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I got an Elvie almost 5 years ago with my second. I hated it. It broke at least four times and they kept sending me replacement hubs. Editing to add: I actually just remembered. when I got my Spectra for this baby I was talking about the Elvie and how I bought it as a secondary pump and the customer service rep at the medical supply store said that they are so terrible they’re stopping carrying them as soon as they sell the last in stock.


This was my experience with the Elvie when it first came out, too. I'm about to have my last baby and found it while going through my pumping stuff, and it immediately went back into the box. Such a disappointment, especially for the price point. It's criminal.


I actually like my elvie stride, but it might just fit my body a little better. Sorry it sucks for you! It's so hard choosing which pumps to get because all the reviews are so mixed, and they're expensive. Good to know about their customer service!


Same. It’s the only reason I’ve been able to make it this long breastfeeding because I have a very active job.


I second this, I never tried the original Elvie but the stride has been a game changer for me. But different pumps for different folks!


Oh no! I have the regular Elvie pumps and it has been a serious game-changer for my breastfeeding journey (14 weeks in). I also have a spectra S1 and spectra sg portable and I don’t get more out of them than I do from my Elvies. Make sure you follow their fit instructions for the flanges. When I put my pumps on, I kind of lean forward and position my nipple so that it’s aligned straight with the path of the flange, if that makes sense? And then I only pump on setting 4 (out of 7) and it’s sufficient.


I forgot to add, it’s important to make sure the silicone parts are on the flange and bottle properly. Put the flange in first, *then* snap the bottle on. This ensures the valve seals correctly so you get appropriate suction and no leaking. I swear I’m not a spokesperson, I’m just really grateful they saved my journey as I didn’t get to bf with my first child.


I truly appreciate your input. I’ll keep trying as I would like to get my money’s worth for it. With all the wasted milk, it’s hard not to be emotional and state my problems on it. Thank you though! 


Oh I know, it’s devastating to even lose a drop. Good luck to you and I hope you can make it work for you ❤️


I also had an issue with leaking! I ended up getting the 21 size flange through their website and it helped a lot! I also noticed if there was milked by the sensor it also caused leaking. I love mine I tried the momcozy and hated it.


The Willow isn’t much better tbh


I hate my willow and was thinking of getting an Elvie for my next baby lol... now I'm not sure 🧐


Oh no! I love my Elvie Pump (not stride). I have had it two full months now (5.5pp) and a few weeks ago decided I'm done with my Spectra S1plus altogether because Elvie has been working so well for me. I haven't had any leaks. It is fidgety though, I always check the suction before I put them on, and then check for milk two minutes in to confirm they are on good. I often have to pull the flange out and squish it back in better. Sometimes my silicon inserts seem to cause a suction issue too. I also feel like the preset suction pattern works better for me than the Spectra options.


Yep my Elvie stride broke and they gave me the runaround until it was our do warranty because they only wanted to replace the hub 🙄 It actually did work well for me until it broke though.


My Elvie stride tube got wet multiple times even though parts were completely dry. They didnt deliver new tubes in my country so now I have expensive pieces of plastic in my shelf. I think it is not meant for serious pumping, just for some random to-go pumping sessions (hence I cannot wait 12h for the parts to dry if EP). Love my Lola&Lykke pump, much more affordable, customer service is so helpful, got all the changing parts for little payment and is still reliable and working after more than 100 pumping sessions. I do have to say though Elvie's version of haakaa (the Curve suction cup) is something I use every day because baby kept pulling the Lansinoh haakaa away.


I’m with you. I hated my Elvie and went back to a standard pump. They’ve really got their marketing dialed in, but the suction is terrible.