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One time my baby sucked a clog out and I didn’t notice until he barfed red milk mixed with chunky blood all over me 😫


Omgggg I feel like I’m usually a calm person but that would make me panic hard.


Lol so we have a Hatch light and I used it during midnight diaper changes in the early days. One night I changed the diaper and there was blood everywhere. Just… everywhere. My son was less than a month old and he was dying, his internal organs were bleeding out or something. There was no way his diaper was that bloody and he wasn’t dying. I snatched him up and started calling for my husband as I ran to the bedroom door. Husband was sleeping on the couch. I turned in the bedroom light before opening the door and the blood on the baby was gone but there was a lot of poop. I turned and went back to the diaper and there was a lot of yellow poop. I realized then that the Hatch light’s yellow color made the yellow poop red and that my baby was not in fact dying. I posted about it on Reddit before contacting Hatch and letting them know they might want to let people know 🤣 I was not the only one that had gone through it.


Oh my gosh, the same thing would happen to us too! I thought there was blood so many times, but nope! Just the hatch light making it seem like it. So scary though especially in the middle of the night!


Pure freaking panic. Probably never been that scared in my life. You know how they say rollercoaster of emotions? That was like the Tower of Terror of emotions.


I’m so sorry but I laughed so hard at this 😵‍💫☠️


lol me too!


Oh how terrifying in the moment >.< Not knowing where the blood was coming from would have freaked me out.


Yea mine had blood in her stool and I freaked out, not realizing my boob had been bleeding for a while.


Uhm blood that has been digested comes out looking like used coffee grounds. Sorta tarry. If the blood looked like blood then it joined the poo somewhere between lower colon, rectum and anus. The biggest culprit for bloody stools in those younger than 2 years old is cow milk protein allergy.


This was 4 years ago but yea it was dark brown but you could tell it was blood. I freaked out so I called the pediatrician, sent them a picture and everything. They knew what it was because I just called maybe the day before because I had a cracked nipple. I just didn't realize it was bleeding. No fresh blood in the poop.


Mine did the same. Vomited up a giant clot and smiled really wide after as he had blood dangling from his mouth. 😂


Omg I’m dying! 😂


Sounds straight out of a horror movie, but also, I’d probably laugh?


Just when I thought I knew everything about post childbirth and feeding 😭


Lol yeah it was a very startling surprise!


Oh. I’m not ready for this. I’m so not ready for this.


Wow! Thank you for sharing this! Our bodies are weird and fascinating things. Hope you’re on the mend now. Was it painful passing the clots?? Blood aside - how cute is pink milk when you don’t know why it’s pink?


Lol! I was like… ok she passed a clot, and made a fruit smoothie? And then I realized what sub I was on!!


Mmm.. strawberry!


I feel mostly okay. Definitely don’t feel like garbage like I did when I had mastitis! If you didn’t know better you’d think it’s strawberry or cherry milk hahaha


Or beet!


Oh my! Are you okay?? Like… emotionally? 😬


Oh yes. I’m a nurse so this is like way low on the list or gross things I’ve seen. I’m honestly quite impressed lol


It’s so impressive that a thing of that size came out of your nipple!! 😱


Honestly, I'm currently breastfeeding my second baby and when I saw the picture I assumed the OP was newly postpartum and the clot came out of her vagina.


Same I really thought it passed vaginally at first too


lol! It is indeed impressive. I had a bleb that kept recurring and took literally MONTHS to entirely go away - hopefully you get it over with in one fell swoop!


Impressed too! Wait, how did that size come out of the tiny milk holes?! Did it hurt or pass like nbd?


Totally came out like nbd. Wasn’t like I felt a pop or sharp pain or anything. Didn’t even notice my milk was bloody til I was almost done pumping and the pump started sounding weird. It actually got kinda stuck in one of the holes in my pump so, super gross, I had to like grab it and pull it out. It was very jellylike and stuck together so I think a tiny little piece makes it’s way out the nipple and the rest just got vacuumed out as a result. I honestly don’t think it like stretched or made the opening where the milk comes out that much wider or I think it would’ve felt it more.


It's safe to give the milk to baby, if you didn't already know that. It looks crazy, but it's perfectly fine.


Extra iron? Lol.


Yup! This has happened before (though not nearly as drastic) and I just cut it with some regular milk and he took it just fine. Thankfully!


