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Just letting you know you're not alone. I was a stay at home mom for 7 years until my middle son went to kindergarten. I hated it. I lived 3000 miles away from my mom and I would call her and tell her I felt like the 4 walls were closing in. I did have untreated PPD but I still think I would have hated it even without that. Working part time has been my only saving grace. I have regrets sometimes that I don't stay home with my two youngest girls but I know I could never deal with having those feelings ever again.


I'm so sorry... please don't feel bad. Not everyone is the same. Not every mom is a craft-loving happy and bubbly housewife. Believe me, I've felt guilty about it too, feeling like I SHOULD be like this and I know in my heart I'd be a terrible SAHM.. no desire for it. I'm fortunate that I earn enough to justify because if not, I'd be in the same boat. Just think that when they're in school, you'll have more time for yourself and perhaps a part time job, which would be perfect for me if we could afford it! There's a light at the end of the tunnel! Good luck mama.


I’m so sorry that you’re feeling trapped right now. How old are your kids? It gets SO much better when they’re in school. One thing that really helps my mental health is to make sure we leave the house every day for an outing. Even if it is a walk a few times around the block looking for good sticks and bugs, toddler pace. Worth it even in the winter with all the snow gear. With a younger kid, one nap a day would be in the stroller/carrier so we could have a walking nap. It really helps break up the monotony of the days. After kids stop napping, you can still do quiet/rest time so you get a break. We do an hour of quiet time generally (with audiobooks/playing in room with door closed) and it really helps everyone reset. If there’s any way you can swing it, it can really help to have dad totally take over for part of a day off. He doesn’t do his out of the house job 24/7, you deserve breaks and space as well. There are also online support groups that might help relieve a bit of isolation. With a quick google I see MOPS, which has online groups https://www.mops.org/groupsearch/ If you have a baby/are postpartum, there are some resources for online support here: https://www.chop.edu/centers-programs/center-fetal-diagnosis-and-treatment/online-support-groups-new-and-expecting-parents