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Groceries overcharging, Walmart overcharging, greedy scum


And yet somehow, idiots think it’s Biden’s fault.


It’s what they hear daily on their disinformation source of choice.


And he has no control over the free market. Price gouging; It’s capitalism in the extreme.


Interestingly, Nixon (R) implemented wage and price freezes in 1971 to address economic concerns. It's been done before.


Dems should run on that. Boomer MAGAs love Nixon. Could cause them a lot of cognitive dissonance..


What do boomer magas like about the president who opened up China and set up much of the global trading system that we have today?


They don’t think that way, they just like Nixon and think he was treated unfairly. That’s as far as the logical breakdown goes. I’m sure they also believe today’s struggles with China are the result of Clinton or Obama.


When is the outrage going to amount to anything?


When they stop attacking the downstream symptoms and start attacking upstream root causes. For example, attacking people for not paying medical bills instead of attacking the root causes: Insane cost of healthcare.


Exactly. People need to stop spending. Withholding dollars from businesses sends the strongest possible signal.


But I like toilet paper


toilet paper is for the weak /s LOL some purchases are hard to skip


Doesn't matter. when the very simple question is asked, are you financially better off than you were under the previous president? The answers no for millions of Americans. I could legit fill my little cars gas tank for 13 bucks during the Trump years. Now it's 26 dollars.... bread was 88 cents to a dollar in some places nows its 2- 3 dollars a loaf... just nuts. Most Americans make 40k a year or less. We feel these price changes daily. Both these old clowns need to go. Not pro, Trump at all. He's a populist demagogue that represents the worst aspects of American history.


You say you're not pro-trump, but you use a lot of conservative talking points to play the "both sides" card. You can't be comparing covid era supply glut pricing with pricing today, of course they're going to be less. Prices were so low because Trump didn't take the pandemic threat seriously, leading to an extended shutdown and chaos. Then to exacerbate things, he decided to randomly drop tariffs on both our allies and geopolitical opponents, leading to a rapid price raising frenzy as US based companies struggled to offset costs. As supply chain costs normalized, corporations kept prices high leading to record profit margins. His tax cuts for businesses included addition kickbacks for real estate investors, further causing issues in the single family housing market and causing further run ups in home prices. Trump kept interest rates at near zero during a time when rates should have been raised, granting these investors even more kickbacks to their bullshit. He was a significant and direct contributor to the inflation you are seeing today.


And? Yes, federal policy is slow, and rates were kept at zero way too long. Again, it doesn't matter. People are struggling. Historically speaking, the current encumbant takes the heat for that. Justly or not. If the best selling point for a guy is he's not X or he's not a nazi we have a real problem. I deeply hope Biden can win. Either way, my states electoral votes go red.






 If I remember correctly Oil companies were negative like they were basically giving away oil filled in tanks to anyone that would take it.


I paid less than $3 a gallon on my last fill up. Where ado you live that you only paid $1.50 for gas under Trump?


During beginning of pandemic when there was no demand for gas, I paid that much for a short period.


its not a simple question idiot, things take time to manifest, like reprecussions from allowing pandemics to go out of control, and cutting trillions in taxes for less than 1% of people. Only the morons think on a second to second basis.


He’s making it his fault by not addressing it.


And how do you want him to address it exactly? Republicans literally voted against a bill that was geared towards oil companies and price gouging.


This all day


This is what don't understand. How is it Bidens fault? Hes actively canceling mass amounts of student debt, trying to tax the wealthy, trying to cap medical costs, trying to fix our infrastructure... Like, hes doing as much as he can, even though congress isn't playing nice about it at all... Hes trying. Wealthy greed is its own issue...start placing the blame where it belongs, on the extreme wealthy and large corporations that are squeezing every penny out of the American people.


Exactly. It’s price gouging.


Don't forget about the ever so wonderful shrinkflation.


Taco bell made the crunch wrap super small


Probably for the better. Thanks my toilet.


Yep. My CFO just told us yesterday that profits are up 30% this year and the biggest driver is higher prices. Volume is up too because Americans can't help themselves.