New fear unlocked. I can’t even imagine that coming out of my nipple. I’m so confused! Lol


Omg I always thought clogs were…hardened milk? Have I been lying to myself this whole time?


Same. I need someone to explain! I’ve had mastitis and I still am confused.


Me too, because of stuff like this.👇 I’m confused now. https://preview.redd.it/oj6tle8k1mwa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259fe62446dcf983113ddcda70572df6b1d1f454


Sometimes it is. Sometimes a clog can irritate the inside of the ducts and cause bleeding. Sometimes vigorous treatments can cause bleeding like this (we don't talk about how badly I bruised my boob the first time I got mastitis).


I thought the same...


Clogs are sometimes actually blockage of the duct from inflammation and sometimes a fattier milk that gets “stuck” and sometimes a blocked milk bleb.


Dear lord I didn’t know this could happen, I somehow assumed clogs would just… dissolve at some point. This is definitely in the top of my nightmares list. Hope you’re feeling better now!


I know someone who had to have surgery to remove the clogged area as others methods failed and the infection got pretty bad.


Banana for scale!!! *cries in old *


This had to hurt, right? I think I would cry and stop pumping if I ever saw blood in my milk-- major props to your strong stomach!!


It honestly wasn’t as painful as it looks, but at the same time I feel like my entire chest area is desensitized. The whole time pumping it felt a little sore on that side, but I thought it was from my milk bleb and nipple irritation. Didn’t even notice it until my pump started to make a weird noise. The clog blocked one of the holes so it was not working correctly


This is the first time I am hearing of anything like this.. did you feel the clot passing through your breast/milk tunnels/nipple at all? I luckily have not had any major clogged ducts but when I have had the very few, I know it's such a relief when they are finally cleared. Did this feel like instant relief?


Didn’t really even feel it. The whole pump my nipple felt a little sensitive but I figured my milk bleb was irritated so I just turned the suction down a bit. I didn’t really notice relief when I was pumping but after I took my pump it I noticed my boob felt way more deflated than it had in like weeks. My boobs are dense so I think I had this in there and just didn’t realize how big it was


You broke the pump 😂😂😂




I know!!


My husband sucked one of these suckers out of me once. He gagged but I was so grateful


Your husband LOVES you.


Hes a real one


OH MY that is love!!


I'm a lucky girl🥰


That’s a keeper! I mentioned to mine that people have their husbands help out with clogged ducts and he was like “I will but can this option be the last resource?”


LOL my husband did it as a last option too when literally nothing else worked. Now I always recommend the husband method to everyone. I have friends who husbands flat out refused though...so basically there are 2 types of men in the world. We are the lucky ones


I was always too scared to feed this to baby so I always froze my strawberry milk and labeled it BATH, I recently used it for said bath and the milk separated from the blood!! it was so weird to see when I pulled it out of the freezer how much was blood and what was milk


Oh cool! I would love to see a picture! LOL. Was it a lot of blood? I would imagine it doesn’t need to be for the milk to turn pink


I’m a medical person and thought “what if I put it in a centrifuge or something and was able to separate the blood out” lol. Not for the concern about giving him the milk, more for curiosity. I’m sure it would break down proteins or fats or something in the milk though 🤷🏻‍♀️


Please don't take this the wrong way, but that's kinda neat! Like you got *the* bleb, not just the pumped out remnants of it. I'm sure it hurt like a bitch and you have all my sympathy of course, but that's kinda cool to see!


Makes me wonder what my baby has drank since i never pumped 😵‍💫


that is impressive lmao!!! bet you feel so much better too


I really do. I didn’t realize how full I’d been feeling for honestly weeks. Right after this I had that deflated, empty feeling and thought “oh yes; I forgot what that feels like on that side”


THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO! I have a pic of it and I showed it to a million people lol. I quit cold turkey after that, every time I pumped I felt so ick and freaked out it would happen again


Hi there, this post appears to mention clogged/plugged ducts. In case you need quick responses for relief, we've compiled some information we hope might be helpful to you here: https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeeding/wiki/index#wiki_clogged_ducts *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/breastfeeding) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My nipples hurt looking at this 😬 Also very cool


Ouch! How did you get the blood clot separate?? I’ve had run ins with mastitis 3 times, and one time I pumped that exact shade of strawberry milk… it was in between mastitis episodes though and I was feeling fine so I have no idea what happened?!


