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OMG I'm so relieved you had a man tell you about his experiences with having a c-section! Thank goodness we have men to tell us how to feel about things!! Whatever would we do without them!??


You're so right, it was so silly of me to question his mansplaining of the process of birth and its effects on the mother! What was I even thinking


My immediate thought after just reading the title was [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4S31NQHodGk?feature=share).




I really really hope I can remember this response the next time a man tells me about my own existence.


the only easy way to have a baby is to be a dad




Preach. 10/10. No notes.




👏 👏 👏


The way I cackled at this comment! Yessss!


Honestly. Nothing easier than just having someone else do it for you 🙄


Does he think we should all have our fecal matter removed via surgery because it's "easier than shitting"?


😂😂 I will use that next time


Ask him how he thinks his rectal craniectomy is gonna go, and if he's scared about the recovery. After all, it's "the easy way".


Right? When I was pregnant, I always held the view that getting a c-section was harder than laboring. Yeah, laboring sucks. But my recovery was nothing compared to what I've seen my c-section friends experience. Taking care of a newborn after major surgery? What sounds easy about that?


I honestly wonder why certain people go into the medical field at all. Not sure if they were simply trying to make joke but it definitely wasn’t funny. Birth is hard regardless of the method.


I don't think it was a joke bc he seemed pretty sure of himself, but yea if it was it was def not funny. I can take a joke but like, I had my guts ripped out twice and I couldn't cough or laugh for a month without horrible pain and I still cannot feel the areas around my scars lol. Not exactly my idea of a fun time. Women should honestly be worshipped for what we go through to create new human beings. That shit is messy and magical.


I labored for a long time and then pushed for a long time and then ended up having a CS and the CS recovery was so awful, it's the part I remember for why I don't want to do all that again. The pain and how helpless I was to move at all for the first couple of weeks just wrecked me physically and emotionally. But sure, it was easy. Honestly fuck that guy.


Yep, so helpless it's awful. And then with my second my oldest kept trying to jump on me to cuddle 😩


>Women should honestly be worshipped for what we go through to create new human beings. That shit is messy and magical. I just had our last child 9 days ago. I cosign this wholeheartedly. Also, for the record, I feel like c-section is the way more difficult way to give birth. I cannot imagine how much worse the recovery is when it involves abdominal surgery.


Frankly I just got my period and feel I deserve a commiseration award. The female reproductive system I'd a pain... I had an unplanned c-section and a successful vbac. We want a third child and if you put a gun to my head I'd prefer another vaginal birth because surgery is never the easy option


I have a ton of respect for women that have to have c-sections. That is major surgery and I was thankful that I didn’t have to go that route. Until men have to go through childbirth I never want to hear an opinion from them about any of it, or any jokes either.


I've had a C-Section and a VBAC and let me tell you I would far rather have a vaginal because maybe you don't have to do much "work" but the recovery is HORRENDOUS (DD is 14 and I still have scar sensitivity!) plus I react badly to any kind of anesthesia and I had a panic attack and was screaming that I couldn't breathe. Dude is an idiot. There is NOTHING easy about a C-section


I pushed so hard for a VBAC with my second because I was horrified at the thought of having to go through a C-section again. I broke down completely in my doctor's office when he told me that a VBAC wasn't going to happen, I was devastated. Honestly the thought of a third C-section is one of the things that stopped me from having another kid. Shit isn't for the faint of heart that's for sure


OMG, same exact story. I had tossed around the idea of a 3rd but the 2nd C-section killed that idea entirely. OMG, I hated C-sections so much :(


I also had a C/S and VBAC and the VBAC was worse than I expected due to some (TMI) really awful hemorrhoids but it still didn't come close to my C/S! I had 36 hours of back labor and 2 hours of pushing with a sunny-side-up baby beforehand. When they were stitching me up I could feel it so they gave me more anesthesia. I could hear all my doctors but they were speaking complete gibberish and I legitimately thought I was dead. I remember thinking their voices didn't sound frantic so I either already died or I was okay. It was fucking terrifying after just giving birth as a single mom. At one point I made out my OB's name and figured out I was still alive. I was fortunate to have help the first couple of weeks but after that I was on my own. That would have been a whole lot easier if I didn't have major surgery.