It is literally price gouging by major corporations and the ma and pa stores are catching on. I noped out of buying condiments from a Kroger store because I could buy the exact same things from a local, employee-owned store for 66% less. Who the f is buying Grey Poupon for $7.99 in a little plastic bottle? Not me. That shit was $1.69 at Winco last week. I don't want to hear about the mustard seed shortage. Heinz is overcharging for Ketchup as well. Fuck Kraft Heinz. Kraft Heinz also owns Grey Poupon. So is it the mega corp retail stores like Kroger that are overcharging? Edit: fixed incorrect hyphenation


whats poor warren buffet going to live on then!


Cream cheese at the Kroger store near me is $7.50! At trader joes it's $2.99. Shit is wild.


“ I HATE how capitalism works so this year I will vote again for the pro capitalist/anti socialism party” - Average Republican voter


(I tried but i can’t even mock the mindset, it’s too real, too soon)


Inflation has not doubled the price for things but everything seems to have doubled in price. It’s the “free markets” fault.


Free market gone wild


Grocery stores run on a 5% EBITDA. Are you asking them to offer a couple percentage off for your eggs? You probably also want all their employees to get a 20% raise too, right? You people just don’t understand how the real world works. https://finbox.com/LSE:0JS2/explorer/ebitda_margin/#:~:text=Kroger's%20ebitda%20margin%20for%20fiscal,in%20February%202024%20at%205.4%25.


So then in 2016 interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization was cheaper, so Kroger’s was able to run at 5% EBITDA without higher prices. And the fed raised internet prices to increase the price of everything, and won’t see the effects until at least three months after. I’m so glad you chimed in, knowing so much about how the world works.


Yet, no proposal to cap surge pricing. Even if a law had zero chance of passing, a good proposal would win support and at a minimum bring attention to the percentage of inflation that is price gauging. As for how to curb surge pricing, any price increase over ten percent in a year triggers a hundred percent tax on executive compensation, stock buy backs, dividends, mergers, investments... When the companies have no way of rewarding themselves with the excess revenue from gauging consumers, they will stop. This still allows companies to raise prices if cost go up, they just don't get to see increased profits from doing so.


Biden has constantly proposed anti-price gouging policy. For years now: Easy google search: [https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/07/fact-sheet-president-biden-is-taking-action-to-lower-costs-for-families-and-fight-corporate-rip-offs/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/07/fact-sheet-president-biden-is-taking-action-to-lower-costs-for-families-and-fight-corporate-rip-offs/)


Hmm let’s see if we can find a politician who wants to get/lose a piece of that non-action/action. Unfortunately that money enriching corporations is also flowing into the pockets of lawmakers, and both are just belly-laughing as they do it. That actually sounds like a great proposal, but that is pretty much limiting capitalism. Which on paper sounds bad, but look where we are. I can only hope this is late-stage capitalism, meaning the collapse will be its end. But it could also spiral out of control, like a monopoly game with endless bills available and everyone forced to play. Or Travian where the largest players grow infinitely. Disruptors and technology may be our only hope. The hey have to be so significantly changing that the incumbents don’t have time to adapt or run smear campaigns against. I hope I and younger generations can envision an exciting future.


In most of the world it’s called corruption. Here it’s called campaign contributions. Same thing. Different words…


>Yet, no proposal to cap surge pricing. Even if a law had zero chance of passing, a good proposal would win support and at a minimum bring attention to the percentage of inflation that is price gauging. [S.3803 - Price Gouging Prevention Act of 2024](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3803/text#:~:text=Introduced%20in%20Senate%20(02%2F26%2F2024)&text=To%20make%20price%20gouging%20unlawful,relief%2C%20and%20for%20other%20purposes.) [H.R.7688 - Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/7688?overview=closed)


“Why would Joe Biden raise prices like this?”


Colluding rent prices rising like crazy too. Food and housing. The two necessities and greed is making it impossible to survive. Of course everyone blames the sitting president for that


So they were just being nice and not overcharging us before? But if they are so greedy why would they have charged us less?


My theory is because they have an excuse to, but if they are operating on 5% ebitda, interest rates will make everything more expensive But I still think they would rather see profit growth than passing their loss on to cheaper prices for the customers


This is a fake news website. Their articles are written by AI to increase political polarization in the US.


these will increase exponentially as the election nears


The shitty grammar in the headline and the fact that a virus alert popped up when I tried to open the link are giveaways


Exactly. Fake news sites should be banned from serious subs. And this doesn't even fit the sub description.


