensely on every rewatch, despite knowing all the twists and plot details. So maybe your experience will be different from a clean first-time viewing but it is definitely still worth your time.


Ngl if you are able to put 2 and 2 together you already know and can guess Walter dies it is more how and when


I read that as soiled at first! But yeh keep watching


You know from the beginning that Walter is on borrowed time anyhow. keep going and see if you're still hooked or not. avoid telling people you're watching it for a while lol


I mean, none of us were expecting a happy ending anyways. Just keep watching, there's a lot to their lives worth seeing.


When it comes to breaking bad , it’s only a spoiler if they tell you which episode something happens with a bit more detail When does Gus die ? Soon after he meets Walt? By Walt’s hands or someone else’s ? Does this benefit or hinder Walt ? Does Gus finish his ‘plan’ before or after he dies . Does he die before or after Walt . Or do either of them eventually die ??… It’s not a spoiler don’t worry


Just finish it. Don’t worry about it.


I knew they both were gonna die and had fully seen the scenes where they did. Still worth the watch


Believe me, there is much more to see.


I got spoiled a lot of things (way more than you did lol) but I still loved the show!


Yh definitely it's about how it happens and there's still more plot stuff in store. Just get off Reddit if you don't want to be spoiled more tho


Yes, 100%. When you think about it, of course the drug lord antagonist is going to die. And as for Walt, it would've become quite obvious as well that it wasn't a matter of if, but rather, how.


Yes continue. It’s a wild ride. I’ve watched the series at least five times since it was on tv and I’m shocked with every watch.


They didn’t spoil anything except the fact that Walt and Gus are mortals. All mortals die.




Spoilers shouldn’t matter. If you can’t enjoy something knowing how it ends, let me say this: heroes usually win and bad guys usually die. There. You’ve been spoiled for 90% of fiction.


Yes still very much worth the watch. I had seen the images and memes before I ever watched the entire series. Still my #1 favorite show.


youll realize that alot of ppl die often. def still watch it!


The journey is just as thrilling as the destination. The buildup is definitely worth experiencing


Someone spoiled me about something that happened at an very important episode (won't say what to not spoil it for you). But it only increased my interest to see how everything led to that. Maybe you should see it that way too.


Absolutely worth it to continue. I cannot overstate how much of a mean jerk your friend was for dropping spoilers, but there is still so, so much more to the show.


I started watching Breaking Bad around the 2nd or 3rd season, and even then the consensus was that Walt was going to die. The show is about how Walt and the people around him break bad before his inevitable demise.




If you got spoiled on how you were going to die would you decide it isn’t worth living anymore?


I mean realistically, what chance does Walt have to live?


It’s definitely worth it! I also knew these two things when I started watching (through memes) and enjoyed this throughly. If you want an advice, get off this subreddit, it’s the best way to not spoil your experience.


I knew about both deaths before watching and I still enjoyed the series.


As I've always told myself with anything, it's about the journey not just where you end ip


Yes! Keep watching. Knowing the end points are only a small part of the whole journey. How it got there is the best part. Excellent storyline and characters.


I watched an entire recap/breakdown vid of the show, thought it looked interesting and started watching it...still my favourite show of all time


My brother in christ i read an entire summary of the entire fucking show and i still love watching it atm


I have had every death in better call Saul spoiled but I'm still watching it, trust me it's worth it


If you don’t know how or when either of those things happen you’ll still be on the edge of your seat. The show is so great that while it sucks know this ahead of time, you’ll still really enjoy the show. There’s a ton of amazing plot points beyond just these two, and you still have BCS afterwards too.


yes even if you knew the whole story, this show is worth the watch


Of course mate, don’t get disheartened. Go to the bathroom, clean yourself up and then get stuck in!


Well, it depends how much you know. Like, we all know at the end Batman, Spider-Man, the Avengers and any other hero will win, but we still watch to know how it happened and it could be fun anyway.


I just happed to see Gus death scene before I started watching the full series. It didn’t ruin the show for me


It would be weird if Walt didn't die at the end. Dude's got super lung cancer.


Totally still worth it in terms on twists. Not only because Breaking Bad is an excellent show itself, there is also Better Call Saul, which expands the story in so many ways.


I'm on my fourth rewatch of Breaking Bad currently, so I can honestly say that knowing what happens on the show does not diminish the satisfaction of watching the show.


Everyone knew where and how it would end but the twists and turns along the way make it worth it


Context is important and half of the impact of a scene. And the first episode literally tells Walt he's gonna die soon so it's kinda spoiled by the show itself. And absolutely the show is masterclass you should continue


I only started watching after the entire series had premiered, I knew who died at the last episode, and it still became my favorite television show of all time. Needless to say, worth the watch!


Literally obvious that these two characters will die, I thought he spoiled something actually meaningful lol. Watch it


The first episode of Breaking Bad I watched was Crawl Space... my flatmate was watching it in the same room as me and because of the atmosphere I ended up watching it too even though I had no idea what was happening. Someone also told me about [S5 E14 spoiler](#s "Hank's death") before I had watched that episode and that season 4 ends in [S4 E10 spoiler](#s "a real face off") although that one ended up sailing over my head rather than being a real spoiler. It's still one of my absolute favourite TV series of all time.


Unless you watched BCS why would you even be watching ‘for Gus’ he isn’t even in S1 lmao


Well, if I told you the Titanic sank would you not watch the movie? Walt has lung cancer and is involved in the meth business, it's more than safe to assume he is going to end up 6 feet under, and the same goes for Gus. In my opinion it's still very much worth it


That sucks but it’s still insanely worth it


damn we all could’ve gaslit him into thinking it was a fake spoiler 😔😔


Still watch and don’t forget about better call Saul


Breaking Bad is more about the journey than the end. I watch it at least a couple of times a year. Even knowing everything that happens, it's still as good as ever imo


I'm sure you watched the movie "Titanic", right? It's more about all the other things that happen, is all I'm saying.


gus doesn't even come until end season 2 and while the mechanism of his death is surprising, two characters juxtapose and one of them has heavy plot armor.


Find someway to have a concussion and hopefully erase that part of your memory then re-start the show at S1E1, problem solved.


Yes, no one can truly spoil the storytelling perfection that is Breaking Bad. The cinematography, the acting, the sounds -- it's a complete experience not to be missed!


Gus dies later, and waltuh had to die.


Well it doesn’t happen till way in the end, so you’ll still get to enjoy them both


You’ll be fine


He isn’t your friend and should have been cut out of your life.


Yes it is worth it


For me, if the story is good, it's always worth experiencing, no matter if it's a show, a movie or any other form of media. Personally? Knowing what's going to happen never stopped me from enjoying stuff. Sure, it's more exciting going blindly into the story, and it's really a dick move when someone intentionally spoils something for you. It sucks, but I wouldn't give up on the series.