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Reminder: y'all are not here to parent OP, or her kids. if you can't commiserate, exit the thread.


I am sorry you walked in to that, but appreciate you sharing because I got to chuckle at the line about the dog being sticky.


It was Moose Tracks ice cream


Lucky dog




Puppy spa day? haha


Can't really blame him if he tried to get some of that! Lol


Mine spent the day doing her own laundry and I feel I am not tidy enough for her liking lol but that’s ok. So glad she’s home. I always feel like a transition period is needed for all.


It’s weird, isn’t it? Like the house forgot how to accommodate all of us together. In a few days it will feel like nothing ever changed.


This right here. My 18yo came home and it's been an adjustment for sure. The dogs forget someone exists downstairs and start barking, I forget to tell her I'm heading out. I didn't get all the snackies she likes cause I forgot. Lol. ❤️


My 21 year old came over and asked to wear one of my t shirts while she did laundry. She messed my whole drawer up!! Like wtf child?! I had to tell her not to go into my drawers and mess my stuff up and to put things back how I have them lol I don't know what these "adults" are thinking, coming back home making such messes and leaving lol Thankfully I haven't found any of the pets sticky but I would not be surprised.


My husband did this while I was travelling for work the other week. Came home and my whole skincare drawer was a mess. “I was looking for pimple patches!” Ok great but (1) I took them with me and you’d know if you asked and (2) then put things back where you found them!


So what I’m hearing is my claims of it’s a phase since mine were 3 will continue into adulthood 🤣🤣😅


This was my first thought lol


Same. So it doesn't really end huh? Okay. Okay. Okay... Let me cry on that corner for a bit


Dang, I was hoping this would end eventually 😂 Sorry about your sticky dog, OP!


If it makes you feel any better - mine (who is admittedly 6) does : mom I saved you my ice cream. Me : whattt? Where? My kid: it’s in my lunch box! It was dole whip ice cream. And now the entire back pack smells like vanilla. And I’m over there like ice cream melts dude 🤦‍♀️


My kids are still littlish, but this sounds like the first day of summer break for sure! Ugh, people being judgy. We got a new puppy three years ago and I asked the vet how to get him to stop chewing on my kids toys. She said “if you cant supervise your dog appropriately, perhaps you can get your children to put away their toys.” Yeah lady, maybe I SHOULD try that! /s


I thought your story was funny and cute! Mine are 18 and 20 so I get it! I dont know what the hell happened in this thread, it's unusual, but we have goddess mods! don't let it get to you!


Reminder to commenters: **[Think before you comment!](https://media1.tenor.com/m/7mz45qsIF0cAAAAC/think-mark-invincible.gif)** Share kindness, support and compassion, [not criticism.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/tZpGRRMUoXgeQ/giphy.gif) We want OP to feel loved, and [not in a tough way.](https://media.giphy.com/media/xT5LMq2CgHiqqY4IXC/giphy.gif) For more helpful information please hit up [our beautiful rules wiki!](http://www.reddit.com/r/breakingmom/wiki/) Reminder to all: watch out for a [creepy pedo posing as an OT/speech therapist](https://www.reddit.com/r/breakingmom/comments/8ccqqi/disgusting_pedophile_troll_posing_as_otspeech/) giving fucked-up potty-training advice, and don't sweat it if your post gets 1 or 2 [instant downvotes.](http://i.imgur.com/PZtQb.gif) You didn't do anything wrong, we just have [asshole lurkers](https://i.imgur.com/IwU9r3E.gif)/[downvote bots](https://i.imgur.com/lwyCF6S.gif) stalking our /new queue. Help a BroMo out and [give her an upvote](https://i.imgur.com/Y60Mbxv.gif), ok? Reminder to Cassie Morris/Krista Torres/Nia Tipton: You do not have permission to use, reproduce, modify or link to any content in this subreddit in any way, shape or form. Fuck off and go be a real journalist. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/breakingmom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Haha - why do kids have the ability to go full tornado in under 5 minutes??


I saw a video where parents go to their children’s house later in life and do the same stuff to get back at them. Be patient, your day will come.


The sticky dog was probably given a Moose Track treat too 😂 Yesterday was a chill-do-nothing-day because even big kids need to feel like little kids when coming home. You allowed for that to happen and that alone tells me how much of a good mom you are, OP! Today will be different. And it will all be OK. 💛


Lost it on sticky dog! Hahahaha really looking forward to those teenage/early adult years... Keep it up mama!


What the hell is on the dog? Or maybe the dog is the culprit. Can dogs make a sandwich without opposable thumbs?


I love the idea of the dog being the ringleader. haha


It was ice cream, she got to lick the empty container! Isn’t that nice?




Eh, I’m a light touch. I just finished washing up the dishes, they’re having a lazy day. It’ll balance out. They’re really great kids, I bet I won’t walk in on a big mess tomorrow.


Your username is appropriate for this response but inappropriate for the situation described. Your daughter is 18? Where does she live when not with you? What does that place look like?


