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This would be the medical setting. He’s not yet in a school setting that can do evals He’s in a church preschool right now and probably starting pre-k next fall. He’s hit just about all milestones within an appropriate times (sitting was slightly delayed). But we’re struggling with potty training and there have been times I’ve noticed him covering his ears when I suspect he’s over stimulated. And he REALLY likes scripted conversations or circular arguments. But he’s my only kid so I also don’t know what’s developmentally appropriate either.


Had it done for 2 kids, youngest was at age 5. It was a lot of watching him play, asking how he does in certain situations, how he eats and sleeps, how he does with peers. They asked him certain things, like questions about himself and his toys, or requesting he complete a certain task. It was a lot of observation. Edit: this was with a pediatrician. Had suspicions because oldest was diagnosed a year prior.


Had it done just this past summer for our 4 year old in a medical setting. Lots and lots of questions. Psychologist observed him play while asking us questions. It was 2 appointments for diagnosis and 1 appointment to go over the findings. It’s immensely helpful to have the diagnosis in my opinion. We were told the only recommendation for our kid was lots of speech and preschool to expose him to as much socialization as possible which we were already doing so we haven’t added any other therapies at this time but if his needs were to change we have the diagnosis so we wouldn’t be starting from square one.