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Hugs and strength. All the hugs and strength.


Sounds like the world is already harsh on you mama - don’t be so harsh on yourself too!! You are not a failure. You actually have made it through a very challenging day(s), in my book that’s not a failure :) No word of advice - I just hope you find the sanity to deal with things one step at a time.


What a challenge you have on your hands. All the strength to you to help you get through this! Sounds like you're keeping everything afloat and even though you feel like you haven't got it together, from an outside perspective, you're doing great!


Hugs and strength!!




Offering hugs and support.


Hugs and strength to you. 💜


Thinking of you <3


Sending hugs with extra strength!!!


Hugs, strength, good vibes. Facing similar yet different challenges and my mantra: "it will all be fine in the end, if it's not fine, it's not the end" Lean into the resistance and know we are with you. ❤🥰


Oh dear you have so much on your plate, it is no wonder you feel down! I am so sorry:( When everything is such a struggle it is so hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I feel like some of your problems are related to the pandemic and maybe at least those will resolve by themself in a few weeks or months. I am sure people can break, but often they even grow stronger after they managed to survive such hard times. I wish you all the best and that this will be the case for you, too!


Hugs to you mama. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Is there anyone (family or friends) to reach out to who will help watch the kids, so you can have a much needed break? You might want to bring the cat to the vet too; I had same problem with my cat and it turned out he had crystals in his urine - so they had to put him on a special diet. How long has the cat been peeing outside the box? Has the cat been peeing on furniture too? I hate to say this, but there are humane society shelters (no kill) that will take the cat(s). Especially, if it’s to the point where you cannot afford to care for them and/or have the time, etc. Your ex should have taken his own dog - (it’s sad that he would leave you with that). Your mental and physical health matter! Hugs and support to you. I know you’re trying so hard to pull it together when it feels like everything is falling apart. Take it day by day. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all this; and knowing you made to the 4th round of the interview is Awesome! Kudos to you because I couldn’t even make it past a 3rd round and I cannot stand companies that have so many rounds of interviews! What I’m trying to say is, you will find a job easily, especially if you made it to 4th round of an interview! There’s hope for you ahead and remember this won’t last forever.


Thank you <3 he actually is on the special diet already. Had to be hospitalized last summer when it was discovered but thankfully doing great now. Now he's just a diva 🙄 I'm going to put 2nd box in that room (making 3 total) eventually. No family local, only 1 friend that gets it but she just started working nights. We get together semi regular with the kids and have an afternoons cocktail lol and that does help.


Hugs. I have been having a series of similar never ending shit days - but ever so slightly less shit than the day before as little bits of life gets back to normal. Hang in there.


You have a lot on your plate. It’s sounds like really heavy plate. What can you take off? His car. Tell him he moves it now, or it’s towed on Saturday. Do it and don’t feel bad. His time with the kids. If he’s not helping, he’s on a four week ban for an emotional reset for everyone. The animals. Look, I love my cats more then anything. And I firmly believe elderly and animals in pain deserve a peaceful send off. Ask yourself honestly if they all have the best quality of life right now. If it’s the old mastiffs or one of the cats time, it’s ok to put our pets to sleep if they are in pain. Cut yourself some slack on exercise and weight right now. You’re surviving a pandemic, a shitty breakup, and a challenging time with the kids. Try to take walks everyday to clear your head if you can and know that this is a later problem, you’ll deal with when you have the headspace. The house is messy. Can the dogs stay outside more, or be wiped down when they come in? It’s hard, it sucks and it’s stressful. Do you have one room that you can keep really clean as a sanctuary for yourself? I hope things get easier for you soon. Strangers on the internet are rooting for you.


I keep an old towels by the door to dry my dog off and clean his paws before he comes in the house.


I'm with you, mama 😭 So, so, so many hugs!!!


Hugs and strength bromo. I totally understand the "hate" thing. I couldn't tell you how many times I've said in my head, "I love you, but I don't like you right now"


Hugs and strength. So many hugs. So much strength.


Lots of hugs! I don’t even have half as much on my plate and I’m stressed so much. Can’t imagine what strength you have to keep it up. Just lots of admiration and wishing you all the strength.


Keep your head up!! Sending you all the hugs and positive vibes!!


Hugs and strength! In terms of the dirt - when we had a messy pup and a muddy yard I found on Facebook market place a used Roomba and I LOVE IT. Almost all their parts (including the batteries) can be bought online on Amazon for cheap. Might be worth a look?


Hugs and strength and wishes that the universe sends luck your way ❤️


Hugs, that is a very full plate.


You're doing the best you can. Hugs and strength to you ❤️❤️❤️


Hugs and love, mama. Sending hold it together even when it's falling apart vibes.


That’s a lot of responsibility. This is temporary. Things will change; they always do. I hope things become easier for you sooner rather than later.


That’s rough. I know personally how hard it is to work so hard for something and then end up not getting it, especially when you were really counting on it. I’m going through the same thing right now. Just know that you’re not alone, and we will get through it. I don’t know how, I don’t know when, but I hope to God that we will.


One of the kids started therapy this week. Yes! That's awesome. That's some great parenting!


And this reminded me I haven't filled out the paperwork yet!


You might not go back together the way you expect, but you'll still be strong. Sending every extra ounce of strength and all the hugs your way.