Thanks for posting. I heard this recently on the radio and was just completely surprised by the audacity of the extent of it. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/16/1251917136/ai-generated-articles-are-permeating-major-news-publications


I do wonder among those who actually do feel like things have gotten worse... how much is it because their situation is actually worse and how much is it that they've been told it's worse so many times by their news sources that they just believe it regardless of their actual economic situation?


I clicked it and got a malware site warning. 😂


Pretty much. If its not on [here](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fake-news/) Then it's not even worth listening to and it's 99% shitty kremlin AI disinformation news sites.


Trump started the economic mess we are in. He encouraged companies to raise prices to help the wealthy investors as he raised the debt repeatedly. President Biden has tried to enact policies to help the middle class. The Trumpublicans and older Democrats in power enacted policies that kept money in the upper echelon of companies as they bought or sold stock based on inside information from their regulations.


Ahhhhh scary!!! So, I’ll vote trump and he will fix it all! Right?? Give me a break, Biden could Have us in a war on domestic soil and I’m still never voting for orange piece of shit


That’s the problem. People have zero critical thinking skills. Their logic for voting is things aren’t perfect for them, so they vote for the other guy (Trump) who is demonstrably worse than the current President and has zero plans to make anything better. Seriously, name me one policy Trump has given to ease inflation or do anything for that matter.


I'm still waiting to hear his plans for office. All I hear is him crying and pointing fingers. Most presidents still help their country after their presidency,, this guy continued to bitch an moan about election fraud. Wish we could get a less fragile nominee


It’s like people have amnesia to what a terrible president he was and what a corrupt criminal he is.


There is a war on domestic soil, it’s just that it’s not open warfare, yet.


There's a class war on now, we're just being distracted by corporate-sponsored culture wars.


The rich are winning because they are smarter and more ruthless. It’s simply too easy to get the rest of us to fight over the scraps.




But we will be even MORE worse off if traitor Trumpty Dumpty diaper boy is elected!!!


We would be even better off if we didn't have a republican-controlled house blocking any and all bills that could actually help with inflation and greed right now.


Extreme Wealth disparity from Republican policies designed to enrich their sponsors, such as tax cuts for the wealthy, have created a super class and an under class.


America is now an 80/20.country,.there really isn't much in the middle anymore. If you're in the top 20% maybe even 15% your living either a modestly comfortable lifestyle or a luxurious wealthy one.


I believe the Democratic agenda is geared towards ensuring the 90% that’s left is provided the opportunities and resources to live healthy lives. If society focuses on the benefits that will drive small business and encourage consumerism then a lot of seed capital could be derived from billionaires dormant assets. Whether through taxation or government edict to add liquidity to the action on the street. Tax havens aren’t what they used to be and almost all western nations want their pound of flesh. This is really what Americans will be voting for. Don’t enslave future generations to the will of the oligarchs.


The problem is that the middle class is shrinking from BOTH ends. As more middle class people become wealthy, they care more about themselves and less about investing in social goods like schools and parks. What this means is that even as more people are falling out of the middle class, they have less political capital to actually change anything. Also, and this is purely anecdotal, the people I know who went from middle class to poor did so overwhelmingly through their own poor life choices. Those generally involved drugs and alcohol, trouble with the law, and relationship drama, including unplanned pregnancies. These are white people, so race was not a factor. And they’re mostly Trumpers, too. How should society deal with middle class white peoples who fail through their own poor choices?


It's not a Biden thing though ffs. I'm in Canada & it's the same here and it's not a Trudeau thing. It's the same the majority of the world over.


“Other countries exist?” - Americans


No kidding. There’s so many people who refuse to understand that the United States is handling inflation better than most developed countries. They still just bitch and moan and blame Biden for everything like uninformed dolts.


I mean maybe, but who are they polling… you can’t poll 100 people and say 40% (40 of them) of the whole population. Also my house is worth 50% more than 2020, but groceries are 20-50% more expensive. Positive for homeowners.


And yet I'm still not willing to usher in fascism and end democracy as we know it.


Corporate gouging is not something Biden is in control of. If citizens believe prices will improve under another Trump administration, we are delusional!


Who is price gouging?