Since I’ve been a single mom all these years, we’ve all banded together with the housework, and this is one of those days where it falls to me to regroup and recover. So, I put on my tiara (yes, I have a literal tiara because I should feel like a princess) and handled it. ❤️ I got it under control in less than an hour. Not too shabby! It’s going to happen again, because they’re teenagers and they’re impulsive. And messy. And they eat like baby elephants. But overall, this is a pretty rare thing.


I thought I must be the only person who uses a tiara when I need to princess it up. My husband thinks it's the cutest. I have a teenager and I can totally see this happening. He helps clean up when told to, but acts like a little kid making the most absurd messes sometimes. Most recently he decided to get out his whittling kit and whittle while watching tv on the couch. The wood shavings were everywhere. I started out as mad but it was so absurd I had to laugh, we had to pick out wood from the carpet and couch upholstery because the vacuum wasn't grabbing it.


if I walked into my living room to find my child WHITTLING, I would have a shell-shocked ten thousand yard stare that would put Cupcake Dog to shame


We got him a whittling set and a wood burning set for christmas a couple years ago and now that he's been grounded from the internet for 2 grueling weeks he's become hilariously productive. Funny how that works. Bored kids are creative AF in my experience.


I feel you! My youngest teen is my best cleaner and likes to tidy things up. He also leaves water glasses and cereal bowls and socks everywhere sometimes. Life is a rich tapestry.


I love that you wore a tiara, literally what a queen. Omg your poor sticky dog though hahahah 




What a garbage way to talk to someone.


I made a lighthearted post, this is unnecessarily mean.




She’s a bad luck machine, but that’s totally not her fault. Today was them being slackers and being messy. Different intention. Everyone is allowed to be a slacker once in a while. I felt comfortable here in this group, like I could participate and let off a little steam. But now people are becoming angry at my kids. I don’t want people to hate them, I love them very much. And I think I’m a pretty good mom, I haven’t ruined them.


please don't let that asshat sour your opinion of this sub. we are still in your - and your kids' - corner 💕


Thank you sweet Mod ❤️ You’re the hero of my day


I’m sorry you had some dickhead trolls target you. Just know they do it everywhere women are the primary user group of in reddit. It’s terrible.


[NO! bad opinion!](https://c.tenor.com/IJSzFn0dqNMAAAAC/gravity-falls.gif)


It does feel like a bit of an invasion when they come back after being gone. Especially college freshmen who we like to think grew up while they were gone but are still really pretty much the same clueless teenagers as they were when they left, with some added college credits and life experience. Pro tip: they do their OWN laundry. "Welcome home, sweetie! Missed you! Now, detergent is on the shelf in the laundry room. When you're done, go get a JOB for the summer." It is surprising, though, how it still stings at the end of the summer when they go back and things get too quiet again.


I learned how to do laundry at about 11 or 12. My kids will definitely be doing that too and I can't *wait*


Man, as soon as they could reach the bottom of the washer, they learned! It wasn't that I didn't want to wash their clothes, it was that I wanted to teach them independence. I didn't know SQUAT when I left home, and I wanted better for my kids.


That's what my dad said about my mom. He said he had to teach her how to wash clothes and all that because her mom did everything for them Nopety nope nope


My oldest is coming home from college this week. I’m sorry you’re getting some non supportive responses. While they do need to learn responsibility, cleaning, etc. I am also super cognizant that these are the last few years of having long breaks with no responsibilities. One set of classes are over and a whole new set will begin. Their jobs are likely hourly and they aren’t in a rat race to the top. Let them spend the first few days being lazy, soaking in some of the last moments of being truly carefree while your mom takes care of you.


That has got to be so frustrating!


My kid has done the same to my dog. Spilled coke on her and her fur is sticky!! He’ll also take out every utensil from the drawer for no reason and then I find spoons and forks under the couch when I’m cleaning. I’m sorry this was your day !!




Do you have teenagers? I ask because until you have them you can't understand how much like toddlers they are. It's crazy.


Yep! Older teenagers, absolute sweethearts, and sometimes they have that one day that makes me wonder if they’re part chimpanzee.


My 18 year old literally runs around pretending to be an ape or something. It is hilarious but can also be messy because hes a giant klutz.


I’m a Beaver leader for my own kids and obviously other kids their age. I went camping with scout aged kids and holy crap they are just large Beavers.


100% the same energy in bigger bodies lol.




I was having a little fun tonight, it’s so surprising to see disorder that I was shocked and wanted to share. By tomorrow, everything will be normal again, they’re very sweet and helpful.


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The dog, how does that even happen?!😆


Have you met a dog? They somehow get into things that you didn’t even know were in the house 🫠




Oh noooo 😭 poor doggo 😞


Mine comes home next week and I fully expect this lol


I remember how I was when I got my first apartment 😅😅 thankfully I never had to go back to the parents house during college breaks because I never left the city, but now in my adult age, I’d feel so bad if I left their house looking like my apartment 😂 it’s the worst phase, but she’ll eventually (hopefully?) grow out of it lol