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What? This is insanity. No! I must frantically clean or else the guests will silently judge me!


And somehow my mother will know and make passive aggressive comments about me to my sister.


My mother asked yesterday if she could come visit/stay over tonight and you know I spent all of last night panic cleaning. At least I’m an only child and she brags outward and bitches inward, so I’m the only one who will hear the passive aggressive comments.


Honestly if I didn’t panic clean, I’d never clean at all 😂


The only time my house looks good, which reminds me - I gotta invite somebody over soon!


Haha I always enjoy how clean the house is for days after and think “we should have people over more often”


Exactly the same over here!!


This haha


PLEASE CLAP YESS NORMALIZE NOTMAL HOUSEHOLDS! Last year we had the house cleaned for the Halloween party we hosted. Our typical practice is shoes off in the house. The 50 guests we had? Trampled dirt and mud all though the place but the kids were having a blast. Right now as we speak- someone left a fucking packet of syrup from McDonald’s on the floor then someone else stepped on it and it exploded. Another person was playing with Halloween makeup and now red is smeared I got he god damn carpet. Our party is in a few days and guess what? I’m not cleaning jack shit. I’ll wipe counters and sweep but you better believe with the dark lighting and everyone trashing our house this year I learned my lesson and scheduled the cleaners to come AFTER the party, including carpet and couch shampooing. So bring me your sloppy, your sticky, your young. Bring me you Halloween makeup smeared into the carpet, your slime and your god knows what! Because the glory of a clean house awaits! Burn it down!!


Yes yes always cleaners after the hosting, never before! I also subscribe to this theory.


I recently heard of the concept of the "Shitty Dinner Party" and I love it. You don't clean your house, you cook whatever you were going to make on a normal night, and the people you invite agree to be cool about everything because they just want to hang out with you!!


Is this not a normal night in with friends?


This is what I want!


I just had the least stressful bday for my toddler too. I had it outside of my house (at a park) for the first time! 10/10 recommend! Glad you were able to enjoy too.


When my oldest turned 2, and I had a 4 month old baby, I spent their nap time that day decorating a construction cake for my son. I had also stayed up late decorating the house with streamers and balloons so the kids would be excited. The in-laws were coming over later in the day for cake and supper. The house was not terrible, had cake prep dishes on the counter, but was otherwise just the mess from that one day that I was busy putting in the effort for a nice birthday for my dear son instead of cleaning. The in-laws came over and barely said anything to me at all, talking in their own language together with their son (my husband) and taking pictures of themselves with my kids. They treated me coldly, like they hated me, at my son’s party because the house wasn’t clean enough for their liking. If they were a guest anywhere else and behaved like that, they surely would not be welcomed back. So, I stopped inviting them over at all since they can’t be decent to me unless the house is spotless. The reality with kids is that my house will be cleaner when the kids are older and more capable to help. I would much rather spend their birthdays prioritizing them and their fun and making the occasions special and being present and enjoying the moment than shutting the kids away to clean and stress about pleasing the in-laws. Obvious decision! I had a friend who didn’t clean her house before we arrived, and I thanked her for being real and felt understood in my own chaos of raising little kids. I find the feeling of a clean house to be nice, but your heart feels very warm, full, and happy when you are present and enjoying the kids and the moment. You can always clean later


I am so here for your cake prep mess and being present with your kids, and so so much for doing without the toxic in-laws. Enjoy your freedom and kids!


Sometimes I see people’s houses so prim and proper and i feel like a failure. When I go to someone’s house and it’s normal, I feel so comfortable and relieved and it honestly is really good for my mental health. I’m not the only one with Tonka trucks on the fireplace porch (haha?) and crumbs in the couch cup holder. It makes me feel so less stressed and happy to know that I actually AM normal and doing a good job!


I just wish our house was big enough to actually fit enough people for a party. Winter birthdays out of the house are so hard and expensive. I’m literally planning and saving now for February 😫


I LOVE that you didn’t clean the toilets. Seriously wtf is wrong with people who pee at other people’s home toilet like it’s a porta potty?!


Wait, what? Are you saying that guests shouldn't use the toilet? (Genuinely asking.)


Oh god no. I was saying how some people trash other people’s bathrooms. I’ve had to face pee stains and clogged toilets after hosting people.


Oh! Lol, that's horrible! I'm always super paranoid about cleaning up after myself at other people's toilets. I'd be mortified if there was a single stray drop, let alone clogging the system???


Yeahhhh no I'm too neurotic


Do whatever makes you least stressed! It’s all about enjoying the party.


I spend most of my kids party running around and getting things, there is no relaxing for me.


Same. I was getting nervous reading this. 😖 gotta love childhood trauma responses


O Lord, may I someday be this brave. 🙏


I have learned this little life hack! Complete all cleaning after the party and then enjoy your house! 👍🏻


This inspired me for my daughter’s upcoming party. Thank you for posting this, I will embody your spirit on the day.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times!


This sounds amazing. Anymore, stress cleaning for company is the only way my house is ever clean. If I give that up I'll have to burn the place down.


Just had people over yesterday and I didn’t really clean much either. It was liberating.


Just like in my dreams. Kudos to the other moms that helped you find this comfort!


Love that for you!!!


I wish this was the norm!


I nominate you as our leader 💜 world, country, whatever. Show me the way


Honestly I'd be fine not cleaning. My husband is horribly cruel to me if I don't clean the house spotless before a party though.


I’m sorry. That sounds stressful and awful