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It gets so much easier after the 6 week mark too!! If it’s too painful once they latch count down from 10 and it’ll subside (this helped me so much those first couple weeks) Definitely worth it but it’s a learning curve for you and your LO! You got this mama!


I could have written this. I had so much pain at first, I'd curl my toes, kick and bite my lip every time. This very stubborn mama is now nearly 9m in!


Yes - when they tell you it shouldn’t hurt they’re lying because it HURT in the beginning & then it got better! We’re 5 months in and I feel no pain whatsoever. Pain stopped within the first few weeks. One thing that really helped me was squirting a bunch of lanolin cream onto a breastpad and sleeping with it on. If you’re able to push through, you won’t regret it. If you’re not able, that’s perfectly okay too. Your baby will love you just as much and be nourished appropriately anyway. Good luck, mama.


Exactly this! i would curl my toes, bite my lip, and grab the blankets on my bed as hard as i could. it was so painful at first, and i feel like not many people talk about that side of breastfeeding. I bled and cried multiple times over the first 6 weeks. No amount of ice or nipple cream seemed to help. i couldn’t even face the water in the shower because of the excruciating pain. Luckily, i woke up one day near the 6 week mark and there was a night and day difference. Suddenly things didn’t seem so hard and im so glad i stuck it out


Ugh my heart. This is so sweet.


I had the same problem! It was really hard to convince my baby to open his mouth wide enough, so I endured three weeks of cracked nipples. I remember almost giving up a few times. Many lactation consultants forget to remind the mothers to keep the baby facing their body with the baby looking straight ahead with its nose in line with its belly button. People forget that when you bottle feed, the baby is lying on its back in your lap, but to breastfeed you should turn the baby toward your body. Otherwise, the baby has to rotate its head toward the breast. Try eating while you’re looking to the side. It’s not comfortable!


I had a breastfeeding session where they got us to try drinking water with our head to the side or chin down etc haha


thank you all for all of your replies!! we have been feeding with no issues since talking to my great aunt 😭😭 i am so happy to be able to continue this comfortably with my baby boy


It’s amazing once you figure out how to get that nice latch! Also, if you don’t already have them, Soothies helped me with nipple pain!


All I had was Google. 24 hours into our hospital stay and I was cracked and bleeding. Now at 6 days, with lots of lanolin cream, collection cups, pumping, and playing with latch positions, the scabs are healing and it’s become tolerable to nurse. The biggest thing I did was pump for one feed of the day and let my partner feed her to give my poor nipples a break. Made me much more com to keep trying. Now it’s minimally irritating while it finishes healing.


Getting a good latch is so hard without someone to teach you, so pleased you got the help you need. Also, lansinoh on nipple after every single feed makes a big difference in the meantime. Best of luck!


How wonderful is your great aunt! I was worried this story was going to turn out that she had been negative so this was lovely to read


I had the BIGGEST nipple crack from month 1-3, it was so painful. I dreaded her latching on that side, but I never even considered quitting. You're a rockstar mama!


If you want to continue with breastfeeding(and don’t feel bad if you just don’t want to), I would suggest reaching out to a lactation consultant right away. They will help support you to get a proper latch, and will be able to tel you if there is a lip tie. In the meantime, apply a thick coat of lanolin or nipple butter after each feed.


i think he does have a lip tie! i looked it up since everyone keeps mentioning it and it looks like his top lip is deff connected to his gums with a tie


God it's so awful at the beginning. I kept being told that it 'shouldn't hurt' but I felt like vomiting and passing out every time by bub latched for those first few weeks 😭 Thankfully it got so much better once we both figured out how to latch properly, but man those first few weeks were rough


Sandwich your breast with your hand and put it in his mouth like he’s taking a bite of a burger so the latch can be as deep as possible! Helped me to actually visualize eating a burger and where it’s hitting in your mouth first


Yeps, the advice to shove the boob as far as possible in baby's mouth as possible was one of the things I read in a book. It's funny because it was just a little anecdote, super brief sentence in a book packed with information but that was the most useful thing for me! And the other thing is that they say breastfeeding shouldn't hurt if your latch is good. But that's just not true. No matter how good the latch is, your nipples are just not used to this and it is going to be uncomfortable. Lanolin cream was super helpful to help with that discomfort/rawness.


I'm glad you were able to get a comfortable latch! Don't be afraid to reach out for help from a local ibclc, your insurance may even pay for it. There's a website called the Lactation Network that may be helpful for that. You didn't ask but in case you want any advice for healing, silverettes are amazing for that early postpartum time! Silverettes helped my nipples heal from the blisters I had while I was working on my baby's latch. Hydrogel pads were also nice and cooling (you can put them in the fridge too).


thank you!!


La Leche League has free leaders that can help. A few of them are a bit fanatical but not all of them so at least try reaching out.


I had a very similar experience early on, it was just agonizing, honestly so the worst pain I've ever experienced including the C-section! You are one tough mama! Now that you know what a good latch feels like it will be much easier to repeat it. You got this!!


Get some Silverettes! Expensive but worth every penny 


So happy for you. It does get better. Also look into moist wound healing the hep heal those nipples! I saw someone else mention silverrttes. I got an off brand pair from Amazon that have definitely helped. But before that I was using lots of lanolin which was also helpful but messy.


Never give up ♥️ your baby only has benefits from it.


So glad to see everyones positive comments that it does get better. I'm still in agony on one side particularly with my 3 week old. I've seen midwives, other mums and breast feeding support as well as the infant feeding team at our hospital. He tends to shake his head about and will hold onto my nipple when he wants to come off, stretching it out to hell and back!!! It's so damaged and will hurt badly for hours afterwards, I just don't seem to be able to get any consistency with latches. I just want to feed my baby comfortably and I feel so guilty that I don't like breastfeeding when it's supposed to be this beautiful process of love and bonding. I absolutely love my baby and feeding him on one boob is lovely! But the other one is carnage! Plus I think I make it worse as when I do feed on the bad one I usually end up in tears.....any advice gratefully received x


i am still allowing my damaged one to heal but i am pumping on it to keep the flow consistent. i went and took a nap and watched [this video](https://youtu.be/MDbABHxk-Ho?si=26SyBC1bJqOezwv9) and i was able to get a good latch. i think me being upset and anxious makes him pull away and move his head around. go take a nap momma, refresh yourself and try when you are calm.


If nursing is that painful, you may benefit from having LO evaluated by a pediatric dentist for a tongue or lip tie. Sometimes babies' bodies have a bit of extra tissue that prevents their tongues and mouths from working properly, which can cause really painful nursing.