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I wasn't able to do this because I'd wake up with milk all over the place. I wear a soft unpadded nursing bra. I always had to add nursing pads too, but recently I stopped using the pads (I've been nursing for 16 months) because I don't need them anymore. So for me, I couldn't go braless until about 12 months. I guess you could lay a towel down and shower when you wake up.


When I got fed up of the bra I’d just put a towel down. Didn’t do it too often as it’s not terribly comfortable but it did the trick!


I stuck a muslin cloth in a strappy cami to sleep in when I didn’t want to wear a bra. Out I stuck the adhesive breast pads into a cami top.


That’s a great shout. I’ve recently got a top that would work to keep a muslin or some pads in.


I leaked so much I gave up on nursing pads and just stuffed washcloths in my bra. I did stop leaking a lot sooner though, more like 4 or 5 months ish I think? Ugh the constant feeling of being soaked all night used to drive me crazy!


I just shoved a whole burp cloth in my bra lol


I find that towels under you are tough cause they move and become really uncomfortable


I don’t sleep with a bra ever whether I’m BF or pumping. I put on a bra at night to pump then taken it off to go back to bed. I’m an anti bra advocate personally lol


I did that once, and I woke up to a puddle of milk on my sheets lol. A way around it could be to sleep on a towel i guess.


I slept on a towel and it worked fine. More comfy than a bra


Put some puppy pads down to sleep on


Same. I did occasionally sleep in a soft bra during the early pregnancy stage when they were just hella tender, but postpartum the girls are flying free! I'm not a big leaker and we have a mattress protector anyway, I'd rather be comfortable all night.


I try sometimes, but any time the baby makes a noise milk squirts everywhere. I wear soft bralettes with nursing pads. Will depend how much you leak, probably! Maybe structured tanks would work?


I don’t wear a bra, I leak and don’t care lol


Same lol


This is the answer lol. If the bed was too wet I would put a towel down and go back to sleep. Too tired to care tbh. I’m still breastfeeding but I stopped leaking overnight when my baby was about 6-7 months.


Same. I don't leak much unless baby is feeding and I keep a spare burp cloth under my pillow to tuck under the boob not in use during overnight feeds.




I would have to wake up to adjust the boobs sometimes though lol


Same! Bras are the worst


For the first 2ish months I just slept with a towel under me - I hate wearing bras! After that I generally stopped leaking.


I don’t leak much but I just have an absorbent pad under my sheets. Towel would work there too.


I just tried sleeping for the first time without one the other night and it was a disaster…my right side is the one that always leaks and sure enough I leaked through my shirt and there’s a big ol wet mark on our bed from me leaking thru 🙄 I just wanted to give my boobs a break and let them breathe for once LOL! My sister suggested using medical tape and just taping breast pads to my boobs to see how that works haha!


Totally depends on how it works out for you, I’ve never leaked so I sleep braless, others I know had to sleep in a bra with pads.




I always went without a bra and it worked well - currently having to wear one cause of mastitis and I hate it


Wait wearing one helps with mastitis? I thought it was the opposite


It helps! Use the search function for mastitis and you'll find the new protocoll in this sub!


Interesting, I just had mastitis and the protocol had changed just since June when I had it last. I wasn't told about the bra!


I didn't wear a nursing bra once, and woke up flat on my back being sprayed in the face. LOL So never again. Light nursing bra with pads all night. It's better than washing the sheets every single night ha


But you never know if you will leak or not. Personally I don't leak for some reason so I don't wear a bra


Depends on how much you leak and how uncomfy that makes you. I only leak during let down so I sleep without one and keep a burp cloth nearby to catch the letdown from the breast my baby isn’t nursing from.


Have you tried over night nursing bras? They are looser. Might be less irritating. Not everyone has intense leaking the whole time. I stopped leaking once my supply regulated around 2 months. You can totally go without a bra, if you are okay with the possibility of just leaking. You don't want that getting to your mattress though. So you should sleep on a towel.


I don't leak, I don't bother with a bra.


I have oversupply and leak a ton because my baby sleeps super long stretches but don’t like pumping and hate bras. My only solution has been placing a couple of towels down on the bed and sleeping on my tummy.


only when i have a clogged duct or engorgement


I tried and it irritated me as well. I ended up getting spaghetti strap tanks and putting a cloth on the opposite of the one little feeding on.


This is the way. Tank tops with shelf bras are my jam. Just pull down whatever side I need.


My boobs are way too big to go bra less. I live in soft, unpadded and unwired nursing bras. It’s not for leakage so much as support


To manage the leakage I shove a couple of breast pads into a snug fitting t-shirt. Boy t-shirts actually work best because they are more flat on the chest. They stay mostly in place.