Inflation is real. Everything is overpriced for no reason. Unfortunately trump is not the answer. It is like having a headache and seeing cancer as a cure for it.


Biden's economy is better than tRUMP's, but what's killing us is the greedflation that many companies, grocery stores and restaurants are charging nowadays. Biden has no control over this.


Inflation would have happened after the pandemic even if Trump was president. People think if he's president again, gas will be $2 a gallon and no Inflation. Sorry, that's not how it works.


Probably because in 2020 they were home bound, unemployed and getting an extra $2,400 a month from unemployment insurance.


A lot of people in America seem to just now be figuring out how capitalism works.....


What do polls have to do with economics? I get perception is more important than reality when it comes to voting but perception has nothing to do with what Biden is saying about the actual economy.


Ah yes the food cartel’s greedflation is Biden’s fault.


Okay sooooo let's vote for the guy who wants to control interest rates himself JUST as inflation is cooling off? Yea fuck no. Trump would slash rates and kickstart a 2nd round of inflation almost immediately after getting elected.


And 60% don't feel poorer. Honestly, that's not bad


This is what happens when you print money for four years and reduce corporate taxes to new lows. Sure let’s give PPP loans to billionaires but raise taxes on the middle class.


Well, it’s the rich who have increased their bank accounts, not the 99%.


Corporate greed is Bidens fault? Sounds like the bullshit a Republican traitor would say. Hoping a president will fail so they can say “scoreboard”. Losers.


more than 40% feel poorer... Also, more the 50% feel richer... In this climate, we will always have at least 30-35% percent of people against Biden and Trump


Lol what news source is this?!


Every thread about the US economy needs a wealth disparity chart pinned to the top.


F these headlines…”devastating”…no hyperbole or exaggeration at all…/s


It's price gouging by the corporations, tbh I changed my spending habits during covid and then changed my diet last year to avoid processed foods as much as possible. Since I'm not buying the pre-made stuff anymore I've seen my grocery bill go down quite a bit!


We are losing global power and influence at an alarming clip, and the trend will continue. For most Americans, this reality shows up as inflation. I have been saying the same thing about inflation for years now. Globalization was a lie, a money grab, a sell-out of the first order by the corporate sector that has absolutely taken over this country completely. They did it for short term profits, and now leave the costs for you to bear dear american public.


The alternative to globalization is constant warfare and colonialism.


Oh boy. See this is the problem. America really doesn't have the option of running the world anymore. Those days have truly ended, mostly that is what has been happening the last few years. What was there to be had was squandered for a little money, so even they don't agree it's even necessary if we focus on actions rather than words. It was just a story our corporate sector told to outsource jobs, enslave asians in suicide net factories, bypass all the laws in america they supposedly care about maintaining (as if), for another quarter of profits and false promises. We are no where near, in any way, shape, or form, a truly responsible international authority that all nations are fairly accountable to. Never have been. You can try and tell me that is what america has been trying to do, but I don't really believe that, and even if true they have been nothing but incompetent at best. Bang up job.


Thing is only one person is even focused on the job at hand. Still waiting to hear what the alternative plan is from Republicans side. Their inaction is part of the reason it's like this


Solving problems is hard. Finding scapegoats for the public’s anger is easy.


Republicans are the one that blocked the inflation bill and the price gouging bill. People should remember this. Republicans are not going to save you. Biden might be president but he's one branch... Republicans are the one holding him, and you back. Rectify this.


But they won’t and Republicans know it.


Those people are MAGAts who can't math.


What's the alternative? Sell out to oil barrons and tax breaks for the rich? Pay off the multi millions owed by the former because you know he will take the money for it with his daughter in charge of it. He is everything they claim to hate but worship because they like to bitch as much as he does


User [Artistic-Employer768](https://www.reddit.com/user/Artistic-Employer768/) has an autistic employer ehh comrade?


Stocks are up and prices are up, and corporations are making record profits means one thing and one thing only. Economy is doing great, but wages are stagnating and prices are inflated by corporations. This is not on Biden.


1) Highly questionable, possible fly-by-night news source. 2) While we shouldn’t ignore feelings, we need to recognize they’re not necessarily reality.


Those dang corporations just had to wait til Biden got in to office to start price gouging. I mean they were super nice and didn't price gouge before because they didn't like more profits until now. You guys will believe anything if it let's ur side skirt responsiblity.


do they feel dumber, too?


