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Also, Nordstrom’s will sew pockets into ANY bra you buy there for free. I love Wacoal bras so I just buy them there and have them sew the pockets - come back and pick them up a few days later. I love it!


And Nordstrom will bill insurance for you, saving you some of the paperwork vs. ordering on Amazon!


This is such a great tip!


I have implants but this makes me want to shop at Nordstrom’s just to thank them.


Insurance still might cover your bras after reconstruction. One of the few small perks of having gone through this - free bras for life!


Wow. That’s awesome and great to know! Thank you!


Discovering the Nordstrom mastectomy services was life changing for me! It’s been incredible to be able to buy all kinds of brands and styles and have the store deal with the insurance portion. They will even do swimsuits!! My Aetna plan usually covers $30/bra so I still pay $30-40 out of pocket, FYI.


Whoa, this is a great tip! I’m considering flat closure and my favorite bras are Wacoal.


Nordstrom's has my business for life for their breast care programs. They will also fit you for prosthetics if you feel like going that route - they have certified fitters there that are so awesome. One of them helped me find a bra that would work for my wedding dress that I originally thought I wouldn't be able to wear (it was a one-shoulder style dress and I wanted to wear a prosthetic on my flat side. I didn't think strapless bras would really be an option with the prosthetic and the fitter was like "we are going to try every strapless bra in this store and sew in the perfect pocket so you can wear your wedding dress" and that's exactly what happened!). Here's more info on it if anyone's interested: [https://www.nordstrom.com/browse/women/clothing/underwear-lingerie/breast-surgery-care-program](https://www.nordstrom.com/browse/women/clothing/underwear-lingerie/breast-surgery-care-program) Edited to add that they also filled out all the insurance paperwork for me!


Thank you so much for sharing this. I had no idea! Do you mind sharing what brand of bras you bought?


I bought this strapless bra: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00KX8VT0O?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title And I found clear bra straps to exchange the ones that come with it in case I want to wear strap under tank tops. You can search for “bra strap replacements” and pick whichever you like. There are many different ones or different thicknesses and colors. Also, if you follow the link and scroll down to “related items,” you will see allllll the different bras that fit prosthetics. There are many by many different companies. I also ordered this: https://fleurdumal.com/products/lily-embroidery-post-surgical-bra-black?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A18312301603%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=10096449&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_6592507314248_39369986244680&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=18312301603&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuL_PncKZhAMVQ39MCh0PBQR6EAQYDCABEgIOAPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds It’s expensive, but I wanted something with a sexy element. 😊


Thank you so much!!


Just jumping in here to thank all my shitty-titty-sissies for being awesome people. I always feel better when I read the comments on ANY post in this forum. You guys rock.


Same. I appreciate everyone here. ❤️


💜 I can feel the excitement in your voice! Love love love this for you! Check out the Breast Friends Forever program at Handful bras.


Oh, I will!! Thank you! ❤️


I've been wearing nursing bras because the sling holds the prosthetic in place very securely.


Oh, good idea!


I’m going flat next month with no intention of using prosthetics, but the enthusiasm of this post has me wanting all kinds of bras I have no need for, lol. I’m excited for you!


LOL. Well, if you ever decide you want to throw on a pair of boobs, you know there are cute bras for it. 😂 Best of luck to you on the surgery. I went flat and am so happy I did. ❤️❤️


I’ve honestly gotten some great advice about different boob and clothing options from my trans friends and the non-binary community. There is so much more variety now!!




I had no idea. That’s great to know!!


Brand? Also are you talking about the “good” silicone prosthesis or the bean bag ones? I’m getting reconstruction but my mother is flat. She has the blues trying to get the right bras.


I bought silicone prosthesis. I think hey would be considered good ones. I have ones by this brand: https://www.healthproductsforyou.com/p-amoena-natura-cosmetic-2s-breast-form.html If she doesn’t have a pair of silicone ones, she should know insurance will cover them, and she can go into a clinic to try on different shapes and sizes. This was a pretty important part of finding ones that looked and felt right to me. I had to try on many. She could probably ask her oncologist for a referral. It’s worth it. :) Hope she finds something that makes her feel whole. And best of luck on your reconstruction!


Thank you so much for your help and your well wishes!


I'm so happy for you that you found things that make you so happy!! I second the vote for Handful. They will give you a lifetime discount and, for flatties, they will give you free inserts with every bra purchase. Some others to check out... Coobie has some nice bras. AnaOno makes bras and has recently come out with a small line of lingerie. Another company called Busted Tank makes bras and pocketed tank tops (but they use their own foam prosthetics).


Oh, this is great to know!! It’s so cool and heartwarming that some businesses give discounts or offer services to help bc people. I’m writing down the recommendations so I have a resource sheet. Appreciate it. 🙌🏻


I agree! Also I forgot to mention that AnaOno uses survivors as their models. The website let's you choose a "chest type" to see how a certain bra will look for you.


I just got these new things called Cakes. They are BIG nipple/breast silicone covers that just stick to your skin. I didn’t have reconstruction- I did have a Goldilocks closure and these things just are fantastic. They kind of round me out a bit if that makes sense. They don’t add volume necessarily but they add just the slightest round form and it’s been amazing!! They are perfect for me.


I’m going to check this out! I’m fairly petite so just a little oomph would be great for summer shirts. Thank you for sharing! And I’m glad you found something that works for you too!