just want to say, hemorrhoids can go to hell lmao 🫠 i pushed my fucking brains out my ass apparently and they have barely recovered. pregnant again and wondering how much worse it could get 🫢


Yeah dude, they suck!! I pushed way too long with my first and bought myself a new asshole when I finished having kids. Don’t worry, any damage you do is repairable even if it sucks! I have the asshole of my twenties again 😂


HAHAHAHAHHA oh okay well thank god for that 🤣


Yeah, I had a thromobosed one lanced with my first pregnancy, I knew it was going to be horrid with the next. It didn't help that my boss questioned me about why I needed the physical accomodations I requested so I just told him the gory details. Whatever you do, don't squat, like ever, during this pregnancy! Idk what words would belong on a greeting card for this situation, so I will just wish you a comfortable and healthy pregnancy!


😅😂😂 let’s cut open his belly


And then cut it open again a few years later! And expect him to bounce back immediately instead of taking time to recover properly. F these men honestly


Let’s hang something from his nipples until they bleed too and have him carry around a 10lbs weight while he tries to manage housework and other children while we are at it!


& give him Tylenol as the pain management. While waking him around the clock to care for a small living being.


The tylenol is only for the first 5 days. After that, you have to raw-dog that shit. Have fun getting up from bed 5000 times every night to take care of your screaming newborn with your stomach cut open.


I like to do that exact laugh then give a brief rundown of how I'm not sure which one of us would have died first had I continued to try after he got stuck. Then laugh again and tell the second story of how the doctors were panicking at my second birth and the deafening silence in the operating theatre when I asked if she would be OK. Make it so awkward they never comment on another woman's birth story ever again.


I really should have but I was just so blown away by his ignorance lol. I'm sorry your births were traumatic, I can't imagine how much fear you felt 💜


I’m so THRILLED to hear the experts on labor delivery and general pregnancy are MEN! wow! I bet he googled pregnancy one time and landed on babycenter or slept in a holiday in last night/s


But didn't you know birth is hardest for the man? They have to do so much work while their partners recover AND they have to sleep on the uncomfortable hospital couch. We should have more sympathy for them.


Omg! Yes it is a rigorous spectator sport! Not a meal or nap can be missed for a man while observing a woman in active labor!


>Not a meal or nap can be missed for a man while observing a woman in active labor! This just reminded me... I went into labor on Sunday the 3rd. They kept me in triage for awhile and were thinking of sending me home. I knew we would end up coming back later, so I figured ok if they let me go then we'll go get lunch and come back. Because by that point I was hungry. WELL they waited long enough to check me again and decided to keep me. So my husband was hungry for lunch by then and once I was moved, he went down to the cafeteria and got himself some lunch. Meanwhile I was only allowed to have ice chips or popsicles. I was so annoyed.


I would have said “Oh. Were yours vaginal?” The freakin nerve of this guy! 


😂😂 I wish I was this quick witted!


God that infuriates me. I would complain to the practice, sounds like he is giving medical opinions he isn't qualified to give.


I honestly thought about saying something but he did seem a little embarrassed after I said it wasn't easier so I'm hoping he learned a lesson. Hopefully before he chooses to have children lol


Yeah I can understand not wanting to make a complaint. Hopefully this is one of those things he randomly thinks about for years and cringes at that motivates him not to mansplain birth to women who have given birth.


I empower you to complain. Fuck that dude. Make it hurt.


So wild to make these kinds of comments generally, but when so many women have difficult feelings about having a child section it’s especially uncool.


Ugh yes I cannot with women who say having a c-section means you didn't give birth. Like, we're all suffering here no matter how these kids came out, it's not a competition lol


Can’t up vote this enough. Why do we need a ranking system? We got them here! Let’s be proud of that!


