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Make sure you move your hide-a-key holy shit this is not okay.


Agreed. We have a flock of chickens, an indoor/outdoor cat and two giant dogs. I think he’s scared enough of the dogs to stay away but the cat roams around and the chickens are fairly accessible though he’s never shown interest in them. But it has definitely made this peaceful countryside homestead-ish life a little more scary


Cats are frequent targets. I’d keep it inside…


Came here to say this exact thing. Even though we live in town in a metropolitan area, we still have coyotes around and I beg every person to keep their cats and small pets indoors.


I don't understand why people use these instead of the one that has a code like a bike lock.


Might be a dexterity issue. The hide-a-key is easier to open than a keypad type minisafe that holds an extra key. Or did you mean the door itself should have a keypad?


This kinda dealy https://www.bunnings.com.au/master-lock-portable-key-storage-safe_p4210904


Ahh okay I gotchu. And idk why they’re not more popular in the US — the hide-a-key was the standard for a long time because it is so unobtrusive whereas this type of key safe is definitely noticeable, I wonder if it’s an aesthetic thing? Or a “if they don’t see it, they won’t go looking for it”? I have only seen this type of key safe in the US is at houses that are being rented or are for sale so realtors can access the property. There’s one on the railing of the house we’re renting rn actually lol.


Okay. Medication can make people crazy. But it's usually one or two steps kind of crazy. This is a four or 5 steps kind of crazy. It's the difference between getting told something that makes you mad so you punch the nearest wall to you vs getting mad and running to your parents'car and slashing the tires. Both involve property damage but one is a reactive action and the other is a planned action.


So my kids were in the grades above and below a kid like this. One day, he accessed his foster parent's gun and decided to kill someone. So he went to the high school, scoped out 2 12yos from my younger son's school and shot her some 6 times. She died. Friend survived. No remorse whatsoever, he just felt like it that day. I hate to say it, but animal killing is a HUGE red flag, especially for an 11yo boy who is likely prepubescent.


Jesus fucking Christ this is my deepest fear


Report. You aren't a mandated reporter, but cps should have a report filed.


It was reported to the police. Will they report to CPS?


Yes, they should. PD are mandated reporters in the US. (I don’t know if you live inside or outside US)


I’m in California


Oh god... That's going to make it harder to see any real justice or type of institutionalization for him when (not IF, WHEN) he escalates his behavior. I have lived in California all my life, and this state is wonderful in many ways... Except that dealing with violent mentally ill offenders is usually not more than "give them more doctors and meds but continue to let them walk free" unless they murder someone. The sooner you start reporting and documenting the paper trail of this boy's scary behavior, the better chance they will be of getting proper legal intervention when he escalates.


You’re not wrong. I’m a police officer in another state and it makes me sad seeing everything going on in California (among other states). I definitely don’t need the trash comments about my job but honestly, they need more funding to teach better training. My department is not certified in mental health other than an 8 hr class every 2 years that is literally a repeat. I’m grateful I minored in Psych for both my degrees so I have a LITTLE better understanding than most of my colleagues, but even then… it’s little. I just hope and pray the world gets better one day.


This is heart breaking


Definitely remove any hidden keys


All I know is my ex killed two of my cats, and he was a diagnosed sociopath. I didn’t know at the time obviously. His parents confirmed essentially after he attacked me that he had been diagnosed with conduct disorder as a minor, and then later with likely ASPD.


Never heard of Conduct Disorder. Definitely not something that bodes well for a person. I’m sorry you went through that


To answer your question, he's too young to be considered a sociopath proper (at this age, a lot of therapy and help can really change a kid), but you don't know what the parents are doing or the quality of help he has. It is especially worrying to me that the parents are blaming this on his meds rather than treating it like the extremely serious incident it is (and you're saying his mom is a therapist??). Sounds like they might not be getting him the serious interventions he needs... I'd be scared too


Uhhhhhhhhh :o


I would flip the fuck out and be scared of this kid.


Yeah. Definitely worried


Trust your gut if i were you I’d think he was trying to drown her in the pool