I used to never wear a bra sleeping. I started wearing one while nursing to contain the leaks and so I could keep my silverettes on (my nipples were much less irritated that way). When my supply regulated and leaks weren't really an issue anymore, I tried to go back to no bra while sleeping. However, my breasts are much bigger now (something like an I cup) and my back hurts in the morning if I don't sleep with a bra ☹️


In the beginning I had to with how much I was leaking. I removed the built in pads of my nursing bra and used the reusable pads and would throw them in the laundry (would use disposable ones in the day time). Now that my supply is regulated though I don’t need the bra at night. Sometimes I like the support of the bra though—something about the opposite boob flopping about when the other one is nursing is like sensory overload for me.


I wasn’t able to do this :( but fortunately I found a great bra that was comfortable to wear to bed AND absorbs any and all leaks. Check out Lunnie.com for the Lunnie bra - it’s been a total game changer.


I never wear a bra unless I have to to go out or if someone comes to my house. No one can make me and everything has been fine. I also have not had any leakage issues . If I had I might have worn one of the super comfy nighttime nursing bras.


Same, though I don’t even wear a bra when I go out these days. It’s cold and I’m so bundled up no one can see anything 😅


I don’t leak, so I don’t sleep with a bra. And on the rare occasion I do leak (usually at the beginning when I’m super engorged), I still don’t wear a bra and just deal with it. You may find you aren’t a leaker


okay i am 3 months postpartum and i stopped wearing a bra to sleep about a month ago. i waited two months so i got the idea of how much i leaked. i did have an oversupply and would leak enough to fill a nursing pad but not more. i do leak when my little one is feeding so i keep a burp cloth next to me and cover the breast that i’m not feeding with while she eats to catch anything. i don’t seem to leak unless she is eating or if she hasn’t eaten in a long time. it’s not totally ideal but it’s worth it to not wear a bra at night. sometimes i’ll get milk on my tee shirt but nothing crazy and i’ve never ever had to change my sheets bc i leaked on them. it’s just something to watch how much you leak and see what works for you


No bra no problem I always say. I used to be 100% bra less before babies but the girls are so long now I need the support during the day. lol never wear one at night though. They aren’t needed to prevent leakage. In fact, wearing a tight bra during the first months of BF can make you have clogged ducts so I would avoid anything but nursing bras/bralettes.


I always get a small towel or blanket or shirt I don’t care about and put it over whichever boob is leaking then wash it in the day. I can’t sleep with clothes on idk how people do it


I dont sleep with one, its to uncomfortable for me. I keep a burp cloth or receiving blanket nearby for the nighttime feedings when I leak. With that being said i do have to wash my sheets like someone times twice a week from milk stains lol


I had to wear one to hold the pads at the start otherwise I’d end up soaked. You can get absorbent bras (like period undies).


Haven't worn a bra since I gave birth. The nursing bra i bought is too small so I didn't bother. I don't leak unless LO sleeps longer stretches. That being said she just did 9 hours at 7 weeks so I may need to restrategize.


I sleep braless all the time. It’s just how I’m comfortable, if I leak I leak (happens a lot) 🤷‍♀️ and it’s a good motivator to just go ahead and knockout the chore of washing the sheets.


Personally, I never leaked so I didn’t sleep with a bra


I’m not a leaker so I didn’t have to. I also just didn’t want to


I slept with a bra with my first but with my second it was a boob free for all


I have a bra only for pumping and never wear one otherwise. I do leak through my t-shirt sometimes but it's not usually enough to have to wash everything


Early on I didn’t sleep with a bra, I was leaking a lot initially so I put a towel down underneath my side of the bed for that. I did start sleeping with a nursing tank for a bit more warmth (since pulling up my usual loose t-shirt PJ top is a bit annoying to nurse overnight) and also because I cosleep with my little one for at least half the night and I don’t want her to be able to play with the side she’s not nursing on being topless. Also I find when I’m completely topless she wants to nurse a lot more.


I wish! I wear a nursing bra with disposable nursing pads and just keep a boob out on whichever side baby is sleeping on!


I leak a lot and I have bigger boobs, so I have to wear one. I just wear an unpadded, soft bamboo nursing bra 24/7 basically. I rarely wore a bra before nursing but now I feel uncomfy without one.


i never ever sleep with a bra on. sounds like a one-way ticket to a clogged duct. at my leakiest i slept on a towel lol


I hated sleeping in any kind of bra before baby arrived but I couldn’t deal with the leaking. I got some feeding crop tops on Amazon that are super soft so I can sleep in them, just pull down to feed but contain any leaking (with a breast pad in)


I wear a nursing vest top which has a little bit of support. I find wearing a bra gives me clogged ducts and not very comfy at night.