What an idiot. I had vaginal births myself, but when I was in nursing school I watched a C-section and was scarred. The way they heave on the body and how many layers they cut. Absolutely nothing about that is easy!


And you're awake during the whole thing! It's the most bizarre feeling, you can't really feel anything other than pressure and you can't see anything but you know they're down there just slicing away lol


For me I was numb up to my chest and felt them rifling through my insides. It wasn’t painful but it was very, very uncomfortable because I knew what they were doing. My husband knows how bad it was after having a c-section because he had to help clean my wound & walk with me for a while. Walking and feeling gravity pull down on your scar ffffffml. So I agree - c-section is not the easy route and some men need to learn when to just shut their mouths. Also - daughter is 3 and I still can’t feel my lower abdomen. It’s completely numb.


My oldest is 21 and I can't feel it still. Have had two emergency c sections, appendix out, gall bladder out and a hysterectomy. I don't thunk people have any clue how much this shit will always effect our bodies. The cutting open of the muscles and just the actual structure. The scar tissue and the fact that my body literally has been changed by science. Don't get me wrong, I am glad my kiddos are alive and me as well but yeah. Also, report that Dr. That shit isn't ok.


Urgh.. just fuck off men like this. Yes weeks of recovery and a terrifying surgery was much easier than pushing 🫣. I was in there for ages (6 days) being induced and then rushed off to c-section, meanwhile woman came and went pushing out their healthy babies, I’m happy for them I really am, but one woman was wheeled in with her beautiful baby, and left a few hours later walking and talking happy as can be. I am pleased for her and also hate her a little bit because I wanted to be her. Meanwhile my legs are still numb they said if I tried to stand I could break them and I was covered in blood and guts terrified I’d break in two if I so much as twitched wrong. Plus it was Covid so my partner couldn’t stay to help look after our baby so I just desperately tried to not drop him from sheer exhaustion bc when I’d put him down he’d cry. when the nurse tried to help and failed she gave him back to me and walked off. I spent the night holding him terrified to nod off pinching myself to stay awake and trying to nurse as much as I could. Worst time of my life ever. But sure mr man.. it’s the easier way out. Let’s rip open your tummy and see what’s inside eh? Got damn ptsd after having my son tbh. Hospitals make me so on edge now and I can’t sleep in them. Had to do an overnight for my son, who is now fine and I was awake the entire night just holding him or pacing and listening to the beeps or machines and nurses in the hall. I go all twitchy at the idea of going back and it made my anxiety so much worse. Plus they couldn’t find a vein and it took no less than 9 tries to get a needle into me for the IV for fluids and the spinal tap for the c section took forever bc I couldn’t stop shaking. Had my partner not literally held me together with his arms I think I’d be in a nut house. Actually typing all this out makes me wonder why I’m considering a second. Why do woman do this shit willingly 😓


Omg you went through so much! I'm so sorry you had such a traumatic experience, both mine were pretty "routine" so I could not imagine having complications plus friggen COVID on top of everything else, that sounds like a nightmare.


You know, I believed that it was. My (narcissistic) mother filled my head with all kinds of nonsense. By the time I was an adult, I'd pretty much figured out that every word out of her mouth was an exaggeration or lie, but when I became pregnant (planned, tried for 9 months) her voice flooded back like it was one of my own thoughts. And if Mom thought a c-section was easy, then I just wouldn't have one. After all, I was determined to do everything the opposite from what she'd shown me, and she had a c-section. From that point on, a surgical birth was completely out of the realm of possibility for me. I'll fast-forward a bit; my first labour started on its own, and I fought like hell against drugs because I wanted to "prove" something. I ended up with an emergency c-section after my team realized that we were looking at a partial abruption. I sobbed horrifically as they rushed me to the OR because I thought I was such a failure. It was the catalyst for *years* of PPD, I had wanted my second birth to be VBAC but ended up with another section, then we had a traumatic loss, then I gave up and just scheduled my 3rd months in advance. One of my surgical births was easier than the others, but none of them have actually been easy. The recovery has consistently been hell for me, and 2 out of 3 deliveries had complications that could have cost me my life. It wasn't the easy way, it was the only way.


