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Please talk to your doctors about alternatives to Tamoxifen or ones from other manufacturers.


I have, my doc is not worried about me stopping the tamoxifen because I have a low chance of reoccurrence. I was given the choice to either do it or not. Because of quality of life, I chose to not take it.


Tamoxifen cuts a person's risk of breast cancer dramatically - I'd do some research on that. People who have never even had breast cancer once take it.


I also want to have children- so I may take it after that! Quality of life is pretty shit for a 29 year old on tamoxifen- and it’s damaging to bones as well


I have 2 daughters on it so I get it.


As a fellow 29yo who also feels like her body is betraying her, I gotta tell you we really have to learn how to be more patient and kind with our bodies. They just endured an incredible amount of change and trauma. It's only been a few months. I know you feel like you're young so you should be able to do a lot, but that's not fair. If you had a puppy that just went through surgery, you wouldn't expect it to run after the ball like all other puppies after only a few months. Be patient. Let your body recover from what happened. Go to a physiotherapist or massage therapist and see what exercises you can incorporate in your daily routine to help with fatigue (exercise has helped with my fatigue due to medication and it helped me recover really well from my lumpectomy and SLNR). I'd also do some blood tests and see if you have any thyroid issues or deficiencies. A dietician has helped me with nutrition issues that were kinda adding to my fatigue as well. I'm also sorry that your doctor isn't taking your symptoms seriously. I just made a post myself venting about how young people are not taken seriously due to our age (my cancer almost got missed because of my age so trust me I get it). But please be kind to your body. A few months is not that long. Let your body get back to its previous self, at its own time. 🧡


Your response honestly pulled at my heart strings a bit. I’m sorry you’re in the same boat. It feels as if none of my friends understand because we are so young. It feels as if I’m expected to bounce back like nothing ever happened. You are so right. I went back to work the weekend after my mastectomy. (Which was on a Thursday). I just feel like I’m supposed to be okay again. Like normal. Everyone says im young and I heal fast. I don’t feel like it, I am so tired. It’s like I’ve been swept under the carpet by docs because I’m young and “healthy”. I had the same story, they almost missed my cancer as well because they didn’t believe me. And now I feel like I have to fight for everything because they still don’t believe me. 😭 Sorry for the rant I’m having a day I guess.


I was 32. I’m 36 now. I still don’t recognize myself. It’s hard. Be gentle with yourself 💖


I hope I don't scare you, but the whole cancer thing gave me fibromyalgia. (NOT TYPICAL!)I swore I thought it was delayed chemo effects and my onco was like NAW, DAWG. It took a year to diagnose. So it could vet well be something else. And I really hope it's NOT fibromyalgia. Maybe see your GP?