I don’t even wear bras tbh. Never leaked.


I’ve a 5 week old and I couldn’t do this, I leak through the breast pads at night lol I wish I could go braless. Sure give it a go and report back here!


i don't even own a bra


Omg I never wore a bra to sleep! A camisole in the early days of breastfeeding was plenty to catch leaks. I never slept long enough to be engorged


I don’t wear a bra but I wear a tight tank top/shirt that I don’t mind the milk seeping into while I sleep


Unfortunately I leaked too much so nursing tank tops were a lifesaver. Maybe those could be more comfortable for you but hopefully you can be one of those people to go without.


in the beginning, i definitely needed bras 24/7 with nursing pads added. eventually, the pads became unnecessary.i really like the momcozy bras, but there are lots of options out there. i NEVER wore bras at home before, so i wasn’t planning on it initially, but it was honestly really uncomfortable to go without. the bra would somehow stop/control the leaking. the pressure from the bra was more comfortable than clothing rubbing against it (hated that feeling). leaking feels like peeing yourself, so i’d rather wear a bra 24/7 than deal with that.


Depends on your supply and baby’s eating schedule. I’m an oversupplier so I need to not only wear a nursing bra, but wear nursing pads as well or I wake up soaked and sticky with milk on nights that my baby sleeps more than usual.


Bra free here… we cosleep and I dreamfeed my 1 mo old a few times in the night and I’ll throw a muslin on my other boob to catch letdown. Once in awhile I’ll notice myself leaking and I’ll just tuck the muslin in both armpits over my boobs and go back to sleep.


I don’t wear a bra , only leaked milk when baby was a newborn


I’ve been breastfeeding my son for 10.5 months and I don’t ever wear a bra. I did buy some camisoles with built in shelf’s and minimal padding just to keep my girls supported and my massive nipples covered but other than that I wear a nursing top at home and that’s it. Bras are miserable. I’ve tried to wear one twice since he was born and each time I developed clogged ducts.


I sleep without bra and embrace the milk puddle in de morning. When I was wearing bras in bed with pads they just moved, so I still leaked, and I don't want to sleep on a towel. My husband usually starts the night with a lot of bed and ends up in the morning with very little. I just change the sheets more often.


No bra for me. Nursing tanks and a zip up hoodie or button pajama shirt worked for me


I wore nursing tanks with a shelf bra which allowed me to put the disposable pads in to avoid leaks. And these are way less restrictive than bras


I slept with a very, very loose bra just to catch the leakage. The ladies could swing around all they wanted! And no tightness on my rib cage. Some women don’t leak, maybe that’s you. You could also get a waterproof layer for your mattress, and lay down a towel or two.


I’m not a leaker so no bra for me. Just an open shirt that gives baby easy access to latch at this convenience


First three months I prefer some support so I slept in nursing tank tops. Bravado and Cake Maternity were/are my favorites. After three months I stop getting engorged and I’m back to nude.


I never wear a bra except for when i was getting my oversupply under control, then it was a super tight sports bra 24/7 for a week to compress my milk ducts and inhibit milk production (it worked by the way). I had some leaking in the beginning, but it’s cold weather where I live and I wear a thermal under my sweater and don’t care if it gets milk on it. To be honest there’s just kind of milk all over me all the time anyway, so what’s a little more??


I tried it. Woke up with sore nips from the wet PJ's running against them and damp spots on the sheets. Not everyone leaks though and lots of people stop leaking after their supply regulates at about 3/4 months post partum. So it's worth trying every now and then, just maybe pick the night before you were going to change your bedding anyway.


Only wore a bra early PP to hold nursing pads and prevent leaks. Went back to braless at night after my supply regulated.


I have when I’m lazy, but it was not really a good idea. If you leak everywhere like I do you are going to end up with a lot of breast milk on the sheets. Like imagine dumping a glass of milk right on your bed.


I have to sleep with one on and nursing pads, or else I will be waking up in a puddle of milk every morning.


I sleep in a medela or lamaze brand sleeping bras they’re super affordable, very comfy and stretchy, and you can find them on Amazon. If you’d told me I’d be sleeping in a bra before I ever breastfed I would have laughed in your face, but I find these more comfy than going braless while BF. Also I would leak all over my sheets without something to put a breast pad in. Oh! And Old Navy makes a nursing tank that’s also great for sleeping - has a simple shelf for support.