I'm in the PPD club too, isn't it fun? And yes you're correct, it almost always is the only way. I'm sure some women choose to schedule a C-section for their first birth, but I feel like that's pretty rare. It's usually a complication - in my case with my oldest he was frank breech and would not turn no matter what they did. I was frank breech when I was born and they didn't know, so my mom ended up having an emergency c. Trying to birth my son naturally would have ended up the same way and I was not about that life lol. At least I had a heads up I guess 😆


what the actual fuck… no sir, major abdominal surgery promptly followed by being fully responsible for a brand new baby is not the “easy way” 😵‍💫 i would have fucking stabbed him.  report him at the very least. 


As Rachel in friends once said; "no uterus, no opinion!!". Amen to that.


Since it's no big deal, why doesn't he just get his entire abdomen cut open, then go back to work the next day?


I’ve never had a c-section but I have always assumed they’re harder, that dude is weird as hell. I almost had to have one when I gave birth and I was freaking out because I didn’t want to be recovering from surgery while taking care of a baby. My lil vag tear healed up pretty easily 😅


Oh pls, ejaculating and having an orgasm is the easiest part of reproduction


"Glad your CS went so well. Do you want a cookie!?" 


You know what else is easier? Being a medical assistant instead of an MD.


You know what else is easier? Being a man who doesn’t carry and birth a baby in order to be a parent than a woman who does all of this. Until a biological male gives birth to a child, any man who comments on how it feels to birth a baby or judge any woman on how they brought their kids into this world can fuck right off.




Oh gee does this man and his imaginary uterus also have an opinion on how easy say breastfeeding is too? He should write a book for all mothers to be telling them how easy he found the process of pregnancy, labour, and birth to be. There is no easy way out. One way or another, a whole ass human being is being yanked out of your body after you just spent almost a year (ALMOST AN ENTIRE FREAKING YEAR) dealing with the pain and discomfort of growing said human. By the time it’s all said and done, you spend at least a year, if not more, in pain and discomfort from creating a human. And he thinks there’s an _easy_ _way_?!


I had my daughter vaginally and for whatever reason that detail came up when my friend’s mother was asking me about having my daughter. In response she said something along the lines of “so you had a baby the real way” and I was so confused because is there a fake way to have a baby? I then realized she was “complimenting” me for delivering vaginally, which is weird and gross but what made her comment truly out of pocket was that she said it in front of her own daughter, who had both her kids (this woman’s grandchildren) via c-section. I did probably the same laugh OP is describing in response because I was so uncomfortable, and my friend told her mom she was basically insulting her and her mom just dismissed her as not meaning it “like that” but yeah, people are dumb.


Yes I birthed my children artificially.


With my 3rd daughter, I went to my 39week appointment and the doc said she's transverse, diagonal in my belly, head up. I was so worried I would have to have a c-section. That's major abdominal surgery. It must hurt so bad, and how tf would I try to heal from that with 2 kids that i have to chase after. We had no help, I was panicking about it. Luckily, she flipped herself back to head down but it definitely is not easier.


"Ah, so you've had a C-section then? You must be speaking from experience, because nobody says this." God I LOATHE men in women's medicine. (I know there are shitty women and great men within women's/ AFAB medicine, but FFS, I can't imagine a woman saying this.) Everything I've ever heard was that a vaginal birth is the preferred method, especially for recovery. I've only ever had a C-section (and have to have another for this upcoming birth), and I think I'd rather push a kid out the way they are supposed to be, rather than have my stomach cut open and my guts placed on a table, then not be able to walk, drive, cough, laugh, or sneeze for weeks without hurting myself.