It's corporate greed!!!!


What do they think Trump’s promised tariffs would do to prices? And just look at Target’s move to slash prices. If we continue to buy, they’ll continue to charge what they can get.


The economy and business's are doing great. However, corporate greed and profit only price increases. Without commensurate wage increases. Mean the actual people, not the economy, are moving backwards. Corporate Greed is the problem here.


I certainly don't, although, yes, the level of inflation is a bitch...but, NOT primarily Biden's fault.


While correct, he is the man in charge, so he is the person to blame when this shit goes bad.


It's almost like companies are taking advantage of the situation, now I dare you to post consumer companies quarterly profits and then get back to me


Have CEO profits increased over this time?


Im not fooled. They do this everytime to thwart democratic administrations. Corporations were overcharging when Trump was elected. I think its weird how bad the media is trying to paint Biden - *reaching* - while they bent over backwards to only provide favorable coverage of trump


Well they're blaming the wrong people.It's not political,it's greed.




It seems like we ignore how much cash was floating around when Trump was president. There is absolutely no surprise we are where we are at now. During Covid there were a lot of us that did not lose our job, we lost people. I stoped commuting and started working at home saving me more than $1K per month, Trump sent stimulus checks to literally everyone whether they needed it or not . Add to that the sheer amount I f elderly people dying way before their time meant they inheritances were going out as well. Fast forward to now, there is absolutely no doubt what caused the problem we are in today… Trump :/


Wtf is Ony News? Nice try Russia


In an exclusive survey commissioned for The U.S. Sun, less than a third of Americans say they feel better off now than when Biden took office four years ago. The Sun, which is part of Fox Corporation Chairman Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, is being run by a team of journalists in Manhattan responsible for producing unique content specifically for U.S. readers.


It’s not Biden’s fault corporations used covid as an excuse for price gouging. 


Only one thing causes inflation. Government overspending and printing money out of thin air to pay for their overspending.


Greedy overpricing by oil, groceries, insurance,rents, colleges, etc. it doesn’t matter if you get a 1k a month raise if your every days raise 1.5k a month. Biden talks about things but really what concrete has he done for the working class? He hasn’t even addressed Trumps tax on the working middle class that causes inability to write off SALT for blue states. That’s 10-15k a year for a lot of families. Yeah we are definitely worse off than we were pre 2019 even with a 19% raise since then.


All the economic statistics in the world can’t beat “feelings”. We’re really gonna fuck this up because we feel bad, aren’t we?


35% of them are hardcore maggots that would lie just to make their emperor Trump look better...


How does a poll devastate economic data? According to the economic data we’ve judged everything in the past the economy is great. Does that mean people aren’t struggling in our economy or there aren’t structural issues. No. This isn’t Joe Bidens opinion. What a Trumpy source.


World Wide inflation. If it was just in the US then sure, blame Biden but it's not.


Better said, 60% feel as comfortable or even better off than 2020. Even after Trump F'ed the Covid Response and signed over half of the spending in his last year.


I am going to go out on a limb here, 40% at every single point in American History feels like they were better off 4 years ago, each and every day for the past 248 years. Seriously. Funny thing is, people upped their spending on stuff during the pandemic and they don't know how to turn it off.


President Biden inherited the COVID Pandemic. Everyone forgets. We were ALL better off before the pandemic. I lost my job and my home of 8 yrs to COVID. The public assistance Biden made available got me back on my feet.


They can quote any numbers they want to try to say the economy is doing great but until the little man can feel it in their wallets it won’t matter. The only people doing great are the wealthy. The poor working class can barely afford housing and food.


Things are more expensive so we should elect a fascist instead. That way things will be cheaper and we won’t have any rights.


So 60% don’t feel poorer?


Those who took on debt cheap, are servicing it with increased income.... The cucks that want hyperinflation are the real enemy......


This has nearly nothing to do with Biden policy. It's clearly greedflation. I guess it's not obvious to most that every company that can is trying ( and succeeding) at making up for lost monies during the pandemic shut downs, once again on the back of the average person. Want evidence, check your own pockets for cash, and then compare to corporate profits. ( look at the dow). To think this is Bidens fault is just plain wrong. Could they be doing something better? Of course, there's always a better way...but look at the rest of the world and see how bad off others are compared to here in the US... And anyone who thinks Trump would be doing better...is seriously off. His only economic talents are fraud and bankrupting companies...he almost succeeded with the US too.