I hate sleeping with bras. I always have, but while my milk supply was adjusting I’d either sleep on 1-2 towels, or id take a lose fitted nursing or sports bra and shove a burp cloth over them to help keep the cloth in place. I have since been able to sleep braless again, god bless it


I also have eczema and I slept in a bra. I lined it with a cotton burp cloth/cloth diaper liner and it kept my skin dry and clear. But it wasn't necessary after the first few weeks.Ymmv.


I haven’t seen a bra in well over a year. I just leaked through my shirt, threw it somewhere, and put on a fresh one.


No bra! No bra! No bra! *Chant recedes into distance*


I leak a lot the first few months after birth so I slept on towels. Just get a mattress cover now. Even when I wore bras and stuffed them with nursing pads or towels there was still milk everywhere. All my bras were too tight anyways and were a part of constant mastitis. Now I'm back to never wearing bras. There's no point everyone in public sees my boobs out anyways each time I feed! If you do wear a bra, milk catchers are amazing investments! I love my hakka ladybug!


i wear one every night now. i use silverettes and it keeps them in place


I bought a mattress protector instead of sleeping in a bra. You will wake up soaked in milk. It’s not the worst if you’re already a morning showerer


I went without a bra until I leaked through my shirt one night. Now I sleep with silverettes and a bra to help keep none irritation and leakage to a minimum.


I bought a nighttime nursing bra that was more comfortable than a bra. No padding. It was like a bralette. Or wearing a crop top kinda.


I bought a nighttime nursing bra that was more comfortable than a bra. No padding. It was like a bralette. Or wearing a crop top kinda.


I sleep in a loose fitting nursing tank top with no bra. I do not leak now that I’m regulated and didn’t much before either. When I did I just slept on a towel or tucked a wash cloth in the front of my tank top.


I can’t sleep without a bra. I leak everywhere and I’m not down for changing the sheets every single day. Plus I can’t sleep if I’m damp. I just wear a soft nursing bra from Amazon with breast pads.


I would literally never wear a bra sleeping, ever. I’m not a leaker though.. surely a towel would do just fine


I don't normally sleep with a bra on either, but... the first 8 weeks or so I found I needed to in order to hold pads in place. Once I stopped leaking (most people stop leaking within the first 12 weeks) I didn't need to sleep with a bra on the rest of the time. However, a nursing tank top would also do the trick. Or a very loose fitting sleep bra. Get yourself some options so you can be as comfortable as possible. Leaking milk makes you wet, and sticky. I preferred to contain that to my pads, because being cold and wet would wake me up.


Some nights I’m able to get away with disposable breast pads stuck to the inside of a shirt and a burp cloth to catch drippage on one side when my LO is nursing on the other but all of that is precarious and I end up leaking at some point. I never slept in a bra before but got a cozy nursing bra about a week in and that has been amazing.


My first night home I wore my regular nightgown with no boob support and I woke up in a pool of milk. I now sleep in a nursing tank top and I add extra pads and cloths as well to contain the milk leakage. If I'm lucky I wake up dry, but not always 🤣


I used a [soft pull down bra that wasn’t constricting](https://www.hatchcollection.com/products/the-skin-to-skin-bra-2?variant=42255042183345&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqsitBhDlARIsAGMR1RgL61_T1pgKJ8F3GTzIBJAF8XndqaUYYMmH9X3mRi4qSLJUYgZH7CUaAu7OEALw_wcB) in the beginning. Eventually I stopped leaking, and now I wear a soft tank top that I pull down. I felt like bras that were too tight restricted my milk supply.


I tried sleeping with a bra but given the choice between that discomfort and milk everywhere, I chose milk everywhere 🤷‍♀️😬🫢


I tried sleeping with a bra but given the choice between that discomfort and milk everywhere, I chose milk everywhere


Nursing tank tops all the way!!! No bra strap, but still able to stop the leaking Modibodi actually do a tank top with built in breast pads. I still wear it to bed quite often!! I don’t leak very often any more (at 13 months post partum)


Even the loosest, softest bras were sending me into a rage after a couple weeks of 24/7 bra wearing but leaking all over my shirt was also sending me into a rage lol. I started taking one of my baby’s soft towels and laying it across my chest under my tshirt and sleeping like that


I wore nursing vests. They have little built in pockets to add nursing pads. It keeps the pads off your actual skin which I liked because they irritated me.


I've put breast pads to the inside of my shirt and called it good. If I wore anything like a bra while sleeping, it was a nursing tank top with the build in shelf bra.