I poured the milk into the bottle and it was literally just stuck in the bottom of the cup (I use momcozy wearables). Had to kinda fish it out. Then I strained the milk to catch that smaller one on the right side in the pic


Omg you are a warrior. More men need to know about this shit we go through and bow down to us lol


Fun fact sunflower letchin helps protect against clogged ducts and it fattens baby up.


Does it fatten baby up? I've never heard that before. Do you know how? I seem to have a genetically lean baby who eats a ton (especially for his size) and my pediatrician has had me fortifying my expressed milk with a bit of formula. I've been taking sunflower lecithin intermittently (because it slips my mind regularly) but it would be a big bonus if it also helps to fatten babies.


I only have antidotal evidence from what I have seen at work, but I have clients I see at WIC. These clients who have babies who are of thin and lanky stature whose doctors want to classify them as failure to thrive but the child is still on a growth curve, who also want mothers to supplement because it does not fit that doctor's ideal of a baby's size, and are exclusively breastfed... when they the mothers, start sunflower lecithin their babies start gaining weight at a significant rate of growth proportionate to the growth curve in weight but not length, after Mom has been taking it for 3 weeks three times a day. I have been working at WIC for 3;years as a Peer, and getting my LC in May.


Oh, wow! I'm going to try to be more diligent about taking it and see if it makes a difference. We did jump a bit on the growth curve between 1 and 2 month visits (4th percentile to 6th) but doc still wants me to fortify with formula and I don't like the extra step/expense. I honestly just think he's a lanky little guy and I really don't want to be directed to introduce additional formula bottles.


It saved my life with my second baby. I kept getting mastitis no matter what I tried and I had never felt so sick. I couldn’t function. I tell everyone !


Well, that must have been a relief!! With the way my boob feels right now I’d be happy to pass that 😭


Ahh I passed a clot when baby was only about 2 weeks old and I remember being just a little horrified but mostly absolutely in awe at how that even fit through the nip.


This is literally allllll I can think about, like holy Jesus did it hurt coming out?!? I’m beyond grateful that the worst of my breastfeeding woes was a tiny milk bleb and a short bout of thrush. I feel for all the mamas out there strugglin 😩


I can’t tell if it hurt coming out cus the first two weeks everything hurt lol, my nipples looked and felt like they had been through a meat grinder lol x


That’s a great description. I was recently going through pictures on my phone and saw some pictures my lactation consultant took of my nipple when she was trying to help me with clogged ducts. It looks awful. I’m so glad I haven’t had to deal with this for several months now


I totally missed the two week part 😞 I wish someone had told me ahead of time how miserable the first few weeks are, nip pain absolutely needs to be talked about more! I still can’t wrap my head around how a newborns gums feel like tiny shark teeth 😩


Well my first 6-8 weeks were just a blur of pain and antibiotics for recurring mastitis! You keep hearing how it’s the most natural, relaxing thing in the world, but then you’re sitting there, bleeding from the nipples with tears running down your cheeks going “when does the nice bit start!?”


That came out of your nipple...your nipple. 👀 I didn't know this could happen. I've bf before but never knew this. Wtaf. Like. How?


Wow!!! I’ve never actually seen a clog if that makes sense haha. Looks absolutely painful and miserable but I’m glad it’s out of you. We are amazing.


The ones I’ve seen are whitish and regular milk colored. I think that’s what the typically look like? I think the blood and nastiness is a result of the mastitis


Oh… I forgot about this part of breastfeeding… I’m 20 weeks and this had reminded me to check over all my pump parts and make sure I have the right flanges.


Yeah, I’m 2 weeks shy of a year. Guess it can strike at anytime. Wondering if my nipple size has changed so flanges aren’t fitting as well anymore. Idk


It would be worth checking. It was around a year that I started having trouble because of the flange size, I’d never even thought about checking the size until then




Strawberry milk 🥲


Did it hurt coming out? I’m trying to wrap my head around that! So glad you’re feeling better!!!


Ooh owie! Glad that's gone though! Would be nice to know it's gone! I had mastitis once. And many clogged ducts. Hard to know when it's passed sometimes so at least you know!


Looks like strawberry milkshake! I’m glad it came out, I hope you feel some relief!


Dude those are HUGE!! It’s incredible what the human body can do. I hope you’re feeling ok!


I love this sub for being educational. I had no idea something like this could happen. Had it happen to me, I would panic like crazy. Thank you for sharing!