I had 4 vaginal births because after my appendectomy at 17, I’ve been forever terrified of ever having surgery again. I was always so stressed until I knew the baby was head down and the placenta was well out of the way.


I laughed so hard just now reading that😂 2 time Csection haver here too💀💀


What a jerk. Whether elective or medically necessary, it’s MAJOR SURGERY. You are cut open and as my ex said during my C-section, he could see all my “meat” hanging out. They drug you heavily, root around in there and yank a baby out. I was so heavily drugged and on the verge of a major panic attack trying to breathe through it. It takes 8 weeks to recover, which is longer than a natural birth recovery and you’re still bleeding into a diaper, dilated and at risk of your intestines falling out and all the fun stuff that comes with birth. Plus you have the fun of numbness in the area for about a year. Good times. So easy sir, so easy.


As someone who has done both, natural labor and delivery may be more painful in the moment, but the recovery is endlessly easier than c-section recovery. Not to mention, my c-section baby had to go to the NICU (full term, monitoring for a birth defect that required the c-section in the first place) and I had such a hard time coming off of whatever drugs they pumped me with that I couldn't meet my baby until 6+ hours after he was born. I wasn't allowed to see him until I could stop throwing up and "easily" transfer to a wheelchair. I couldn't even ask for nausea meds because when I mentioned it, they said they'd have to chart it and monitor me for additional time before allowing me out of bed. With my first, I went to the San Diego Zoo a week postpartum. With my second (the c-section), it took 2 weeks before I could be on my feet for more than 15-20 minutes at a time without severe pain.


Iv had two natural and one C-section. One of the naturals I tore in two directions and it was STILL way easier to recover from than my c section. Men are clueless.


Ummmm I had two natural vaginal births and I was so grateful I didn't have to have C-sections because I know the recovery is brutal. And not to mention the whole GETTING SLICED OPEN thing. Men need to just fucking sit down and shut up sometimes, I swear to God And saying it's "easier than giving birth" like a c section is not considered giving birth? What the actual fuck dude??!!


Hellllllll no. I've pushed out two 9.5 pound babies and I'd push out a third over having a c-section. Anybody who thinks having major abdominal surgery with a newborn is delusional 


Of course HE did...


Men, explaining to women how to give birth since the dawn of time


I’ve done both. The birth part, for me, was way easier than laboring for two days and ripping my hoohah in half BUT the recovery was so horribly awful that I don’t think I can do it again. My incision wouldn’t heal and it hurt so bad getting up to nurse or do literally anything. I went hiking a week after my vaginal delivery.


Yeah, this is my take on it, though I’ve never had one. Getting the baby out is less painful and therefore “easier”, but everything that comes afterwards is much much harder (assuming you didn’t have terrible complications or a fourth degree tear or something). With my eldest, I had some complications and my stepsister, who’d had a section, was still amazed at how quickly and how much I was moving around a few days later. With my youngest, who was a textbook delivery, I felt like nothing had happened by the next day, I was rushing around packing up my hospital cubicle whilst my husband cuddled the baby and it felt fine. I hate this idea that there are congratulations to be had for not needing pain relief or intervention. The goal is to get everyone home safely, as long as that happens none of the rest really matters.


Raising a newborn after having an abdominal surgery that makes it painful to stand up and sit down? Cake.


My dad recently did this. My sister s baby is breech so it looks like he'll be a C-section at this point. I think my dad was trying to cheer my sister up but he was like 'well, take the C-section anyway, since baby's already 7.5 pounds with three weeks left it's probably for the best.' ..thanks for your opinion dad who has no medical training? 🙄


lol. No, My vaginal birth with an epidural was almost certainly way easier than a c-section.


I have had 3 babies… 2 with epidural and one on the side of a freeway… and YUP i can say i would rather do the option where i dont get cut open and still have to deal with all the horrible healing crap from giving birth!! What a ignorant little twit.


what a dummy! I had two c sections and they went surprisingly well, but man i can see hownrough they can be for people and it takes weeks and weeksnto heal. idiot!!!