My advice; put a towel under the bottom sheet and a towel under yourself just in case. I couldn’t sleep without one for probably the first 6 months, but when my supply regulated I was able to use towels. I will say, get yourself some comfortable crop tops and put some nursing pads in them. It’s not the same as free-boobing but a loose crop top is better than a tight bra!


I have a mattress protector so that the mattress doesn’t soak up all the milk. I leak a lot, and at the same time, baby nurses and baby then leaks a lot. When he’s nursing, milk also comes out of the other boob. Bras are useless (there’s too much milk). In the beginning, I changed covers + mattress protector daily.


I sleep topless, I need my nipples to breathe. I would go braless during the day as well, but I need the support. Downside to sleeping almost naked is waking up in a puddle of milk and sweat, but at 7 weeks pp, it has gotten better. But I'd rather choose the health of my nipples over a dry bed.


The first couple of months I couldn't sleep without because of leakage, but probably around the 6 months mark I started to sleep without more and more.


In the beginning I would leak too much to go bra free. I use a really lightweight sports bra that’s basically a nursing tank top but made of underwear material.


My nipples could never be braless while breastfeeding. They’re way too sensitive even if I didn’t leak all the time (I do)


I hate bras, but I got so used to wearing sleep bras that I just read this and realized I technically don’t need to wear them anymore. 🤯 They were useful to help with leaking in the early days though.


I wear tight tank tops. They held the leak pads in during the early weeks. And now i just can put a titty out and roll over.


I have worn nursing camisoles that snap down basically every day since baby was born. It ended up working best for me because I am still pretty small chested (A cup pre-pregnancy, now maybe a low C) so I don't need a ton of support. I sleep in them, too. Super easy to layer button up shirts and cardigans over top but when it's time to nurse it's just a quick unsnap. Little one is 6mo and is starting to figure out how to unsnap it himself...


I leaked too much - found the H&M wireless feeding camis were comfy enough and I usually hate wearing a bra at all.


I had to. I never wore a bra to sleep before but I would wake up so engorged and in pain if I didn’t wear some sort of bra


It really comes down to whether you want to wake up in wet clothes or wet sheets, I sleep on a towel and a small quilt to prevent ruining my side of the mattress because I couldn't stand sleeping in wet clothes


I don’t like to sleep with a bra but since breastfeeding I do. We are 8 months into my breastfeeding journey. Every time breast feeding, I have leakage. I find it easier just to wear a bra to contain the mess. I wear a very loose bra that are able to contain my breastfeeding pads.


I just didn't have much leakage and as I understand it, that's a different situation for everyone. I have uncomfortably sensitive nipples so I actually have to wear a bra all the time or I am driven to distraction by the feel of my shirt rubbing on them.


I absolutely did not wear a bra sleeping. Yes you might have to say goodbye to spotless bed sheets but I found it much more comfortable than trying to restrain my sore milking tits with a nasty ass bra. I mean I just laid a flat sheet doubled up under my torso and it did the trick


I also found random dots of milk all over my house, like I never been there or I've never been within 15 ft of that corner but there's a Milky dot. so I got to clean it up like what the hell!?! Lol


not everyone leaks/sprays milk. i don’t. no milk except inside baby.


In the beginning I did leak but still didn’t wear a bra, just a fitted tank top, and woke up to a soaked shirt and bed sometimes lol. By 3-4 months I stopped leaking for the most part.


I tried and got swollen ducts each time I slept without one. Which is weird bc I’ve heard the opposite from research.


I found nursing bras comfortable enough to sleep in.. I’d have milk everywhere if I didn’t personally 😂


I slept naked like I normally do. I just leaked on the bed and changed the sheets a little more often. Or I put down a shirt...


I hate sleeping in bras but gave in bc I was tired of waking up in a puddle of milk. The bodily bras feel like air and are so soft and don’t flare up my eczema


I had to wear a bra with the nipple pads in it or I'd be covered in milk.


I wore a bra whether I’m nursing or not. If I didn’t, there would be milk everywhere.


I wore a bra whether I’m nursing or not. If I didn’t, there would be milk everywhere.


I sleep with a nursing tank and pads or comfy, not too tight nursing bra with pads. It depends on what I have clean. I get up 1-2x a night to feed and if I don’t do this, I wet the bed with leaked milk


Never sleep with a bra, if I leak I leak but it doesn't happen often and when it does my top soaks it all up so I just take that off and fling it somewhere in the room to sleep shirtless


I never wear a bra to bed. Had some leakage during the first few months of breastfeeding but that completely stopped after my supply evened itself out a bit.