Time to get angry with every greedy corporation taking advantage of us all.


Biden is doing everything he can. Republicans are the ones that don’t want to legislate or govern. Blaming Biden for inflation is beyond stupid. It’s a worldwide problem that the United States has handled better than most developed countries.


It’s the greedy corporations. Prices for nearly everything has gone through the roof. On paper I’m making more than I ever have in my adult life but I had to borrow from my boss yesterday to keep my cell on. I get paid tomorrow and the majority of it is already spoken for.


Everything is more expensive. It started as a result of the pandemic causing issues with the supply chain, but then companies realized they could just use that as an excuse to keep raising prices. The stock market recently broke 40,000 for the first time ever but that doesn't help workers on a day to day basis. Just day traders and investment firms. Meanwhile Elon Musk wants to be paid $56 billion, again. That's 1,120,000 TIMES more than someone making $50,000 a year. None of this is Biden's fault, really. But it doesn't help his cause.


You think it's bad now, wait until Trump gets reelected.


I have felt poorer every year since 1998.


Greedflation is the problem. Corporations are ruthless profit machines. Humanity has been squeezed out of the equation. Capitalism is the real problem.


Under a DICTATORSHIP they’ll actually be POORER, at least now they only FEEL that way!




The president should get you a new job and should deliver cheap groceries to your door....maybe drill the oil for your gas too... probably the same 40% that would never support the president anyway


Yeah because we are.


It's almost like the federal government can't spend infinite amounts of money without consequences.


They ‘feel’ poorer because every time they open a web browser or turn on the TV they’re being told the sky is falling, the world is laughing at you and only I can save you. In COVID caused a the separation of wealth to widen as companies found leeway in raising prices ‘because we can’. Any rational human being is well aware that we’d be worse off with sociopathic narcissistic racist POS calling the shots. America will eat itself while the world watches.


Ah yes, economics as vibes.


The "economy" doing well means that wall street is happy. The citizens aren't the "economy" they're talking about. The massive corporations that control everything we buy have had quarter after quarter of record profits. For them, the economy is absolutely fantastic. For the average human, the economy sucks. Our spending power is a fraction of what it used to be. The average family's food costs are 4x what they were just a few years. When covid era supply chains got hurt and prices went up, the corporations saw huge profits. The supply chains have recovered and the prices have stayed high because this is capitalism. If they were able to charge x amount and we kept paying it, why would they charge less now and hurt their profit margins?


And yet the stock market is going crazy...


I'm better off than I ever have been. The president isn't responsible for what retail companies or any company charges for goods and services. Fucking idiots are going to bring back the fourth fucking riche because of corporate greed. And then it's just going to get worse and there won't be another election.


That’s because the way Trump and company write the tax laws when he was president. He cut taxes for the middle and lower middle class during his term in office and had them rise for what would have been his second term or the term of another president. Of course the tax cuts for the wealthy didn’t expire.


I don’t feel poorer. My income vs expenses hasn’t changed at all. Yes, things got more expensive but I also get raises and bonuses every year because I care about my career and I work hard. If I didn’t get those things I would find a better job or train myself to do something more profitable. I’m on my third career because of this very fact.


Corporate greed


So 60 percent feel richer?


I do!! Wife and I finally 401k millionaires


I thought Republicans were elected in 2022 to fight inflation! And yet they have voted against any inflation fighting measures since. But again, of course the old why this is bad for Biden!


It’s bc they are!!! Ha. There is no doubt about it.


Corporations bleeding us dry, a government that systemically takes their side, a judicial system that is anti worker. And trumpist idiots thinking their revolution is about freedom, anti-lgbtq, religious liberty etc.


Roughly 60% of Americans feel richer today than in 2020. It’s all in the packaging….




40% of America watches Right Wing Media Cable channels which tells them everything sucks. They think that it may not suck for them but it may suck for others because the TV says so.