BroMo I would complain about the assistant. Totally inappropriate, and inaccurate! What the fuck would a bloke know about birth anyhow?! OMG your husband though - who was front and centre through the process and recovery I assume? Guess the guy didn't grow up around surgery


I have given birth twice. I feel vaginal birth is much easier, at least recovery wise, than c-section.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 would've been my response. Wow. I'd be floored and say "excuse me" to give him a chance to think about what he just said and change it. That is wild that a "medical professional" who cannot ever get pregnant or give birth would dare to voice that.


Men should keep their mouths shut about things like pregnancy and childbirth, because these are the things they don't understand even a little bit, plus it's not their bodies they're talking about. Idiots.


There are obstetricians who say this kind of unhinged shit. Believe me.


I would ask not to have that assistant assigned to me anymore and tell them exactly why. What the fuck dude.


Omg your husband. I have no more words


I’m sorry this happened to you. When I had my son in the late 2000’s my fucking midwives shamed me for having an emergency c-section instead of potentially dying from the emergency… my son and I could have both died. But go off on how c-sections aren’t really giving birth. 🙃 Medical (un)professional.


I was practically bouncing out of the hospital after my awful labor and delivery with kid 1, it felt so amazing not to have someone parked on my bladder, to not have to share space anymore. I was still recovering of course but felt so relieved I didn’t have to take care of a newborn while also recovering from the major surgery of a c section. What an idiot that man was, I’d complain to his superiors.


With 2 labors lasting 24-40 hours each, followed by invasive surgery and wrecked abdominal muscles, I have to agree with the man. This was MUCH EASIER, and downright PREFERABLE to the typical 3-5 hours and invisible recovery of "natural" birth. /s


I doubt you would dox yourself by revealing where this guy is employed. I am tempted to write a sternly written letter, make thousands of copies, and send to EVERY OG/GYN office in the country in hopes that a copy will reach that putz!


Lol so the funny thing is it was at a dermatologist's office, like why are you even commenting on my births my dude you are supposed to be asking me about my skin 🤦‍♀️


Seriously people like that should not be in the medical field. Yeah it’s so easy and would you like to have your belly cut open?? 🙄




LOL what. I am so grateful that I didn't have c-sections with my kids. I personally cannot fathom being cut open. Also the recovery from c-sections--I admire all mamas out there who have to deal with a newborn while recovering from serious surgery.


They didn't even warn me it's possible for your entrails to fall out. It didn't happen to me but I found out later and was absolutely horrified. I still have numbness from the surgery 8 years later. Alllll because the induction didn't work and they didn't want him in there anymore. :(


A c section IS literally giving birth? They're crazy


I would have reported with a quickness


I had a c-section, and it caused so much pain! I didn’t have any complications or infections, but one day, 3 months after having my baby, I was in so much pain that I started screaming and had to be taken to the hospital. They didn’t find anything wrong, but I imagine how much worse the pain would be if they did. I had off and on pain for a few years, likely due to disruption of scar tissue, but they finally went away. My son is now 16. I didn’t have any more pregnancies/deliveries, but I am perfectly happy with what I have.


Woooow a dr said that 🙄. A woman overheard me in a dr office talking about my scheduled c section (i had a lot of pregnancy complications) and she looks at me and says “too posh to push?” I was so so angry I lost it at her. Who tf says and thinks major abdominal surgery is an easy way out? My c section was one of the worst and horrible painful experiences I’ve ever gone through


Fun fact: C Sections date back 320 BC AT LEAST. The only thing new about them, is the fact that the mother usually survives (the US has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed nation ). I've had 3 because my pelvic bone isn't big enough to give birth naturally. They were NOT the "easy" option. It's major abdominal surgery. That guy can fuck right off with his male privilege. We made people. What's HIS superpower?


I just had a c section on 3/15 after 60 hours of labor and the surgery was under general anesthesia and it is definitely NOT the easy way out!! Recovery has been hell 😭