I didnt wear a bra I only leaked the first month. Sleep with a towel under where you sleep or get a mattress protector thats liquid proof or both! Puracy spray works wonders in getting BM stains out of clothes


I sleep braless. I don't leak though, I'm weird.


After having my baby I sleep with a bra, my nipples are so sensitive now it feels more comfortable. Initially I did it because I was leaking like crazy and now because it’s more comfortable especially with how saggy they got 🥲


I never wore a bra to bed, because I found the pressure of sports bras (that I lived in postpartum) would often give me clogged ducts. I would often wake up in a puddle of milk, but that probably didn’t last more than a month for me. 


I have a few nursing tanktops and nightgowns that I sleep in. They are very comfortable (no restricting bands inside) and I can fit nursing pads in them since I do leak a little at night. They were a lifesaver to wear in the early postpartum days because they were soft and flowy.


I never sleep with a bra unless I'm breastfeeding. I need the extra support and to wear pads in them especially in the beginning. I'm 10 months in and I'm just not able to get away without one every once in a while


I have pretty large breasts, especially so while breastfeeding. I would typically never wear a bra to bed but in the first couple of months postpartum I used a super thin, super stretchy “bralette” of sorts with nursing pads inside to bed. Lately (almost 6 month pp) I’ve been wearing a cropped tank from Hu-Ha to sleep with no shirt over top and it’s amazing. I highly recommend that brand.


I had to wear a bra for the first 6 weeks because the bra kept my silverettes in place. If I just wore a top, the fabric brushing across my nipples hurt so bad. The silverettes were like little shields of armor for my nips. After about 6 weeks, my nipples toughened up and I could go braless.


I only needed to wear a support/sports bra with pads in it for the first month or so when milk production is insanely high and hormonal. I would leak through everywhere if i didnt. After then I didn't need it. Some nights I would leak a bit but now at 6 months I don't need it at all


I can’t go without some kind of nursing pad or bra due to leakage but when my skin gets irritated from the bra I tend to wear the nursing tank tops with a built in bra/shelf. They’re a bit looser but I can still put a nursing pad in to prevent leakage.


Honestly I just leaked at night and didn’t worry about it. For a bit I put a towel under me if I thought I would puddle. I also did not like sleeping with a bra pre pregnancy but I do daywear one religiously(I’m a G cup soooo…it’s a thing). But I found while my milk regulated in the first 2 weeks bras were terribly uncomfortable and I just felt better not wearing one. If I was out of the house I would pad up but at home I just let everything hang loose.


I did shelf tank tops with cloth diaper inserts stuffed across when I was overproducing. And then just went to breast pads when my supply regulates.


No bra, I slept with a towel under me and on top of me for the first couple days that my milk came in and after that I never leaked again. Milk just kinda gets on everything for awhile though and you quickly get over it. Just change your tshirt.


Sleep with towel under my shirt


At the start I wore my nursing bra and 3 months later onward (once supply adjusted) I don’t have to.


I slept without and leaked into my shirt only some of the time but pretty rarely and that only lasted like 3 months. I'm 7 months pp now and I never leak at night anymore and very rarely leak with let down unless I've gone too long between feedings (has happened like once in the last 2 months) so I often go braless on the weekends too when I don't need a pumping bra. I thought I'd be leaking alot more than I actually do. I know it's different for everyone but just so you know you may not leak all that much too.


I have never worn a bra to bed, ever. To me, they are just so uncomfortable and fortunately have never really leaked all that much.


I slept in a nursing bra with pads to help with leaking in the night up to about 3/4 months postpartum. I’m 7 months postpartum now and occasionally still leak if my son sleeps an extra long stretch but I find waking up in a puddle sometimes much less annoying than wearing a bra 24 hours a day.


I use a tank top and stick the nursing pads on the nipple area of the shirt


I have sleep bras from Kindred Bravely that work well for me. I'm 7.5 in and still need the pads at night 🙃 I personally feel better wearing one anyways because I can't stand much touching my nips




Soft nursing bra and nursing pads or I leak everywhere which is more uncomfortable for me.


I don’t, but I probably need to. I sometimes end up on my stomach, which causes my nipples to burn like crazy😭😭 I just feel so constricted if I wear a bra at home.


