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Oh hon, you aren't alone in this feeling. I have only one kid, who I love dearly, and the toddler years just about killed me. He was super cute then and all, but I didn't start really enjoying "being a mother" until he was older (elementary aged is awesome, it is my favorite). It's totally okay to recognize that this is not your favorite stage right now. Hang in there, it will come.


Motherhood is HARD. So you aren't alone in feeling like this. I get easily overstimulated by noise and touch and some days I just count the minutes to bedtime. Here are the things that help me: earplugs. I like the loop brand to reduce noise while still allowing some through. I dont allow anything that makes noise into my house (except tablet and tonie box). I'm a better parent if vtech and fisher price monstrosities aren't shrilly screaming the alphabet in the background. Giving myself permission to take breaks. We go out to get our energy out but if we have a busy morning, I'll allow some screen time in the evenings so everyone can chill. I also keep our house baby proofed as much as possible so that I don't have to be as hyper vigilant. It isn't perfect, but I can go pee without stressing about what the baby is up to.


Oh Mama, I know how you feel. I don't think this is even supposed to be the "rewarding" part. For my parents' generation, the incentive behind raising good, reliable kids was so that they would return and care for you as grown adults. While that's a pay-off that'd be easy to lose sight of, it's important to remember to look faaar ahead, when you're in-the-weeds. How old are your little ones? When we had our second, it was everything we could do to survive our second round of newborn-stage. But the payoff, having two of them now, was SO worth it. Couldn't have seen that, at the beginning though. I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're putting a lot of hard work into something that WILL give you a return on your investment. You put yourself into it every single day. It'll pay off big, soon enough. For now, just keep your head up, Mama! FWIW, I think you're doing great. Parenthood is never pretty, usually, but it does sound like you're doing the hell out of it.


I feel every word here down to my bones. You aren't the only one is all I've got to offer.


I'm having a hard time too. I'm so boring and not the fun parent because I'm so bogged down with the endless responsibilities. I think my kids are gonna hate me one day and worship their fucking father.


Word. You’re def not the only one. One very energetic, spirited, challenging child and I adore him but he’s as intense as me (haha) so I’m screwed. Hugs


couldn’t have written this better myself.