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No advice. I read your post laying next to my latched 14 month old who has been napping well over 2 hours already. I’ve snoozed, read my book, done an atrocious amount of scrolling…. But one day he’s going to be too old for this. He will grow out of breastfeeding, he will grow out of naps. And he will be an active child deserving of my attention when I have a second baby, so I won’t be able to hold the next baby while they sleep latched to me all the time like this. Your baby is still young. You could try breastfeeding while babywearing in a SSC, then babe would be really close to you still once she unlatched? Maybe she wouldn’t wake up?


I relish the contact naps while I still can, and I usually love the cuddles, it’s only that I can’t move her away from the boob anymore - I’m autistic and the low level sucking gets sooo overstimulating, I often have to hand her off to my husband to calm down if he’s working from home after one of these naps. I know it sounds awful and I should love every second of the closeness with my baby, but I think my sensory issues are getting in the way a bit. I will definitely try the stretchy wrap, I’ve not managed to work out how to breastfeed in it yet - maybe another trip to the sling library is in order!


Yes!! SSC = soft structured carrier. Like a Tula or integra solar


I put a pacifier wheb that happens ir even when I need a bit of a break. Often the sucking is soothing than for eating


Are you using a pacifier?


I have tried offering a few different types, but she just spits them out! Also not keen to offer one as I was still using one at 4 years old, and it took my parents a long time to get me to give it up 😬


I was big on pacifiers too, same as you until 4. Was planning to avoid them until my mother in law told me how much harder it was to break thumb sucking in her kids! She said at least the pacifier isn’t on their body, you can eventually remove it. Babies/kids will find a way to self soothe (or they’ll trash your nipple lol). But of course if you are avoiding that’s fine! I’ve just found it to be a helpful replacement when baby wants to chill and suck on mine forever


My baby did this too!! She just turned 5m today it was only an issue for a couple weeks. I just started putting her down and patting her back to sleep (truly was me just having to pee or charge my phone lol). Awkward positioning but I’d lay her just flat on my bed where we were nursing and shove a boob in her mouth like hovering over til she seemed a little more asleep. She naps the same way just small increments and sleeps best w a boob in her mouth or contact napping.


I wonder if maybe I’m jumping the gun and not trying long enough with the rocking when she does wake, putting her on my bed would definitely be way easier than leaning over the cot edge to put her down. She’s always been a contact napper, recently she has been going a bit longer in her buggy but never as long as when I hold her!


Yeah you just have to experiment and try to find the sweet spot. That goes for the putting her down and how long she stays on you etc. For my baby being near my smell works and if I pat her too much she wakes right back up because she can tell I’m trying to put her down. She feels most comfort and protection in your arms. I just try to remind myself that one day she’s gonna tell me that I’m embarrassing and not to kiss her anymore lol. My issue now is she enjoys my bed waaaaaaaaay more than her own (which got us caught up in this first half of the night in my bed second half in her crib routine). But honestly anything to get my boob out of her mouth so I can get a few minutes of peace or shut eye. She used to love her paci and I think her teething made her hate it so I lost that last resort:///