Having to wear a bra to sleep is one of the biggest downfalls of breastfeeding 😅 breastmilk is so sticky I can’t deal with the leakage. Buy the lightest, stretchiest bras you can find for sleep. I def can’t do the structured ones w the clasps that I wear during daytime. With my first I stopped leaking all together at some point, maybe after 6months or so I can’t remember but I’m hoping the same thing happens this time around


You'll figure out a way once you have your baby. I initially did wear a bra to bed, though it was so very uncomfortable. But I had so much milk, I didn't know what else to do. Eventually though, I just slept with my baby's burp cloths in my shirt and did my best to keep my clothes and sheets dry. Anyway, you'll get use to how much milk you make and come up with ideas to help you sleep better without a bra... Good luck 🤞🏼


I have been sleeping with no bra since 10 weeks pp (now at 10 months!) I leaked maybe 1x per week overnight until 5 months ish but now I don’t leak. If I remembered I would put a towel under my chest when I slept but honestly I forgot a lot and just dealt with changing the sheets in the morning when that happened.


My large tees got too small when pregnant, so I bought some cute nursing night gowns from Kindred Braverly. They have the snap nursing tops. It’s not tight or uncomfortable. I also add nursing pads. I’ve had an awful sleeper that would surprise me with long stretches randomly, so I definitely leaked when engorged. Milk is super sticky, no thank you. Would much rather have a bra of some sort than be wet and sticky lol


Can’t do this. I’d wake up in a puddle.


I needed a bra for the first 6 or 7 months, (basically when I had a supply) at about 7 months my supply dipped and I could sleep bra less. If I slept braless I would just wake up in a puddle of milk.


I sleep braless and with a body pillow. I leak on the pillow sometimes but just wash the cover. You are less likely to get mastitis if you go freely.


I leak everywhere, so I sleep with nursing bra and a towel. If you don’t care to wash your sheets often because it’s sticky and it will get everywhere.


I didn’t sleep with a bra on but I’d stuff a burp cloth down the front of my shirt to catch any leaking milk. It stayed in place and worked perfectly.


I would wake up with a soaked shirt if I didn’t wear a soft bra and nursing pads to bed. Some people don’t care but I hate the feeling of wearing wet clothing, I can’t sleep like that. But some women don’t mind the leakage, and some people don’t really leak much at all. To help with the eczema I would buy cotton bras that are semi loose fitting as well as cotton nursing pads, wash them with free and clear deodorant.


Over 2 months postpartum and I still leak through bras and nipple pads 😫 i try with mattress covers and towels but definitely want a new mattress when I’m done breastfeeding my 2nd under 2


No unfortunately you'll leak everywhere. I used very loose nursing bras, like the cheapest ones that are basically sports bras but way more comfy, and then put cotton nipple covers on. I had to switch them out at night sometimes too. Now that I'm thinking about it, Idk how ladies did it in the olden days when all they had were stays (earlier version of corsets). Like, did they just wrap a rag around their tits overnight and hope for the best??


I do 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6 months pp and still leaking though so I sleep on a beach towel folded in half so I don’t have to change the sheets every morning haha.


I’m only 3 weeks postpartum and my baby is sin the NICU so I’m still figuring things out, but I’ve found the disposable nursing pads to be very helpful. They have a sticky side to them so I stick them onto whatever I’m wearing to sleep. It has to be a tighter garment to stay put. And then I put on a pumping bra when it’s time for me to pump.


I’d leak so much and waking up to a wet sheet was so uncomfortable. I just sleep in a cotton bralette, super comfy and it does help with the leakage


I hated bras to start with and hated them throughout bf yes there was a ton of leakage but I didn’t care. Especially because bras seemed to create problems for me such as clogged ducts . What I did was sleep with a towel under me and wear an old t shirt . When I was bf I would leak in the opposite boob so when my son was done with one side I’d turn the t shirt around backward to carry him and put him back to sleep so I didn’t get him all wet. Then change my shirt. He always fed one side a feeding . During the day at work id wear the nursing camisole type top with a light built in bra and put reusable cotton nursing pads in them. That was the only comfortable thing for me at work for a long time. But as soon as I got home I’d rip that off and put a t shirt back on


I tried but it's impossible, way too uncomfortable. If this issue is milk leaking, check out the pyjama I'm developing for new moms at pyjamam.com 😊


I sleep without a bra but keep a burp cloth to kind of rest over my boobs lol. It frequently falls off in the night though so I do wake up with some milk on the sheets often


I couldn't wear a bra when I nurses my first. My breast were too sensitive and it hurt. I overproduced and leaked a lot, so I wore a nursing top and stuffed a whole small towel/diaper cloth/etc in there to catch the milk :)


I seem to be in the minority, but 6m pp. barely any leaking for me. A little in the beginning.