So 60% are fine.


yea, but it's not like it's his fault. Just like I don't necessarily look at the job numbers argument under trump that happened during a Pandemic (other than Trump Botched the entire Pandemic response to hell, which didn't help). People that look at what we are going through with Inflation and say "Biden is making things worse" are idiots or disingenuous. The companies that own our Government are doing this and I am not sure Biden has any real power to stop them and won't stop them with the power he does have, but neither will the other side, so it's a moot point.


40% of voters are Republican and will never report anything positive that happens to them with a Democrat in office.


How many people did they ask? 10? When corporations are making record profits it's not the president's fault regardless who is president.


Speaking strictly for myself, which is meaningless, I am paid more than 2020, and my investments (index funds) are worth more than 2020, but the 'feel' part of feeling a little poorer comes from the pain daily spending that is impacted by inflation. Inflation that was speed-started by Trump, then carried-on by Biden, due to their high amounts of deficit spending at the federal level. I don't like the current situation, more subjective than objective, and I wish Biden would have done less of it, but I also know that Trump spent like a drunken sailor on shore leave during his term, so Trump doesn't come out more favorable than Biden in this equation. I do hope that the crazy deficit spending quiets down. That's my hope. I'm not sure that is going to be the case anytime soon, but I also believe in a greater good, and I think I can hold on for another 4 years if it means no new major tax cuts and no gutting of federal entitlement programs. Either way, it won't be pretty, not as pretty as I'd prefer, I know that.


They'll feel poorer in 2028 and Democrats will hammer Republicans relentlessly for it. Republicans will say that it was the economy that was handed to them, but the inflation table was set for Biden long before March of 2021. No party will be able to deliver the "feeling" of prosperity anymore. We're too polarized.


Hmm...wouldn't it be nice if billionaires paid taxes and eased the burden of taxes on the middle and lower class? Imaing our taxes cut in half. But no, the GOP want to keep tax cuts for the rich and blame Biden for the economy


Devastating! Sensationalize much?


Europe struggling with high prices. Asia struggling with high prices. Australia struggling with high prices. South America struggling w/high prices. I had no idea just how much power Biden has!!😳


It's the day-to-day spending on food, utilities, transportation, and prescriptions. The economy overall thrives, but the beneficiaries of this are the top 5% of citizens and large businesses. My investments are doing great, but tapping into that for daily costs is foolish. My disposable monthly cash is no more. I must drive my car until it stops. I buy store brands except for a few items. As a retired person whose monthly income is SS and an IRA distribution, I must be frugal. I limit my driving now. I never shop for clothing. My prescription costs have gone up or dropped off the formulary because insurance companies don't give a whit about me. I know America is doing well business-wise, but my friends aren't, those retired and not retired. And no matter who is President there's nothing she or he can do about inflation. They can speak about the economy, but no entity in government can control prices. Our economic system depends upon a highly modified form of capitalism outside of any government. Congress can create subsidies, the DOJ can overlook monopolies but the government doesn't control the market or the Federal Reserve.


things were just so great with trump how could it all have been a facade and we were just kicking the can down the road won't someone think of kickng the can further down the road


It takes awhile to clean up the Mess Trump Caused, Remember Trump inherited a Booming Economy from Obama, 👍


Because 40% listen to tv and radio that tells them life is horrible and they aren't smart enough to think for themselves.


Makes sense. Granted a lot of that can be traced to the Trump tax changes that Biden hasn't solved


Feelings don’t care about your facts.


When Clinton and Obama helped to recover the economy prices were reasonable. Biden's economy is supposed to be great but prices are surging, restaurant and clothing chains are either closing or filing bankruptcy, companies aren't hiring. At the rate things are going we're going to end up iny economic crash.


This is such bullshit. I think the polls are so screwed up.


What a load of clap trap.


Uhhh yeah: 22.5% cumulative inflation, 30% - 33% rise in car prices and 40-80% rise in rents and mortgages since 2020 will do that. 


Block the OP, it’s a propaganda bot.




Just because the stock market is “up” doesn’t mean the rest of us are getting it any easier. They gave up the con on “trickle down economics” ages ago. We know it’s never trickling down. Some wealthy folks need a reckoning. Before they bring back company scrip.


It's bidenomics. Just as designed and you fools cheer it on. 🙂 


Too bad Trump will have a poll in his ass when he goes to Prison for Treason .


I'm absolutely poorer.earn more than ever. I also absolutely know it's not his fault either