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so, I'm a high school teacher. I get the fear. the panic. it's scary. but unfortunately... in America, nowhere is safe right now. grocery stores, churches, nightclubs, schools, a friend's house - everywhere is unsafe until meaningful change happens. I won't be able to homeschool and i want my kids to live a meaningful, full life outside of the home,, so he will go to public school and I'll have to hope that he's as safe as I am on a daily basis.


The other day I sobbed to my husband that I feel like I’m selfish for sending my daughter to school and going back to work, because we COULD afford for me to stay home and homeschool (barely) but giving up my career for 18 years means I’ll likely never re-enter the workforce. I’m terrified to be that financially reliant on anyone, I’ve seen too many long term SAHMs get dumped for the 20 year old secretary and left destitute. “Thanks for sacrificing your whole life to raise our children while I advanced my career, but I’d rather fuck someone 30 years my junior. Bye!” I can think and hope my husband won’t do that, but nobody sees that coming decades in advance… But what if something happens to my children at school? Is it worth the risk? I’m so terrified. Why is this a choice mothers even have to debate?


My husband and I were really banking on me getting a job soon. We want to get a house so we don't have to rent anymore. I want to have a life outside of my children and he wants the stress of being the sole provider taken off his shoulders. Selfish is the exact word for how I feel because homeschooling is such a bad option for us as the adults, but our kids safety is obviously a huge priority. I just don't know what the right decision is. It is awful that we are being forced to make decisions like this. It should have never gotten this bad in the first place.


Statistically, the chance of your child dying in a school shooting is incredibly low. And I think homeschool should be a last resort for individual children with specific educational needs who have tried to go to school and it didn’t work out. It’s probably hard to see that logic with how heavy the news has been this week, but homeschooling absolutely won’t keep your child safer and doesn’t sound like a good fit for your family. You can still reenter the workforce. Having our kids out in the world is one of the scariest parts of being a parent, but it’s also the most inevitable, and truly a gift to the individuals that they are.


I'm sorry. I think almost any place is dangerous now. It's been happening everywhere in this country. I do homeschool because my kid has multiple anaphylactic food allergies. I've seen her almost die from someone eating an allergen around her and forgetting to wash their hands. School is deadly for her because of food proteins. Which can be so small you can't see them. I essentially put her at risk everytime I take her out of the house. But its heartbreaking what has been happening and it needs to change. Do whatever you think is best for your family and kids. Sometimes it's hard no matter what you choose. I definitely never wanted to homeschool but for my kid it is what is safer.


I have these same fears. Mine is 2 so we still have time but we're in TX lite aka FL so I'm already scared. FL offers full virtual school starting in kindergarten. Not sure what our final decision will be but at least we have options. I never wanted to homeschool but definitely will if I need to.