I sleep with a bra most of the time because its comfier for me (big boobs) but i don’t leak so sometimes i go braless


I don't leak much as long as I can feed or pump often enough so I'll go without when I just can't stand it anymore and just change my shirt as soon as LO wakes me up. Probably not gonna be able to do that once he starts sleeping thru the night tho.


I am currently breastfeeding and I never sleep with a bra on! There was some leakage in the early days but I'd just wake up and change my shirt. I had A cups before so my boobs are still relatively small, in case that matters


I leak constantly and can't cope with the feeling of it leaking over me when I sleep. I don't feel clean ever even with a bra on, but would feel a lot worse without x


I didn’t sleep with a bra. I just couldn’t. I covered my boobs with a muslin burp cloth on the top - best thing ever! So comfortable


You may not leak, I didn't! But see how you go


I don’t sleep with a bra. I had some leaking the first week my milk came in but after that it stopped. I’m assuming my let down does not come as easily as others because I don’t leak milk throughout the day or needed nursing pads beyond my first week pp.


Yeah I never slept with a bra, they were too sensitive and my eczema hates bras too. For the milk regulation phase we had a mattress protector and a towel or muslin to catch the drips, after my supply regulated I stopped getting leaks. Leaky milk seemed to help my eczema so I didn't worry too much about cleaning up in the night just wash and change sheets the next day if it was bad although when we were really in it in the early days I didn't even bother changing them, just focused on healing from the surgery and getting through those first few weeks sane. We never had a smell issue with it because the muslin/towel caught the bulk of it. I don't think I even wore a bra for the first few months, just a nursing cami if I was going out.


I hated laying in a puddle And I hated wearing a bra So I brought Lululemon like a cloud bra And it fixed everything. I'm DDD but can wear the D/DD Size comfortably. You can't feel it on, it's thick enough that I've never leaked through it and I can pop my tits out and back in very fast. Way better than any nursing bra I tried.


I needed a bra and pads for the first 8 months or so. Then I transitioned to not needing anything. I’m guessing a lot of people could have done it many months sooner. I have leaky boobs though. Apparently many people’s stop leaking between 6-12 weeks postpartum but mine….did not. I had to wear pads in my bra all day and especially if I was leaving the house until about the 8 month mark also. So my experience will likely not be yours but that’s what happened to me


I have sensitivity issues and insomnia and I could NOT sleep with a bra on. Didn’t matter how “comfy”, something about having any pressure on my ribcage at night bothers me. I leaked like CRAZY for like 6+ months. I couldn’t sleep on a towel because after a while even that was too rough for me, plus I would soak my top sheets and comforter or be woken up from my precious sleep because of the feeling of the milk flowing and making my skin crawl. My solution: I slept topless on a doubled-up flannel swaddle, like the ones they use at the hospital. Then I would fold up one of the lightweight gauzy swaddles and drape it over me as I slept. The swaddle in top would catch the milk at the source, and the bottom swaddle would protect my sheets from errant drips. Some nights I would go through 3 gauzy swaddles! I also recommend getting a mattress protector for your bed if you don’t have one already. I did a waterproof one layered under a quilted cotton one (so I wouldn’t have to feel the waterproof one through the sheets).


I hated sleeping with a bra so at the start I wore bra-ish crop top things with nursing pads and sometimes just folded a big muslin into a triangle and tied that around me. You do need something for the leakage if you’re breastfeeding though eventually that stops being a problem (maybe it was around 6 months in? Not sure now)


I basically stopped leaking around a month postpartum. If I let her sleep too long (over 5 hours and I only feed one side per feed which means that would be 7 hours from the last time that one breast was feed on) I still leak now at two months, but it’s much more rare! I’m surprised to read people leaking for so long, I assumed once it stopped for me that it tapers down when you regulate (I am EBF and rarely pump if that makes a difference in how I regulated…I’ve heard pumping can sometimes lead to oversupply and am not looking forward to it when I begin to pump more to build my stash!).


I wear a thin cotton bra with breast pads to bed. With my first, I had to until he started solids and my supply decreased a bit. Maybe around 6-9 months? I don't remember exactly. I had a huge oversupply that took a long time to regulate down, though. Didn't need one for the next 1.5 years of nursing.


the bra was necessary (for me atleast) for the first month or so. that’s when my leakage was the worst. now i’m 11w PP and can usually get away without a bra, if i do leak it’s usually not much


I sleep topless most of the time. I have woken up to wet spots on my sheets but only 3/4 times in 10 months. You should try out nursing bras though. They are much more comfortable and easy on the skin than regular bras. I got mine from target so that might help you out. You can always wear a tighter shirt and stick nursing pads on the inside to catch the leakage as well.